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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Unio Can you describe what you meant by baseline consciousness a bit?
  2. An old saying comes to mind... “The checker gets what the checker checks”. The term self-love is hyphenated donating one, rather than ‘self and love’, or even self love, as in care or tending for one’s self. This would point to there not being two, similar to the term nonduality, such as there being an ‘I’ which has this confusion. When thinking love is attempted, and it is impossible, it is not per se confusion... if it’s acknowledged it’s impossible. Then it makes perfect sense... ‘what’ is one is not even a second, to any thought. One would never be able to experience a true thought, “about” oneself, or, self-love. In that ‘not two’ vein... there isn’t a self... which could be enlightened... and so there is no short cut (second ‘thing’) for no one. Awareness & ‘my autistic brain’ would be two. We love ourselves, would be two. In inspecting, if that thought feels great to you, great. If it doesn’t feel aligned & wonderful... the feeling might be the very love pointed to with thoughts and words, “right there” in, as, direct experience, so to speak. Awareness and a higher self would be two. To whatever extent words can point... notice one can never experience action toward one. One can uncover one... by inspecting thoughts... and shedding all which do not resonate, with one. As much as can be heard, the implication is outrageous. This would mean that you have never thought or heard a single true word about yourself. Literally. Love of the universe would be two. Notice, the twoness of thought and therefore of all communication and language. One forgets oneness, infinitude, by appearing as two. Yes, as in there aren’t really any, and never were “two”. Yes, The Truth. “The checker gets what the checker checks”... the “twoness” is only in thoughts. Inspect every thought. Anything known about self-love is not actually about self-love. The knower, the knowing, and the known, is apparent. As one, the knower is the known.
  3. When you describe, thought implies two.
  4. Meditation is best considered useless. If it’s thought to be of use, expectations are being placed on it, running the risk of the separate self ‘hijacking’ the ‘practice’ for gains, like feeling better, raising intelligence, consciousness, etc.
  5. What about accepting that doomed, hopeless, unworthy, ugly, weak and vulnerable are your opinions? I think you’re blessed, hopeful, worthy, beautiful, strong and invincible.
  6. @Someone here The “difference” between you and the rock is the rock doesn’t believe there’s a difference, a you and a rock, and so there is no rock. Perfect peace.
  7. @Consept Godspeed. ? One’s stifling is another’s liberation. But of course, up to you how you see, what I say.
  8. @Consept Yes. It’s not a blanket statement, it’s direct experience. It’s your perspective. Notice, you’re not experiencing “outside perspectives”, just words which you’re attributing meaning to, even if the meaning is agreed upon, you’re agreeing....with your own meaning. What is the motive, the intention behind the thread? And why does that motive or intention of yours, not quite resonate, with you?
  9. Making money isn’t seen as bad by spiritual people.
  10. Drop the “nothing seems to work” narrative. Start telling the story of what you want experience to be, and it indeed be’s. Notice this is already the case. Drop the story of “rejected” and “cheated”. That’s a narrative, a version, a story that is about you. If what you desire is more good feeling... don’t tell stories about yourself that don’t feel good. Not “drop” to get laid, but simply because of how it feels. Care about how you feel. It’s very attractive. It’ll be freeing, helpful and contributing to what you want to experience ... to recognize you don’t experience or have any idea what anyone else is thinking. It’s what you’re thinking about what someone else is thinking. If you’re not experiencing success, it’s what you’re thinking, not what they’re thinking. Notice the hypocrisy of believing females are for filling your needs, while also believing “other men are manipulating them and not having their best interest in mind”. Choose to have their best interest in mind. It’s the same as yours... feeling amazing everyday. Without the story that you are ‘making yourself fully understood’, there is ‘space’ for actually hearing what females are saying and understanding. Regarding the not being touched and that being a need... recognize it’s a want. To want to be with a female is a very different vibe and sends a very different signal that need. Try simple meditations, feel. Put yourself in those shoes... are you interested in females who want to be with you... or are you looking for a female who needs to be with you? Can you see how that’s not about to be very fun, as you are reduced to an object basically, something which fulfills a need she has. It’s basically “all about her” in such a scenario. I suspect you would not find that attractive. The strategy of “leveraging the problem” is not going to work. There isn’t a problem. You’re believing and saying there is. That is not attractive. First it must be recognized that there is no problem, you’re opinion is that there is a problem. You can not look to your left and to your right at the same time. You must let go of looking to your left, to be able to look to your right. You must let the “problem” thinking and focus go, so that there can be the experience of solution, or, experiencing what you want.
  11. Definition of insight 1: the power or act of seeing into a situation : PENETRATION 2: the act or result of apprehending the inner nature of things or of seeing intuitively Maybe it wasn’t so much an insight, but a thought about yourself, which didn’t feel good. Who’s looking? It a lesson in thoughts that don’t resonate aren’t insights. Stop digesting material, start consciously creating. Make a dreamboard. Focus on what you want, and thoughts that do feel good to you. Digest material about what you want to do, be, have, create and experience. You’re believing the thought which doesn’t resonate is an insight, as in it’s true or truthful. That doesn’t feel good, so you label the feeling “fear” instead of the thought, “not true”. The “fear” is thinking you’re in a future. If that’s psychosis, relax, 99.9% of the population is psychotic. Meditation is “letting” thoughts come and go (or really, just noticing they do) while relaxing and focusing on breathing from the stomach and feeling... which is presence, or, the opposite of believing thoughts about yourself, in a future.
  12. @SQAAD Why does the sun shine? Why does a human think?
  13. @mandyjw I meant for the listener. That’s what was meant by ‘product’, or video / recording, output. You might be taking it like I was talking about the experience of (teaching). ‘Product’ wise, the listener is listening to a conceptualization, and then it’s on the listener to realize the actuality pointed to. With a song, there’s the song. No concept, pointing, nothing to be realized, etc. We can make up purpose and intention any which way, but it’s not inherent.
  14. No self is actual, it’s not a state. Love isn’t killing you, it’s relinquishing it’s own idea.
  15. @seeking_brilliance Why do I have a feeling the punchline is ‘it’s this’..?
  16. That wasn’t going on in childhood. It’s not actually going on now either. It’s just a self referential thought. It’s a mirage. You - create that thought - by being it. There is no need to believe it. It is you. It is not about you. A thought about what to create is worth more than a million about oneself. You are not creative. That does not define or actually describe you. You are creator creating creation, and you are indescribable and undefinable. Why are you talking about yourself when you could be kicking a soccer ball right now. ? Keep in mind... one could be experiencing the creating of the conceptual, and very much experiencing creativity...but the product or outcome, to another, would be conceptual. In such a case it would behoove you to do as they do, yet not to listen to what they say. An example would be when I make a actuality of being video, it’s conceptual with the hope the concepts conveyed are realized in actuality...but when I create & produce a song, the ‘product’ is not conceptual. Ever notice how few enlightened teachers there are, compared to enlightened musicians? It’s like 1 to 1 million.