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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @SoonHei Very sorry for your loss. In all fairness, it should also be disclosed that his message was edited more than once after I replied. I do not know by who, only that it was. My posts are visible and searchable. I have never supported the notion or concept of Mahāsamādhi, or, the conscious death’, but offered clarity on the misunderstanding.
  2. @Wilhelm44 Nonduality means not two. The term points without defining. When comparing that which already seems to be defined, it is already missed there are, not two. There is not someone who knows this, nor someone to fully realize nonduality. ‘People self realized’, would be two. This has not only been covered extensively on this forum, it is literally the only apparent content of it.
  3. @ivankiss (If I might) not a wrong ‘how’. and of itself is inherently, as in feel for oneself now, check ‘direct experience’, intuitively, ‘off’. Or, being already is thought, and thus can not be thunk.
  4. Never resolved by diagnosis as individual separate selves. That feeds into the very heart of the suffering and perpetuates. Only the truth, or true nature will do. Not adding delusion, judgement, isolations, etc. Treat symptoms, ease symptoms, rather than weave an identity.
  5. @Muhammad Jawad So very sorry for your loss. I’ve no ‘answers’ beyond what @RMQualtrough already stated.
  6. @SQAAD Your friend is correct. Self realized. Spot on. (So to speak). “Infinite intelligence”, and even ‘not knowing’ is just pointing, Mystery unto ‘itself’. Make. A. Dreamboard. ‘Peeps’.
  7. More opposite direction. Awakening is profound but subject object, with awakening as the object or experience of the one which awakens, wether referring to self, no self, God, Being, etc. God consciousness is an awakening experience for example, and isn’t as purified so to speak re subject object, or, is a right of passage if you will back to not knowing. Analogously imagine someone experiencing thought attachment and negative psychology being told they are state free or state less no mind bliss. The gap makes it sound like a full circle back to regular old nonsense. A thought (something known) about won’t do, and direct experience won’t do. Aka Mu. The terms ‘not knowing’, or ‘mu’ even, are like the term sun, compared to being the sun, and not knowing what a sun is.
  8. @Zeroguy On the reality spited. Not people.
  9. Success is the best revenge.
  10. @SageModeAustin Putting how you feel first is the deepest dive. I’m talking about intuition and infinite intelligence. What is felt, more so than what is thought. Victim mentally never crossed my mind.
  11. No one is interested in awakening and suffering and nothing will bring anyone happiness, love and peace. No one is questioning it as there isn’t anyone who doesn’t know.
  12. @Endangered-EGO I don’t mean let go in an ability /something one is able to do sense, I mean the opposite. When you let that go too, do you experience contentment? (I’m not asking about peace, but about contentment)
  13. @Endangered-EGO What about when you let go, do you experience contentment?
  14. Do you find that this sometimes leaves you with a grim future outlook, concerned about your future going the way you’d like it to?
  15. @SageModeAustin Some listen to how they feel, and change what they focus on, think about, or believe (Alignment). While others just label feeling fear, and life shit, and continue suffering.
  16. It can’t, but that doesn’t stop it from talking about itself as a separate thing which can’t separate itself. And apparently a very efficient one at that, it’s work is done before it even began. It doesn’t have to appear as things, just the thoughts ‘it’ & ‘things’, and the ‘asking how’. Or, “distinctions”.
  17. @fopylo Sounds like some great breakthroughs. The emotional scale can be very illuminating.
  18. Finite identification is the experiential limiter of infinity. Wisdom can no more be gained or lost than the wind. Everyone is ‘in’ it, not everyone is perpetuating they’re not, with finite identification. In the survival of the fittest sense, survive with others rather than against, as the more infinity given away the more which is experience. If you like the wetness, don’t turn the faucet to five percent. The well is bottomless. The experience of electricity is accomplished by limitation, but not for the electricity. The claiming, gaining, keeping, holding, withholding, would feel off like a tug of war between wanting to know the true self, and simultaneously limiting ‘it’.
