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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Pablogamalielm Wise words here from @DefinitelyNotARobot but you kinda...blew em off. That’s understandable, who hasn’t been there. There’s something you’re holding in mind to be ‘big’, and the ‘big’ feeling of discord is being interpreted as ‘because it’s true about me’. The feeling is telling you it’s not. The dreams are telling you it’s not. Mind is misunderstanding emotions. Allow the dream within you to be expressed in the physical, slowly, easily, a moment at a time, at your pace, for the purpose of enjoying the experience of it. A dreamboard is the easiest simplest way. Stop playing the games of discord with your ‘’self’ ?? and start playing this game with your Self, listening to your Self ?? . ? By simplest, I mean, had you made a post asking “how do I build a small wooden boat”, there’d be a link with a list of materials, tools, and some instructions. What doesn’t feel right, isn’t. Trust feeling or not, listen or not...feeling nonetheless. Wise to listen, and live the greatest life you can dream up. Your source is at the ready, evidenced in feeling. ??
  2. @IAmReallyImportant Point taken. ??
  3. Awareness is curative. Be willing to be aware of your own thoughts of judgement. Likely stems from an unresolved sentiment towards someone. Relaxation is the wisdom you seek, and this is why you’re never finding it... you’re preoccupied with judging yourself and others. “I’m a loser” doesn’t feel off because it’s true and you need to do or prove something. It feels off because it’s not true. It’s just opinion, judgement. In the Bible, God put a flaming sword (sword=truth, of, flaming=suffering) in front of the tree of the “knowledge” (the illusion of duality ‘in’ thoughts) of good & bad (judgement) pointing to the tree of life (focusing on creating what you desire to experience). Seems like good advice to me. Don’t judge this book by it’s cover. Give it a watch. .... Pain is a ‘physical’ sensation that you can point to on the body. Suffering is focusing on the same thoughts of discord over and over, aka, a belief.
  4. @Strangeloop Ya. Think in terms of light (and illuminate) and frequency (be aware of your, and yours with another, and their, vibration).
  5. Listen to Cat Steven’s. You’ll be right as rain. Contrary to thoughts, love arises within you. It is love - reality itself - which is intoxicating & infatuating. The instant this is recognized, infatuation with thought ends, and experience of her expands ten fold. As if seeing her for the first time, strings-less, unconditionally, freed.
  6. Two cents... If using psychedelics, word will spread very quickly. Take a look at Colorado and Oregon. 100 acres is too much imo. One house can be secluded in wooded area in as little as 2 or 3 acres. Add a buffer of a few acres for seclusion, and expansion, and you’re still not even close to 50 acres. I’d shift that spend to the beautification of the place and advertising nationally, and look for a geographical balance of land location between view (lake, hilltop, mountain, etc) and nearest airport. Easy to do btw in those two states as every inch is gorgeous. Over an hour drive from airport to ‘compound’ is a turn off for many imo. Keep in mind while they will leave not so, they’re coming to you pretentious. I’d really contemplate people staying a week to two at a time, vs anyone living there, and thus developing a community. If you delegate the operation, don’t pick a Sheila. Make a pros and cons list for the community factor, and remove personal sentiment for a minute to see it as objectively as possible too. From what I’ve looked into the abodes as shown in the pictures (w solar, wood paneled, etc) are closer to 20k, which is the same as 28K to most contractors, half way into the build. Network people with YouTube channels, yoga studios, etc. Get a high resolution quad-copter. Film a 1 minute showing, to be shared on YouTube channels. Makers of channels care about well being, and it’s a benefit to their subscribers to have you on an episode. If this guy is future useful, he loves traveling, helping, the outdoors, sharing, and meeting new people. Congrats on the windfall btw and best of luck!
  7. Let the believed need to be validated by others, over the guidance of feeling within, go.
  8. Who exactly are you willfully allowing to tell you what is possible? Just do it.
  9. It is the habit, the pattern of reaction of believing of the thought “I” which is surrendered. It is the believing in the thought ”I” which is the ‘lost it in a way’. Appreciate paradox, energetically less is more. Believed I thoughts are like blockages. There wasn’t anything lost, identification with thought was added, making it seem as if the true nature was if “I” lost something. Daily morning meditation is ample. There are no mistakes per se. You are the signs, and you are the awareness of the signs. When a sign is synchronistic, serendipitous, and resonates intuition and feeling, indeed, follow the sign.
