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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Capitalism is the belief in democracy. Or is democracy the belief in capitalism? Depends if you’re abiding by, or creating, laws.
  2. @Mannyb lol. ”There is no such thing as finite minds!” - Rupert Spira, The Nature of Consciousness Such a hilarious non existent line between the delusion of Rupert Spira, and the delusion of a ‘Rupert Spira”. ?
  3. The relief is in the truth, and in truth you chose a belief rather than truth. Not a problem at all, but is why you’re still believing in death, fear & sleep. If it don’t resonate with the creator - wise creator stops creating “it”. A prescription has yet to be written to God - only to I’s. Big Pharma is a false icon. Blame is a natural though false deflection. In response-ablity, a thought in discord with feeling isn’t focused upon in the first place. Innocent to fear though, don’t make that the new narrative which doesn’t resonate, truly, wholly, holy - let it go, and it exists not. ‘I’ won’t, can’t die, because ‘I’ and ‘die’ are thoughts, you’re aware of. Maybe talk to someone whom profit of fear & scripts isn’t feeding their family, in addition to the academic medical ‘care’. “I” can not be inside of self. Of course that’ll feel meta off. By no longer pretending something is wrong with you. Let go of thoughts which don’t feel good, and you’re on the path, awakening, already. Don’t fear the release of the belief in fear. Not tryin to ‘knock ya’, definitely been there. You got a notion to say when something don’t feel right. Stay ‘there’, let it be that simple, it’s the ‘great sought after awakening’ in and of itself, veils are the beliefs, not fear (that’s just another belief about yourself). Recognize thought attachment to stop traumatizing yourself for God’s sake. Notice those around you experiencing as such. Notice their psychology is self defeating. Notice conditioning, the apparent inheritance of said conditioning. We inherited garbage, so to speak. Stay with you, your notion of what doesn’t feel right, to you, don’t sell yourself short, ever. Don’t fall for the douchery.
  4. @Patrick_9931 The mind is using the duality of you & substance to weave a new story for shame. But not two. You imagined shame (twoness). Let it go, rather than focusing on what isn’t serving your creating. If you inspect the fear thoroughly enough, you’ll uncover the assumption you woke up this morning, which gently peeled away bears the motive & cover story of “awakening”, and “substance”. Don’t bear it, bare of “it’s”. (Not two). You are not deluded at all, those are thoughts...about a “you”.
  5. @Sam Barker Meh. Not convinced. I think you’re just noodlin, lookin for the true ‘yoga’, ‘barkin’, if you will. Matter of taste I suppose. Yoga can be a great distraction from your song, a problem no mind birds have not, chirping to you on the daily.
  6. @BipolarGrowth Yes, of course. I’m not ‘writing anything off’, just bringing the nature of what’s being written off to the surface a bit. If you wanna chat anytime let me know, I promise I’m much more gentle these days. Text gets easily circular / ‘written off’, and really just won’t do for resolving what you’re experiencing. It is resolvable though, much more readily and easily than can be thought. Wishing you the absolute, best. ??
  7. Help them to know their source.
  8. @Twega Are you in a situation in life such that you need to steal from anyone?
  9. @SpiritualAwakening We’re just can openers, and of course, not even. Relatively. Apparently.
  10. What is reality, what is direct experience? How is it, ‘yours’? Is The Big Bang a matter of science, or something your folks did? How did you get here, really? Maybe the so called ‘mundane’, or ‘normal’ reality, is the mystical experience? What is experience anyways, and why is it only, entirely, relative to you?
  11. @WelcometoReality That felt nice. Get’s in there so ‘deep’.
  12. Pairs perfectly ime. It’s not uncommon for someone to take psychedelics before the skype / zoom calls that I do (link below). It has proven to be very beneficial not only in terms of Shaktipat / transmission, but also in terms of emotional healing & understanding, and for realization, or ‘moving’ from the conceptual understandings to the actuality. There also seems to be a significant difference as far as ‘sticking power’ of trip insights & realizations. Sometimes ‘holding space’, sometimes connecting some dots, sometimes explaining, sometimes listening, etc is a powerful ‘two punch combo’ with the psyche’s.
