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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Roy Eye of the beholder. And Thanks. ??
  2. Thought, perception, sensation. And conjecture.
  3. The mind, ego, ego activity, and surrender… are thoughts. That there is someone surrendering, is also thoughts. Awareness is definitely the key, and awareness is aware of these thoughts, and is aware that these are thoughts. Careful though. It’s all fun & games till no one loses an I.
  4. I do not mean digesting anything about the world. I mean digesting belief(s), which btw have been held for a long time. What is the first thing that comes to mind, when I ask, what is it she categorically denies / refuses to even look at or consider? (Asking you)
  5. Suggest she question discordant (indigestible) beliefs about fear, specifically how she identifies in that regard. Fundamental beliefs, like the point of life / living. Look for conflicts / discrepancies between the beliefs and the actuality / her life, how’s she’s living it so to speak. Anything she ‘beats up on herself’ for might be worth inspecting.
  6. @PurpleTree @Alfonsoo Pondering… why is there this ‘second language’ utilized?
  7. Just curious, no deeper implication here.. do you have any videos you’ve made for someone else’s songs which you could link? Thanks. Steve Vai btw, ??. Pretty amazing.
  8. Dating & isolating are kind of, opposites. Beliving in needing her to be isolated is kind of, insecurity, and or fear of embarrassment. Which is likely the emotions which that thinking creates. Saying this to your success, not to make fun.
  9. Not two. “Knowing itself” & “self-accepting” are the illusion of thoughts / thought attachment, based on the belief ‘it’ is experiencing an ‘itself’ (thoughts). ‘The tongue can not taste the tongue’. Infinity is neither a noun, quality, state or fact. These are thoughts.
  10. @Lyubov Hopefully she digs a goofy vibe.
  11. @Ampresus ‘Didn’t’ is a little lighter on yourself than ‘couldn’t’. Chalk it up to first time experience, celebrate the victory so to speak. It’ll literally & figuratively work itself out.
  12. I agree… ‘isolating & extracting’…? Sounds like a p.o.w. rescue operation. Maybe you’re feeling the uncomfortable, prior to, and intuiting she will feel your uncomfortableness…? Picture her before leaving home saying, ‘gosh, I sure hope someone isolates and extracts me today’.
  13. Cold water to the face and the breathing of oudoor air stat.
  14. In short, believing thoughts. Especially self referential thoughts. There’s kind of two ways you can go with this self referential thinking. One is that it’s “nahm’s bullshit” more or less, and continue seeking something that will remedy the ‘problem’. The other is actually inspecting the thoughts to come to the realization that there is never that “you” which thought implies there is. But naturally, going route two means understanding emotions instead of continuing to conceptualize (yourself). Inherently therein, because of how it feels, you’d no longer be able to, nor desire to uphold, judgment. Thought attachment makes it seem like there actually are those two of you. But the ‘resolve’, or truth, is that this are thoughts about a self, which there isn’t. Notice, of course, there’s no actual “hurdles”, anymore than there is that “you” which the thoughts are about. For instant clarity (possibly), use the finger and try to literally point to who these thoughts are about (seem to be about). Meditation, letting thought come & go, no longer believing thoughts about the separate self, ‘works’, because without these beliefs there is no possibility of continuing ‘the loop’. Nobody’s lacking feeling, stability isn’t (‘a’) feeling, it’s a concept… that’s a (kinda hardcore) self conceptualization. It’s a learned way of thinking which is unnatural (discord is felt). ‘I feel like I am always fighting’ is not an emotion, but is self conceptualization. Express, acknowledge, honor, and understand the emotions you are actually experiencing, no longer isolate yourself via conceptualizing. Improv Writing doesn’t ‘allow you to go there’ (doubt), and stands to change ‘your’ entire life and experience. That’s probably the single best exercise, combined with understanding doubt is an emotion, and doubt isn’t ‘about you’, but is guidance in regard to the thoughts (self referential beliefs) repeatedly focused on. Most relevantly perhaps, even the potentiality that you are, is being conceptualized, as ‘my potential’. That of course is going to feel quite discordant to, the very potentiality you actually are. ? Grounding. But don’t just look at the grounding, look at those prior to it and after it. Connect the dots. Overall ‘move’ is from conceptualizing yourself, to expressing-feeling yourself, so to speak. Much love! (Already!!!) Meditation is a nice breaking from focusing on thoughts. Mushrooms are a nice break from focusing on thoughts. Emptying of discord does naturally follow. This is ‘undone’ however when thought is again believed, and the identity therein which is weaved is also believed. Then meditation and mushrooms are dropped. To not ‘drop’, express. There isn’t even that ‘myself’ being ‘fooled’. That’s also a self referential thought.