  10. Drop that belief. The resistance felt in feeling is with the thoughts, not the actions, nor the perception or experience. With that one belief you create the resistance in experience across the board. There is no such things as resistance. Believe that. Be the One you are.
  11. Sharing experience, you might get a different perspective, insights, ideas, new questions, etc... before I opened a franchise, I interviewed 22 current owners, worked at one of them for two years, and helped voluntarily in addition to that at 7. I took notes, wrote out the most efficient best practices. I learned how and what kind of leadership employees responded to. Of 38 said franchises in the district I opened mine in, by the end of the first year our sales were nearly double the next highest location, and my team members made nearly double the average of the team members in the district. I had no money, and no knowledge of the products or how the business operated prior to this. But I was as flexible as water and as humble as a mute. I led myself by learning what I responded to as well. Six figures in three years. @flowboy Is spitting pure truth here. ??
  12. When you say “I”... who are you talking about? Who is this conditional one, which can not live, which sees something to complain about, which is fed up, which must muster strength? Perhaps these are thoughts identified with, and thus repeating, even though these thoughts don’t resonate. Appreciation. While in college full time I had a full time job (also in retail, and I had a blast) and two part time jobs (delivering pizza’s for two different places, and I had a blast), and I was happy. I saw that it was headed to what I wanted more. Make a dreamboard. Know, see, feel where you’re headed, feel what you’re focused on & creating... feel the alignedment & discord with thoughts & what’s on your dreamboard... the interpretation of your current job and situation changes, such that it is seen to be that unfolding as this, now. Better feeling will never be in a future. Better feeling is here now. Care enough about how you feel, to align those thoughts, about yourself. Tell the wanted, resonating story, about you. Watch reality change. You’re blessed, fortunate, and made of the very energy you believe you lack. It is the identification with unaligned thought & interpretation that is taxing. “...using my love of creative self expression to inspire others to discover their unique gifts.” That can never be experienced in a future. That is done now, or not at all.
  13. @zeroISinfinity Sure. Nice story. You probably fool a lot of people with it.
  14. @PureRogueQ The mind which can be killed is the master. @zeroISinfinity Doesn’t matter. You matter. Always up to you.
  15. ‘Pointless’, in the utilization it is believed to summarize life, arises of the finite mind (parallel of life, or experience). It’s opposite thought would be a point, meaning, purpose, which you create as the creator, like all else. You’re free to focus on either. If there were a point, you would not be free. Neither thought is other than appearance, and the resonance is felt in either case. Why would the lower vibrationally resonating thought be focused upon? Because it is believed to be the lessor of resistance, relative to a belief, a conditional thought about self, yet to be aligned in interpretation & thus released. That is so in either case, and is a mute ‘point’. Fear is in the un-inspected closet, which inspected, is always empty. How this is devasting for your psychology if you are a male who should be driven forward nobody knows. Should implies duality, specifically, that a second entity has authority over you. Psychology is a thought, not a thing. ‘Devastating’ is the discord of the self referential thought / belief. Projecting that discord onto ‘psychology’ is emotional suppression. Un-inspected, the loop persists. The resistance is to the fact you are already ‘driven forward’. Awareness is curative. Dreamboard, the emotional scale, and expression, are creation made simple, effortless, and in-joy-able.
  16. We are vibrational beings in a vibrational universe. Change the way you think of yourself and others, align interpretations, and you change your frequency & experience.
  17. It varies, as purpose is of the spheres, but the resonance does not vary, as it is with the ‘fabric’ of the spheres. ?? ?
  18. You pretty much got it. Thoughts are infinite intelligence, awareness of itself, as itself, for itself, through the lens of the finite mind. Potentiality...concepts. Infinite imagination...images. One appearing as if two. A single aligned thought arising in a quieted mind, focused upon, consciously creates.
  19. What is my deepest, truest, most unique and most aligned desire...what is my vibrational proximity to the manifestation of it, and how do I close the gap.