  13. Already are.......................................................and there is the thought “black thing”. That’s “your condition”. X, Y, or Z “ain’t black thing”. But indeed “it” is this, and in deed this is realized. Maybe call it white thing for a while. And sing away.
  14. @r0ckyreed Some inquiry questions came to mind. Use if useful. ? If there’s nothing more than this - what is it exactly which you believe could be grasped? If you’re imagining Vegas, refrigerators, external world, etc, if other people do and or do not have experiences, what is thought attachment? Would the ‘experience of all experiences’ still be, your present experience? Have you actually ever experienced ‘holding traumas in their imagination within your imagination’? You actually experience that? Have you any direct experience whatsoever of imagining reality? Can you describe that direct experience? How do you know what your dog is experiencing? Isn’t that your experience (of your dog)? How could ‘only your perspective be absolute truth’ ? How does that differ from solipsism? How does that differ from believing that to be true? What if another perspective arises, and another, and another...and they conflict with each other? Why is “absolute truth” a filter of inquiry of perspectives? What are “perceptual bubbles”? Ever directly experienced that? How does it differ from solipsism, and or a belief? What is “that” ? What, exactly, is ‘backlash’, and who, exactly, is having it? What is the “it” in this case, precisely, exactly? What is “egoic consciousness”, literally, what is that? Can you find it? Locate it? Describe it? What is the goal of conceptualizing, or ‘figuring out’? What is this in the literal sense, other than thoughts? What is “in” experience, which is not: thought, perception, and feeling? Is being you like the experience of people? Again, if it’s useful use it. The best bet of course, is no mind. No concepts. No figuring out. Just being. Insights, epiphanies, revelation, the apocalypse, etc, come from source. From silence. From ‘within’. Not from experience. When done conceptualizing (if ever), try using meditation and the emotional scale, and walking yourself back to yourself, so to speak. The ‘paradigm’ of feeling. Quieting the mind into the true nature, sinking the mind into the heart, if you will.
  15. @WelcometoReality Maybe that too is a rig’d I dity, dunno.
  16. @blackchair Avatar name just clicked. Awesome! Perfect. Well done sir. (Or ma’am)
  17. @BipolarGrowth Were you also diagnosed with bipolar disorder/manic depression? Speaking only from direct experience, I was clinically diagnosed with manic depression by a sleeper, and was experiencing a rather literal first-name-forgetting fragmentation, an apparent splitting of myself, very real seeming as if there were two (or more really) of me. Tried multiple therapists & pills. It was worse, like a high happy guy, and an angry maniac bouncing like a pinball between triggerings. One day I smashed a guy’s face into a wall (not proud of this just sharing) , and when I saw all that blood & that his front teeth had remained stuck in the dry wall, I thought shit man, maybe I have a problem, maybe it’s me. In hindsight, we could say I had whatever. Doesn’t matter. It’d have only been more thinking. More labeling. More identifying as what I’m not. What I didn’t have, or at least conditioning led me to believe I didn’t have, was a source of the thoughts, which was not per se, the thoughts. Meditated every owning, often again in the afternoon, and sometimes again at night. Loophole shake everyday. Did not care anymore about food. It was just life fuel. Ate for the body, not taste / pleasure. By far the biggest game changer. Nature solo retreats, hours and hours of meditation. Began inspecting the validity of every single thought that arose. Dove into science, led quickly to QM’s. Recognized the profundity of many paradox. Meditated, contemplated. Got very interested in getting to the bottom of reality. Organic natural curiosity and intuition filled me. Had not occurred to me what “spirituality” was, I’d lumped it into “religion”... nor to utilize psychedelics, I’d lumped it into “drugs”. I was a very ignorant fool across the board really, and yet I’d portrayed to the the world I knew so much! HA! I’ve seen some people say that awakening has helped their bipolar symptoms or made them somehow realize it could be overcome. I’m quite skeptical of this for myself as spiritual growth tends to make things worse. Speaking strictly from direct experience, I realized with absolute clarity there was no thing such as “bipolar symptoms”. It was literally just what