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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Warlords are playing right, asleep & dreaming in selves & castes. I am filled with being, entertained by the appearances of so many perspectives, steadfast in loving you. Love so simple; not even two.
  2. The self bias, ego, survival agenda, selfish reasons, pursuit of Truth - complicated narrative of a monkey mind. Don’t run, creating the suffering yet again. Don’t seek enlightenment - illuminate the suffering, see what it is. Let it show you what you are. The satisfaction is hiding there. My dear friend don’t expect me to sustain for you in grief don’t expect anything from me but happiness intoxication and good times since God created us only for this i wreck logic and fight a sober mind Rumi
  3. @New Guy Being. ☺️ Nothing to think about. The greatest of experience can not be thought, understood, or shared. Let go, rather than impose these limits of old. If you’re interested in understanding emotions, use the emotional scale, start from irritability and move up. I was a pious preacher you changed me to a poet And in me you instilled rebel rousing and drunkenness in every feast i was a solemn man of sustained prayer you made me the playing object of street children. - Rumi
  4. @levani Sounds like classic orange jealousy. Use the scale, express it out, raise your vibration. Normal stuff, everybody experiences. You’re bound to then know more so what you want and to be more invigorated about it. Add that to your dreamboard.
  5. @levani From another thread...seems applicable... “Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, division. I did not come to bring peace, but the sword. From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.” - Jesus “If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A slave is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they kept My word, they will keep yours also. But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know the One who sent Me.” - John I thought that was about disowning family & relationships. I later realized ‘the sword’, which ‘cuts through’ the relationships, is to realize love is reality. That love is not product of the relationships. Which only actually brings love to the relationships! How funny. Albert Einstein once stayed at a hotel and had no money on him to pay the bell boy. So he wrote some advice on a tiny piece of paper and gave it to the bell boy. He told him that one day this piece of paper would be worth much more than he would’ve otherwise been able to give. He wrote... “A calm mind and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness.” That piece of paper was recently sold for $1,500,000.
  6. Feels wonderful. Infinite care. No value. No self to actualize. Nobody caring, nothing to care about. More or less.
  7. The ‘story of me’, or ‘separate self’ thought story is illusory. Life, or experience, is an appearance beyond real or illusory. You’re saying perception (before), but perception is not what you’re talking about. You’re talking about interpretations...thoughts, identity, conditioning...behaviors, beliefs, preferences. You said she won’t believe you and do those things. I think you mean believe you... and do those things... and she’ll feel better. Your intentions are all well being oriented, but her lens, how she interprets that might have some thought patterns, some self interpretations, of judging herself in subtle ways. You might be sensing that believing people need to do something to feel better doesn’t pan out because it isn’t true. In letting go of conditioning, it is discovered that the true nature of happiness is inherently buoyant. Think in terms of what beliefs she ‘uses’ about herself to make herself feel bad. What does she believe is true about herself, which sucks and isn’t remotely true? Realize that, be mindful of it, and tell her the opposite, tell her what is true about her. To her, that might read like a long list of what she has to do to feel better. A list which doesn’t resonate because there is nothing she needs to do to feel better. There are ways she thinks of herself which don’t feel good. If she lets those beliefs go, she’ll feel great and naturally orient to well being, like you. Perception is perception. Seeing, hearing, etc. Right & wrong is found only in the duality of thought. Interpretation of experience varies. A sleeper is “asleep” in the matrix, collective conditioning...guilt, shame, incessant thinking, rumination, believing thoughts, etc. All reaction. If anything could be said to be ‘needed’, it is feeling inner being. Responding instead of reacting. Inspecting instead of believing what doesn’t even feel good.
  8. “Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, division. I did not come to bring peace, but the sword. From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.” - Jesus “If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A slave is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they kept My word, they will keep yours also. But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know the One who sent Me.” - John It’s not ‘advice’ per se, maybe advice from Jesus & John. It initially struck me as deeply unconventional. It came to mind because this was the most misunderstood ‘advice’ I’ve experienced, and the realization of what was said was the greatest turn around as far as advice goes. Another one comes to mind... Albert Einstein once stayed at a hotel and had no money on him to pay the bell boy. So he wrote some advice on a tiny piece of paper and gave it to the bell boy. He told him that one day this piece of paper would be worth much more than he would’ve otherwise been able to give. He wrote... “A calm mind and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness.” That piece of paper was recently sold for $1,500,000.
  9. @Vibroverse I’m not a physicist but was fascinated by physics and QM’s for years. Still seems interesting. More interesting conversationally than television episodes at least.
