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It’s not about the thoughts, it’s about the body releasing conditioning. “Pushing through” is a conditioned mindset to let go of. Relaxation is meditative. Meditation is relaxing. Letting go is effortless, not effortful. When emotional misunderstanding releases, have a good cry and let it out. If you can’t, write about how you feel, and let it out. If you can’t, talk to someone and express how you feel, and let it out. There is no “facing radical truth”, “metaphysical suicide”, etc. It can seem like it from years of conditioning & suppressing. We adapt and don’t notice this, so it can be a lot to let go of. But that’s the point, and the more you let go of, the better you feel, and the less you fear. The radical truth is love, loving you, flushing the conditioning out. A mindset of ‘facing it’ is making an opposition of it. The ‘scared’ is emotional suppressing. The emotional scale is a great way to understand. It’s empowering to be able to move up the scale, to know how and do it anytime. Like riding a bike, it becomes second nature with some practice & understanding. The body mind eventually does it automatically as needed in subtle ways. It’s most worthwhile. It’s also not about faith, determination or conviction. It’s about beginning to feel, remaining present, or returning to being present again & again. The more you feel and understand yourself, with tools like the emotional scale, the clearer it is that there is no problem or anything to be scared of. It’s good that it’s coming up...notice the mind’s narrative, which essentially is the habit of suppressing the feeling, and let it out. Try a variety of meditations, one will ‘click’ with you. Don’t try to ‘force’ one style or practice into place. One of those meditations will ‘click’ ‘subconsciously’ with a specific suppressed emotion. This kind of does the work ‘behind the scenes’ for you in a big way.
Nahm replied to cannedsoup's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@cannedsoup More or less, yes. There’s a link with some meditations if you’re interested. Some of the details might be insightful or helpful. -
Nahm replied to cannedsoup's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Meanwhile...God fucks around in forrest. -
Nahm replied to Kalki Avatar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Frenk Thank you! ?? -
Nahm replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Ism. Lucidity. -
Nahm replied to Kalki Avatar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Frenk See the best in everything & everyone everyday. All excuses not to will naturally come up and out. No expectation of permanent shifts. Just actual you. No games. Goodness. ♥️ The Goodness IS you, There is no “you” which awakens. -
“We should really honour the diversity of contemplative practices that are available, because they all do different things, and people would have a much better chance of matching what they need, if they had a bigger buffet of choices.” Each person should choose the best technique – and the correct “dose” – for their particular situation, rather than doggedly pursuing a plan that is not working. Found one resonating passage in that article. ?? Meditations Someone should let them know about this... The Emotional Scale.
Nahm replied to Kalki Avatar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
See the best in everything & everyone everyday. All excuses not to will come up and out. No findable permanent shifts. Just actual you. No games. Goodness. ♥️ -
@Loving Radiance And This. ?
Nahm replied to cannedsoup's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Enjoy the trips, also, inspect beliefs, uncover assumptions. Consider looking to what is actual in direct experience, rather than thinking & believing about it. Unwrap ‘the now’ like a present. Maybe this is the oneness consciousness and you’re assuming it isn’t? What then is the ‘wrapping paper’? Maybe you’re busied trying to convince yourself of concepts, but haven’t noticed there are not two of you? It would be more sensible to be trying to convince someone else. Incessant thinking & beliefs are like a movie. Directly experiencing awareness is like directly experiencing the screen, without the screens activity of being a movie. You, prior to birth, conditioning, identifying, assumptions, beliefs, etc. Do Nothing meditation begins with the notion that this is already the oneness consciousness. In this light the veiling activity of the mind is readily spotted. When this occurs it is often recommended one practices meditation oriented toward quieting the mind, and grounding in feeling, and returning to Do Nothing at a later point. The difference between thinking & believing, and actually feeling source, is like the difference between the thought of shitting yourself, and the universe literally shitting ‘your’ self. The meditative mind receives insights, in the peaceful clarity where the thinking & believing used to be. Without inspecting thoughts, assumptions, etc, that carousel of twoness just keep spinning, and one doesn’t notice one is on it. One wouldn’t even know there is a matrix. Wouldn’t know what ‘sneakiness’, or ‘authentic’ point to. Imagine if right now you suddenly hilariously delightfully realized you’ve been madly, wildly, insanely, viscerally head over heals in love for a couple decades - but just now noticed for the first time. Imagine the wonder and awe, and also the shocking profundity you’d experience as to how it is possible that you somehow ever missed this, until just now. And twenty seconds later it slips away, and you’re back on the carousel, none the wiser, not knowing there is a matrix. It varies greatly depending on who you ask, which is why only a peaceful clear mind & direct experience will do. -
Nahm replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Javfly33 ...What @abrakamowse said is of course accurate, only direct experience will do. Sharing wise, I directly experience this and have been for quite a while. Admittedly funny but I didn’t know how to refer to it when it first happened, so I called it ‘whoosh’ or ‘whooshing’. If you search whoosh there are some old posts. That’s just what it felt like and the word that came to mind. It’s amazing feeling and in hindsight I’d say it’s ideal to be ok with the non-locality of yourself. Again, just sharing, and respectfully, only direct experience will do, but I’ve experienced it both ways. Me whooshing into someone else, and someone else whooshing into me. I also experience this with people as other people, from other times or past lives showing stuff to me, to show to them. I readily admit this sounds crazy and is unbelievable. I don’t even believe in time or past lives. It wasn’t something I’d even thought of and it wasn’t something I tried. The first time it just happened, and like any other experience much is “known” in the hindsight of having experienced it. I believe meditation & psychedelics were the biggest part of opening the mind, and then Reiki classes were a big part of developing (which really is just being there and it happens) siddhis etc with other people non-trip wise. There’s no more a me ‘doing it’ than there is sharing this. Might be helpful to someone. Tried to ‘push’ a bit on this thread admittedly but didn’t seem like anyone was interested in exploring. I try to be most mindful & respectful to the maker of the threads /asker of the question because it expands reality, but don’t want to be too ‘pushy’. Always a fine line. -
Nahm replied to Kalki Avatar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The loving everything & everyone everyday. -
Nahm replied to Kalki Avatar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I knew a guy once who judged everything & everyone everyday. Like nothing was ever good enough for him or something. He said he decided to love everything & everyone everyday and it worked. -
@Tal ??