  20. We gotta recognize that perspective doesn’t feel good, and thus isn’t serving you. You could make a clean cut with by checking in with what’s actual. You’re not really stuck, you could call and quit right now. Obviously probably not a wise move in terms of action, but very wise in recognizing the perspective doesn’t feel aligned (good) because it isn’t true. You could sooth that perspective to a better one, by ‘listening’ to feeling....’ok, clearly that feels I really stuck here, will this be the only job I experience for the rest of my life...clearly other people change jobs, change perspectives...yes...’ You can also change the channel of perspective so to speak, to appreciation. ‘What can I appreciate about this...where is this headed....well I am learning some stuff...I’m making money...and this can lead to getting a degree...and a job I want more, that is more stimulating, more preferred, and comes with a higher income, maybe something even beyond that, why not’. You can also change perspectives existentially...(wiggles fingers, moves feet)...’ok, I’m not like, literally, really, actually stuck here’. Any which way you get there, ‘there’ is a change in how you’re interpreting your situation...a change which feels better to you. Why is that so important? It is the opposite of anxiety. When you’re feeling great, aligned, flowin, you’re on top of the world, unstoppable, “problems” seem insignificant, solutions abundant, enthusiasm rampant & boundless. I suggest getting really familiar with the emotional scale, and here’s why. When you think in terms of “I’m stuck”, you’re thinking about yourself - notice the thought is very literally “I” = “stuck”. Really appreciate this. Words which follow “I am” or “I’m” are powerful. Saying “I’m stuck” is going to be met with the true nature ‘saying’...”uh, the hell you talkin about my’re free and you got me, infinite intelligence, guiding’. What you’re feeling is that discord with the true nature. Unfortunately, (I totally did it too) instead of listening to that guidance of how you feel, you labelled it, ‘anxiety’... and continued focusing on the same or similar perspectives of discord. Again, I feel for ya, I been there. Tried multiple dr’s and medications until I finally said ‘alright fuck it this ain’t workin, it’s my attitude, my perspective and I’ll change it’. Again, why the emotional scale? Look at the difference in terms of interpretation..... a) “I’m stuck”. Feels terrible but that’s all there is to it. It’s not me, it’s the job, the work, my situation, circumstances, it’s taxing and sucks. b) (looks at scale....) (hopefully more helpful in terms of aligning thought & feeling...than it is a ‘text wall’...and I don’t believe lightening up and having fun with life ever hurt anyone) ‘Ok, where am I at on the damn scale....uh let’s see...fucking hopeless & depressed...sooo....I guess that’s I feeling jealousy?...the hell’s that even mean or have to do with anything?...if you mean do I see people living carefree happy lives with all the shit they want, doin the things they want...and I also want that, then, ya, ok, I’m feeling jealousy...there’s a lot of shit I want to have & experience too, ya.... am I angry?....I’d kinda rather put boxing gloves on than read this shit...ya I’m angry...and yes, I’m discouraged...blame, oh God yes, totally not my fault...why folks don’t need a class & a license to have kids is beyond me...and what the hell are schools and teachers doing anyways, total pyramid scheme...does this make me worry, uh, hell ya it does...I wanna be doing what I wanna be doing and this shit ain’t easy, feels like I’ll waste my life trying to get I feel doubt...well, ya...I doubt shit’s gonna work out honestly, sometimes I doubt I can persevere and make it through I feel disappointment, uh, only everyday....I fuckin wake up disappointed with the shit I gotta do...seems like things should be way easier, and there’s just way too much goin on, what the hell’s my life purpose, how the hell am I gonna make enough money when I’m young and don’t have the qualifications & experience of those I’m competing with?!...who the hell wants to work in the first place, doesn’t even seem worth I feel overwhelment...psh, did Genghis Kahn like sex?...hell ya I’m feelin it frustrating, do I feel irritation & impatience...would you like a slap in the face right now?...uh, yes, yes I do...does it leave me feeling pessimism?...ya...I don’t see it getting I feel boredom sometimes?...the fucks that got to do with anything?... ya, I totally do though... sometimes I got energy like King MF Kong and I’m sitting here doin nothin and it’s like I’m not focused or something, and it’s lame and I don’t know what to do about it I experience contentment? Ah fuck no. Well. Maybe. Sometimes I read somethin, or hear somethin in a video or whatever, and I kind get this whole “The Now” stuff, I feel it sometimes, this peace...can I ‘dial into it’...well, this scale’s turning out to shed a little light...starting to see how focusing on certain perspectives that don’t feel good has a sort of build up of tension effect, and expressing like this releases some of that tension, feels a little better I guess...kinda lame and feminine but whatever, I’m kinda done with what ain’t workin and really just wanna feel good...starting to see how this scale clears the tension out in a way...and ya, I can see how expressing like this, and being where I am, dialing into seeing, hearing, feeling, relaxing