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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @zeroISinfinity What never began can never end. ??? @Intraplanetary ?? Headphones blaring synchronicity as I’m replying lol, “Turn me around and take me back to the start? I must be losing my mind! Are you blind?! ...I’ve seen it all a million times.”
  2. @The Buddha Nice. Brought the question to mind, what is the difference between being awake & being lost in thinking? Hoping this overwhelming laughter finds you as well.
  3. I can’t get that there is no I. Awareness can be aware of the thought “I” though.
  4. As you said, solipsism is context. Awareness believes that context, and forms a concept of truth / awakening. That concept is then a belief. The “believer” is “the knower”, of the concept of “truth” or “awakening”. Awareness sometimes bamboozles itself, apparently.
  5. Ya. It doesn’t matter if it’s ‘your’ thought per se, or ‘your’ thought which is from hearing what someone says, about Nonduality. Every single thought about what is not two, without exception, is a step away from, not two. The thought is ‘itself’ the step away, the veil. The ‘path’ is not conceptual, the ‘path’ is a concept. Only deconstruction, uncovering assumptions and beliefs ‘works’. ‘Removing layers’, never adding more concepts.
  6. Awareness & it = duality. Thinking. Concept. Awareness which thinks & says ‘it’ is imagining a ‘this’, is the awareness, expressing from a miscontextualization (any contextualization) of what is in-contextable. ‘How’ is a thought, a thought about causation. How is C? A + B. But this is... not, two. “Causation” is a only the thought...that there is...”causation”...which there isn’t. That’d be awareness and whatever else (causation). The ‘separate selves’ is only in thought, or, the activity of thinking. That is an illusion. (Thought attachment). This is not an illusion, “it’s” appearance. This is a mystery unto itself. The knower can never see beyond what the knower knows, because the knower & knowing is duality, or the illusion.
  7. Make a dreamboard. It works. It’ll come right out of you, and you’ll watch it unfold in front of you (not ‘in your head’). Use the emotional scale. Clarity is the natural result of expression, the ‘arriving back at your true nature’ of Emptiness, from clearing the emotions and thus your vibration naturally raises.
  8. There is NOTHING TO THINK ABOUT. ♥️ Be. Cause.
  9. One can not transcend what one is focusing on. Focus is effortless, not something one could need help with. Point it toward what you want, what feels good to you. Easy. Use the emotional scale to express, release and raise your vibration. Stop talking about & focusing on what is lame to you. ☺️ This is keeping your experience, lame. Doesn’t matter. Why still focusing on it? Because you’re not expressing and processing the lowest two emotional vibrations on the scale. It works. You will see. It works instantly, literally as you do it you feel the relief, and the goodness. You love. Unveil yourself, use the scale. Read this. You’ll feel Goodness instantly. Thoght stories, and narrative about yourself and others is ridiculous when you can go straight to feeling goodness. Notice what you’re thinking, and notice that’s how you feel. Using the emotional scale, you transcend samsara via emotional intelligence, and are no longer led around by seeking sex to feel better because you’re already feeling amazing! This enables you to know true mature discernment. You can know & experience the beauty and depth of an authentic relationship, if that’s what you find you want when you are not seeking outside yourself to feel better. It’s all love, all Goodness...and remaining ignorant of emotions you’re experiencing, attributing the goodness of feeling to anyone or anything outside ourself...we are like flies in vaseline. You’ll keep getting ‘stuck there all the time’. ‘Burn your wicked garden (samsara) to the ground’, and you’ll be ‘punch drunk and without bail’, in love, in goodness, and you’ll never go back. Relationships completely change and become experience, icing on the cake of the joy of simply being you. ☺️ You can be single, have a relationship, have an open relationship, whatever you want. In not looking to relationships for the goodness of feeling, you attract exactly what you want, whatever that is.
  10. Awesome that you experienced that awakening. It’s like seeing what life can be like with clarity, with no dirt on your lens. Now do the emotional ‘work’, clean the lens by understanding your emotions. I use quotations on “work” because it’s effortless, it’s letting go of what does not resonate. The only relationship occurring is the one between you & You, you experiencing and You, the source of it all. Stop making how you feel about anyone else!! Five minutes of reading and you will see & feel This clearly. Having An Inner Smile Emotional Awareness. Equanimity Pay attention to what you’re thinking, and how it feels. ☺️ Awareness Of Thoughts Be aware of how thinking ‘pulls you back in’, and change the thinking! Thinking is The Hook! I ain’t tellin you no lie!
