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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. That comment was not to you or about you, but you seem to believe that somehow it is about you. Your videos average around 50k views. It’s about actually being awake in regard to thought attachment. Kundalini (serpent) is not actual.
  2. @Kksd74628 It’s the making a joke of it with Leo, while it’s not about you or me or Leo, but @Neph
  3. @Kksd74628 And yet Leo is very clear about not listening to humans. And so here is someone asking him (self proclaimed omniscient God) for help. At the very least this is a bit of a confusing and mixed message isn’t it so? It’s rare that I say this, but it doesn’t really seem funny to me. But I digress, y’all carry-on.
  4. A mirage can make no determinations in regard to the desert. ”Those who say” is already assumption. You are you. Also assumption. Thought is only apparent and only dualistic and will not do no matter how much reasoning is believed.
  5. @Kksd74628 How relationally close would someone need to be before emotional distress and suicidal ideation is something you help them with rather than belittling, ignoring or making jokes and laughing? Second cousin? Brother? Yourself? What is even the point of the content and this forum if this is the case?
  6. It can initially seem trivial as if only semantical, but these are the subtle distinctions that are the game changers of conscious creating, or attracting. You cannot be in fear. You are creating it. The one who understands fear, is the ego. It’s thought attachment, and as conjecture it is projection of one’s own uninspected shadow. Fear is an emotion, and it is guidance in regard to the thoughts. This recognition aligns, such that you feel better and see why there was discord and how it was created. Likewise, second guessing is essentially doubt, which is also an emotion, which is also guidance. If at some point I simply said “don’t second guess”, my apologies. I should have said recognize the emotional guidance, and listen to it with respect to the thoughts, and to use the scale and continue upward. Motivation is of the separate self of thoughts, and ‘it’s’ motive. Because the separate self is only thoughts, purely conceptual, this way is void of inspiration. Just like clouds seem to obscure the clear sky, this way of thinking obscures the self there actually is, and the intrinsic inspiration felt, or, that is feeling, therein. Having said all that, if what you want is to move out first and then get the Tesla, move out first and then get the Tesla.
  7. Why play mind games when there is an ocean of decency, self-respect and integrity within you? When you are already attracting all that you want? Surely I’m missing something here because this thread makes absolutely no sense to me. Really does depend what you mean, but in my opinion playing mind games is synonymous with denial, monkey mind, manipulation and delusion. I would self reflect as to why you’re believing you need to, or why you’re going that route in the first place. Seems like there would be a lot of discord in the mental gymnastics sense trying to do this. But again, by this, I mean basically just not being yourself for whatever reason.
  8. The Buddha couldn’t have said it better.
  9. The wheel isn’t a place or thing, it is thought attachment, and it persists only by the aversion of the practice which would otherwise result in cessation of thought attachment. Thought attachment is averted via believing ‘one’s own’ intellectualizing, conceptualizing, justifying & rationalizing, namely in matters of objectifying people to fulfill ‘one’s own’ egoic impulses, vs utilization of the practice to see that these are illusory, in that they are fleeting and come & go. Yes, but to the extent there is no such thing as ‘we’ or ‘incarnations’, or even ‘single’ or ‘consciousness’. There is no actuality of a you, people, or others in a world. This is already within the enlightened one. But thought attachment, and the conjecture of ‘conceptualizing aversion away’ makes it seem so, keeps one asleep if you will.
  10. @Someone here Check out The Nature of Consciousness by Rupert Spira.
  11. @Neph I completely understand and can totally help you with this. Reach out anytime, links below.
  12. There isn’t AI and consciousness, just infinite consciousness. There is not infinite consciousness and this other thing… AI. Materialism doesn’t ‘say’ anything. It’s a belief in separate material things, and it is only a belief. There is only to notice you are saying this, and it is the expression of a belief. This can be interpreted as not a pointing to truth, but a personal negation. Up to you to ‘catch’ / notice, that projection or not. Are you aware? Yes. Are you aware that you are aware? Yes. Can you name something else (such as a self-aware robot) which is aware? No. The foundational belief of the consideration as to wether a robot can have perception, is that there is a separate self, a “you”, which has perception. There is no actuality to “understanding of consciousness”. There is only the belief in a separate self, as the understander. ’For those with two good ears’…. Thought. Perception. Sensation. And conjecture at every turn.
  13. There. Is. No. Thinker.
  14. Relationship is great for consciously creating together and sharing in the experiences therein. Communion is for all matters of how you feel and is intrinsically a relinquishing of all commitment and expectation in regard to the relationship. A mine, theirs and ours dreamboard makes this easy.
  15. How to stop pedestalizing? Are you aware? Are you aware that you are aware? Name anything else at all which has the property of being aware. As assumptions arise, check direct experience, and let those thoughts pass on. Now notice the ‘me’ of ‘important to me’ & ‘special to me’, is a thought, and let it pass on as well. Technically it’s just the beliefs held on a pedestal.
  16. @Someone here Consciousness is neither a byproduct nor a facet, consciousness is conscious of these thoughts in direct experience… isn’t it so?
  17. The whole mindset is just sad and void of integrity. Reminds me of before stalking laws were made.
  18. The discord is with the thoughts, with yourself. Beliefs. Desperate and creepy is just the way you’re going about it. If desperate and creepy were indicative of you, you’d feel perfectly aligned.
  19. @Someone here Well hopefully that happens, as well as rockets to Mars and getting to the bottom of the ocean. Maybe will all go full circle realizing creation, experience in and of itself is the whole point, and then maybe will stop killing each other. Or will have a matrix/machine situation. Exciting either way.
  20. What they love. If that’s put first in the first place, one is magnetic, and there is no need for the objectifying & conceptualizing, and rumination therein. One could also study special & general relativity. One can also utilize the emotional scale, to reveal the frustration is with the thoughts, and not a world or situation. Thought is infinitely sneaky, but consciousness is infinitely wise, and thus aversion (Traps) can be noticed within framing like ‘their life’. Then there can be the same recognition in regard to pessimism. But of course don’t stop there.
  21. @Nadosa Yep! Infinite intelligence: I’ll go fourth, and right outta the gate I’ll get a big dose of selflessness, and this will inspire desires & dreams like never before, and I’ll write em on the dreamboard, and I will be and fulfill them all! I will trust in myself! Ego: Oh hell no, fuck all this, what a rip off. I don’t have time for this morning meditation nonsense. With respect to action, law of attraction is but one of the Immutable Laws. LAW OF ACTION The Law of Action points to the continuum that is the actualization of Divine Oneness, manifest as creation. The Law of Action states that in manifesting one’s dream, one must employ inspired action aligned with one’s thoughts, emotions, ideals and words. Whereas motivation is most often action taken as motive to avoid undesirable circumstances and situations, inspiration is focus upon thought & action arising of sincerity & aligned heartfelt desires. This alignment with & of being is often pointed to with terms like equanimity of the mind, body & emotions, being ‘in spirit’ or ‘spirited’, flow, or flow state, streaming, or stream entry, authenticity, honestly, humility & earnest intention. “What a man can be, he must be. This need we call self realization”. Abraham Maslow “If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” Gospel of Thomas “You can definitely vacuum without it being plugged in, but you won’t really be getting much done.” Esther Hicks