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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Direct experience. Who cares about the “rubbish”, it’s really just thought about someone’s direct experience anyways. There are experiences to be had that are not only unbelievable, but are beyond understanding & explanation. The best experiences ‘of’ reality are the meta spiritually speaking, and aren’t shared publicly, in the same sense the best bands will never get signed. The ‘average person’ would not be able to relate at all, to the degree they’d say you’re lying, a charlatan, crazy, or all three. Direct experience reveals you can even offer this for free, and people will still call you some degrading identifying name without even recognizing their mental dissonance. Reality only seems consistent. But in actuality you aren’t. It’s hard to grasp if Siddhi’s are real because the mind can’t grasp what is not in it. Siddhis are more real than cars & houses. They’re experienced post the finite mind being suffused, post identity. There’s no concern of anyone using them inappropriately because there is no such thing as anyone using them, which is likely why they’re ‘rare’.
  2. Seems like common sense. “When you train us to be like you, know that it is only for you”. Especially that.
  3. Roger. Congrats guys!
  4. I don’t recall saying that no thought means enlightenment, if I did I misspoke. I agree with your recognition of truth in regard to that otherwise dog-matic assumption. While I wouldn’t suggest your dog is enlightened, I would suggest it is not possible for your dog to be enlightened, because it is already enlightenment. If a thought arises to the contrary, let it go, don’t be it’s bitch. Thought is the activity of the finite mind. Thinking and thinker, are belief, and are the looping & perpetuating of this activity. In more intense experiences, rumination, overthinking, anxiety, etc. Brought to rest though, insights begin to arise within and fill the meditative mind with it’s own true nature of infinity. An apparent series of insights (plural & individual) ensues. The nature of these insights is the inevitably of the finite mind ‘eating itself’, ultimately casting itself aside like a space suit that got you here and no longer fits, and is no longer necessary. @Javfly33 ?
  5. You couldn’t be lame if you tried. Like a woman at a urinal, there is simply nothing to shake. Nonexistence is a thought. Like unicorn. There ain’t one. Existence is not a duality. You are not a duality. There’s no “it”. That’s the implied duality, which there isn’t. You’re shaking nothing. What’s really happenin over there? Is awareness to you? Or is awareness aware of the thoughts, ‘you’, ‘me’, ‘his’, ‘hers’, ‘mine’, ‘my’, etc. What is a ‘my’ ‘awareness’? Seen that? Heard that? Thought that. Anybody seen my outer monologue? I seem to have lost it. It must exist, just can’t seem to find it.
  6. You can’t think death or nonexistence because reality is nondual, and you are ‘that’, or if ya like, ‘this’. ‘It’. Is. This. Not the thinking about a thought you can’t even think! Surrender the nonsense! Be done with it! Acquiesce to the R?al. Align yo ‘self’. So lame dude. More of the same nonsensical references to thought of not even anything. I’m saying exactly what you think I’m saying. You = Magic.
