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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Well hell yes.
  2. There’s “letting it go” and there’s really Letting It Go / can’t even remember what it was, takes a minute to come to mind, a certain reloading of it into / as the now is experienced. Once you got that jealousy from others… let the comparative thinking go…it served it’s purpose & was heard / felt… now you know what you want… move up the scale to passion and do / live it. If it’s to be famous, be famous. If it’s to be really good at something, be really good at something. But do so for you so to speak, just for the direct experience of it, because you love it that much, because it lights you up, illuminates you, sets you on fire. Not for your thoughts about how you’re seen or thought of. That’d be ruminating unproductive busy work of the mind. Allow what everyone else is doing to be a great well of jealousy… appreciation that they are doing it, resulting in inspiration & passion brought to direct experience. You can pair this with selflessness along the way, and or go full selfish too… all roads lead to unity and servitude, and you don’t even need to know that along the way.
  3. @Loving Radiance Meditation, specifically listening to the silence is likely the answer. The ‘chattery’ mind factor ends into the listening to Nothing. Can be ‘practiced’ outside of the formal practice of meditation as well of course, the silence is always ‘on’, even beneath all varieties of sounds. The ‘worthwhile’ of this is then (eventually) there aren’t thoughts in the particles or dual sense anymore per se, but insights and eventually just waves, then siddhis, etc. In the shorter term, if the mind is active in that way, try aligning the activity to what someone is saying. Make a movie in the mind which they’re narrating basically. A sort of doubling down on focus and interest in what they’re saying. For fun, and insight, view that movie like Sherlock Homes. The mind reveals subtle ‘clues’ in this way, that will feel inspiring and insightful as to what they’re experiencing, and is very expanding & a pleasant experience for you. Memorizing the Reiki symbols (the first three anyways) comes to mind. Form writing them on paper each day until memorized, and then ‘writing them in your mind’… a different type of communication occurs with source. That of symbols without linear implications. It’s really neat and fun, and very much like the aliens and humans in the movie Arrival. Inspiring video idea, thank you for that.
  4. It sounds like contingent happiness. (Happiness is love, awareness, consciousness, infinite being). The contingency looks like; have her, I’m happy. Don’t have her; I’m not happy. I’m not suggesting this is easy, it’s not. It takes experience, heartbreak & ‘rebuilding’ from heartbreak. But the light at the end of the tunnel is that happiness isn’t something you have, which you could lose… because it’s the true nature of what you are… but thoughts, or, the mind, kind of hijacks the happiness / love by projecting it onto the having or not having of someone or something, or of things going or not going your way. It is rough, but it does get better & better the more one experiences, and learns to let go of discordant thoughts, namely about oneself. There are ways to go about this…. Meditation. Then there isn’t attachment, or as much attachment, to the thoughts. Then when a thought like “I might lose her” arises, there is still some space around the thought, and that space is happiness / love. So the thought isn’t so convincing, and the ‘loss’ doesn’t seem so detrimental or threatening. This is completely innocent and pretty much, again, requires experience to learn and realize. Everyone get’s into this place via forgetting they are the happiness / love. When you ‘have it’, it seems like it’s arising from an outside source. Meditation is most helpful is clearing the mind, such that it becomes clearer happiness / love arises within you, and inevitably, is you. If you can hear this - what you want to happiness / love, not per se, any one person or relationship. Again, there’s a learning curve. Don’t ‘beat up’ on yourself. Please don’t take / use what I’m saying in that light. Another way to shift perspective and thus feeling, is entertaining the perspective that you never ‘have’ her to begin with, such that you could ‘lose’ her. She’s not a possession. She’s not something you need, to be happy, to feel the love that is / you are. It’s likely the thought arises.. “then what do I need to do to know and feel this happiness / love that I am?”