@BipolarGrowth Will pm ya. ?
Nahm replied to Mythos's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Without materialism, mysticism points to nothing. -
Nahm replied to Vibroverse's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Those thoughts appear, now. That idea appears, now. That wall, appears, now. But ‘wall’ is a thought. Perception is not, and can not be, thought. “Perception”, is a thought, which appears, now. The word, or thought, “perception”, points to what “that wall” really is. -
Nahm replied to SpYITB's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Consciousness is the awareness, of that belief. Consciousness appears as knowledge, but is infinite & thus can not be conceptualized. You can make just about anything out of legos...except the legos. No one, no thing, nor no no thing, is tricking you. One tricks oneself, with concepts, of oneself. -
Enlightenment is not a thing, and is only veiled by the thoughts which support, that you are a thing. Enlightenment can never happen to you. Enlightenment is such that no one gets “enlightened”. There is only enlightenment. There are no “enlightened people”. No one’s understanding of the universe (duality) is as direct as your direct experience right now, as the universe (nonduality). Awakening happens every single day. You’re wakefulness right now.
@Grappler If those perspectives aren’t working for you, choose more aligned, better feeling to you, perspectives. Hate doesn’t create, and has no power, no actuality, and no source. Undo, unlearn, unfocus the pattern of belief & perspective that working makes you a ‘slave’. It actually is freedom. It is the creating of the life you want. You might think of this as ‘getting out of your own way’.
? There is a direct, simpler, effortless, natural way of focus.
The relief is in the truth, and in truth you chose a belief rather than truth. Not a problem at all, but it’s why you’re still believing in death, fear & sleep. I feel you are talking to me not at my current level, but thank you for the insight. I really wanted practical advice for my level. Like talking to a therapist, doing some kind of yoga, breathing, healing etc. Blame is a natural though false deflection I'm not blaming the drug, I'm just saying the effects it had on myself. Not blaming the drug, I meant the ‘lowered my consciousness’ part. Consciousness is not some thing people have nor do. Attributing what you’re actually experiencing in feeling, to the ‘lowering of your consciousness’, acts inadvertently as a smokescreen. Without the smokescreen, it’d be practical... “I don’t like how I feel, and I want to feel better, asap”. The orientation here is directly toward feeling, not ‘raising your consciousness’. In this trajectory, you’d naturally look to understand & lift the very emotions you’re experiencing, finding that some perspectives feel good to you, and some don’t. Since you’re oriented toward feeling better, you’d be inclined to choose the better feeling perspectives. This ‘path of feeling better’ leads directly to truth, which is the greatest possible feeling. It is the very ‘better feeling’. Feeling ‘itself’ is guiding you. But (purely-innocently) rather than listening to ‘it’, you are inadvertently hijacking your own guidance out from under yourself, by claiming it as some thing you have or do. This is ‘conditioning’. You learned this perhaps, from the muggles & sleepers. Sorry you had to go through that. Excited you can choose otherwise, and will be feeling better in the guidance of your true nature. Imagine you’re in college and what you want more than anything is to pass the class you’re in, which happens to have the greatest, wisest, most loving teacher in the history of the universe. But you’re hardcore believing it’s your teaching...even though something about this feels very ‘off’. Imagine that teacher happens to be mute... and so you listen, via feeling. The more you listen, the more you understand & recognize the feeling language. Just like sign language. All happens in silence. Then imagine that teacher turns out to be the truth you were seeking in the first place, and that teacher was within you all along...super practical, perfectly reliable, literally always there for ya, always loving ya...just... you were focused on nonexistent “stuff” that doesn’t feel good to you. You’d been looking the ‘other way’ for a while. Abiding by feeling, is what ‘letting go’ is all about. Letting go of thoughts, perspectives, interpretations, misunderstandings, misidentifications...as they arise...that feel ‘off’. Every time you let a not-good-feeling thought go...more good feeling is uncovered. That’s the same better feeling you’d actually wanted in the first place. Perspectives wise, “if feeling says no, it gots ta go”. Imagine brushing some lilies away, and seeing yourself more clearly in the water as you do, and feeling refreshing, clearer, looser, not so ‘practical’, more wavelike, flow, naturally concentrated & energetic, a mellow yet strong vitality of life. If it don’t resonate with the creator - wise creator stops creating “it”. By creator you mean what? What’s practical is what’s actual. You’re present, and experiencing the momentum, the unfolding, of your choices & what you give attention to. You’re creating what’s experienced next, now. Presently the focus is on fear, death and