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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. You can’t be in nirvana, nor can nirvana be yours in any way. That’s what’s so heavenly.
  2. @Carl-Richard ? It’s kind of a funny thought, all the mattering to billions, and in regard to the entirety of the exactly the same as ‘to you’. Lol.
  3. For sure, and you as well. I’d say in accordance & alignment with feeling & conscience. Wether it matters & to what degree is always up to you. Another perspective on Jesus and Siddhartha is we know their names because they didn’t choose sides.
  4. If interested, read your original post in the light that time is a thought. Notice duality, or twoness, is of thought. This & that, up & down, left & right, matters & doesn’t matter. Making up meaning as you go. Let thoughts go and there is the ‘answer’.
  5. In believing self referential thinking there seems to be a you, and thus everything is reduced to finite possessions.
  6. @TheSomeBody 2-3 for the experience, release, insights, etc...4-5 for a breakthrough. Stay outta that 3 - 4 zone. It’s a half way deconstruction, a limbo.
  7. Slow down and feel for a better feeling thought. Takes practice. Use the emotional scale. Wether you “engage” in emotion or not you are experiencing emotion. What’s in question is are you suppressing, expressing, and understanding. Yes it is. Until it is realized you’re creating the emotions you’re experiencing, which those around you in your childhood and upbringing probably were not aware of. “Negative feelings” is judging how you feel. Read & use the emotional scale to understand how to raise your vibration. Wouldn’t want to miss out on the sensational guidance of infinite intelligence in your life, by labelling it “negative feelings”. YouTube it and listen to some videos...but generally speaking, it’s thinking about yourself and missing you are the awareness prior to the thoughts, and the thoughts are not about you. Examples.....“a more "conscious/high level being" and I believe that at this level”...”the image of myself”... "your ego is controlling you"... In this regard it’s the same... just without thoughts about oneself, a past, a future, or separation. Another way to say that is 99% less thought activity, and no ownership of the thoughts or mind. Aka being. It’s an alternative to fragmentation. When you notice thoughts about yourself, you can laugh recognizing you are yourself...aware of the thoughts. Maybe you actually prefer seriousness, up to you & feeling really, but try to be serious & sincere at the same time, and seriousness loses ground quickly. Ultimately, all there is is this cosmic joke, and to laugh, love, and celebrate. By what you want, what I mean, is what you want. Might be material ‘stuff’, relationship, work, career, life purpose, travel, a new hobby - literally anything you want. Write what you want on the board. Take credit for the “thinking” or don’t. Either way it’s just another thought. No. Thought ‘arises’, or ‘appears & disappears’. Whatever comes to mind that you want to do, be, create, have, experience - just write it on the board. The doubling, tripling, and quadrupling down on thinking here is more suppressing. Express what you want, on your board. Thinking is not something ‘you’ are ‘doing’, that’s just a thought. Begin to notice “my anxiety” is the same. It’s taking credit for thoughts basically. If you’re the awareness of the thoughts, prior to the thoughts....who is this “other one” (fragmenting) which is taking credit for ‘doing’ the ‘thinking’? Nor would you want it to if you think about it. Play that out for just five minutes. Realities perfect exactly how it is. Allow it to be simple. Write what you want on the board. When the board is getting filled up...if you’re inclined...ask more questions then.
  8. ‘You’ got it... though I’d tweak, that the idea of themself wasn’t let go, which is to say, the vantage point wasn’t prior enough to the thought attachment. Story wise, I was around 35 ish. Resonance is far more relevant imo than age, since age is a thought, but resonance with thought is felt. The story to be unwound is only ever happening now.
  9. @Najim By alive, I mean I’m ‘in’ my creation, ‘living a lifetime’, which is an appearance within me. Life & death are not indicative of an individual, but are an assumption in thought, based on the apparent individuation, through the lens, or experience. My option on near death experiences is that they should have went further to see what they really are, and what experience really ‘is’... such that ‘they’ did not have a near death ‘experience’. Re-membering could be said to be shocking indeed, yet, absolutely mundane.
  10. Wake up, splash cold water on the face, walk outside no matter the weather and announce I am alive & not taking this awakening for granted. The rest just seems to happen. If there is anything less than awesomeness, one of these meditations addresses it naturally & change the state of mind. If there is any hesitation in expressing & releasing anything, the emotional scale. If there is any apparent lack of creative juice, one of these unclogs it.