  7. It’s just a lame paradigm. Breathe in this prana, slap yourself, splash some cold water on your face, recognize you’re pretending you’re serious and be sincere, and shake it off. Change perspectives like you’d change liquid pairs of transparent shoes. Always coming or going, never fixed, never expected to be fixed, right, etc. Need is a belief, ‘disconnective’ of truth, of source. Imagine standing in front of an audience...”ok everyone, what I need you to do”. Most people would already feel the discord. Motivation is the avoidance of unwanted. Motivation for survival needs is the avoidance of death, which is literally love, which you’re trying to align with. Love is not lame sir. This paradigm is lame. Wanting is connective. Wanting is infused with feeling. Inspired. Inspiration. Feeling is not a paradigm. Feeling is not a paradigm about yourself. You’re not in a future. You’re presence. Intelligence and feeling are not in a future, ‘they’ are obnoxiously abundant right now. Stop expecting ‘them’ to be in a future! Life is like “you’ll enjoy this moment or else!”, cause ‘it’ LOVES you that much. Ain’t nothing you can do about that. Can’t escape this love. Come up with all the conditions you can, love is like “whatever, ‘thoughts’ “. Don’t ‘double up’ on discord using me calling your paradigm lame. It is lame. If you notice you are, that is ‘beating up’ on yourself. It’s mechanical, robotic, asleep, reaction, and it will not do. It isn’t true, it isn’t you. It is so far off from how amazing you truly are, and what you’re capable of, and it is not indicative of the simple unavoidable fact that you actually love everything. Jump off the thought cliff. Free fall into now, not a story about you. Mother loving you bro! You! Look around, the “answer’s” in the room, and in your heart, not your head. That’s just a preference tool, nothing more. Comparing yourself to the you in the past - or is that just a thought? Now? The very habit you’re letting go of...? My neighbor isn’t focused on a problem and has no clue what you’re talking about. Yes. It’s like saying “this, this is shit. In the future though, this might be better”. That’s thought attachment. That’s believing you’re an object in time. There’s no future. That which is appearing as this will also be that which is appearing as that. ‘Your’ thoughts are perfectly accurate in their depiction of this “past” you speak of. ‘Your’ thoughts are also perfectly accurate of a “future” you speak of. What say you? And it shall be. You came here to bring the love & inspiration, to kick ass and have a good time. Not to find something to point a finger at. Not to “get to the bottom of the problem”, not to solve lack. Rather, to enjoy the miracle of focus, and not to take it, life, or experience (NOW) for granted. Throw your whole consciousness work paradigm in the garbage. Every morning when you wake up - notice you did. That’s an unexplainable miracle. Don’t go to the screen, don’t go to thinking about your “situation”. Don’t go to your thinking about what other people think. Put headphones on. Sit still for ten minutes. Inspire and awaken yourself. I triple dog dare you to not allow your body to move to the music. If you can do that you’re a ‘better’ man than me. But not as Happy. It’s ok to be crazy you know. You don’t have to live in anyone else’s world. Tomorrow, wake up, take a piss...and then listen to this. Let the content go. It’s not about the content. FEEL the frequency. You’re entire life will change.
  8. Thinking you’re thinking what other people think is a consciousness zapper. Being you is nothing like the experience of other people. Not even remotely similar. Being you is a real miracle.
  9. You are shining brightly for all to see. Nothing is hidden.
  10. @bejapuskas Nothing specific. A google of ‘how to deeply connect with your partner’ will bring up some good articles.
  11. Death is like sleep & nonexistence in that there is no direct experience of these, sans this, which can’t be named or thought, and yet appears to have meaning. Again, it only seems some thing is being denied because it seems some thing is known. If thinking, think both, neither, all & none.
  12. I feel that too. The points that stuck out to me... The premise is the question, “Can I Be Gay and Catholic?” (Why would this even be in question?) -Created a foundation to support widows and orphans, awesome. -“Struggling with same sex desires”. As if that is a problem, something to deny, correct or feel ashamed of. The struggle is with emotional suppression influenced by ignorance, dogma, and misplaced authority. -“If you’re attracted to the same sex you’re not supposed to be married, you can’t have sex or have a romantic relationship, if you’re gay”....”so the question is can you be happy?” This potentially tricks the viewer into the same delusional dogma, as if being gay and or happiness were in question in the first place, by anyone other than the presenters of the video. They‘re riddled with judgment and their own shame, yet fully deluded by their own beliefs, and projecting this out for the world