I was thinking, my perspectives, my misunderstandings, which felt so terrible. I discovered unquestionably, absolutely, that I didn’t need help in the first place. I had no notion, thought, or concept whatsoever of “awakening”. I had no repeating thought patterns that there was “awakening”, and therefore I had no notion an “it” such as “awakening” could, would, or should, help. I just let conditioning go. Never strived, simply let go of what didn’t feel good. I was born into a land of confusion, ignorance, denial, and blatant hurting. Right out in the open. Like, people were proud of it. “Leaders” the most proud, the most profound, the most grandiose display of ignorance. Literally bragging about arsenals, etc. Competing to be positioned to hurt more, competing in hurt, really. Getting it deep into us, and seeking remedies to the tune of trillions. Bullets, tanks, bombs, bigger bombs aren’t the problem - just need these pills! Crazy does. Didn’t know what conditioning was really, until I’d let it all go. Without the conditioning, with the thought inspection I’d done, there was no longer a “myself” thought centered pattern or repetition. Just eternal silence, infinite space, awareness. Had been God all along. How funny. Made an inordinate amount of sense as to why thoughts about myself were the actual issue. Some thoughts felt bad because I was God “thinking” the thoughts. Thoughts which God. Seems silly and obvious now. Been talking with people about this since then. Maybe thirteen or so years now. Will continue to as long I live, if you will. The last time I took charge of my life in the manner you’re describing (changing diet, habits, exercising daily, meditating more), it triggered a manic episode requiring hospitalization. I wonder if the people claiming their bipolar disorder was helped by pursuing awakening simply did not have as severe of a case as I do. How so? When you say required hospitalization, in the literal, physics sense, what removed you from the cushion? I would inspect that thought, much relief and a clarity to be realized imo, just based on direct experience.
  18. Sing unabashedly, and learn to do so properly. In full attention to the stomach breath, the resonator (diaphragm), the registers of vibration (chest, throat, head) there is no singer, no yoga practitioner, just a vibration you are being, just a beaming of chakras. Throw a guitar or maybe piano in there and you’ll wonder what ever happened to ‘you’. What was I “unifying” again? And every song ever sung sings through you, for the very first time. An indistinguishable vibration of presence, expression of love.
  19. Simply return the breath to consciously breathing from the stomach. Nothing’s gonna happen.
  20. lightning crashes, a new mother cries. Her placenta falls to the floor. The angel opens her eyes, the confusion sets in, before the doctor can even close the door. Lightning crashes, an old mother dies. Her intentions fall to the floor. The angel closes her eyes. The confusion that was hers, belongs now, to the baby down the hall. And now feel it comin' back again, like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind. Forces pullin' from the center of the earth again. I can feel it. Lightning crashes, a new mother cries. This moment she's been waiting for. The angel opens her eyes. Pale blue colored iris presents the circle, and puts the glory out to hide, hide. And now feel it comin' back again! Like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind! Forces pullin' from the center of the earth again! And I can feel it. I can feel it.
  21. @allislove ?? Not even sure if there is anything to be free of!
  22. @VeganAwake Indeed. Meaning, importance, no meaning no importance, this & that, no this & no that, serious game of life, ‘underneath’, internal, all complete nonsense. All just “thinking”. Apparently. Holon.
  23. What about changing attitude, habits, diet, behaviors, by letting go of beliefs, misunderstandings, misidentification and misinterpretations? I was there too, but I found this to be much more satisfying. The ‘juice’ of life you might say. Weird now that I think back on it. Literally didn’t occur to me to try psychedelics for the suffering. So I changed a lot. My diet, relationships, attitude, perspectives, work ethic, money psychology, etc, and it worked. It worked like some kind of miracle. Just went straight into that suffering William Wallace meditation like. Direct experience & the sharing of it wise, was surprised to find the ‘manic depression’ too was just more conditioning. One more label for me from a sleeper. Psychedelics were a hell of an icing on that cake! Good times.