the unknown, and you don’t like how you feel. Your focus is on three things that don’t exist. That would feel ‘off’ to any one. The “unknown”, is literally feeling! Listen to feeling. Let it be known! Let it guide & lead you, joyfully. “Fear” is a label, being put upon that feeling-guidance, which doesn’t fit. Utilize the emotional scale instead. “Death” is some “thing” no one has ever seen, heard, or directly experienced. It’s a collective belief, rooted in misunderstanding and identification. As you use the emotional scale, you realize this via directly feeling this more & more. Take the wheel of focus, relish in the guidance of feeling, and make a dreamboard to co-create the life in your heart, of your dreams, with your source. Thought coagulates. You pick a good feeling thought, and more good feeling thoughts are already being pulled to it. Notice there is no actual effort, in picking a better feeling thought. It actually just feels, better. And better. And better. And better. And better. You’ll be feeling so good you’ll have to sit down and catch your breath. Between the dreamboard, daily morning meditation, a clean diet, using the emotional scale, and letting go of anything that does not align with feeling & what is on that board...you’ll have no use for the Nahm’s of this place. You will recognize this place, as your place. Your creation. A prescription has yet to be written to God - only to I’s. Big Pharma is a false icon. The tragic is that I went not too long ago to a psychiatrist that also has interest in spirituality and he told me that the drugs given to me were like the opposite of psychedelics, meaning they make your ego stronger and smaller. I can't agree with that more, The amount of suffering I experienced was insane. Imagine that not only you erase your meditation progress, but you actually make it worse than before you even started to meditate, your ignorance and attachment to ego, thoughts, self-image, selfishness increases. Because I experienced some ups and downs in life, I now do really appreciate the suffering of some people, life is tough until you get to the 'very top'. I feel for ya man I really do, I’ve been there, pills, therapy, emotional roller coasters, etc, my story was also terrible. From using that emotional scale, changing perspectives, letting go, there wasn’t any more suffering. A mystically delightful day came, and it was realized no one else experiences ‘my suffering’, nor I ‘theirs’. It blew ‘my mind’ in a more literal than figurative manor, like oodles of goodness filling up the noggin day after day, again & again. Even, and especially right now as I type this to you. Maybe talk to someone whom profit of fear & scripts isn’t feeding their family What do you mean by profit of fear & 'scripts' , what people are you referring to, is it modern clinical psychologists?. Also ,then who should I talk to instead? People who choose to sell you a solution, a product, a substance, rather than people who help you to align with our source. People who innocently just do not know, because they have not ‘done the work’ themselves. “I” can not be inside of self. Of course that’ll feel meta off. The definition of "i" is self/ ego, and it's natural to be attached to your self, and what happened to me is that I was not feeling safe because my whole reality was vibrating and I lost touch with my 'original regular self'. From there I reacted impulsively, avoiding it and trying to feel my body by touching it and 'remembering' my old connection to my body and reality as this finite self- body- identity. All definitions are actually fluid connotations. By no longer pretending something is wrong with you. Let go of thoughts which don’t feel good, and you’re on the path, awakening, already. Don’t fear the release of the belief in fear. Thank you! what do you mean by the fear as belief? Fear is a real feeling like joy, isn't it? so are you saying that joy is also a belief? or are you saying that the content of the thought associated with the fear is not true? and do you mean that I should let go of the fear, and let it disappear on it's own, or to detatch from the fear and observe it ? Fear is a word, a label, and is not an emotion one consciously creates, nor is it indicative of who you are, which is precisely why joy feels, like, joy. Joy is much more than even your true nature. Joy is the best of ‘both worlds’, joy is consciously co-creating this life with our source. There’s really nothing you need to do, not work for you to do, on fear, because it’s a belief you can let go of. This will happen quite naturally as you utilize the dreamboard & emotional scale. There are no levels in nonduality my friend, just this love. Rather than claim it or attribute it to me, know it for and as yourself.
Nahm replied to cosmocat's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes, but to even more specific, not even the feeling or sense of being alive. Thought tends to ‘hijack’, attribute feeling to something, and even ‘alive’ paints a color on the inquiry. I’d suggest just that-there-is-sensation, or, just that-there-is-feeling. For any specific areas you might want to inspect this is an insight resource. It kind of informs from the top (left or right) down. Ha! I hear that. Sometimes I wonder if there’s really any thinkin going on in the first place. Godspeed! ??