to share with them, vs inspecting & addressing their own issues, which there isn’t to begin with for anyone who is not a bigot. -“There’s such a lie out does not make you happy”...There isn’t a “lie out there”, but it sets the stage for their dogma coming. Who says sex makes you happy in the first place? Expression, being yourself without judgment, guilt, or shaming yourself...being the happiness you are, ‘makes you happy’. -(because I’m gay) “Then I’m gonna have to be alone, or a nun, or the cat lady”. Could also just be you, as you are. -Then she misinterprets Jesus in a rather extreme falsity...”If you want to be my disciple, then you will deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow me daily”.....She uses this to support the suppression of herself, and her sexuality....and this is really the telltale line of their intentions in this video..... -”To deny myself doesn’t mean to ignore it, to brush it under the rug, to pretend like I’m totally attracted to dudes and get married....which I did.” “It means to look at yourself and deny this part of you (sexuality, being gay). -“I found a true joy in denial of self”. That one kind of speaks volumes for itself. -Then she uses the example of cheese cake. That it’s ok to desire it, but it’s sinful to act on that desire that I know is not inline with Christ. This is literally God saying this. She carries this analogy in to health, stating that it is unhealthy, to be gay and act upon being gay. ...”So it’s the same” she says. -Then the real punch right in the source...”Take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, not the obedience of your own feelings”. Translation, put the church and it’s dogma ahead of your feeling and common sense. -“The moment I’m done with that cheesecake, I feel sick”...”It’s the same with these sexual desires too...” She’s shaming herself, and seems to actually believe she is not. -“I found that true joy through mass, through the community, through being authentic.” That one also speaks for itself. -Then she equates being gay with “pornography, perversion, lust, greed, pride...all these other things that are weighing us down and keeping us from true joy”. “I’m at church every single day, because Satan knows what silence with the Lord will do”. Shame and emotional suppression doesn’t equate to there being someone else, even a Satan, at fault. -“What advice would you give gay people in parishes”....”Be real, be truthful...He knows He is God and we are not, so be real in the truth of Jesus Christ.” It’s as if she has never read anything Jesus said. -“And don’t just be truthful without the love of Christ, truth and love, do not separate them”. The truth is there are gay people, and the lady saying this is gay, and is suppressing herself, to feel better about judging and shaming herself, for being gay. The only reason this seems to be a problem is because people feel better about themselves from judging other people and believing they are better than others because they are religious. They are literally creating their own suffering and their efforts are to entice others to do the same. -“There’s always something to battle with and I’m not ashamed to say that”. There’s nothing to “battle with”. It’s her own dogma and judgement and shaming of herself and others. Jesus never said a word about Satan, or being gay. -“I’m not coming from a place of judgement, I’m coming from a place of unzipping my heart and sharing”. -“When people ask me how can I be gay and Catholic...I answer, why is being gay coming before your Christian identity”? Where to even begin with this delusion & suppression, really. -“What do you tell, especially young people who come to you?”...”Do not waste the blood Jesus shed...believing that these desires are not sin. Don’t change what sin is. There are people who judge you and force you to be different.” That’s literally her, in this video. -“And please, please please, please, do not identify yourself with your attractions and your own feelings, please. You’re a daughter or a son of Christ.” (Unless you’re gay, according to - her - whom - is gay.) -“Let Him be God, and not you”. ? Half a million subscribers. The name of the channel is literally “Ascension”.
  13. @Preety_India Self realization, awakening, reality, emotional understanding & clarity, dreamboard, creating, etc. You know, easy read coffee table stuff. @LfcCharlie4 Not trying to thread hijack, but I’m just going to nab this opportunity to add something along the lines of radical views. I’m not posting this video in support of it, or for discussion & comments, etc, like threads and videos usually are posted on the forum. I want to post this to share it, because it led me to be so profoundly moved by the work that @Leo Gura is doing that it brought me to tears yet again. And that is not to short change the community at all, nor any of the awesome creators here. The layers upon layers of delusion and emotional suppression inadvertently conveyed in this video are astounding. Infinite love, respect & appreciation for you Leo. Your work is amazing, and it matters.
