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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Call now. Do not wait. Don’t ruminate on misinformation. Call. Yes, as was said, they will suffer tremendously and their lives will effectively be ruined. But more importantly imo… whatever it is… it is felt far worse un-expressed, as a ‘secret’. Allow the experience of talking with a trained specialist. There is much, much, much love here for you. ? Feel free to reach out anytime!
  2. “You are the only conscious thing in existence” is a reference to a you which is a thing which is conscious, which is in existence. That is what the term materialism means, or points to, with the addition of solipsism. There is no you which is a thing, nor which is conscious, nor which is in existence. What was said is not what is being said there. Quite different. Agree, it’s misleading, don’t agree there was ‘the only misleading thing’. The entire statement is misleading. Similarly, “no one is conscious, just you”, is the materialist paradigm & solipsism, delusion, and most misleading words. It’s not a ‘when misleading yourself’, it is misleading yourself. And similarly, ‘keep going deeper’, and ‘beyond concepts’… very misleading. As mentioned & if interested in non-misleading verbiage, check out The Nature of Conscious by Rupert Spira.
  3. Double check by literally pointing. If. This is thought attachment. No offensive is meant. Seems.
  4. SELF INQUIRY This is a meditation technique of enlightenment, i.e. "self realization". By realizing ‘who’ you are, the bonds of suffering are broken. Besides realization, self-inquiry delivers many of the same benefits as other meditation techniques, such as relaxation, enhanced experience of life, greater openness to change, greater creativity, a sense of joy and fulfillment, and so forth. Focus on the feeling of being "me," to the exclusion of all arising thoughts. 1. Sit in any comfortable meditation posture. 2. Allow the mind and body to settle. 3. Let go of any thinking whatsoever. 4. Place your attention on the inner feeling of being "me." 5. If a thought does arise, ask yourself to whom this thought is occurring, as this returns your attention to the feeling of being "me." Continue this for as long as you like. This technique can also be done when going about any other activity. Many people misunderstand the self-inquiry technique to mean that the person should sit and ask themselves the question, "Who am I?" over and over. This is an incorrect understanding of the technique. The questions "Who am I" or "To whom is this thought occurring?" are only used when a thought arises, in order to direct attention back to the feeling of being "me." At other times the mind is held in silence. This practice of turning awareness back upon itself, prior to the ‘I’-thought, is a gentle technique, which bypasses the usual repressive methods of controlling the mind. It is not an exercise in concentration, nor does it aim at suppressing thoughts; it merely invokes awareness of the source from which the mind springs. The method and goal of self-enquiry is to abide in the source of the mind and to be aware of what one really is by withdrawing attention and interest from what one is not. In the early stages effort in the form of redirecting attention from the thoughts to the ‘thinker’ is essential, but once awareness of the ‘I’-feeling has been firmly established, further effort is counter-productive. From then on it is more a process of being than doing, of effortless being rather than an effort to be.
  5. Solipsism is a belief, and it is therein delusion. Doubt does not imply a doubter. Doubt is, doubt. Likewise, “I” can not “prove me wrong”. I = me. “You are the only conscious thing in existence” is the epitome of the materialist paradigm, and there are really no words which could be more misleading.
  6. Damn. That was hard to watch. That guy was so courteous, patient, kind & woke, and that ‘would you push this button’ explanation was otherwise so helpful & insightful. Bubbles have properties by the way. The spheres aren’t bubbles. And well being isn’t a matter of belief at all, just allowing, ‘getting out of one’s own way’. That was a rather complete misunderstanding and therein, sharing of ignorance & misinformation on Reiki, which also has nothing to do with belief(s). Sentiment wise, it’s heartbreaking to see.
  7. That’s correct. That is not a short coming, it’s honesty. But appearance literally, verbally, dishonestly, tells you that you can. And so you continue to ‘look in thoughts’. Duped. Bamboozled. That’s how easily oneness slips through the fingers. Thought arises, “I had…”, and now, from only believing that thought, an interpretation of a separate self with a past which is an object in time arises. And then these thoughts. and these.
  8. @softlyblossoming Infinite apparently forgets that it is infinite, and thus there is no finite, and is often like ‘oh God damnit that’s right’. The cosmic joke. Actuality is kind of the punchline, there is no meaning in actuality. Would’ve been a better pointing…. 3,2,1,0… not two.