  11. This is more or less a transition everyone goes through, yet not everyone frames it up as you are. When you were little riding a bike seemed like a big deal, but from experiencing, it turns out it’s not a big & experience is ‘just like riding a bike’. When you believe (now) the things you want to create and experience, are ‘BIG GOALS’; creating music, creating a business, then compensate for the discord of that belief, with the secondary belief that there are “obstacles to overcome”...whereas a kid just gets on the bike & typically isn’t thinking about himself. Doesn’t think much of the “before I can start” narrative...because kids are empty / innocent, they don’t “know all the stuff” you believe you know about “you” (somethings wrong with me, I needs to improve, I needs x, y & z before starting, yada yada). As you experience those “BIG GOALS” they are realized not to ever have been big at all - that’s just your interpretation - and it does feel off to you, but you’re kind of ignoring that feeling and not reinterpreting...because you think you’re “right”, about your beliefs, about you, and time, and experience. Everything...every the same as riding a bike. Ya fall, ya get hurt, ya get up and keep going...and that is how you discover who you really are - not by “thinking about yourself”. There was a point in your life when putting a fork in your mouth, and taking a shit by yourself was a BIG GOAL, a BIG DEAL. Not such a big thing now is it? Mindfully reinterpret anxiety, nervousness, etc - as excitement. You actually love excitement. Discover this in direct experience, by slowing down and focusing on interpretations that No offense on a personal level I hope, but....”a higher state of awareness”...”how I need to improve”...”self help teachings”...”spirituality”...really stop and question what the hell you’re even talking about. Try pointing to any of those, and you’ll begin to notice it’s all conceptual abstraction (thought attachment / monkey mind). The ideas are not the actuality, the ideas are for sifting & sorting through what you do and don’t prefer to create & experience. Stop staring at the pointing fingers (teachers, teaching, narrative, etc), and look at the moon (focus - thoughts - creating the life you desire to, that you prefer). Allow the teachers and teachings to serve you in the way they intend. Love em back by getting the message, letting them go, and ‘going to the moon’. “There is a lot of unconscious fears”....I’d reinterpret that to coincide with direct experience. Nothing which you are conscious of (in this case, in feeling) can earnestly be said to be “unconscious”. Sticking with your current interpretation here is the literal creating of distraction. The connecting of those two dots, is emotional suppression. You believe what you want is such a BIG DEAL because you’re refocusing over & over on thoughts about yourself, being small. This is the inward orientation, or, general thinking about yourself. Flip to an outward orientation, by making a dreamboard, and focusing on what you want to create & experience, and let the thinking about yourself, the beliefs, and the misinterpretations come up and out effortlessly as you do. When we suppress feeling for a while, we miss that we are judging ourself & that’s what doesn’t feel good. There’s nothing unconscious or inferior going on. The thoughts you’re focused on feel terrible because of how far they are from ‘who’ you really are. What to do about it? Be honest with yourself when a thought feels off, and inspect it, and realign it with the goodness of your true nature. Put how you feel light years ahead of what you think. Consider the profundity of this - nobody gives two shits what I think. Nobody even knows what, or if, I’m thinking at all. What a fool I’d be to focus on thoughts that don’t feel good to me, given I’m the only one feeling the discord...and experiencing my creating being on “stuck” mode. It’s a bit like you’re on shuffle / repeat... and what you’re really looking for, is play. Lightheartedness, loving kindness, emotional understanding & mental & emotional equanimity. Check out this commercial...never mind the product... the words and vibe are spot on. When you find yourself in the thought-woods, consciously be here now instead focusing on seeing, hearing, breathing from the stomach, and feeling the entire body. You’ll soon see through direct experience how this is a ‘reset’...and then as Jesus spoke about, you replant that mustard seed, that single thought of what you want to create and experience which is aligned with the true nature (“fertile soil”). You’ll wobble a hundred times...but if you return to here now over and over, you start to spot that wobble coming from farther & in more subtle sensitivity in feeling...away. An analogy for that is Grand Central Station (you) and trains leaving all day long (thoughts) and it sure seems like you’re on those trains...but here now is always here now. Grand Central Station (you) has never experienced a past or future, nor a there. You=here=now. If you focus on thoughts about yourself enough fragment your experience, or, it actually seems like you are in the thought stories... in a “there”, in the “past” or “future’. Humor is the natural, un-suppressing response to this “seriousness”, this discord with your true nature. Resistance is the feeling of the thoughts which you’ve been focusing on. Use a pencil & paper... write those resistant thoughts down. Then write what you don’t want...then write the opposite of that, what you do want - and write that on your dreamboard, and focus on it because what you want feels good to you. Exit the “looking for answers in thought” paradigm...step into actuality, focus, creator creating creation. Order some handkerchiefs, cause there will be emotional releases, and it might be scary at first, but remember - Grand Central Station... here now...not “in” a thought story. You will have a blast with reality and you will be saying it is all very worthwhile, as you will be experiencing the life you dream of manifesting and simultaneously uncovering the true nature which is an ineffable delight beyond possibilities. Right on. That belief was sofa king lame. Let’s not have a parade in discord’s name, let’s inspect, understand, and consciously create emotion. Feeling is never in a “future”. That’s just a belief / thought attachment. Around twenty minute of meditation is all it takes for that thought activity to unwind, so you can again, plant the seed you want.