  14. The word desire means something different to each person, just like the word love. While I don’t per se disagree, I don’t find it precise to say desire arises post awakening. There is ultimately nothing to desire, as the fuel of desire is actually holon activity of an a part unknowingly pursuing it’s own wholeness, which it believes is not already the actuality. In that specific regard, desire is delusional. Desire in a way is no more than a misinterpretation of self, love, creation, and role in it. How could some thing be desired in a dream when the “thing” is me, the dream? It ‘dies’ with the limiting misidentification as human and the paradigm of separate physical things. It was never ‘wrong’, it was natural, because, infinite being is absolutely innocent. I could not in good conscience ‘blame’ a thirty year old for desire anymore than I could a two month old. It’s natural, yet not justifiable, hence the discord, and shaming individuals is never the way, and is always the expression of one’s own internalizing & holding of shame. Law of attraction could be said to be the turning point. From desire of ‘things’ without, to the recognition of the wholeness, and the source of all ‘things’, within. Reactionary behaviors & choices, as well as victim mindsets, etc, which could be rationalized via desire are scrutinized when one is said to be attracting one’s own experience. This inevitably brings one to inspect one’s own intentions & desires. It could be said that the awakened one is fueled with desire in spreading the message, which I’d be fine with. But I think upon more scrutiny that experience is simply sharing this love, and one in doing so is truly empowered, with inspiration, passion and joy. When the lens of loa really is worn, when it is seen I create my suffering, and without it joy is the default, this is seen to be true for all others. Very eye opening in regard to world views, religions, wars, politics, etc. The entire landscape lens changes. How creating our dream reality works... (goes & gets pedestal). The “answer” at the end of the day, is God, which is to say the question too, is God. The ‘catch’ is of course, we’re God, and not-two. The word perhaps ain’t nobody tryin ta hear, is responsibility. The experience of reality prioritizes itself. Care for the body mind and then outward. One aligns, one get’s one head on straight, one abides by the heart, one get’s one’s immediate environment aligned, and one then does or doesn’t, continue creating one’s reality in the realization one is nondual, everyone, the whole show. This natural unfolding of experience for an individuation, is the exact same unfolding for the multiplicity, the whole, or collective, co-creating. My ‘radical idea’ to contribute here is most simple. A community such as this creates a website which has a democratically created outline of acceptable parameters for a company. Could be ceo makes X$ in comparison to the entry level $. Could be x% of environmental impact. Could entail timelines to reach these parameters. Could have a ‘on probation’ warning facet. Otherwise, it’d have simply two columns, companies which meet these parameters and we buy from them, and companies which don’t and we don’t. I believe companies would be interested to be in the ‘we do’ column. Competition is to fierce and too fast to sleep on it. People might like this, because people work for companies, and are in large part getting fucked over every which way they turn. But the majority has the power, always. We’re all creating this, always. It’s an idea that arose from your question, it’s not perfect, like any idea, it’s a contribution. For the record, I would never, ever, commit suicide, and there is no logical reason to utilize the middle name of someone in media, should I be murdered by them. Feelin the love, thanks. Soon. If you’re interested you can get notified when it’s done.
  15. @flume ? Love’s such a smooth talker. ?
  16. ?? One interpretation and projection is that a Nahm is dismissing science. Another is that you are dreaming nahm & science, but that implies “it” is actually you, so this would not actually be an interpretation, but just simply, being. If you own the dismissal, unconscious, sleeping, coma, neurons, brain activity, responsibility, you can inspect it. You find it continues to appear, and that “it” is you.... ...and “you” are Nothing, this, is Nothing, and what may have been thought to be “non-existence”, or “the negative”, or “the negator” or “the negation” of any the very punchline.
