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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Chris365 It’s fine, he’s got a hell of a sense of humor. Infinite, they say. @charlie cho Worst thread hijack in a while. Carried away and my apologies. Hopefully a trinity of laughs for you sir.
  2. @Dark_White The emotional scale. Beautiful work my friend. Really nice. I definitely had similar moments, still do and still will, and I’ve learned to drop it on a dime (release it) and have talked with many who have as well. I’d frame this up as contemplation in this regard is like diving down into the depth of clarity. This releases emotions, and that is the desired effect. As emotions clears out, unconditional, formless, clarity remains. Along the way, thought tends to ‘hijack’. Spot the self referential thinking, that is, thoughts about yourself that don't feel good to you...that is the ‘red flag’ to release. Thought labels, such as with the thought “objects”, and it can definitely seem like you’re ‘stuck’ there. Also notice thought labels it’s own source, such as with “I am really impatient person”, and “I like to get things fast”, “I lack”, or “I’m dealing with”. The concepts got you thinkin, which is great, and it tapped intuition, which is fucking awesome, and that is bring emotion up & out which is the ideal. Now, help em out by expressing slowly, loving, up the scale. Allow the identity misunderstandings to release, and self realization, seeing the “objects” are nothing, naturally follows. Sounds like you’re experiencing doubt, disappointment, irritation and check out the scale, and express how this sometimes leaves you feeling and thinking pessimistically about your future. Then express ...sometimes boredom is experience...and so on. If those thoughts were true about you...”I’m impatient”, “I lack”, etc...they’d feel like orgasmic liquid love oozing through the body mind.
  3. @Bazooka Jesus You set this whole gig up so proper, even you don’t know! So well done sir, soo well done. ? An sorry bout the crossy thingy. We didn’t know either.
  4. @traveler Express jealousy, crazy as it may sound. It brings alignment to desire, focus, and wanted, and it brings whatever’s ’off’ to the surface, into the light to be burned away. Open the flood gates, release it, Big Love is behind whatever it is, and emotions can be so counter intuitive. Always appreciating what you share btw, and wishing you the absolute best. ??
  5. That is why you’re suffering. You can not heal attachment from a previous relationship, because that is not actually something happening. It seems like how you feel, and the shaking, is because of the past relationship. Yet, have a look around the room, is that person / that relationship there? Are you experiencing that relationship? Of course you are not experiencing that person / relationship right now, obviously, but you have to actually stop and notice that you believe you are. You’re looking to heal attachment from it - but you’re not experiencing it. Look around again, notice, you’re not attached to the relationship at all. You are experiencing thoughts about the relationship, which you’ve been ruminating about for a year too long. Time to look at your direct experience and stop recreating this suffering. Use the emotional scale to express and release, and you will see how it seemed like the experience now is about the relationship in the past, but actually isn’t. It’s about the way you’re thinkin now. You’ll feel so much relief it’ll change the course of your life in a very significant and positive way. It’s also going to spill over via helping someone else, who ends up being very key to your financial success, with a venture you haven’t even thought of yet. You’ll see. I am not dogmatic, religious of Christian, but this quote comes to mind in regard to what you have going on.... “I am not your teacher. Because you have drunk, you have become intoxicated from the bubbling spring I have tended.” - Jesus This was said to those in his presence, namely disciples, who become intoxicated with love, and attributed to him. They actually believed that the love they felt, the very own feeling, was somehow coming from him, as if he didn’t have feelings or something, I don’t know. He is telling them to realize the ‘spring’ of love is within them, that they love they were drunk on was not coming from him...nor from any relationship.
  6. @Shunyata Just been there before. ?? Dreamboard.
  7. @Dlavjr The trap you’re experiencing is judgment, but you believe it’s perfectionism because you’re identified with it, you believe “you’re a perfectionist”. This is a logical misidentification, because you are a perfect being. In expressing more that you are a seeker, you won’t have any ‘perfectionist issue’ anymore at all, nor would there be the judgment, nor would you keep saying it with misplaced pride and reinforcing it. This will save you so much tension & time, and you will be so much the better composer for it. The potential trap is suppressed emotions. You’re not experiencing this now but you will be this year. Use the emotional scale, learn it now, beforehand, it becomes like riding a bike. It will save you immeasurable suffering, tons of stupid-tax, and prevent what would otherwise have been minor but frustrating set backs, and which otherwise would have been interpreted as having little to nothing to do with you. Understanding the scale, you’ll understand exactly what it has to do with you, and that will be the key to your success which your audience will neither comprehend nor be able to get enough of. Your music will be heard and appreciated by a lot of people. Like, a lot. What’s in question is how good of a time you’ll have. Take some pictures of yourself at this college, and in the earliest stages of composing, you will be super glad you did.
