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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @The0Self ? Die into the honing it, as if a prism, through intention for someone who could use the love. It’ll flush it out. Pinnacle experience ime.
  2. @BipolarGrowth ? For sure. I bet you’d LOVE Reiki classes. @mandyjw Hear & a cross... ??
  3. @Pateedm ? Indeed. Here’s a deep gem...”the other guy” ?
  4. Yep. All an illusion, exempt for the bad stuff and the suffering.
  5. @SamC Sounds like you’re pretty open minded topically and are inspecting your perspectives honestly. Maybe take the triggers you mentioned and look to your relationships present & past. Maybe consider the parent situation in childhood between parents, from one to the other and peach one with you was like. Sometimes we don’t want people to have what we didn’t have, and they seem entitled. All ironically paradoxically boils down to the most abundant ‘substance’ there is. Could also be related to a discordant reality sized belief that’s hanging low in your day to day, going unnoticed. That could be anything from belief in pressure or urgency, to doership or efforting.
  6. @vedame Sounds like it’s clearing out, really working for you, awesome. There is a ‘practice’ that comes to mind which might fall perfectly in line following what you’ve mentioned. It’s a foundation of walking meditation, and after getting comfortable with that, while walking choose something off in the distance directly in front of you, a good ways away. Stare at that thing, and only stare at that thing. Don’t try to intensify seeing, allow it to be completely relaxed. Relax the crown, the forehead, the eye sockets, cheeks, jaw, etc, while ‘putting all of your attention’ to that thing in the distance. If you notice a thought arising and ‘getting’ some attention, acknowledge the noticing of it and shift all attention back to the seeing / focusing on the thing in the distance. I have a hunch that the third or fourth time you do this you’ll love the experience. I wouldn’t look for anything in or about perception to change btw, but allowing perception to be seen as it is, without the thin transparent overlay of thought.
  7. None of us can tell you this obviously. You must go and meet with a truykinlian which resides on the seventh most outer ring of planet Krepison.
  8. Great insights! I would add concentration can never be enough because it already is enough.
  9. ‘Them’ is appearance, ‘how’ is what is. Nothing, or, no thing. ‘How’ is formless, view, appearance. Seeing, seen & unseen, is illusory. If you and a blind person are looking at a ferris wheel, it could be said you are seeing and he is not. If there is no ferris wheel, and he is well aware and you are not, it could be said he is seeing and you are not.
  10. All distinctions are (‘made of’) what is without causation or duality. A distinction can appear and be believed, yet never actually made.
  11. First create a dreamboard. Express outwardly and see what you want in front of you (vs swirling around in your head). Start to viscerally connect with feeling, and your ‘why’s’, or, what inspires you (rather than what you’re motivated to avoid). Start to shift what you’re focusing on from yourself, ‘your’ fear, avoidance & substances as solutions... to what you desire to experience in your life, and consciously co-creating it. A clean diet, fitness, twice daily meditation, first earliest in the morning prior to thought activity, screens, people, etc. If you’re new to meditation I’d start with this one. Let the catch all of ‘my fear’ go, and instead choose to inspect & understand the emotions you’re creating. Begin to do so consciously. Takes time for things to ‘click’ and fall into place. Meditation helps with clarity, patience, appreciation and expression, which are the underlying key to everything you want. Then when you take psychedelics you’re not tripping and trying to simultaneously address monkey mind and emotional discord, as it will already have been addressed. Your trips will begin to be smoother and far more productive so to speak in terms of well being and sifting through to deeper and deeper alignment in truth. Overall, you are like a flashlight... anything you put your attention on is illuminated, clarified, demystified and de-fear-afied for you. Perpetuating fear strictly requires avoidance. Without avoidance, there is no experience of fear. The dreamboard is a life changing experience in this regard, as you shift from focusing on avoiding what you don’t want, to inspiration and alignment of thought, feeling and source, in regard to what you do want, and reality becomes what you do want. This is not thinkable or believable, you must directly experience it, however, none of this requires any effort whatsoever. This will culminate into dispelling the question of “how do I know when I’m there?”.
  12. Lay a solid foundation first.
  13. Less conditional experiencing / joy. Yes. Try everything. Only direct experience counts, so to speak. Absolutely. Take Leo’s life purpose course. Don’t hesitate or think about it. A strong sense of purpose Is fundamentally deeply connective and inspiring.
  14. Have you tried daily practices like meditation, yoga, breathing, seeing - hearing - feeling, expressing, etc? If interested in reading some short descriptions, here are some which are focused less on thinking (about what other people think) and more on feeling, emotional understanding & mental and social equanimity. You also might find this article on the ten ox pics interesting and insightful, if you’ve not seen it yet. You might be experiencing similarly to the description of the first picture. I’d also get stuff out of the head and into the room. Write down a few things you’d to like to change in your experience. This will help you not only connect more in feeling, but focus much less on what others might or might not think or feel. I’d also google and read a few sources on projection. If you notice you don’t like how you’re feeling... switch from thinking about yourself, to what you want to create and experience. Take note of that shift in better feeling. I do not mean to imply you are vein or anything like that. It is a very “real” felt energetic shift and realization, which is very aligned with direct experience. Tuning & calibrating how you feel will very much jive with direct experience. I would go so far as to say the universe has been waiting your entire life for you to begin this. I’d be as open minded as is possible, to consider you might be completely misunderstanding the feelings you’re experiencing. It is possible it all actually makes perfect sense and is whole and harmonious, and those feelings are inviting you to inspect, and play, and co-create.
  15. Any story you tell about yourself comes true. Psychedelics will show you this by clearing away the falsity of the currently repeating story. It’s hard to see it’s not true about you when it’s repeating. Psychedelics really shine here. To lessen the lesson psychedelics will one day show, begin telling a good feeling story, and only a good feeling story, about yourself. The simple practice of improv writing is super effective for this. What would be BY FAR more lasting and effective, is understanding conditioning and emotions, and not believing thoughts about yourself. Takes time, but when you reorient in this way, time is a mute point because you’re literally feeling better and better everyday, just for the alignment with the choice and intention, of your own well being. Don’t underestimate alignment with well being, feeling better is the only ‘thing’ you actually want. Magically, when you do this and do feel great, it is as if you have ten times the focus, patience, and clarity. Beliefs and the repetition of the stories about yourself (vs understanding the emotions you’re experiencing) cloud the lens, making it seem like there is a lack of clarity. When you inspect those beliefs, it’s very much popping bubbles of goodness, the very goodness of feeling that it desired, and clearing the lens of focus. Alignment with well being (including diet and choosing good feeling thoughts about yourself, if any) is the power of you as love and a creator of your reality, to tell the story of your dream, your heart. Tell the story of what is going to be, not what is. That will be, what is.
  16. @Kalo The video is for the kids. Remember? (Kind of a trick question)