  17. Two. Twoness is not actual reality, but is the experience of thought, of believing thought, and thus believing in meaning. Up means not down, down means not up. Without down, up is meaningless, just air smacking lips. Without up, down is meaningless, just a sound. What happens when this illusion of twoness, of thought, of meaning, is recognized? This is the “fear” of the finite mind, which doesn’t know ‘who’ or ‘what’ it really is, because ‘who’ it really is forgets it’s own infinitude by appearing as, the finite mind. “Finite”, as in, not-infinite, not-me, other-than-me. Like a magnifying lens magnifies, a finite lens finites: twoness, thoughts, meaning, separation, this and that, up and down, me and world, me and other, life & death, love & hate, and so on. Differences in the twoness activity of the finite mind. Differences are established via meaning. Without difference, sameness is meaningless. Without sameness, difference is meaningless. Difference & sameness are the illusion of the finite mind, via believing thoughts, believing meaning, mistaking its actual reality, for any ‘other thing’, other than itself, infinity. Without fail & without exception this experience feels off, because the finite mind can believe but can not change or escape the truth of “it’s own” nature, yet there is the apparent experience of freedom (more meaning), and the finite mind is completely free to suffer and hold itself in the bondage of “it’s own” thoughts, beliefs, concepts, and meaning. It can get quite mean in deed. Thought & meaning are creator-creation-communication, of creator-creating-creation. There are not two communicating, there is the experience of communication. Expressing & exercising preferences, the appearance that is the finite mind creates appearance, with appearance, as appearance. Preferences are an appearance and are of a source, desire. Desire is love, expressing itself, via appearing to itself, as itself. Human desire is the ‘echo’ of the veiled unconditional love (nonduality) into the apparent world, via the apparent finite mind. Communicating & sharing preferences, what is not-two experiences twoness, and co-creates. In this sense, meaning (thought, twoness) is of this world. Humans (thought, twoness) are / is of this world. Experience (appearance) is of this world. You are not of this world, though by all logic it appears as if you are. (Logic, based on meaning, based on thoughts, which are an appearance). How readily available direct experience is, as thoughts are ‘magically’ appearing & disappearing now as you continue reading and projecting meaning onto a secondary source. “This world” does not have an “other world” to compare it to, because this world in actuality is an appearance. To compare a mirage to a thought of a mirage is to miss the true nature of a mirage. Thought is a mirage. Awareness is the desert of the real. The finite mind, attached already to “it’s” “differences”, refutes the truth that it is only an illusion of the desert. The finite mind can never realize, accept, or comprehend this, because realization, acceptance, and comprehension are illusion within illusion, thoughts within an illusionary “my” “finite mind”. You may not notice, but you create meaning. You are the Creator, and as such you are so good at creating, that even as you read these very words you project that the meaning is ‘coming to you’ from “this other thing”, a screen, a person, a internet. The fundamental belief is that meaning, or anything, is coming from a secondary source, a belief which perpetuates the illusion only in the finite mind not turning within upon itself and discovering it’s actual reality is The One Source That Is. The illusory finite mind believes “it’s” own illusory beliefs, and thus erroneously believes, there really are two. Always is & will always be up to you. The finite mind quite literally makes up fear, uncertainty, self doubt, frustration, blame, anger, hatred, envy, jealousy, insecurity, despair, loneliness, shame, guilt, grief, etc...and experiences the result of it’s own ignorance as stress, tension, worry, contraction, depression, dis-ease, and an overall apparent lack of well being. Well Being is indicative of, is, without condition or exception, the source and only reality of the “finite mind”, which in “it’s” own illusions of it’s own (no one else’s) justifications, rationalizations, and conceptualizations of these experiences of feeling, does not know it is already “it’s own” source. There truly is no “you” which “something other than” “you” could rightfully be said to matter, to. That is only the experience, of “thoughts”. This “mattering” is also referred to as “your” “conditions”. Whatever “you” say matters to “you”, appears to actually matter, to “you”...because “you” are the One, saying it matters, to “you”, and believing whatever that is, that it is, other than you. This is thought attachment, and why meditation is so often recommended. Whenever thought activity settles, the true nature, the already actual source & reality of the finite mind, ‘arises’, and fills the ‘finite mind’ with insight - with “it’s” own true nature. Beliefs are no more than thoughts repeated, which settle in meditation. Identity is no more than beliefs, which settle in meditation. Equally, in exact measure, when the activity of thought, belief, and identity settle, that which they truly are, which is