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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @FoxFoxFox Are there decisions? So to speak, if you were doing as much as you can, you’d have forgot about the problem already. The ‘problem’ kept alive is the pursuit of the shaktipat for you, which inherently rules it out. The “prophets cave” is a farce. Time wasted. Inquiry, vows, selflessness, control, relegating, a God, asking people... all is nonsense. The subtly of this nonsense is thought, yet felt, or, as ‘feeling’, it is no more. Almost hard to grasp how you’re tolerating it really.
  2. What meaning, in a ‘meat on the bone’ sense, can be seen, or, which awareness aware of, there?
  3. @EntheogenTruthSeeker If Christianity, Jesus, Christ, etc, is comforting and good feeling for you in difficult times in your life, that’s great. If you’re interested in self realization, begin to ‘peel away’ the thoughts, the context, inspect beliefs, explore new and more profound experiences, and dial directly into the feeling itself, so to speak. Fall into it, bask in it, all thoughts coming and going, all discord purging, until there is love / silence / you.
  4. @FoxFoxFox Not sure what you mean in that reply. I meant more, shaktipah isn’t something you decide to do and just start doing, or learn or get advice on. Most simply & practically speaking, what percentage of your free time are you currently spending with helping people, and for how many years? How clear is it that there’s no thought or choice applicable? Put another way, if you’re thinking about it, it ain’t happenin, if & when it’s happenin there’s nothing to think about. Might contemplate why fear & virtue came up.
  5. First step is willingness & open mindedness. You have to accept that what ends up working for you won’t be similar to what you’ve tried which didn’t work. What works will initially not seem like it will work, and you’ll reject and minimize it. Take the path of least resistance directly to your well being. If you can, talk to someone who’s already done what you’re aiming to do. Makes for less rollercoaster of reinventing the wheel. Start a dreamboard. Take Leo’s LP Course.
  6. Other than the dimensions, expediting, and asking, that’s all accurate. Totally agree with @BipolarGrowth on Holy Spirit / Holy Ghost. I wouldn’t pursue this though honestly. If you were destined to tame lions you’d be in the jungle.
  7. Patience can’t be developed, because you are already effortlessly eternally patient. You’re identifying with the emotion of impatience. It can’t possibly be true about you however, because you are experiencing it. If you = impatience, there would not be the experience of impatience. You + you = still just, you. Two methods to detach from that identification and never experience impatience again: Use the emotional scale. Recognize that you experience the emotion, impatience. And when you do, it leads to pessimistic thoughts about your future. “I’ll never..” etc. Don’t identify and make impatience a home... keep moving up the scale. Acknowledge that when you think that way about yourself, indeed pessimistic thoughts follow. Ever find yourself with more than ample energy - yet - experiencing boredom? Acquiesce to it. Settle into now. Step away from the task at hand, take five minutes. Drop your precious thoughts like china. Sink into gravity. Just be. Focus on seeing, hearing, breathing, and feeling. If and when you do, every time you do, you will allow doubt, disappointment, overwhelment, impatience, pessimism and boredom to fall away, to settle as the peace they really are, and you will experience the emotion of contentment. Feeling is like a cork. When you hold it underwater, and miss that you’re identifying with an emotion, it seems like something must be done, fixed, added, learned, solved, obtained, achieved, increased, amplified, etc. But that’s not how a cork works at all. You let go; cork floats. That is it’s nature. That is your nature. That is just how Goodness rolls. It’s uncovered, allowed, welcomed, invited, made time for, made room for... never the product of something we do. It never comes and goes, it’s always there for you. We just get a little busy sometimes, and all up into the thoughts and identifying. Contentment, relative to doubt, impatience, etc... feels downright awesomely peaceful. When you’re allowing that contentment... you’re not experiencing pessimism... because you’re feelin cool and calm. Naturally... hopefulness arises, like the steam of the cool morning ocean, it’s just it’s nature, it’s just how it rolls. Hopefulness feels really good compared to previous emotions on the scale... and naturally... optimism arises, and some thoughts pop right outta that sweet goodness... some killer thoughts about you kickin ass and takin names in a future. That feels really, really good, like Matthew McConaughey playin the bongo’s naked good. No reason, just good. Just for the feeling of it, just being alive, experiencing, this now. Then, honestly, the moment just gets bat shit crazy. Enthusiasm springs up more chill than bubbles in a Coors light. That’s just how it rolls. We’re talking effervescent mountain chilled coolness. Good luck not