  19. I’ve worked with quite a few and found taking ownership of thought & feeling to be the key. In this sense, one is never actually having to deal with narcissistic people, and see’s this as one’s own projection of an individual ‘there’ where there is not. A more simple but blunt was to say it is you’re feeling your thoughts, they’re feeling there thoughts, neither has to ‘deal’ with the other really. In the projecting of an individual or separate self (the narcissist) is the underlying implicit self referential projection as the victim of. Spotting and releasing self referential thought (since you can’t think yourself / delusion), and instead aligning and dissolving thought in feeling, similar to what @Zigzag Idiot posted (or at least perhaps my overly simplifying interpretation of it). In short, let them touch the stove, as words don’t teach. Let them be a bull in a china shop, but not your china shop, theirs. Choose your boundaries in mind, just as you would of the body. Put your focus on what resonates, it allows others an example to do the same.
  20. @Proserpina Awesome. I’m not suggesting trying to tap into the smell again though. Imo it’s served it’s purpose already, and you were very receptive to it. If it were me, I’d buy or pick lylacs, or roses, etc, and give them to / put in a vase, for / by mom.
  21. @Swarnim Awesome! Solid glimpse. ‘It’ is being ‘you’, you are being ‘you’, there is no you or sustaining of an it. Rumi comes to mind, ‘removing the barriers’, vs, ‘trying to sustain it’. The barriers are the veil of thought via labeling, specifically (typically at least) thought as interpretations with respect to relationships. Let ‘it’ uncover itself, naturally, just let the ‘barriers’ go. I hope it’s not heard with any personal off putting implication, but helpfully and usefully, even ‘need some help with love realization’, as such an interpretation, veils, as this is from the ‘it is not me & I need help with it’, help ‘getting back to it’ perspective. “It” is This! ”Caught me off guard” brought a song, ‘You Should’ve Seen The Other Guy’ to mind, in which he articulates this so well imo. When we get out of this fight, you’re gonna help me wrap my hands. Stitchin up my eyes - you know that love can blind. And them was big old boys, had fists like cinder & stone. I dodge a blade on a dime; they was out to cut my throat. It’s a lot, it’s a mark, they’re gonna impress down on you. A haze, in my head, must’ve been hit too hard - off guard. I think I’m gonna be it tonight. If there’s one way out, it’s to swing my way through the crowd. I interpret that he is making references similar to the ox herder pictures, post first glimpse. That there isn’t really ‘the other guy’ we are ever fighting, and that proximity in relationships and the intellectual interpretations / bonds therein etc, family connections, or ‘blood’, tends to ‘blind’, or veil, for fear of a loss, which is ultimately backwards (there’s no actual loss). The love we fight against, is the very same which then heals when we’re done fighting, or ‘stitches up the eyes’, from the blinding cuts of interpreting love, or experiencing through a false (but absolutely innocent) subject object relating. He notes projection, in battling love, ‘the other guy’ is always exaggerated ‘fists like cinder & stone’, and our role in instigating always minimized ‘I dodge a blade on a dime, they were out to cut my throat’. We see ourselves as defender, other as aggressor, through projection of the self & other, subject object veil, which is a heavy ‘mark’ it seems they impress on you (we actually impress it upon ourself, love). As such, it’s inevitably realized to be a haze in my head, via spotting the projecting, labeling, etc... and the projection & labeling does return, come and go, before dissipating for the duration, noted by projection one’s own veiling onto another, as if the discord wasn’t felt, or as if one was ‘hit off guard’. Then the ‘last throws’ of ‘trying to be it (love)’, and the emptying of the ego or animal, a last hurrah of attempting to defend a “separate self’, by seeing the only way out (there is no way out of love) is by ‘swinging one’s way through the crowd’. What the lyrics, or communication can never say, I feel is portrayed so well in the meaningless ‘howls’ of the chorus.
  22. Smell is ‘the strongest spiritual sense’, and the most subtle, and is the only literal direct sensation so to speak. Contemplating sound or sight by comparison is much ‘easier’ to unravel or realize the actuality of for example. I’m familiar with the death smell. You might think about it in reverse, as the smell of not life vs of death. To continue on in the same direction, and don’t expect this to make any logical sense right now... I would read about and contemplate on hydrogen. Again, more ‘put info or videos’ in front of you, and just experience it, absorb it, not necessarily think about it. Just being more aware of it and holding it in mind with a heart full of love, you can not only change your ph balance at a consciousness / dna level, but also those around you who aren’t holding resistance to it. They don’t need to know or hear anything about periodic elements, only to desire well being and release any resistances to it.