  9. There are online therapists available in virtually all languages. ?? These are thoughts (conceptualizations) she and in turn you are believing. It’s purely innocent. This is aversion from expressing emotions. That is what a stranger / therapist is uniquely helpful for, as they (highly likely) don’t share the beliving of these thoughts, and thus have a transcendent (relatively speaking) outside perspective. And that is the key in a big way. Her expression helps. Therapist is like a unbiased, unattached, uninvolved place / space holder. This is going to again have incredibly high potential to offend and I can only hope it isn’t taken that way… enabling can, and imo soon kinda must be recognized. There is also access to those who are much more than willing to help, who have a complete understanding of the universe which they are being. Really open up to all resources available and utilize. ?? Consider she is experiencing the discord of thoughts & beliefs, and you can not join her in this to an extent it’s going to result in there no longer being discord (on her part).
  10. No. ‘It’s’ quite set in stone. Absolutely. Infinite mind is infinite mind, and not even. There is no other thing or entity, outside of, which can define, infinite mind. However, this does not prevent infinite mind from deluding itself via believing apparent finite thoughts that there is a separate self, which can define infinite mind as life, and life is or as mind game(s). The contingency to perpetuate this belief, is that there are other finite minds, which the conceptual separate self and or finite mind, is playing games with. Truly, one can only ‘play mind games’ with oneself, believing one is playing mind games with others. Just two cents, but listen to the discord, vs overriding it with justifications of projections of the discord of the very infinite intelligence spoken of, onto apparent perception, or, as a concession, a ‘teacher’. Also just two cents, but there is a momentum inherent to such discord, and this does manifest as infinite mind as a multitude of apparent health issues. It’s sneaky & unfortunate, but the ‘life is mind games’ thought attachment can also be employed as justification, for the discord in matters of health, or, simply, well being. I’d just write what you want on a dreamboard and allow it.
  11. This question assumes there is a thing, absolute, and this other thing, delusion, and a thing between, such that there are or could be levels of said thing. Infinite cannot know if finite. That there is finite, such as a separate self and things, is what the term delusion points to.
  12. Notice self referential thoughts, thoughts about a you / separate self, and instead express which emotion is experienced. Jealousy feels much better than unworthiness, for example. Doubt is also an emotion. The expression of doubt feels significantly better than than unworthiness or jealousy, and most significantly, better than the suppression. The emotion is guidance - to what you are wanting. Love to hear how it goes. ?? You are already creating reality. Basic meditation. Awareness of thoughts. There is life without doubt, without unworthiness.
  13. Seeking isn’t a product or result of lack. Infinite can not know finite.
  14. @Matthew85 Not meant argumentatively whatsoever… there isn’t that ‘it’. This isn’t a limit of language. ? There isn’t ‘a finite mind exploring consciousness’, there isn’t any ‘understanding of consciousness’. These claims can not be made with integrity in clarity & honesty. It only seems like it from listening to the conjecture of thought attachment to spiritual ego. Essentially, fundamental hypocrisy. But there isn’t that either. These are delusional claims. There could be said to be great significance to this as it relates to actual world peace, and false narratives around mental health & psychedelics, and Truth.
  15. @Yoremo If you think of something you want, just write it on there. You said you want inspiration. So write that. Write the word, inspiration.
  16. @Yoremo Trying to get inspired is adding something there. Just write that on the board, and let trying & thinking about it go. Just have fun. Do what you enjoy.
  17. @Yoremo Make a dreamboard. The universe will be what you write. It’s that simple. Enjoy it.
  18. Self referential beliefs. Self referential thoughts. Go Prior! You are the creator of your reality.
  19. @Kksd74628 Did ya peruse any of the linked sites? Here’s a lighter, short link. Five minutes tops. Moving on now, as you say, and much appreciated.
  20. (Op) This (actually) is infinite mind. It’s the beliefs. Discord, tensions of, stress of, momentum of, ignore-ance of, and the conjecture & collective or group think which perpetuates which (more & more via the internet with every passing day) arises only in continuing to ignore, so to speak, one’s own health, pretending one is helping others in the bypassing of doing so. One is not, one is deeply deluded, and assuredly suffering & bypassing therein. There is no shortage of manipulative people looking to feed on by feeding into ye problems and needs (need them for) and pretend they are the answer, the solution. Value, purpose & meaning. The devil’s (alleged separate self) playing cards, is the devil’s (the knower, the understander) own house of cards. Reiki 1: Heal Yourself. Reiki 2: Help Others To Do The Same. Reiki 3: (then) Teach. Reiki means ray as in light, and love, as in is the key. The pointing of the word is to the Truth, and therein, that this can not be any other way. Sans thought attachment, and the conjecture, manipulative (innocent or otherwise) brainwashing & group think therein… incredibly, incredibly, unthinkably, simple. Don’t conceptualize your own well being away yall. Allow. Receive. Listen. (Not to a Nahm lol) ”You, you’re just like a pill. Instead of making me better, you keep making me ill.” Pink Garbage in, garbage out. Maps & Traps, if interested, see aversion, and spiritual misleadership.