  10. @Tovius You can never realize “reality is a dream state while sober”, because you’re imposing the conditions of reality, dream state & sober. Letting those beliefs go, you realize you dreamt them in the first place. They’re your conditions for realizing what is unconditional. Unconditional is already unconditional, regardless of those apparent conditions / beliefs. Make a dreamboard. Watch reality become what you write. Don’t believe it’s believable, it is unbelievable. Only direct experience will do. Have fun!
  11. Thought is twoness. This & that, up & down, left & right, etc. Spiral Dynamics. That is a thought, which doesn’t resonate because it’s not true. It’s effortless. For the fun, for the feeling. Same “reason” you want what you want in the first place. Lol. I hear ya. Notice you don’t really “have”’re aware they come & go. Conditioning, yes. This becomes highly intuitive, with practice and letting go of thoughts that don’t resonate (feel good to you). No. There is no such actual experience as “unconscious”. Perception is seeing, hearing, etc. “Contemplation isn’t perception. Perception is seeing, hearing, etc. It’s an important distinction as awareness is directly aware of thought, perception, and sensation, and contemplation (in this manor) is via thought & sensation.” Could you say this another way? The answer wanted which arises in contemplation has nothing to do with vision, smell, hearing, taste, etc. (Those are perception). In thought - it seems like - there’s a “you” which is “the thinker”. There isn’t. That is just a thought. A thought, that there is. But there actually, isn’t. The materialist paradigm is that humans “have” intelligence. The actuality is “humans” are, are the infinite intelligence, appearing. There is no such things as humans, there is the thought, “humans”. Because “humans” is a thought, and not separate entities....there is only One intelligence, our infinite being. That “space”, and “the activity of thinking” are one in the same. The space appears as “thinking”. Meditation relaxes & the thinking activity settles. And thus the space is “revealed”. Like coulda which blow away, and the clear sky is “revealed”. The clear sky was always present, just some clouds were appearing to cover it, making it seem like the sky is a “higher intelligence”. That’s exactly what an “I” would say, lol, just kidding. Let it be funny, and it is. Relief. Relaxation. Laughter. “I” is a thought. Not “a separate entity”. There is One infinite entity, and “it” is you. Where is this “I” in perception? Point to “it”? Can’t be done because it doesn’t actually exist. It’s an assumption, an illusion. That’s a belief. The truth is you’ve never had a dual experience. It’s what folks keep calling “physical reality”. It’s THIS! (look around the room). That is infinite intelligence. Super intelligent, able to & appearing as, “reality”, isn’t it? That is a downright unthinkable, unbelievable “level” of intelligence! Can’t be thought, can’t be believed - because it’s infinite! All thought is a finite appearance (one thought at a time). I’ve said too much already. It’s your adventure. The hardest part of the dreamboard, is ordering one. The hardest part of using the emotional scale, is admitting, expressing, the emotion you’re actually feeling. An easy example is jealousy. This gets covered with the belief, “social anxiety” - “it’s because of other people....can’t possibly be that I’m creating it”. What it most often is, is jealousy. I see folks with stuff, husbands, wives, business, etc...and I think down upon myself, as if I couldn’t create that experience too. It feel better to express - “I’m jealous!! That’s what this emotion really is! - and we feel relief having expressed it, or ‘got it out’”. Then move to the next higher emotion on the scale. The Cale is not for question, it’s for understanding emotions and ‘moving up the scale’, getting to the top emotions. That is resonating with being - that Is Being. Then the communion, or line of communication is ‘strong’, you are in ‘receiving mode’ as EstHer Hicks calls it. What does this mean? There was never ‘two’, and this gets more and more realized using the scale, and bring our infinite unconditonal being into your life. Co-creating your life, with your source. ? Right on! You might experience people being jealous of your attraction / attracting, of everything always working out for you in your joy. They might say “we can’t all be like you”, etc. And you can say you’re exactly like me!! Here’s a link to the emotional scale. Give it some practice and you will see! Then people will hate you also. Lol. Jk. What does this mean? It doesn’t mean anything, and that is the beauty of it. More feeling = more sensitivity = more ‘infinite intelligence’ flowing through you (aka ‘flow state’). What do you mean by reciting? What do you mean by polarity for communication? I fixed my typo from reciting to receiving. I was pretending there is something other than love...”greed”, to communicate a point. This last part is deep. Probably the nugget that resonates with me the most. Thank you for taking the time to share this! Awesome. Thank you! Have fun!