. And that is the big paradox which makes youthful heartbreak so rough - there isn’t anything you can do per se… but if you let go of any thoughts or beliefs about yourself to the contrary, the happiness / love rises of it’s own accord, effortlessly. Another way is to shift what you’re focused on. Not per se at the time of argument or of a break up, but generally, kinda, all the time… putting more ‘happiness / love stock’ in the thrill & wonder of creating the life you most deeply desire to create - that being with or without a relationship, a significant other, or sex, etc. I am not saying you shouldn’t desire or make efforts to have relationships, sex, etc. I am saying ‘your’ happiness is less contingent on someone else than it seems, when we’re young. No offense. Again, it’s innocent. Generally, people who do ‘find’ that happiness love, and it’s from a relationship, end up feeling there must be more. It’s not satisfying. It is at first, but not in the long run. In a way all roads lead to self realization and the wonder of consciously creating. Arguably the most important factor is letting go. Which again, takes experience. By letting go I mean… when you’re already upset, angry, heartbroken, concerned, worried, frustrated, etc, etc… all you really want is to feel better. So we think and ‘make moves’ attempting to feel better. But we can’t, as Esther Hicks says, “get from there to there”. You can’t get from anger to passionate creating for example, without letting go and feeling contentment along the way. One must let go, or, empty the cup, so that it can then be filled with the goodness one is. Then it just gets clearer and clearer happiness / love is ever present, and ever available, without contingencies. Also… the current interpretation might be confusing to you, but you might be missing that the confusion, and likely frustration, arises from the interpretation. You might interpret that you need validation and are insecure. But it’s possible that isn’t actuality true about you at all. It’s possible that complimentary words and kindness from people are more of a break from thoughts which don’t feel good. Thoughts about yourself perhaps. Without thoughts / beliefs about yourself that don’t feel good, there is little need, desire for, or even interest in feeling better from compliments or validation from outside yourself. Again, takes experience, consideration, contemplation, expression, and meditation is most helpful. Might be helpful to express how you feel, understand why your parents or influential people around you act & behave(d) as they did / do. Often when you see they’re doing their best, a lot which you might have believed to be about you is seen to be outward projection from them, which had nothing to do with you. I mean, you might have caught the brunt of it, it might have been anywhere from unpleasant to traumatic, but the freedom is realizing it’s not your fault, and ultimately understanding & forgiveness of others, is the ultimate freedom for you.
  5. Understanding is like wifi, and some phones believe it’s their wifi. Can ya blame em though? Totally seems like it is. There are countless reasons that it is. Infinite ‘reasons’. WiFi’s funny like that. Or phones are funny that way. Depends on how you look at it. The wifi can never actually say or explain or understand, the wifi.
  6. @Zigzag Idiot Not that anything from the book sounds off… but it could be taken as there is achievement / attainment required regarding the diamond terminology. Frank Yang comes to mind. he uses a term, “the natty” (or naddy). I think it’s just a slang reference to ‘natural’, or what I use the term ‘true nature’ to point to. But, you could see how someone could mistake this as not the most fundamental-what-already-is, and interpret it as “I have to reach / achieve / accomplish / attain “The Natty”. The reference to Frank is just an analogous example, in response to what I think you’re inquiring, which is how my approach or sharing differs from what you shared from ’Runaway Realization’ above. (Frank seems right in imo, and I like the term ;the natty ). I am always orienting and reorienting again & again to drop all but the most simplest of language. That’s the only difference that I notice. My hope is that folks realize ‘oh wow, what I’ve been just calling “feeling or my feelings” has been guidance this whole time!”, because I can see, or have a vision, that this is betterment for one and all. I like to be a part of that so to speak, vs trying to coin terms and reinvent or personalize anything. Hopefully that makes sense (cause in a way I’m not even saying anything). In regard to the pulsing sensation… imo… the best way to go is to give the entire matter to source. To let any labels upon it go, and just relax, feel into the body naturally, in an effortless normal sense. So… “sensational guidance” is just a pointing. Not something I would say is a “Realization” (capitol R style)… just ‘oh, ok, feeling, emotions, guidance, cool’.
