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Nahm replied to caspex's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@traveler Swarnim means golden. -
Nahm replied to caspex's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That your name & color of your shirt are not a coincidence. -
Nahm replied to Spiral Wizard's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Spiral Wizard Awesome! When that lion roars - look out people! -
Nahm replied to Gianna's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Look for an I and or a self in perception (seeing, hearing, etc) and also in feeling, or, that-there-is the presence of sensation. If you do happen to experience finding either, notice, that experience is of a thought, as a label, which doesn’t actually label or define perception or sensation. Even the words / thoughts “perception” & “sensation” only point. Why does it really seem like there is? Essentially, thought attachment and the experience of the relief of it, but more so because all appears within, and therefore intrinsically experience is as if all is without. Experience can be no other way than exactly as it appears. -
That’s pretty much the key right there. The thought 24/7 is a leaving of actuality, or now. That essentially is the difference maker in terms of discord (stress). No one has ever actually had that experience, but in believing or identifying with the thought it totally seems like it’s actual. What’s actual is it’s only possible to experience impermanence, all things coming and going as experience without any exception, which feels pretty awesome because it points to the truth of that which is eternal experiencing.
@Gesundheit That ‘for me’ is the only actual case. The ‘some cases’, I’d agree we could derive understanding of, but not the factor of the stress. It might be hard to imagine that there is also the experience of more responsibility equating to less stress.
@Gesundheit Without identity / thought attachment, and therefore without equating responsibility to how one feels in the sense, one feels not great due to responsibility.
The other side of that duality is responsibility is liberating and empowering.
That’s also a belief. It’s possible by getting two or three jobs and working around the clock. I’m not suggesting you do that, and I’m definitely not trying to imply that you should, or that you should feel bad in any way whatsoever for not doing that. I’m suggesting that when you recognize it is a belief, you rather instantly appreciate the situation more deeply. This is the common generational plight. Each generation is (loosely speaking) more open minded than the previous. There are different perspectives and ways to communicate that can be explored, but safety is first. I’m not trying to put you on the spot and am not asking for a reply per se, but wonder what’s behind saying he might get physical. If he has a history of this, etc. If this is the case, it’s an important distinction, as this is not a matter of a generational clash, but of abuse. It might seem like a belief crusade here, but where you’re headed imo is better communication, expression & understanding, with your dad. Better communication looks like little to no reactionary behavior, willingness to express honestly and to hear the other person as well. I’m focused on your feeling better, because the better one is feeling the less one is triggered, and the better communication is.
Got some “split energy” going on, some focusing on perspectives which don’t feel good and can drain energy, outlook & focus. Focus on why you chose to move there, and following through. Appreciate what you do have. Make short order of the discord of what you don’t want, by writing it down, and deriving more details of what you do want, and only focusing on that.
@levani Don’t avoid the intimacy, communicate, ask her / him. We are as unique in sexuality as we are in personality, but when such two become one, pshh, then fuggetaboutit, naturally lose yourself. Pretend this communication is not foreplay. Add that element of intensity and excitement. Game face. What a turn on such a confidence & comfortableness in intimacy & expression that is. ? Inner being flooded with “omg...I want that!”, similar to assertiveness brings out, attracts, assertiveness, and the (often subconscious if you will)... I want that!!
The materialistic paradigm most fundamentally is that consciousness arises of, is a product of or is an output of a body mind, or separate self, and thus is a possession of, or belongs to, a separate self which claims it to be coming or going from one self to another such that consciousness could be taken or given. Meanwhile, there is no direct experience of ‘outside of consciousness’, only a reluctance to recognize beliefs which are in discord. This does not however, prevent one from believing that is the actuality nonetheless, even in spite of this recreating the experience of suffering over and over. How easy it is to focus only on the pointing finger, missing the four pointing back, let alone the moon (consciousness) ?.
Nahm replied to WonderSeeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Kinda hate to break it to ya, but you’re focusing on thoughts & beliefs which don’t feel good to you... which don’t feel good...because they are...off...and using “awakening” or “having awakened to young / early” as the reason. It’s not the reason, it’s just that the thoughts are off. Humble pie tastes like liberation, the recognition control, death, etc, are thoughts, while reality is pure spontaneous infinite love. Rather than ‘coping’ as a remedy... inspect the non-resonating thoughts directly...and it is found there is nothing in need of coping with. “Epistemic truth paradox” is also just one thought...which can be inspected, scrutinized, realized, as there ultimately are not any paradoxes. -
Put it in the bank. Make a dreamboard and take Leo’s life purpose course, realize your dream. The synchronicity of having received the money ‘randomly’ will soon make great inexplicable sense.
In short it is believing thoughts (namely about oneself) which don’t resonate because the thoughts aren’t indicative of the true nature. This video is basically an offering of a way to understand this, align instead one thought at a time, and feel the fullness of being. If there is a key insight to this transition, imo, it is that it is effortless, letting go of identifying with thought (typically specifically of the past) rather than work to be done, or a mountain to climb. When someone is feeling such discord, from that vibration, a picture tends to be painted of ‘it would take so much work’. When the mind is overly focused on one thought, as one side of a duality... it struggles to recognize the power in letting something (a thought of identity) go.