now unfettered by the activity of nonsense, illuminates the finite mind and body and fills ‘it’ with Reality, which is pointed to with the words love, peace, passion, creativity, joy, and happiness. Psychedelics strip away thought activity, beliefs, and identity, revealing the true nature, “the truth”, “reality as it is”, or, nonduality. Beliefs and identity which have not been inspected, are still active (yet properly settled), and believed. Thus the illusion of identity ‘returns’ as the effect of the psychedelic weens. As the beliefs and thus identity ‘returns’, the finite mind claims the experience absorbing it into it’s own illusory identity, by believing the thoughts (appearing now - “memories”) in a hindsight manor, strengthening the illusion of separation, or the idea of not-source, two. More psychedelics, beliefs & identity still unchecked, un-inspected, unresolved, results in more strengthening of the illusion of the reality of the finite mind, increasing the illusory interpretations of experience & separation from the source. Meditation does not involve the experience of a secondary substance ‘ripping away’ belief & identity. Thus in meditation beliefs and identity is surrendered, and along with it, all suffering. This is witness, experienced, with sober clarity as it occurs. Thus, misunderstanding, misinterpretation, and ultimately misidentification are seen, be Clarity, or, the emptiness-fullness, or, the very source of the illusion, and the finite mind is transcended, though upon this transcendence, ‘right view’ and ‘right mind’ have come to stay, in the realization no illusion, and therefore no universe, self, world, nor transcendence actually occurred. Like all things, all substances, all thoughts, non-excluding opinions about meditation & psychedelics, and all else (experience) are clearly not-two, and this “transcendence” never actually occurred, as there is nothing to transcend, sans the appearance of ignorance, of, forgetting your infinitude. This is, you might say, to ‘God’... a Day. That is, “you” “woke up this morning”, is meaning which is dualistic, being believed. It is based on the belief you slept last night. Proper inspection, such as the scrutiny of direct experience vs thought & belief, reveals no direct experience of sleep whatsoever, and “death” is no different. “I woke up this morning” is a meaning contingency upon “I slept”, which is a belief and not a direct experience. Likewise, “dreams” of the finite mind in kind are never directly experienced, but are known in the exact same manor, as a “memory”, a thought appearing now (“when you wake up in the morning”) which is believed to be indicative of “a past”, in this case, “while I slept” - in “hindsight”, of a past, which is only a belief, an actually-now-thought. There is never the remnant of a dream in which you were certain of a “you” in a bed, sleeping & dreaming. To dream, “you” “go to sleep” & thus become the dream. Infinite Being (you) appearing now as Infinite Mind (still you) is exactly the same. But “you” believe it’s a “physical reality”, for lack of properly inspecting a dream, and thus experiencing the greatest of all experiences, the absolute best of “both worlds”, the undeniable fact that you are lucid dreaming, right now. Yet as always, the lucidity is up to you, because this is in fact, your dream. Within, rather than without, is the way. In-ception, rather than con-ception, is the way to lucidity. @ZubPrem This is not a “right” answer, this is a dream. Psychedelics, are dream. Meditation, is dream. But that was a really great question. Thanks!
  18. Lol, actual you! Silence. Nothing. Awareness. It’s not possible to start thinking. It’s illusory. There is no thinker. There is no thinking. “Completely” is dream of a thought by ‘what’ is not knowing it is the completeness it is speaking of. Thought attachment used to be a term which pointed to this, and folks would meditate. These days it is just a lob for justification, rationalization, conceptualization, deflection, and projection, apparently. Sleep is like death. Distinction between direct experience & a thought is liberation, where ‘you’ find ‘your’ true nature. Lucid dreaming.
  19. Ohhh, no inner monologue. Ok. Uh...who are you talking about ma’am?
  20. A belief can believe? That’s hilarious! Thought is feeling now?! You kids these days are wild, I can’t even keep up! And a thought can love?! Too much! ? Reality gets crazier by the minute! ? Thought can not like thoughts now?! Holy smokes! That’s so radical! What will they think of next! ? Sounds like quite the party man! Have fun! Make sure awareness, me, and I have their masks on ?! And now a thought can think of a thought?! WOW! Mind. Blown. AMAZING! Thought can even focus now?! When did this happen?! Keep me in the loop ‘people’!! ? I swear ya miss one episode and thoughts can feel now?! Can someone please clue me in on how that even happened?! How’s they get that I separated from everything in the first place?! Chemists? Construction workers? Why isn’t this on the news!!?? That is just insane man! ? Wait a minute...are you tellin me thought can not only feel now, but can force ‘it’s’ now??!! WOOOOOOOOWWW! The is exciting news!!! No. No way. I’m isn’t this anymore? There’s an I AND a something now? An I AND A THAT??? ? We gots levels of spiritual now??!! This all happen in my sleep?? What. The. Hell. THIS IS WILD!