  7. @BlackMaze Great inquiry. I’d first establish what you want. Anything small or seemingly insignificant, like literally ‘a sand which’… and anything big or seemingly significant, like become a millionaire… anything. I’d write it down, instead trying to remember or keep it top of mind. Dreamboard is great for this. Then, there is a point, that which you desire has been express, and you’re creating consciously, purposefully. Then, ‘thinking for yourself’, (while that implies there are two of you I get what you mean) has a point. As an example, say someone wants to be an Olympic figure skater. Then what does thinking for oneself, on one’s own behalf look like? Choices like what to eat, how much sleep to get, wether or not to do drugs, drink alcohol, etc, etc, etc… these choices are secondary, and supportive of the chief desires which were written down. Also, something to consider and much more so directly experience… the ‘deeper’ one goes in expressing one’s wants & desires… deeper as in more honestly, more authentically… the more desire is felt… and the more one is inspired via focusing on what one desires. It is far easier, and much more ‘stream’ or ‘flow’, in comparison to one employing motivation, or, the avoidance of what one doesn’t want.
  8. @Loving Radiance Are you saying you want to be able to listen to someone without attention shifting to ‘your own’ thought narrative?
  9. The perspective you need is one of shortage, lack, incompleteness... and possibly even of unfairness… but is sustained, repeated, via the denial of what you want, and that you are wanting & do want. Think about what you want, instead of ‘yourself’, or, a ‘self’ which needs, which you are developing. (There is no actual experience of there being these “two of you”; the ‘developer’ & the ‘developed’). This apparent duality is never actually experienced, it is only apparent, as in seems so, in thoughts. If you didn’t believe you need, how could you experince the frustration of not having? Are you ever frustrated that you don’t have what you don’t believe you need? A milkshake for example is a pleasurable and satisfying (arguably) experience in terms of sensation and satiation… is it ‘a problem’ that you don’t have a milkshake? No, because you aren’t believing you need one. Do you want one…? Notice, in that reframe of want (rather than need), you’re ‘back’ in control (were the whole time). If you are knowing what you are wanting, you are able to recognize resistant thoughts against the having of it. Those resistant thoughts are self referential thoughts. They feel off because they reference an incomplete, or separate, ‘self’, which there isn’t. Then a paradigm flip can occur such as effortlessly letting go of the resistance simply because it neither makes logical sense nor feels good, rather than believing you’re ‘sometimes supposed to feel ‘off’ or ‘bad’…. And therefore must effort or ‘work past’ these thoughts, to experience relationships, intimacy, and sex. If I said I need to develop myself before I could ride a bike, you might tell me that the ‘development’ is the riding of the bike. I might wipe out a few times, but that’s the only way to learn, direct experience. What is ‘sexual maturity’, if not sexual experience? In the devil’s advocate sense… if I told you there were things I need before I could ride a bike… what would you tell me? In regard to ‘emotionally connecting with people’, you might consider this is also a thought which has no actuality, and in believing it does you’re unknowingly creating - yet knowingly experiencing, emotional confusion. The emotional connection is found in none other than in the creating of the emotions; the discord or alignment between thoughts & feeling. Another person can never supplement that relationship, and when that relationship is solid, the world is your oyster. Potential sexual mates and significant others will intrinsically be attracted… because everyone desires that connection, that wholeness, that power. It is indeed within you, look for it there and you will find it in great abundance.
  10. Give The Six Pillars of Self Esteem a read, I think you’ll be glad you did. In truth one never feels the being called stupid, only the resonance of agreement (or not). When not, it’s readily seen as name calling; discord which belongs to the caller, never the called. Daily morning meditation to get some space around the thought attachment. Spiral Dynamics to understand the transcend-able ‘blue’ of ‘other than yourself’ authority.