feeling happiness in such a predicament. You keep that up, this learning about the emotions you’re experiencing... instead of identifying...well, fuck. It’s game over for the rest of us. That momentum is a new passion, a never before arising in you. A once in eternity best of both worlds blend of you and our ineffable ever loving source. Nobody can compete with that allowing of goodness. From there... just forgetaboutit. I mean really. It won’t even be fair to the human race. You’ll be shootin joy from your fingertips. Programming?! Programming?!! Psh, you crush cities with your bare feet with such an infusion of empowerment and freedom. The programming you do will be like what’s inside that brief case in Pulp Fiction. You’re a legend. A thousand years from now artificial intelligence will lock itself in a meltdown conundrum just trying to figure out how you did it. Second ‘method’, utter honesty. Going ‘most prior’ as the awareness you are. “I’m playing a game... the ‘I’m impatient, and have all this pressure, game’ “. You can take a break and push eject on that game. You are the game master - it’s your game. You get to play it how you want. You’re calling all the shots, and nobody’s keeping track. Nobody’s tracking, tallying, or even checking. You get to choose how you experience, always, every second of everyday. You are a creator. You can set that game disc aside for a bit. You won’t lose it, it’ll be there, you can pop it back in whenever you want. You can pop in the ‘if I don’t enjoy this moment now...then when’ game. You can push eject on the “better feeling will be in the future” game... and pop in the “feeling is here now, always” game. Programming...?! You are Thee Programmer.
  8. @Preety_India You are so beautiful and easy to love, and I appreciate you. @RendHeaven Thank you for everything! ??
  9. Spirituality is the pursuit of what is actual and or true. The actuality of psychology is that none of it is true, including “true actualization”. It’s an appearance. When believed, it’s content so to speak, is illusory. A “spiritualist” would regard this as thought attachment, and recognize there is no such thing as “a spiritualist”. There is no thinker, let alone a narcissist. The wind blows, yet there is no blower.
  10. @SamC I’m at a loss as to how something there is valued. One can believe one is perfectionistic, but it’s not true, it’s a belief. Same for having contempt against yourself. There’d have to be two of you for that to be possible. Imagine a judge in a courtroom holding himself in contempt. The bailiff might say “but judge, you are you”... but the judge might judge the bailiff, and miss the insight. I don’t think you despise anything or anyone there... I think the thought doesn’t feel good...and there is a case of choosing “being right” over feeling good...(?) Right & wrong, an authority of right & wrong, and judgement... are all pretty solid blue. Leaving that, would be for orange. Recognizing everyone has an opinion, but nobody’s right, or better. Putting feeling first is crucial for orange.
  11. @SamC @SamC ‘Wrong’ may not be the perfect word... maybe ‘contempt’. No, I’m not implying you have blue or any logical models in you. Moralizing and nitpicking could be a blue indicator. It’s thinking people should be the same. Someone who ‘breaks off’ from the herd isn’t concerned with this, generally speaking. They’re focus on themself more, and doing their thing.
  12. Realizing there are no mistakes is inevitable. No. But thought could make it so. Generally speaking, in regard to inevitability & karma, take notice that you do not know what you’ll do, or what will happen next. This very moment, you’ve no idea whatsoever. There are thoughts, predictions, etc, but no knowing. Also notice how you feel has significant influence. The karma could be said to be an action didn’t resonate with your conscience, and to alleviate the discord, you apologized, made amends. This can be a ‘lesson’ or insight into reaction (animal) and response (creator), and a tempo which allows humility, and liberation from the wheel of karma.
  13. @SamC What’s wrong with someone being a perfectionist? They should probably be more like you, or how you believe people should be, which is pretty blue. Blue is a bit ‘people should be a certain way, because that’s what I’m comfy with’. Orange is a return to individuality, all the one’s being uniquely the one’s, and loving & appreciating the variety.... since introspectively, this frees you to be you.
  14. @spiritualryan Sit and relax, and take deep breaths. Do that until you feel a subtle shift, into a bit deeper relaxation. Then bring up each of these to mind (A & B), and ‘check in’, or really feel the abdomen area, feel how it’s responding... A) I am unconscious. I have panic attacks. I have social anxiety. Then take a moment to consider how those thoughts feel. Hone into the abdominal area and consider, if it feels’s confirming that those thoughts about you are indeed true. If it feels not great, it’s saying those thoughts about you are not true. B) I am conscious. I am peace. I am loving. Then take a moment to feel how you feel.
  15. @Topann The right conversation at the right time can change everything.