the body...maybe recognizing some perspectives just don’t feel good & choosing better feeling thoughts does ....kinda...feel like, ya...hopeful though?...I don’t know...still gots the same problems....but maybe that’s the point of contentment...I can feel the “problem perspective”...I do kinda say everything is a “problem” a lot, and it doesn’t feel good...there are times I’m not focused on problem perspectives...and ya, I feel the difference...I could slow down a pinch and feel my way to some hopefulness I suppose...maybe I could use a break...get away for a weekend, a few days...clear my head...maybe I’ll just schedule something, anything like that...and look forward to it...ya...I can feel that now, I can recognize hopefulness...I don’t know or understand really why I’m reluctant to feel good, but ya, I can feel hopefulness....shit can get better, apparently lots of people go through difficult times and it doesn’t last forever...can I feel positive expectations? Optimism?...well, at this point, what choice do I have really?...I pretty much have to...I gotta focus in some better feeling ways, I’ve really had enough of this stress and tension, and I do kinda wanna get this ‘guidance’ of feeling thing...this ‘magic of alignment’ feeling..ya...enthusiasm, eagerness, happiness....ok, honestly, that feels like a reach...but your gd dreamboard thingy does come to mind...and again, there is stuff I want, money, relationship maybe, a house maybe, some’s crossed my mind before, the idea of self employment, starting a business...not sure what that’d look like, but I can kinda see how the dreamboard serves this I might wake up in disappointment...but then I’m gonna see that board, with all the shit I want on it, and I can think about that instead and feel good about it, I can relax and play a little, fantasize a bit, as if I already have it and am feeling as such...I mean, what do I got to lose at this point?...can’t get much miserabler, gotta change something...people are always saying stuff like “be the change you wish to see”, and “you create your own reality”...and ya, maybe sometimes I’m hot headed, close minded, and ya, I feel it when I am, so maybe some change in perspective and some “alignment” is in order for me...can I feel passion right now?...the fuck man, come on, get life totally suc-...oh wait...that’s one of those not good feeling perspectives ain’t it....passion’s kinda about that dreamboard ain’t it...starting to get those lists you makes sense...I do focus more on what I don’t want, than what I do want...and filling up a “dreamboard” with what I do want... as “wishful thinking” and airy-fairy-ish as it is...uh, ya, I guess it makes some sense...maybe all that stuff, all those experiences I actually do want would come into focus...from me seeing them, and kinda, effortlessly focusing on them each day....I can see how passion could arise the more I dial in on that board, into what I really want....I can see how thinking all this shit in my head ain’t working...and how it could “unfold” on the board, and I can see how that would feel good and even, appreciation, empowerment, freedom, love...come on bruh, be real...that’s just what lucky rich genetically superior people sa-....oh snap...that was me focusing on the perspectives that don’t even feel good maybe there’s something to this “reality’s a dream”...and.... a dreamboard, focus, and aligning thought with feeling....MAYBE...but why the fuck not... I guess I can see there is momentum to focus, and it would be pretty easy to focus on what I want and feel good about it seeing it everyday on my board....hell...I could take a picture and even when I’m at work and school...doing shit I don’t honestly love....I could mentally be focused more on where I’m headed...what I want in a bigger picture....focused on what feels good....and I could appreciate, a little, this bullshit I gotta do to survive, as it does make some sense this, is me on my way to, that....and I can kinda grasp how I can imagine & fantasize...and feel that...and connect it with this, which is becoming that, and kinda of is that already really....a bit....I mean, what the hell else am I gonna do?...argue against my own joy?...just to focus in ways that don’t feel me? Kinda had enough of’s sounding pretty good...maybe I do, kinda, care about it, about how I feel. Still the best speech I’ve ever heard.... Still the single most effective (and simplest) tool I’ve seen...
  21. Imagine you did prove reality isn’t finite. That proof would be an individual separate something, or, finite. How could you prove that anything can’t be something else? It’s sort of a hang up of a double negative in thought. Like, how could you prove a horse isn’t a unicorn? You can’t, cause it already isn’t. Perhaps the opposite approach would be of interest....reality isn’t finite, how can he prove that it is? He can’t, because it isn’t. It’s possible this leads him to question his experience a little more.
  22. @How to be wise ‘Material world’ is a thought. “It” is you! Again, if interested, trace the accusations to their root. You will realize what’s being said.
  23. @How to be wise Absolute & relative truth is the aforementioned dualistic thought. That someone does or doesn’t ‘become enlightened’ is a pretty strict thought attachment to the materialist paradigm. Similarly, the accusations against ‘me’. The ‘wrestling match’ so to speak is with thoughts, of a me perhaps, but not with a me in actuality.