Nahm replied to JayT79's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
In meditation, focus on other-than-thoughts, for that ‘inner direct experience’. “Illusion” has become a belief, to let go, in meditation. Make a dreamboard. Thoughts are a hand full of beans compared to desire & creating. -
Nahm replied to Unemployed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It does, it’s none of those. We don’t. Not believing these thoughts. Not pretending there is holding on. When the identity in what is being said is spotted, home again, there is no thing necessary or needed, only being. -
Nahm replied to WonderSeeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@WonderSeeker What is “thinking about awakening stuff” ? What is that “stuff”? Take a look around. Call that a bunch of different labels (thoughts)... and notice is has no baring at all. Perception doesn’t change. Focus on what you want to create & experience, and there is change in what you are creating & experiencing, and in how you feel in terms of how you[‘re experiencing. The difference is alignment with ‘who’ you really are, or, the true nature. This is literally what you “had” (have) ...in....Mind. Doesn’t seem like it, if you say there is “awakening stuff” and “life stuff”. Rather than feeling the discord and then looking for how to cope with it.... recognize what the discord is. Awareness alone (in and of itself) is curative. -
@Someone here Right, all three year olds would be Nihilists in that logic. Meaningless is still meaning, it basically means not meaningful, just like the thought up basically means not down. Thoughts = twoness. Won’t find oneness there. Don’t settle for logic, imo. Leave the wheels to the hamsters, it seems to be satisfying for them. Go prior, to intention. If your intention is to focus on nihilism and spread the word of it, you’re aligned with what you want. Otherwise, you’ve found the discord....between what you want, and what you’re focused on. If I might...don’t label it anxiety, label it guidance, even...evidence of the true nature.
Nahm replied to Nate0068's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Will thoughts about anything ever be the direct experience of said thing? Is it reasonable to believe a finite thought could be accurate about infinity? -
@tatsumaru Possibly, this brings “my willpower” into question as the ‘blockage’. It’s hard to imagine how exhausting living my life would be if I was thinking in terms of my will power. Which brought Alcoholics Anonymous to mind as an example. That program started out “take lsd, see truth, free yourself of your ‘self’... no self no problem, and from thoughts of self, limiting beliefs, One is liberated... and there’s not quite the same inclination for alcohol anymore”. With the discrimination of psychedelics, that program became “surrender your will to God, fully admit you simply can not do this, here’s 12 steps”. It’s possible the resistance is in the way what you want is thought of, with the ‘for my willpower’, and ‘not sufficient for me’ - to start enjoying... a ‘strict’ routine. If enjoying now is contingent... and that contingency is ‘something or me’...that contingency can never be met... because the very source of the enjoyment, of good feeling...is the same one holding the contingency. Is ‘strict’ really that enjoyable.... as a way of thinking, framing things up? Outside the right mood, evening, ad dominatrix, I don’t really feel that it is. Who’s disciplining who when there are not two? At least in bed you could point to Hagatha. ?⛓?. When it’s a thought about oneself disciplining oneself, where to point? Maybe the thumb tells us the answer to that ‘riddle’. Consider the paradox of conditioning, and the importance of the scrutinizing of a thought of an experience...vs...the actuality of the direct experience... Feeling, one’s absolute best... that’s unconditional. Don’t like how you are feeling, there’s something to let go, a belief, a condition. Body mind, an appearance of being, of fields, of whatever other label we’d like to play pretend by adding.... feeling one’s (same exact one appearing as) absolute best, in, of, and as the very spheres One is Being... well that seems like the total opposite, in the fitness conditioning regard. Inspection of thought vs direct experience.... have you experienced peak physical conditioning? Are you reference that experience, or a thought about it? How do you know how worthwhile, how good feeling an experience is? Only directly. Were this a movie, it could be entitled “Tatsumaru Vs Well Being”. In the movie, Tatsumaru would totally win. In experience, experience is literally made of well being, and there is no separate self, and there is no “Vs” transpiring. Only a battle appearing to transpire in thoughts, specifically self referential unchecked thoughts, ‘twoness’. How to resolve? There’s no mountain. There’s one molehill at a time, and even still, that’s if I believe that perspective and label. Well Being = What’s Happening = Self. The Way of Well Being is Allowing. Could you allow five minutes of exercise? What if the direct experience, the music, the flow, the energy...actually turns out to be WAY better feeling that thoughts about yourself? The paradigm of motive & motivation can only be employed so far. Inspiration naturally comes next. It so is just the perspective. There are not two of you, such that you’re actually “convincing yourself”. It would be much more accurate to recognize this is how you’re fooling yourself. Try pointing to this self you’re trying so hard to convince, and laugh in the relief
Given that you get that... ...how does it change your perspective about this?
You’re making an enemy out of what you want by reducing the experience of it (the thought of the experience of it) to a means to an end. You’re attempting to utilize motivation (avoidance of unconsciousness and or death) to do so, not recognizing death is another word for you. So this fragments, or, ‘splits your energy’ and distorts focus. As an example... if what you want is to lose weight, get more fit, feel more energetic, take a minute to recognize exercising is what you want, feel the wanting of the experience. Notice thoughts about getting fit being about “fixing you”, and ‘shift’ back to this is what I want, and feel good about doing what you want to do. Motivation: To avoid unconsciousness, and or death. Inspiration: To enjoy life to the fullest, cause I actually love life. One of these is aligned with Truth (...”death”). Alignment of thought with feeling is like the difference between vacuuming a floor with and without the vacuum being plugged in. You can vacuum the floor either way, but without being plugged in, nothing is really changing.