  16. Very generally speaking, the identifying with the past keeps the pain active. The identity (and a past) never quite ‘fits’. Not to imply anything is easy, or hard, or justified, or not. This is just how it is, because of how boundlessly fucking beautiful, awesome and amazing you truly, truly are. Only love will do, and it’s abundant and free. Is all things, and flows in all directions. Give love. Love an ant, literally. Love the sky. Love the trees. Love the birds, their very song is for you to hear, to experience, to enjoy. They say “I love you” over and over, everyday, first thing. They’re on it. Listen, receive. Love anyone and anything you can muster up love to and for. Above all, love yourself. Be as willing as you can in receiving love. The universe is very literally ‘made of’ love, it showers you always, everywhere, unconditionally. Start small, feel the inner smile every morning, bring it through each day with you, further and further through the day with each passing day. See yourself with love. This can bring emotions up and out. There is no method for not ‘getting stuck in the thought stories’ of me, past, future, etc... but the sting, or burn, is the love. We must willingly meet love where it’s at, prior to the clouds which seem to veil, yet are always perfectly, clearly, felt. The rollercoaster settles a bit more each day, with each letting go, in equanimity. The combination of expressive journaling (an emptying) and understanding the emotions, is the ‘other than more thinking’ that I believe the intuition and heart are longing for. Most difficult perhaps, is the relinquishing of expectations... ‘that didn’t work’, ‘I already tried that’, ‘that’s not gonna work’. It can be challenging letting black and white go, moving into the actuality of grey, as there is no ‘fault’ in grey, only the innocence which ‘has been’ and ‘will always be’ ever present, or, this right now presence.
  17. You’re ignoring your intuition. Stop stifling yourself so much when you’re feeling the true nature. Listen to it, so to speak.
  18. @Inva Weird how we favor compassion, isn’t it? Well, then again, you might not know what that is.
  19. I’ve been ‘there’ too. Rough as hell. I feel for ya. Chat with me today. Got nothing to lose. ? If it’s presently unaffordable, there’s no charge, no problem. Talk with uniquely trained experts who also actually really do care... There is a ‘bounce’. It can and will get better. The greatest, most fulfilling worthwhile lives are almost always preceded with a ‘bottoming out’ such as this. It can transmute to an amazing and beautiful liberation. 24 imo is very specifically the roughest age. You are loved my friend, and there is much love with you, for you and within you. It indeed feels ‘off’ to deny what is. Indeed, there is another way.
  20. The inevitability isn’t the mistake, it’s the karma. Self referential thinking feels off because it is off. That you can think you is more of a belief, a hypothetical which isn’t actual. The discord felt ‘tells you’ this. ‘You’ can ‘push on’ and continue, and the discord will ‘get louder’, again, making alignment ‘with’ (as) the true nature ‘inevitable’. Wether that is ‘the best of both worlds’, or ‘during this lifetime’, or “otherwise” is what’s in question. To be, know, experience, the ‘best of both worlds’ inherently, inevitably, requires the actuality of the silence, or clarity, which is literally that which is appearing as the thoughts believed, aka monkey mind, thought attachment, or, self referential thinking (the belief ‘you’ can ‘think yourself’). Listen to the whisper, the body mind will thank you, so to speak. Focus on what you want to create & experience. It feels Good to pop these bubbles of beliefs. Feel the relief in the shift of orientation from “thinking about yourself”, to what you want, and understand the emotions being experienced. If interested in a method or practice of shifting from the ‘stoppage’ or ‘stuckness’ of self referential thoughts, spend a few minutes day improv writing and expressing. Making a dreamboard is a great, easy, effortless way to be more focused on what you want, than what you believe you need. Only in the focusing through the lens of need did you end up sending the pic. As a separate self that is regrettable and painful, as it jeopardizes happiness. As happiness (silence, clarity, true nature) you created that experience, just like you are now, and will apparently continue to ‘do’.
  21. The proper way to deal with being in love, is loving being in love, imo. Might be some remnants of thought attachment (identity, identifying, trying to weave a new identity) playing out. Inspecting those thoughts on paper might help with ‘seeing’ that they’re just thoughts.
  22. @Brandon Nankivell An illusion being something which seems like something it isn’t... the illusion in this case would be that there are, or could be, “enlightened humans”.
  23. “I just found out there’s no such thing as the real world, just a lie we got to rise above.” John Mayor
  24. “Something reached out and touched me, now I know, all I want, is the best of both worlds.” Sammy Hagar