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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. You’re struggling on your path because you are believing you have yet to do, what in actuality, you’ve already done. You’ve already tried countless hours of conceptualization materials. You already digested the conditioning, the hot sauce. You already experience and know the thoughts which don’t feel good to you. You already know the demons, kundalini, etc are all conceptualizing so the body doesn’t release the conditioning. You already have access to the emotional scale to ‘do the work’ if you want to. You already tried asceticism, fetal position, and all kinds of avoiding emotional release & understanding. You already know everything else doesn’t work. All that’s being missed is how easy it is, the incredible degree by which everything is already working out for you perfectly. You already did all the “work”. All that’s left is to relax. Let go. Enjoy.
  2. The beauty of recognizing spiritual ego and habitual judgement is emotional understanding and intrinsic happiness. FREEDOM from rumination on self referential thinking. You can’t be thought.
  3. Uncover that belief. It’s conditioning, it’s what’s buggin ya & it’s what the path is. Letting that go.
  4. @Strangeloop Maybe you’re completely missing how judgement works, and why it’s the sneakiest of all sneakies....?
  5. @mandyjw That is weird woman. Where’d all this shoulds, God, knowledge, ‘selves’, devil and beliefs verbiage even come from?
  6. That is weird man. Where’d all this digesting demons, kundalini, etc verbiage even come from? Parental revolt maybe?
  7. @Surfingthewave Yep. Not so much a ‘method’ though.
  8. @Endangered-EGO Did you grow up in a dogmatic, religious household?
  9. Creation it knows not, of striving & ambition, asleep it dreams in narratives; conditioning traditions. Past & future hungers, struggles yours & mine, Creation it can wait, for it creates the time. From the peace arises, limit, lack & rations, the sleeper does not notice, from peace does come his passion. Seek for her outside yourself; a common drunkard mess, Creation is within, let out when you express. Stopping short and settling, for anger or frustration, never feels the whisper, the emptiness, Creation. Man sings it’s song yet carries on, for fear that he will fall, while peace creates abundance, available to all.
  10. One, interpretation & stuff, are the clouds. You could be contemplating ‘why is it not possible to make distinctions?’
  11. @juni You’ve distinctions, disciples, gurus, ego, projection, states, stages, reflections, points, lessons, preventions, blind spots, acting, ways, justifications, judgement, avoidance, and evil in one hand; and love in the other, and no one is looking, no one is coming.
  12. @juni Discord, suffering...not enough?
  13. @juni Nuclear missiles not enough of a reflection of us? Donald Trump not, enough?
  14. @juni Covid not enough for ya?
  15. @electroBeam Even the bs detector is made of bs.