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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Loving Radiance I know right? Sensationalize the fixing of the windows! ??‍♀️??‍♀️.
  2. "We do not know why. It is a kind of social contagion. If a shooting takes place, another usually takes place close in time and space," said Hradilova Selin loa.
  3. Truth can not lie, but can appear as a lie by appearing as a human talking.
  4. @EmptyVase Awesome. Have a video recorded ‘in the hopper’ that touches on this.
  5. @integral I appreciate what you’re saying, and it’s entirely possible I am holding a bias which I am not seeing, and projecting onto or misinterpreting what you are saying. If so, my apologies.
  6. Psychedelics are somewhat analogous to sodium pentothal (‘truth serum’), which is also sometimes used to treat phobias. Someone used to experiencing through a lens of belief, specifically separate self thought patterns which induce fear / discord, experiences truth / alignment / relief of conscience. Someone already without said patterns would experience little to no dissonance, while someone experiencing these patterns might experience confusion resulting in inflation or over embellishing the truth experienced relative to the patterns. Then of course with psychedelics infinity just takes the ‘someone’ factor out of the picture. What if someone took sodium penthothal and was asked if there are enlightened people? Would be similar to…. What if someone took a psychedelic and was asked to explain the truth? ?
  7. @SamC Great list from @flowboy I second that. Keep in mind also, the somewhat counterintuitive nature of loving yourself by default, via letting any beliefs about yourself which don’t feel amazing, go. Anything in the vicinity of ‘something’s wrong with me’, ‘I need (vs want) to change’, ‘I should be like a, y or z’,, etc. Like an onion that let’s it’s own layers go. (An onion with love in the center. ) There’s a lot of truth in the perspective that one will continue to attract significant others to balance themself out, or ‘fill the hole’, without being aware one is doing so, as we attract (create) effortlessly. I don’t think it’s a black & white matter though, as in no relationships or dating until you’re at X self-love. Experience helps us see things we can let go of that we might otherwise not see, not to mention of dating etc interaction is an opportunity to be the love that you are.
  8. @Adam101 Meditation is letting everything go, namely, thinking. One can’t ‘stop the thoughts’, but when one focuses on feeling breathing from the stomach, thought activity settles, quiets, ceases. While meditating if you notice you’re giving attention to thoughts / thinking, simply return attention to feeling breathing from / in the stomach. That’s it. That is not true. That is an example of thought activity, which is let go in meditation, simply by focusing on breathing from the stomach. That is another example of thinking / a thought, which is let go in meditation. That is another great, really great example of thinking / thoughts, which are let go in meditation. Another great example of thinking which isn’t in meditation, which has literally absolutely nothing to do with meditation because it was let go, in meditation. That thought, that one… that is an outstanding, just an outstanding example of a thought which is not in meditation because it was let go in meditation.
  9. Discordance….. Alignment. How to stop caring what other people think of me? I care about how I feel. I let others choose to do or not do the same for themselves. I am the one in my story, who meditates, takes psych’s, etc. My direct experience is only ever that of here, now. I believe I make people angry. I’m in control of how I focus, and therefore feel - and everyone else is too. I believe other people need to be happy for me to be happy. I am Happiness, and feeling tells me so, without fail, without exception. I dig in & figure it out, working through difficult feelings. I listen to Source, not “people” who’ve been conditioned to ignore Source. I believe ‘self & other’ is something to transcend. I laugh, noticing these are just thoughts, like ‘toaster’, or ‘cloud’. I get the joke. I actually think & believe there is “fear” & “suffering”. I listen to source / feeling / guidance, I don’t name it away like muggles & fools. I guess a part of me second guesses myself. I laugh because obviously there are not three of me. I am one. I am not enjoying my current job. I change perspectives in accordance with alignment with source / good feeling, I am unconditional happiness. I believe in “guilt”. Thoughts about myself which aren’t true do indeed feel very not true. I appreciate, and really, relish in the guidance, seeking only to know & feel it more intimately. I believe I could feel 100% certain. Feeling is absolute certainty, infallible guidance, creating. I have to figure this out to feel better. I let it go, it works out. Source, appearing as this, is infallible, perfect, and unconditional. I struggle with feeling great now, vs later. In accordance with direct experience, there is no “later”. I believe there is urgency, cause people need my help. I used to believe in time, and others. It’s me & source from here on out. I don’t know what I should do. I let thoughts go w/o resisting & better feeling, more insightful thoughts always arise.
  10. ? Why would there be desire, preference, and focus - if what you desire, prefer and focus upon would not manifest? The instant you recognize you want more financial security and are receiving it, you are conscious you are creating your reality.
