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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Great work! Positive psychology is better feeling than negative psychology, but no mind is reality as it is. I've been on this inner spiritual journey, inner transformation, I've completely changed as a person and I'm not living the same life as I was. I faced my addiction with Porn/Masturbation and let it go. I've came so far. That’s a story about a you. But I think deep down I'm still holding on, because I re attach with my ego sometimes, I "tap out" of myself, start feeling fearful etc. and then backslide on the path. (Feels like I am going stray from the path within) perhaps this is part of the journey or I'm running from something that I'm not yet ready to suffer through/face (at my current level of transcendence/development) That’s also a story about a you. Use the emotional scale for that ‘fearful’. Experience the emotion, understand it, and transmute it. After some practice / understanding, the body mind will do it automatically. You’ll literally forget ‘fear’. Its just like a dark night of the soul really, it's like my old self/old ego mindset is coming back up to haunt me. Like I lost that peace within and the connection to the source. It is quite uncomfortable and unsettling Understanding, expressing, and releasing emotions will change that entire paradigm.
  2. It’s in the design of your creation. One appears as two experienced as one, one intuitively desires to make two, one... and here you are.
  3. These are beliefs which mask feeling. It feels off to you because it is. If the “fear of hell” were inherent, it’d feel delightful. Notice how ‘hell’ is a catch all for what people didn’t understand or know, and feared...fear, death, the devil, suffering, eternity, fire,etc. Pretty much to be expected in forgetting the true nature & experiencing through twoness-goggles. It’s neither. The guidance of feeling is not a prophet, and makes you nothing. If you say so. The only guidance & already is the true nature, and ‘not them’. ? @allislove
  4. Sounds like a simple enough plan, and I believe it would help, but something doesn’t feel quite right, which is why you made the thread, and you want to know & understand what that something is, yes? Love the new pic btw, lookin great man.
  5. It’s just advice of course, but I’d work unworthiness up the scale. You don’t need knowledge, or anything. You don’t need to be concerned with how people think of you. They feel their thoughts, not you. You feel yours, and this whole experience, this entire place, is for you.
  6. When you say ‘my mind’, what is that, other than a thought? When you say ‘serious’, what is separate of you, which One is serious about? When you say ‘intellectual’, what is that other then believing thoughts & thus believing an ‘identity’? Who or what is ‘believing’? What is the feeling of resistance? How is that possible? Without thinking there is an intellect, what is it in terms of perception & feeling? Where is it? When is it? Nice pic btw.
  7. Infinite goodness and infinite goodness does not make for an experience, exactly like you and you is still, you. Infinite goodness forgets that it is infinite goodness, by being reality. This is absolutely innocent, and experience can be no other way. This forgetting is the veil of the finite mind, or, believing thoughts, which is believing there is duality, but is not of the heart, of feeling, of sensation. Thoughts of hatred & evil feel as they do, because of your true nature of infinite goodness. But so far, you’re believing you’re a “person”, on “earth”, “where” there is “balance”. All just thoughts.
  8. @EmptyVase Both. A belief is a repeated thought and very shaping of experience.
  9. To live in paradox is already a misnomer of the duality (thoughts) of life & death, similarly, the dualities of light & dark, body & soul, success & failure are beliefs. The overarching belief is that thoughts have meaning, but it’s smoke & mirrors. Meaning is contingent on belief. To believe ‘north’ has meaning, is to miss it’s a pointing, to ‘not south’. Likewise, ‘south’ points to ‘not north’. Without duality, there is no meaning. In recognition of this, one creates freely, unbound. When believing dualistic thoughts, awareness be-leaving awareness, love be-leaving love, creator be-leaving creatorship.
  10. The highest level of consciousness is what you are in the first place. Look around. You bout to outdo that eh? God. Speed.
  11. It isn’t something that needs dealing with. You’re just believing it is. See why this is so, by letting that content (your original post) go from focus, as it’s served it’s purpose, and go to, feel & express the emotion. Via expression, more clarity and good feeling arises within, and what and where you do want to point that focus is readily, intuitively, seen. Or don’t. What you think about and focus on isn’t really my business. There are no words I could say which could speak more intimately to you than the very suffering you are creating, by what & how you are focusing on.
  12. You keep eating spicy foods, you keep feeling indigestion. You choose how your stomach feels over what you put in your mouth, no more indigestion. You keep focusing on thoughts & things that don’t feel good, you keep suffering. You choose to put how you feel first, over what you believe & think, no more suffering. If what you want is emotional mastery & freedom, and to create the life of your desires & dreams, you understand how you’re creating emotions, practice, learn, experience, and create joy, empowerment, & freedom.
  13. Not knowing is not knowing. Mood is not separate of you, and thus there is no potential for mood to influence you. You’re aware of mood. Mood is never aware of you. Other people use the emotional scale and change their mood at will. Effortlessly. You’re awareness of the depression. The depression is not aware of you. You can not therefore be in a depressive state. Only if you misinterpret excitement, and are unwilling to be open minded enough to understand how you are. Recognize you’re doing precisely what you want to. Foolish not to enjoy doing what you want to. Attractive, on enjoying doing what they want to.