  12. @BlackMaze Awesome! Enjoy! ? When another see’s your board, rather than meet judgement with judgement, dispel the notion all together. Holding one as another is holding oneself as separate. Allow the usage of the board to silently point anyone to the tree of life, and the illusion of separation and of being understood. Butt-hurt potential goes poof. They begin to suspect they are the creator, like you. We never experience another’s judgement, only our own, and not even. Thank me by them thanking you.
  13. Death is an idea. Idea has no opposite, as idea is illusory. The opposite ‘would be’ no idea. What has no idea was never born, and isn’t even a what. Birth is an idea.
  14. @Someone here ??‍♂️ It’s not discrediting. That’s the lens of the materialist paradigm & separate self. Truth has nothing to do with meaning of ‘you’.
  15. @Someone here “Conscious of Truth” ...Impossible. “Except it is possible. I have done it.” ...That’s what “ego” points to. The separate of truth, conscious of truth, ‘self’. The “doer”of a past which has done it. Absolute=perception, rather than ‘or’. “What you (perhaps) don't understand is that all these things are relative. "you" "ego" depends on the definition. If we define "me" as the physical body.. Then certainly "me" exists. If we define "me" as a unicorn.. Then certainly "me" doesn't exist. Also.. Unity doesn't make sense without the concept of separation. Nothing makes sense without its opposition (that which is not it). None of these things are Absolute Truth.” ...The belief of things = the belief of the separate self, as the knower of the things. Not two. Nothing doesn’t depend on anything because nothing is nothing, nothing is “everything”. Nothing doesn’t need anything to make sense. The knower needs. Nothing is “the knower”. Nothing is absolute truth. “sorry not quite understanding you.” The ego is the illusory claimer, the possessor of truth...“I’m conscious of Truth!”, “I have done it!”. The illusion of the separate self has not been seen yet. By claiming you are conscious of truth, you reveal no direct experience so to speak, of consciousness or truth. There is no you conscious of toast, let alone consciousness or truth. There is still a belief in a relative, and a misunderstanding of “relative” “definitions” which are connotations. The knower can not see what the knower knows. What hasn’t been inspected yet is intention. The illusory self is running the show so to speak. The unbeknownst intention is separate self inflation, to be seen as the knower, the one who knows the truth, the one who has done it, the one who knows it is possible. This doubly (triply?) reveals no direct experience. ...The belief of things = the belief of the separate self, as the knower of the things. Not two. Nothing doesn’t depend on anything because nothing is nothing, nothing is “everything”. Nothing doesn’t need anything to make sense. The knower needs. Nothing is “the knower”. Nothing is absolute truth. “sorry not quite understanding you.” It’s not that there’s a me which you don’t understand, it’s that the words can’t be understood without what is claimed being actual, being actual. Were this actual now, were the claims transparent, much delight & laughter experienced. (Most likely). “This might take you some intelligence to grasp...” Comments like these make it all too clear. Orientation toward degrading someone’s intelligence, is not ‘it’. The claim is truth, the intention and content is from the perspective of the separate self, which seemingly believes and claims an object or separate self, or separate selves have consciousness, has truth, has intelligence. It’s a culmination of believing much of what you are hearing and thinking, and too little direct experience.
  16. @benny Doesn’t seem faulty, those are great contemplative questions. I can see how it remains in the duality of thought though, and what you could try if you’re interested. A lot came to mind. This is what I do and I find it really enjoyable, fun and it feels more & more amazing with more & more momentum. I would let SD’s go altogether in regard to contemplation. You can receive the answer to anything you want to know, and use insights for whatever you want obviously, but it is not efficient or helpful to attach a goal, or expected outcome. It’s most efficient to do it for the fun of the experience, no matter what the question contemplated is. This could be challenging to and revealing of any attachment to success, getting, attaining, etc. The more life is fun, the more insights naturally arise, let alone in contemplation. Contemplation isn’t perception. Perception is seeing, hearing, etc. It’s an important distinction as awareness is directly aware of thought, perception, and sensation, and contemplation (in this manor) is via thought & sensation. Zero awareness of perception when contemplating (questions & answers) would actually be ideal. Answers to contemplation come as insights which feel exciting and arise in the ‘space’ that is normally ‘filled’ with the activity of the intellect or thinking / churning / busied mind. The deeper importance of that distinction is the key to contemplation is getting the intellect out of the way. An experience, or, vibration, also known as joy. Answers & questions come from within. Same source, same substance, same ‘team’, same space. Etc. The illusion is of a separate you, the thinker or the contemplator figuring it out, or reasoning, etc, etc. Paradoxically that intention feels good, but more to the intellect than the heart if you will. The key to contemplation is getting the intellect