  11. “My favorite things in life don’t cost any money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.” - Steve Jobs “Goods & services are the real economy, any form of money is simply the accounting thereof.” - Elon Musk “Success is measured by how much good you do for others” - Zig Ziglar “I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life, but as by the obstacles which one has had to overcome while trying to succeed.” - Booker T. Washington “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” - Maya Angelou ”I believe that anyone can be successful in life, regardless of the natural talent or the environment within which we live. This is not based on measuring success by human competitiveness for wealth, possessions, influence, and fame - but adhering to God’s standards of truth, justice, humility, service, compassion, forgiveness, and love.” - Jimmy Carter ”Always demanding the best of oneself, living with honor, devoting one’s talents and gifts to the benefits of others - these are the measures of success that endure when the material things have passed away”. - Henry Ford ”Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” - Albert Schweitzer “The only true measure of success is the amount of joy we are feeling.” - Esther Hicks
  12. Run to your dreaming when you're alone. Unplug the TV and turn off your phone. Get heavy on with digging your ditch. I'm digging a ditch where madness gives a bit, where silence lives, for when I'm old; digging a ditch - my story is told, and all these troubles that weigh down on me - will rise. Run to your dreaming when you're alone; where all these questions spinning round my head will die, where all these worries that weight down on me will rise, where all these habits pulling heavy at my heart - will die. Run to your dreaming when you’re alone. Get heavy on with digging this ditch.
  13. Yes it is indeed offensive. Can you put yourself in their shoes? Can you sincerely, viscerally imagine getting raped, and then listening to someone imply you should have been more responsible, because ‘no amount of education about consent is going to get that kid to keep it in his pants’? Can you see there is no actuality of “that kid”? You’re expressing your view. Not some hypothetical kid(s). If said hypothetical kid wants to express his opinion, great. But he can’t express yours anymore than you can express his.
  14. Nothing is wrong with you. At your truest core, you’re unconditional. So believing something is wrong with you (holding beliefs, conditions) veils, yet, ‘what you seek is seeking you’, Rumi. Consider the possibility that there are self referential thoughts, yet no separate self, as in other-than-unconditional, is actually being referenced, which is why some thoughts which seem to be about yourself don’t feel good (because they aren’t true). If you are to abstain from something, let it be creating suffering.
  15. Your belief is based on hearsay, or what mom shared of her dreams. No thing or substance is needed to spot a belief (dogma). The wisest thing Jesus ever said imo is not to make him an icon, essentially, not to reduce his message to your beliefs, but to inspect for yourself, to see what is true. Likewise, no religion, including Christianity can “fall short”. It is your own inspecting which does, or of course, doesn’t.
  16. Gotta understand what deflection is, to spot your own deflections. And projection. Deflection & projection = holding the same beliefs, by changing the subject when they are in question, and assuming your beliefs are true on behalf of those telling you they aren’t. The opposite you might say, is introspection, or, questioning the validity of the belief.
  17. “Take these chances, place them in a box until a quieter time - lights down, you up and die... red & black, antenna’s waving - we all do it the same - we all do it the same way.” DM Stoically remove your nose from other peoples’ business, and get into your life, you’ll love the smell. Odds you will inevitably die are 100%, living is the only variable. Let us off the hook already. We ain’t ever gonna be perfect.
  18. What sense is there in you being a human? At least the ants aren’t susceptible to illnesses.
  19. “If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?” That old joke remains quite mysterious, until the flaw in the proposition is recognized. The setup implies there are two; the hearer, and the tree which makes the sound. No hearer, no sound experience… no tree falling, no sound experience. What if you didn’t believe you’re a hearer, any more or less than you believe you’re a tree? The punchline, nonduality, suggests there are not two, such as a thinker of thoughts, a perceiver of perceived, a creator of creation, a hearer of sound, or someone doing something, or anyone doing anything really. If you & I wanna have a party, we gotta rent a place, hire a band, book Gallagher, hang the disco balls, paint ourselves, establish wingman-ship, order the kegs and strippers, etc, etc. You know how it is. But when Not A Thing wants to have a party, it just be’s the whole party… and sometimes mid-party it’s all ‘is there really this “No Thing” or not? That’s a helluva party if you think about it. Or is it if you don’t? Dunno.
  20. There is no ‘thinker of thoughts’. Absolutely, ultimately, questioning never leads anywhere, because there isn’t an actuality to anywhere, only ‘now’, ‘here’. In the sense, aka ‘experience’… questioning leads to the realization all thought / thinking is dualistic, a twoness facade of one. Yet, experientially, in the absence of ‘monkey mind’… insights, realizations, epiphanies, Armageddon, intuition, sensational / feeling guidance. “You” can never… indeed. Yet to believe those can’t be seen through, self-realized, and therefore debunked, would only be a belief. Materialism is the believing of subject object and self referential thoughts. It’s a debunk-able belief. Idealism, because it is an ism, is also a debunk-able belief. The Immutable Laws are handy for this. There is no getting out from behind creating. There is no pause, rewind, or fast forward button on experience. The life experience of monkey mind, and the tension and stress that ensues, in comparison to self-realization and conscious creating is pretty substantial. Yet again, there’s no not being you, so that is always, up to you. I’d agree in the sentiment of ‘how hard you try’… but otherwise, ‘that reality is external and or objective’ is not only debunk-able, it is already actual. As you said, those are thoughts. Also as you said, you can never debunk them. Not knowing, as in you choosing the way or path of not knowing, is another belief, and is not the self-realization of not knowing, or no thing which could be known. But imo, not efforting, figuring out, trying to solve in thought, is the way to go. Let those phat insights arise of their own goodness, so to speak.