  11. If you consider what you’re thinking about (reality)… the very word definitively states… Definition of reality: 1: the quality or state of being real (1): a real event, entity, or state of affairs (2): the totality of real things and events (3): something that is neither derivative nor dependent but exists necessarily When you think about parallel realities, that which is real is the thoughts, not what the thoughts are about (there being parallel realities). ‘Reality’ is synonymous with ‘totality’ (not separations or separate things). Clearly you don’t like how these particular thoughts feel, and something within you (intuition & feeling) ‘says’ something is indeed ‘off’ about these thoughts. You’re attributing this ‘off-ness’ feeling to the possibility the thoughts are creating or could create or effect a “secondary reality”. To do so is to suppress the guidance within you, feeling. The thoughts feel off because: 1). Feeling & intuition (which tell you these thoughts are neither true nor accurate) are not other than the very reality you’re thinking about. Instead of ignoring reality (feeling & intuition) and believing the thoughts, let the thoughts go by discovering & listening to… intuition & feeling. Allow Source (reality) into your life (intuition & feeling, guidance). 2). The thoughts are creating your experience of this reality. By focusing on these thoughts, you’re creating the emotion of worry. Anyone who focused on those thoughts would create, feel & experience the exact same emotion of worry. Emotion guides us all the same, and the variable is wether one listens to intuition & feeling, or suppresses intuition & feeling. 3). Reality is another word for you. When you focus on “separate realities”, as the totality (though you haven’t realized this fully yet), as you are not separate of reality, you - reality - nonetheless feel the ‘off-ness’ of these thoughts about yourself. You are not “two”, “divided”, or “separate”, and feeling tells you so. Logically, clearly, there are not “two of you”, and clearly you have never actually experienced “two realities”, or “being two you’s”. If anyone ever tells you they do experience “two realities”, or that there are “two realities”,, simply ask them to show you these “two realities”. Further, you say you’ve had this for ‘quite some time’, ‘since you were a kid’. What can be readily noticed in this regard is that you’ve never experienced “a past”, only thoughts believed about there being “a past”. When you experience these thoughts, they are experienced now, and only ever now. You can notice rather easily that when you experience memories, these are also thoughts which are only ever experienced now. When you believe the thought that there is a past and this has been going on “for a long time”, that also feels off, because in truth, it hasn’t. Thoughts only ever arise now, and are therefore only ever experienced, now. Focus is now, and only ever now. What you are experiencing, is what you are focusing on - now. There is never an exception to this, because you are the creator creating creation - now. If you desire to create other than worry, it is effortless to focus instead on what you want… which feels good to you… because it is - what you want. Making a dreamboard makes this incredibly easy. Instead of trying to resolve this past, aka ‘your story’, notice there isn’t a past right now. That - ‘your story’ - is experienced only if & when you retell it. So essentially, you’re focusing on thoughts about yourself (reality) which aren’t true, and that is why it feels so off. You might consider, if this story doesn’t feel good to you, it also doesn’t feel good to anyone else, so, why keep repeating it? When you shift from thinking about yourself (reality) to what you want to create & experience, that feels very ‘on’, because that is what you came here to do. To experience, intrinsically & effortlessly develop preferences of what you desire, and to focus on that which you want to experience, and to experience it ‘in the flesh’. Tell, and retell, that story. Notice in the simplest sense that you will experience that story. Notice you are the very minute you do focus on what feels good to you…you feel…good. The evidence of this is that it is already the case in your direct experience. You are experiencing the story you are telling; the worry, the therapy, etc. That’s not what you want - and there is (something else) that which you want. (Not to imply at all that you should stop therapy… but to realize what yo do want. Therapy will most likely help in this shifting of focus and understanding why you were repeating the unwanted story). If you experience emotional resistance to focusing on what you do want, there might be a habit of old, a reoccurring belief, that you must first resolve or figure out this ‘problem’ before you can move on to focusing on what you do want - what feels good to you. Resistance to focusing on what feels good to you, often denotes ‘deeper’ beliefs of lack, shortage, not-good-enough-ness, or something-is-wrong-with-me-ness. This experience is also referred to as believing thoughts about lacking self worth, or self esteem. In the approach of ‘seeing for yourself what is true and actual’ - focusing on what feels good to you - what you do want - you will find that indeed, as unbelievable as many claim it to be (because they don’t check & see for themselves, vs just telling the same not-good-feeling-story), reality becomes it. Then, it is realized via your own direct experience, that the term ‘self esteem’ denotes our infinite self is very much like steam, in that it arises intrinsically of it’s own accord as, reality. That is - there is no effort or motivation required to feel good. As Esther Hicks says, this goodness, this creating of reality is unfortunately often like a cork held under water. Divinely, thankfully, wonderfully - do not need to ‘lift the cork’ - you only need to stop holding it down / under water (no longer focus on what you don’t want). Focusing on what you do want is ‘taking your hand off the cork’. When you do, reality, infinite intelligence, intuition, feeling - literally becomes what you are focused on, effortlessly. This is precisely why some people experience a life of fullness, enjoying what they desire to have, do, be and create… while others do not… and no measurements can explain this, such as comparing where someone comes from, what their iq is, what kind of family they have, how much money, education, etc, they do or don’t have, etc, etc, etc. It feels good to ‘pop these bubbles’ of beliefs… because the very reality thoughts & beliefs are made of is goodness. Goodness which is not, other than you.