  11. Use the emotional scale, start at the very bottom, express each emotion, slowly. You will find you do not have social anxiety. You have beliefs about yourself that you haven’t worked up the scale yet. Excited for you to see how simple, easy and effective it is. Instant relief and good feeling! Feel the goodness now. Always present, always available. Insta-you! Attempting to resolve “difficulty socializing” is like shining a green flashlight on the world and claiming “difficulty seeing red”. Just shine red.
  12. Nothing to do with woman, everything to do with a mindset & position of need. When you admit to yourself you want you free your desire. Woman love men filled with desire. It attracts. They want to feel that too. They thinkin they need too! Lame. You’re fucking awesome, and not a pinch less will resonate. Lonely is thinking, not feeling. You feel that way because you’re believing you need someone or something to feel great. You can have your cake and eat it too. Use the emotional scale. Expressing, emptying, source fills you up, pure goodness, you. “Lonely” is a misnomer. Express, and you won’t be inclined anymore to add that narrative. Use simple meditations to free yourself of the past. Don’t believe it’s hard or complex! Life is simple & fun for the man who expresses freely. Motivation is a rough loop. Motivation is putting a thing, person, relationship, or outcome as primary. Good feeling is fleeting in that paradigm, and seems to come & go. Inspiration is is putting feeling first. Doing the emotional expression with the scale, the good feeling is known and felt to be within you. Then there is no ‘risk’ of losing it, and no narrative of lonely and no rollercoaster of motivation. Let the term & narrative ‘pick up’ go. Woman and sex paradoxically will never ‘fill the hole’. Rather than doubling down on lame paradigms which don’t resonate with you in the first place, let them go because they don’t resonate and you’ll feel intrinsically amazing. Everyone is attracted to this, because what everyone wants is to feel amazing! Now you can say you tried it, it was lame, and you can move on. You can use the emotional scale to express that stuff right outta ya! Understanding & working with emotions and express is spiritual growth. (Not using other people to make yourself feel better.) It’s not about an “approach”. That’s another lame term / paradigm. Being you is ‘it’. Being you is ‘enough’! Using the scale is letting go of all that is not you, so to speak. This results in naturally feeling more extroverted & social. Paradigms will never result in the goodness within you being shared with this place.
  13. There’s no slipping, you can’t get it wrong or go astray. This is a narrative which doesn’t feel good because it’s not accurate of actuality. Keep letting it go, and focusing on what feels good. ? No you didn’t. There isn’t even time, let alone alternate realities and timelines. Takes the mind a while to accept this is the mind of God we’re in here. Pay close attention to how you feel and how you ‘frame up’ experience. Bring them together on your dreamboard, creating what you want. There are no selves. It’s simple, the story you tell, is the story unfolding. Can’t tell, like trying to see if the light in the fridge stays on when you close the door. Can’t see the creating, because it’s always underway! But you can feel it. In heaven, you are so free you can believe what doesn’t resonate. But you can feel it.
  14. So much lack & need focus, so much rumination! LP won’t come from the mindset of need, nor advice, but from happiness, from pure magic, from you. Make a dreamboard. It works. It’ll come right out of you, and you’ll watch it unfold in front of you (not ‘in your head’). You’re creating your reality. Believe need, experience need. But you don’t need to! Feel want, experience want, what you want is what your reality becomes. This has always been the case. Use the emotional scale. Clarity is the natural result of expression, the ‘arriving back at your true nature’ of Emptiness, from clearing the emotions and thus your vibration naturally raises. Clarity can never ‘find’ clarity, just like Happiness can never find Happiness. It’s you love. ☺️ Feel. You are always attracting. Don’t underestimate yourself, your purpose is already within you...amp it up!
  15. @New Guy Express the next emotion on the scale. Feel the relief as you do. ??