  8. @Shunyata The third most fundamental aspect you’ve got going on is shame, unworthiness, and general confusion which is experienced as a lack of clarity, focus & direction. These are nothing to feel bad about or worry about. These can be expressed as well as understood. The second most fundamental aspect is holding onto beliefs that don’t feel good to you, rather than talking to someone, expressing, and or understanding. Much distraction is being employed in the daytime to remain in this discordance with yourself. In the day this is playing out as a sort of grand scheme of duality, something like ‘black vs white’, or ‘light vs dark’, or maybe ‘angels vs demons’. In the dreams this intensifies, from emotional suppression during the day (the beliefs, and the distractions) such as with ‘monsters of the dark side’, and ‘saviors of the light side’. Fantasy characters, as well as people you know from throughout your life are interwoven in the dream, also as ‘hero’s’ or ‘villains’. I’d guess the closer a person is to you in life, the more they are on the ‘hero’ side of things in the dream. That is a ‘cling’ to our hero’s also playing out in the dream, and is due to the vibrational ‘place’ of those emotions. The most fundamental aspect of what you have going is desire, in a Maslow pyramid sense, though you may or may not connect those dots. Make a dreamboard if you haven’t, and reinvent honesty and transparency. Throw out whatever you think those are and start anew.
  9. There is much humor to appreciate, but it’s not radical, it’s subtle. Like how the focus is on the illusion of the individual, not on a nonexistent individual in a dream or dreaming. In the same sense there is nothing here for an illusion of an individual to understand, nothing which could be understood. I could see where that might be intense but an illusion can’t be gotten rid of, like a mirage in a desert can’t be gotten rid of.
  10. @AtheisticNonduality So....ahhh....not exactly a ‘me’ here....being ahhh...’nonsensical’....per se. ? ?
  11. "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter the kingdom." Jesus
  12. As Samuel Jackson says, “That is all you had to say!” Suffering is the only teacher. Life. All you need my friend is the willingness to listen to it, and the emotional scale. Where as before, you didn’t realize emotional expression was the key, and so you ruminated about the past, others, identity, and waffled in unworthiness, powerlessness, grief, insecurity, and jealousy. Now, you know what to & in doing so you empty out...and you’re gonna really love the relief, clarity, and general goodness as you do... Don’t stop at jealousy or anger....keep going! Does this leave you feeling discouraged, and disappointed sometimes? I’ve been there, and hell yes it did. Blame someone, expressively, just for yourself, for your own release and well being. It is her fault! Could she be more carefulness and thoughtless!? What the hell girl, it’s only been a year?!! Do you find this leaves you worried, maybe about meeting someone you like, or love? Doubtful about your future, yourself? Probably does. That sucks to feel that way!...but expressing it is not holding onto it, which feels way worse. Emotions come & go, and a master experiences this, and learns from life. When you experience discouragement, do you sometimes end up overwhelmed? We all do sometimes. It sucks but feels better than discouragement. Do you also sometimes feel frustration, irritation, impatience? Like, lots to do but not getting any traction? How so? Express it. Express any examples that come to mind. Freely, openly. (For you, I don’t mean on the forum, unless you want to, no judges here ?. We love ya. We all have these ‘dang emotions’.) Do pessimistic thoughts arise in that impatience? Thoughts about stuff just not working it for you? Ahhhgg! That’s the worse, yet it feels better than the emotions lower on the scale, yes? Do you ever find that even though you have the energy, and stuff you want to do - you experience boredom? Boredom is weird that way, but expression changes all that weirdness. As you express, who you really are fills you up! Let it all out. Pound pavement if you like, smash some pillows! Now is the time, let it all out! Then take some deep breaths. Feel the gravity. Feel the body sink into it. FEEL relaxation, for realz. Deep breaths. Look around, notice things, notice colors, shapes, textures of all the things around you. Hear sound, all around you. Really hear it, it’s quite magical, there’s all kinds of tiny nuances in sound. How far can you hear right now? What sounds the closest to you? What is the tiniest sound? What is the deepest sound? As you see & hear, and breathe...feel the breath, feel that the body is more relaxed now, feel the relief in having address & expressed how you’re feeling. Look around. Is there anything right now, which is preventing you from just being content with this moment, as it is, without adding any conditions about how it should be, about how you should be, or about how anyone else should be? Feel the peace in this moment of contentment. Notice, you can feel this anytime, because where you are, it’s now! Wherever you are, it’s here! It’s always now & here, where contentment is! Where peace and good feeling is. Kind of a miracle really. I don’t understand it but I like it a lot too. Keep relaxing and feeling the body sink into the gravity. You’ll notice better feeling thoughts arise, hopeful thoughts. Moving forward thoughts. Thoughts like “ya, there is some stuff I look forward to, some stuff I wanna experience, some things and experiences I want to creat. Reach just a half step positive belief. It feels good to believe in yourself. You are purdy! You’re the beauty of this whole place. You got a great sense of humor! You can always move forward in life fearlessly, because you know anytime things get to tough, you can relax, let your conditions go, and chill in the simple contentment of the moment. As you do, consider making a dreamboard. It feels great to write whatever you like on it, whatever you want to experience! Momentum automatically builds, just from experiencing thought about what you want, what feels good to you. Passion ensues, and it feels good. Before you know it, you’ll be one someone is jealous of! And you’ll understand how they feel, cause you’ll faintly remember having been there yourself....and you’ll probably want to help them out, and you might even tell them about the scale, and they might feel appreciation for you, for helping them, and before you know it this whole place will be consumed in a gd epidemic of appreciation, expression and feeling of goodness. I don’t know. We’ll see.
  13. @somegirl It’s like a Ferrari on pavement in comparison to that dump truck through the jungle that two grams of mushrooms was.