out of the way and connecting with infinite intelligence / joy. The thinker has been a theme of sorts in art for a long time btw. Completely relax, and have the mindset of complete relaxation and effortless receiving. Don’t just think relaxation, feel it deeply. The body is the temple, it’s like an antenna of intelligence-receiving, right under your nose. Write a question on a pad of paper (not a screen). Stare at the question on the pad, hold it in mind. Put all attention on it, let everything else fade out. Gently focus for maybe one or two minutes. No intensity at all, no forcing, pushing, tensioning. Completely relax the entire body,. Feel the moment, and feel excitement. Use the emotional scale as to raise your vibration to excitement. This is also key as the top of the scale is the clearest receiving vibration. The more you use the scale and contemplate, the better you feel, the more the body mind resonates, the more easily & plentiful the insights come. This is the metadventure, as it is always afoot and underway, all day everyday. Mindfulness of this metadventure is very revealing of the magical ‘aspect’ of experience. After a couple minutes of relaxation, focus, and excitement on the question...completely let it go. The key here is completely forgetting the question altogether. Get symbolic, if you will. Into imagination, less into thinking. Be energetically involved. Shake your body, shake the question energy out of the body, feel the weight of it release. If open minded enough, hold crystals, or put a couple in your pocket. Put on a jam, etc. Call someone who might be down and hold space for em. Maybe exercise, or go for a walk. You get the idea, anything that feels good, fun and energetic to you. Crumble the paper up and throw it away, or light it on fire and watch it burn. Or tie it to a kite string and let it go. Or ball the paper, shove it into the core of an apple and smash it with a sledge hammer. Whatever you like, just be energetically involved with the ‘it’s gone’ factor of completely letting it go from mind. It’s gone. You don’t need it. You don’t even remember what the question was. You’re just going to have fun whatever arises as usual. Carefree in the knowing you have a source for contemplation. Excited what’s to follow knowing you are never without source. Then do good feeling stuff, whatever that is for you. The answer / insight will come fully in an out of the blue way, and be more insight that what you could have or would have thought. There’s a correlation to the higher vibration of feeling good, and the true nature, infinite intelligence, the answer arises ‘from’. Experiment with questions intimate & relevant to you. When you start out, start with contemplating anything that seems to be challenging as far as using the scale. This is were momentum in connection (feeling great) if you will, transpires. Then perception begins to change. Looks the same, but the nature of the experience of what is seen changes. Intuition recognizes the synchronicity of the happenings within this. Let em be together naturally, like let em play together like kids. Be open minded. Be kid-like in this way. Fun & joy is actual success, all great ‘stuffs’ follow intrinsically. Relaxed, interested, curious, open minded, receiving. Use the scale, notice the correlation with experience. How you feel, and how experience is unfolding ‘around you’. To directly experience, and thus be able to compare, and thus fine tune sensation in terms of ‘connection’ in contemplation... Also use a few questions that are not relevant to you in a feeling regard. Just so you can realize the difference between the experience of these questions, and your relevant to you / your life questions. Also use a few questions about stuff someone else surely knows, but you definitely don’t know. Again, to feel the difference between this and questions relevant to you / where you’re at in life. Embrace paradox, do everything you can to be humble, yet joyful & energetic. Reciting is carefree, lighthearted, nothing serious going on. So to speak, God might not find it best to give you the lottery numbers, but might inspire you every step of the way. A polarity just for communication, more at the loving guidance frequency...less greediness. One of the fastest contemplations, to ‘grease the contemplation wheel’, which is to write down the names of three people you know, and contemplate what the nicest and or most helpful thing you could do for each of them in terms of where they’re at in their life is. Contemplate one at a time. This really zips the vibration up to love quickly. A bit wordy. Hopefully some helpful nuggets!
  17. @benny What is your connotation of contemplation?
  18. Not only that, but it’s possible to change our interpretations and spot how we’ve identified via conditioning. It’s effortless to reinterpret one is not even stuck, by appreciating all one has and has experienced. Choosing outlooks and an attitude about past & present that feels good to you, good feeling future perspectives arise naturally. This also happens with even the smallest changes to fitness & diet. It’s even possible to realize the one the discordant thoughts seem to be about doesn’t even exist. At any age, even at no age. Seeing both sides of duality free’s the mind. It’s true you’re 27, and also it’s true that there’s no such things as time. Whatever you want. Use a dreamboard to not only seee it all in front of you, but connect via feeling, inspiration. No one cares about results, just feeling better, which is always available.
  19. @blackchair There’s no myself.