  15. Neither ‘this’ nor ‘her’ are per se the triggering. The thoughts which arise in regard to this, are discordant, and can be inspected as to why. You, in the apparent sense, are ‘in’ love right now, as in, you are the unconditional love appearing as “the apparent you”. So it is the thoughts / beliefs to the contrary which are the trigger, and that is ‘proper’ and perfect, as again, beliefs can be inspected and dispelled. Love totally corresponds to ‘your everyday life’. Absolute innocence, infinite can not know finite. Love is literally what ‘it’ actually is (you). Thought, though a transparent nonexistent veil, veils you if you will, and is ample to veil the truth that ‘it’, the truth, is, as ‘it’ (thought) too is love, appearing. TLDR: Because, thought attachment. In cessation, nothing could be more obvious than that “you” are literally right now being loved into existing and thus there is no ‘you’. But thought makes it seems so, as if the opposite were the actuality. Maybe most practically speaking, pessimism… without having acknowledged jealousy and without acknowledging boredom, is kind of a discordant thought-loopy waste of time.
  16. An idea of nothing isn’t nothing, it’s a contextualization. Otherwise, nothing is nothing. But if so to speak, you look more closely, you’ll notice there isn’t ever ‘an idea of nothing’ present, just a mental pattern playing out, a repetitious belief, fueled by the belief being right, ‘grasping’, or ‘getting it right’ or ‘knowing’ or ‘thinking the right thing’ leads to feeling better.
  17. @Someone here Neither people, nor computers, nor consciousness become conscious. That would be a fundamental misnomer which is quite local, and is not an ignore-ance which is widely preached. It is essentially contextualizing consciousness vs feeling directly, which consciousness is free to seemingly ‘do’.
  18. In that context, yes, obviously. “Logically thinking” is just one thought, ‘logically thinking’. The ‘point’ is self actualizing, not self conceptualizing. Don’t settle for any thing less. You’re ineffably unthinkable.
  19. It’s value or helpfulness is in ‘setting the ego aside’, and is most effective preceded by forgiveness and acceptance, and the recognition of having an inner smile. Skipping the reflection and inward orientation of those, leads to the outward seeking of reassurance. But it’s the directness of the feeling desired, from within, right from the source you might say. The focus (op) seems to be somewhat pain & gain oriented thinking (putting in time & benefits), which is not ‘setting the ego aside’. The benefit of loving-kindness isn’t a ‘benefit’ per se, but is the loving-kindness. There might be confusion because kindness / niceness is sometimes belittled & discouraged here, or framed as weakness & insincerity, and that impression might have lingered as doubt or self loathing, leading to uncertainty and looking for reassurance about it. In that same vein, there might be confusion from missing that you are not ‘in a state of x, y or z’. Could also consider, in the preemptive discouragement of being told to generate the reassurance yourself… what, thought wise, continues to arise, which then leads to desiring reassurance in the first place. Whatever that it is, it might be mentally held as ‘a problem’, and identified with, and in letting it go through inspection, there might not even be the thought of reassurance any more. Nonetheless, if you’re just looking for someone to say lovingkindness “works”… lovingkindness indeed works. It’s well being & betterment to all, without exception. You are far beyond deserving of love, you are love.
  20. Maybe he’s just aware there aren’t people and he’s tryna help ya out. If there’s concern you’re creating worlds with words, check perception for verification.
  21. Inspecting, understanding and feeling what’s already being experienced.
  22. @Asayake Yep. When you got it, and know what it is, you definitely don’t get it.