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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @bejapuskas Maybe not this literally per se, but yes, all kind of stiff like this.
  2. @OBEler Truth is too Good to be true. Absolutely impossible. And ‘here we are’. ?
  3. That there is an inner voice is the very propaganda of the inner voice. Slippery slope.
  4. @OBEler A hindsight might be assuming awakening is “spiritual stuff” (conceptual or something) and she’s all set on “spiritual stuff”. That is not awakening. Awakening is reality. It is the end of anxiety, stress, trauma, etc. It is understanding this and transcending oneself from it. It is the end of that rollercoaster of misunderstanding and suffering. It is the end of “problems still being there”. Also, there are translators, apps, and google for language barriers, I don’t see that as an issue at all. I talk with lots of people in lots of countries. It dawned on me we are not at all talking about the same thing, and just thought I’d mention. I’m not “pitching” here, I’d happily talk with her for free.
  5. I feel like I really, really hear where you’re coming from. That is what I was thinking too when I put these together. These meditations are all feeling, awareness, love oriented, and the intention behind them is that they are joyful in and of the experience of the ‘practice’ itself. (Rather than contributing to a goal or cumulative effect). There is an apparent cumulative effect, of relaxation, inspiration, good feeling, joy, clarity, creativity etc, which actually ‘rises’ of it’s own accord, in the quieting of the mind and bringing equanimity to emotions. There are however, not motive driven, they can’t be pursued, only directly experienced, and no one should take them seriously. Their really more about self discovery, or happiness.
  6. No. That would be you putting pressure on yourself. That longline of dots is representative of thoughts being experienced as it reaaaallly far from awareness, as if you have allll this spaciousness to yourself. Little to no reactions, tons of ‘time’ and ‘space’ for heartfelt responses indicative of and in alignment with the joy and love that you are. If I were to make a goal of something, it would be how deeply you can relax the body mind, being at peace with whatever is, reaching new heights of deep relaxation. Relaxation while working, school, conversations, etc. All around. Awareness will take care of itself.
  7. A cautionary (maybe overly cautious) word in regard to the potential rollercoasters of nihilism, depersonalization or derealization etc....still believing there is a human character and dis-identifying with it is not the same as realizing you are nothing, or, formless infinity appearing as “human character”. Awareness of feeling & perception, by default, withdraws awareness from thoughts. What you are not focused upon, what you are not aware of, there is no need to stop. It’s not in your experience. Practicing, like meditative walking, single pointed concentration, and simply spending days (amidst your regular activities) consciously breathing from your stomach are very ‘effective’. Experience like this: Awareness..thoughts. Becomes like this: Awareness.....................................................................................thoughts. If becomes evident you are that ‘space’ in between the thoughts, and that there is no thinker of thoughts. What a relief!
  8. @snowyowl Beautiful, and relatable. It’s (imo) a pinch of subject object thought, not an actual potential loss. One can only have the thought that one could lose the personality, if that thought is preceded by the thought one has the personality. Is not the direct inspection of personality, only followed by thoughts of comparison? If there were only one personality, how would the definition, or connotation of “personality” have been derived in the first place? How many personalities are actually known? 0 What would it be to not have a personality? What was the value of said comparisons? What do we all know all to well, which we can never be pinned down on any one person? Joy? Love? Peace? Can ‘these’ be lost? They can’t even be ‘found’!
  9. No. I would inspect, question, what does that really even mean, that you are skeptical of the relationship? When one becomes skeptical of one’s religion for example, one is doubting the validity of the religion, doubting what one has been believing, one’s own dogma...because one is feeling one’s own intuition. The skeptical thoughts are on a carousel that intuition is not. ‘Normal’ is whatever your idea of ‘normal’ is. Skepticism can not ‘belong to’ a relationship, because relationship is a thought, not an entity. For sure. Not trying to be a party pooper here. I love you. That might sound odd, cause I don’t even know you. Well, I do know you, and I do love you. Doesn’t mean we have chemistry, doesn’t mean we’re in love with each-other. We can be love, and we can be literally in love, and we can be not in love with each-other. My previous comment was not the kind of ‘favor’ that gets or is deserving of a thank you, but it is a win for you in either case, whichever way you emotionally responded to it.
  10. Experienced those same thoughts! Thoughts which are already appearing & disappearing, about perception which is already an appearance. Before enlightenment, chopping wood, carrying water. After enlightenment, chopping wood, carrying water. - Buddha Nothing changes. You, do not change. Consciousness, does not change. No ‘thing’ is lost. What is actual is of course already what is actual. Change is not the actual challenge, change is illusory. The actual “challenge”, is siddhis, bliss, clairvoyance, etc. Imagine trying to type your reply now while in the middle of a fourteen hour organism. Wonderful, not a “problem” or “challenge” per se, yet, the challenge becomes “dialing it” down a bit. @Javfly33 ?
  11. @snowyowl By identity, I am pointing to the thoughts: ‘maleness’, ‘body/mind’, ‘free’, ‘forms’, ‘contain’, ‘masculinity’, ‘femininity’, ‘all’, ‘one’, ‘my’, ‘I’m’, ‘alive’, and ‘man’, and it might be helpful to add ‘air’. Awareness is directly aware of those thoughts. Awareness is directly aware of ‘perception’. But the so called experience of thinking perception, and of perceiving thoughts, is not an actual - as in has never and will never be, directly experienced, by awareness.
  12. @Nicachi Chemistry’s not there, you’re not in love with him. That’s why you’re talkin about how nice & safe he is. You’re stalling, thinking. A women in love wouldn’t be thinking any of this. She’d have both middle fingers to the world saying “fuck y’all, I’m in love!”. Entirely different communications would be transpiring in the relationship.
  13. Awareness is aware of the direct experience of the thoughts you & sleep. Awareness does not know a direct experience of you & sleep. Awareness can appear to underestimate thought attachment, and meditation.
  14. @StateOfMind You don’t realize you’re going to die.
  15. @StarStruck It can be a very tricky thing, so to speak. Some experience through a veil of self referential thinking. That is, believing a thought about themself could be true, missing they are themself the infinity the thought is made of, the awareness of the thought. Experience is reduced to a concept of reality as if it were something separate, as if they are a separate object in time, as if they are an object in a world. Suffering always points to the present transcendental truth of awareness. Suffering is perpetuated by missing this thought attachment, by one not recognizing how one is creating the suffering. And one Not. Two. What is this which is separate and knowing of meaning & understanding? Point to “it”.
  16. No worries. My bad man. I often honestly can’t tell when people are looking for help or not. I don’t mean that flippantly, I honestly (obviously here) can not know, and in hindsight it seems I misunderstood. Godspeed, wishing the best for you both! ??
  17. It’d be so funny in fact, no one could rightfully be expected to look directly at it. “Anything other than the woman on top is already too much.” - Osho He said that into a camera in front of a studio audience, with a perfectly straight face. There will never be another master like that one.
  18. Nothing. (That’s the “point”). What meaning & understanding arises, is contingent the thought, “and”, and... love veils itself of itself with itself by itself.
  19. “When I’m feelin stuck and need a buck I don’t rely on luck because the hook, brings ‘you’ back. I ain’t tellin you no lie!! The hook brings you back! On that you can rely!” - John Popper, Absolute Master Of Resonance & Harmonics
  20. How do you feel about losing the “identity” (“female” / “male”), and being neither and both?