  16. @Tim R If spirituality is not infusing your life with passion & inspiration, reevaluate what spirituality is. Be willing to through out old paradigms. Just seeing the notification, you probably already knew what I’m about to say here next. When a better more efficient way is found, I’ll be saying that. “This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like dawn, and you find yourself laughing at what you thought was your grief!”. Rumi You’re not in a physical reality of separate things, you’re dreaming this experience, right now. This is not a guy somewhere else. This is your dream, telling you this is your dream. Make a dreamboard. Fill it straight from feeling, from the very source of the dream, with what you actually want to do, be, have and experience in your life. Fill it in a dreamy fantastical no holds barred don’t care what anyone else thinks this is my life (dream) manor. Dream big, and also be actual, as in express what you actually want. Reality becomes what you wrote, what you focus on. The ‘change’ is you’re now focused on what you want to co-create. Then you see it happening, in the same ‘old reality’ of ‘physical separate things’. (??) The magic of reality begins to be revealed & directly experienced. (??) Synchronicity, and some amazing feelings & experiences ensue. This might bring up new emotions. It might bring up unresolved old emotions. This is not a problem, this is the desired effect. A problem might be “I don’t know how to address emotions that come up”. You won’t experience that ‘problem’, because you can use the emotional scale. It works. It’s a direct experience tool, and like anything, the more you practice the more you extract from the tool, the more it ‘clicks’. Everything you’ve learned in regard to spirituality is not wastes time, it’s just more conceptual at present. It will all come back around, come to bat so to speak, and be realized in direct experience.
  17. Though there are probably many books, reaction can’t be experienced in a book. Reaction is felt as feeling. As to how much much does one have yet to let go of? In terms of bredth, reactionary thinking & living knows no bounds. Evidenced by that there are nuclear missiles. The origin of the world sile btw is “pure & musical”. Missile is to be missing, what is pure and musical.
  18. There are no levels. You can inspect your direct experience and verify this. This is also sometimes referred to as ‘othering’. Sometimes when someone is holding beliefs about themself which resonate at the lower end of the emotional scale, when they experience someone who is not, they create the belief that that someone is at a “higher level”. This is also reversible, in that someone experiencing the higher end of the emotional scale can mentally hold themself to be at a “higher level” than someone else, who is experiencing the lower end of the scale. Most simply though, ‘level’ is a thought. It is indicative of the ignorance of the finite mind, or what is sometimes called ‘black & white thinking’. There is nothing right or wrong, better or worse in this regard. There is only how each one feels, hence the significance of using the scale. Imagine frogs croaking about what level frogs are at. It get’s funny quick. Have the laugh. It’s funny because frogs don’t have monkey mind, or the potential to believe thoughts. That is great info imo, and in the right direction.
  19. @levani This world is already the stage, we are already the actors. Why seek a different stage, why desire to rush? Yes, the emotional scale works. Understanding & recognition of the distinction between reaction and response becomes clearer & clearer, and experience gets sweeter. Start with ‘impatience’, and work up the scale, you will see. “Is this not enough? This blessed sip of life - is it not enough? Starring down at the ground, oh, then complain and pray more from above you greedy little pig. Stop! Just watch your world trickle away. Oh, what’s your problem now? It'll all be dead and gone in a few short years! Just love will open our eyes! Just love will put the hope in our minds! Much more than we could ever know, so, don't burn the day, don’t burn the day away.” - Dave Matthews
  20. There is no actuality of “sensitivity”. It’s a dream.
  21. Are You Enlightened? An Honest Self Exam. Enlightened you’s is the vantage of the sleeper. There is no second or separate source of truth, such that there could be an ‘honest exam’ of truth, nor any examiner. Profundity = monkey mind. Monkey mind = profundity. There is no escaping, no one to escape. ? Keep up the great videos! Really loving it. Sharing it with the family. My kids dig it too, and ‘get you’. Maybe a video about the slippery slope of judgement? ??
  22. @xxxx Bring a relationship to mind, one in which there is some contention. Maybe a significant other, a parent, a sibling, a child, a friend, a neighbor, even a stranger with a differing understanding than you, anyone. Notice the contention is ‘made of’ your own thoughts; an other, a past, of being right, of being wrong, of future gain or loss. To ‘use’ the sword is to abide in, to ‘bring’, the truth; simplicity, not complexity, not even two. Cut through & dispel yourself of believing appearances, it is all a battle for love, but you, are not two. Don’t sleep in the peace, bring the sword.