  12. @Julian gabriel Yes, me too. I thought of spirituality basically like SD green ish, but also kinda thought it was dumb from my atheistic pov. I thought Richard Dawkins had a ‘right view’, and Einstein was a scientist talking about physicality. This was after years of studying regions, the teachings of the Buddha, and quantum mechanics. ??‍♂️
  13. “What is the difference between being the bigger person…. The recognition you’re experiencing the adjacency of your own thoughts with feeling…. and being a door mat?” And the belief you’re feeling theirs.
  14. What else has the property of being aware? The tree? The bird? Nahm? The sky? Of course not! Only awareness is aware!
  15. Body is not separate. Consciousness is not separate. The thought ‘reach such states’ upholds the falsity of a ‘separate self’, we might say, ‘the reacher’. Fear, separation, anxiety, death, worrying for your family, potentially leaving the body, oblivion, figment of imagination, of consciousness…. These are all narratives of thought employed just to uphold that one belief.
  16. The thought feels terrible. Not you.
  17. @Zigzag Idiot Sounds similar, but my connotation of ‘sensational guidance’ is really more along the lines of discovering what I’d called ‘feelings’ or ‘my feelings’ had been infinite intelligence all along. That-there-is-sensation is always ‘guiding us’ via how our thoughts, perspectives, ideas, etc, feel.
  18. You’re more powerful than you think… you imagine, and it is so.
  19. The characters in a movie are convincingly concerned, but the screen just be’s the movie and “characters” of no concern.
  20. "The Heart Of The Matter" I got The Call today, I didn't wanna hear, but I knew that It would come. An old True Friend of Ours was talkin' on the phone - said you found some ‘One’. And I thought of all the bad luck, and the struggles We went through - how I lost me, and you lost you. What are all these voices, outside love's open door - which make us throw off our contentment, and beg for something more!? I'm learning to live without ‘you’ now, but I miss you sometimes. The more I know, the less I understand, all the ‘things’ I thought ‘I’ knew - I'm learning again. I've been trying to get down to the Heart of the Matter, but my will gets weak, and my thoughts seem to scatter, but I think it's about - forgiveness. Forgiveness. Even if, even if - ‘you’ don't love ‘me’ anymore. These times are so uncertain, there's a yearning undefined, and people filled with rage. We all need a little tenderness, how can love survive, in such a graceless age? The trust & self-assurance that leads to happiness, they're the very things we kill, I guess. Pride & competition cannot fill these empty arms! And ‘the work’ I put between Us, You know it doesn't keep me warm. There are people in your life who've come and gone, they let you down, you know they hurt your pride. You better put it all behind you, cause life goes on. You keep carrying that anger, it'll eat you up inside. I've been trying to get down to the Heart of the Matter, but my will gets weak, and my thoughts seem to scatter - but I think it's about forgiveness. Forgiveness. Even if, even if ‘you’ don't love ‘me’, anymore. I've been trying to get down to the Heart of the Matter, because the flesh will get weak, and the ashes will scatter - so I'm thinking about forgiveness. Forgiveness. Even if, even if - ‘you’ don't love ‘me’ anymore.