  12. That never stopped. Idea of identity seems to solidify, reality is an ever changing appearance. But your interpretation of experience changed. They don’t realize they’re creating their reality, and the role interpretation plays, specifically in regard to alignment or discord with feeling, or, Santa (appearing as experience). ‘Those’ who do realize this, aren’t concerned, because it doesn’t make sense to create suffering. The meta-physical explanation & how you feel are one in the same, as you are appearing as the universe, experience, or, reality. For there to be experience, in your infinitude, you must be that experience. As the infinite, or, enlightened one - you appear as two perfect spheres; the sphere of the world where experience transpires, and the sphere of the lens by which you experience the world you are being. In your creation, which is the appearance of the spheres, which is one appearing as two... “experiencers”, or lenses, are perpetuated in the same way, but of course, backwards; two appear to become one. It seems as if you are that one, and beliefs of identity are created, and this veils the true awesomeness of yourself, and the magic of experience - appearance. You might say the greatest magic trick that has ever been is too magic, too convincing....but that’s just how you role. And you feel the alignment & discord of each thought, in regard to the ‘role’, because the role you’re playing isn’t’re appearing as the role. You might think of it as a profoundly deep method acting via appearance, and getting lost quite literally, in the role...without ever actually moving, thinking, or doing. In the role there is ‘an extraordinary amount of effort’ required... for the character (believing thoughts, identified as the person). That’s not a ‘problem’ per se, but it feels ‘off’’s Seems like this would be simple to recognize, being all effortless & loving and whatnot. And that is the magic...the sheer brilliance of making the two one again; listening to how you feel...creating the life you dream of...takes you home (realization you never ‘left’ = this is pure ‘magic’). Why are the ins & outs of this so tricky? Because you’re infinite can be no other way. By appearing as experience (via being the spheres) you inherently forget your infinite true nature, and the perfection of it all just goes out the window with it so to speak. Then, how you feel, is in large part at the whim of all the other characters, and the current state of your world, and you create interpretations as you experience. You feel these interpretations, because though you forget your infinitude - you are never actually not infinite being. As much as I’d like to say that because you are infinite being, you get to pick how you feel and this is not at the whim of others, or interpretation, I can not, because that would just be one more condition, one more interpretation of identification, which when let go like the others, there is the unconditional true nature, or, the previously mentioned perfection, of you. Kids make lists for Santa. ‘Grown ups’ make dreamboards. But some are too deep in character for such “magical thinking”. (Video on this coming soon...coincidence....or just you effortlessly creating your reality? ?) TLDR: You ‘came here’ to create, and here you are with plenty of preferences & ample focus to do so...just waiting on that second coming...for whatever “reason”. She gets what’s happenin here, she’s ‘been here before’ & knows the deal, and the ‘role’ identity & emotion plays, and how you feel it when You’re not around.
  13. Stop efforting....rather than efforting and coping with it. Take the time for the inner work. Align thought with feeling...inspiration. We get back up. That’s our nature. Dial into that.
  14. Allow the change of the interpretation, how it’s being framed up. Needing answers / believing thoughts is the very condition which veils the true satori nature of being.
  15. Of thought. ‘My mind’ is a thought, that’s how sneaky it is. Things are really just thoughts.
  16. Gently, lovingly, notice focus is on thoughts, and return it to feeling the involuntary breathing from the stomach. If it persists, never leave that approach (imo). Don’t look for something “more impactful”, etc, etc. Those would all be thoughts and the thing to do (again imo) is gently return focus to breathing from the stomach. I’ve talked with many people who’ve meditated years and decades not noticing that. Don’t underestimate the sneakiness. These meditations are all oriented towards feeling better, feeling the true nature, as well as with releasing any discord that may arise, to make it easier to forgive or apologize, etc, and experience mental and emotional equanimity. Impact doesn’t really apply to meditation. It’s like asking how to use a hammer to kiss someone. ‘Raising’ the impact sounds like you’re expecting results from meditation, as if there’s something to fix. I’d wager impact isn’t really what’s desired. What you likely want is to feel absolutely amazing as much and as often as possible, because life just flows and clicks into place when you do. As if the universe itself were playing along. Pretty sure Confucius said something like “happy person knows no problem”. Sinking into feeling in meditation is the obvious way to go, but bring understanding & expression to the mix, outside of meditation, for life, balance and well being. The emotional scale is one of the easiest and most efficient ways. After a few reads and some going back to it, expressing & raising your vibration, the body mind starts attuning itself, and it’s awesome. When you use the scale, it’s really like one minute with each emotion. Not looking for a whale of a release or anything, just a thought or two expressing each emotion. Light, easy, fun. Here’s a list of tools intended to open up the creative expressive mind, and connect more with being / feeling. That’s your true nature, clarity, inspiration, peacefulness / repose, what remains when the thought activity settles. I wouldn’t frame those up as ‘something you can get from meditation’. I get what you mean though. Enjoy. ?
  17. @neovox It sounds like you’re saying health issues and suffering are the same. Can you specify? Have you been diagnosed with health issues, or are you primarily talking about how you feel?
  18. Did you by any chance, as a kid, ever experience writing down what you wanted, and it magically showing up?