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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Added a webpage for it which you might like. ??
  2. A perfect parable of just letting that shit go… no longer ‘taking’ it.
  3. Just let it be about having fun and you’re sincere, and thus there is connection, chemistry, etc, and naturally this escalates in & of itself.
  4. Perfect example. (There’s no humans, just God, and of course not even).
  5. Concern for suffering on behalf of the parentals does not arise randomly, coincidently, illogically nor by chance, but of respect, for the bond. There is no they which is “toxic”. They love you, with a love that is out of this world. Truly ineffable. Allow the receiving of that love. Go to that bond. Talk with them, or with someone who sincerely feels, knows, and understands this bond is among us all. Express, empty of your troubles. Express, and in doing so the weight is put down. Godspeed. ?
  6. Yep ?? The focus here is on the emotion. There’s no call or need for self referential thinking at all. There’s no random. It’s guidance in regard to what thoughts are focused upon. (Imo) Never be sorry for inspecting. It’s The Way. Asking questions, looking into things so to speak, brings about more & more clarity. (And more fun, and more of what you are wanting!).
  7. Let go of the thought /conceptualization ‘stressful environment’, and instead look at the scale and see which emotion that “stress” actually is. Not only can the scale be used anytime, but it’s like riding a bike. After some practice, so to speak, the bodymind automatically calibrates, and inevitably there are no more ‘dips’ scale / vibration wise, and school is no longer judged, or experienced as a ‘stressful environment’. ? And experience is just, much more fun, and opportunities (what you want!) literally just, happens. What you want just flows into experience, and is enjoyed - just like riding a bike. The attention is on the scene, the experience, not the conceptualizations of. I am feeling irritated… I’m experiencing the emotion, irritation. (Expression of emotions experienced is not ‘about myself’.) Expression is pure freedom. There’s no right or wrong to it. ? Express whatever arises. I’m offering suggestions, not corrections. No. Emotion is guidance, not an enemy, not plural, not a ‘controller’ at all. No. There are no negative emotions. There is no negative self talk. The emotions felt, are the guidance to what you want. Certainly not “negative”! Judgement is a lousy sleeping partner. It’ll keep ya up all night. ?
  8. Enough said, isn’t it? Maybe she’s wasting her time, depending on her knowing of what she is wanting.
  9. @Yoremo HOW TO USE THE SCALE Choose the emotion on the scale which is experienced. Express simply & earnestly that the emotion is experienced. Then do the same with the next higher emotion on the scale. Don’t skip over any emotions or stop before finishing the scale. Feel for the subtle shift of feeling better with the expression of each emotion. Emotion is guidance… to the experiencing of… what is wanted. Expression of emotions experienced is not ‘about myself’. It’s just about the expressing. Keep it simple. ?
  10. @TheAvatarState Inspect all of the thoughts. That below is the stickler, and what opens the valve to what’s desired. What makes sense of it all. Who consoles when there is loving? Just saying. This is nothing to laugh and make fun of.
  11. You’re definitely not a narcissist. Overemphasized focus on thought, suppression of perception & feeling, and thus experience reduced to dualistically conceptualized interpretation is most common, the norm actually. Meditation changes focus such that there is more pronounced feeling and more recognition of perception. The believing of one’s own justifications falls away, seen as activity of thought. Illusory. Literally actually disappears. Impulsive reaction & suppression is then felt more, as if sensitivity increases. One stops stepping in the same hole, and heals, understands the emotions / no longer justifies the so called unconscious, and begins considering consciously creating. The relationship’s not difficult really, it’s perfect. The communion isn’t yet underway. Projection also falls away, as the illusion of thought activity. Seeing through one’s own justifications & rationalizations, ‘unsolicited advice’ magically becomes the invaluable priceless feedback of the universe. It’s unseen due to it’s infinite abundance, or, that it is whole & all encompassing (not people). For what it’s worth, you can not think yourself. None of the thoughts are accurate about you. Very loosely speaking, you might say what is not expressed emotionally, arises as a narrative / justification as thought, and is believed to logically reason & explain how one feels. All illusory. The grand finale if you will of this meditation, expressing, healing & understanding, is cessation. And indicative of the nature of illusion, you never happened. ‘You’ & the universe are inverted. Nothing changes, and nothing is the same, and there’s certainly no longer apathy. I wouldn’t disagree if anyone said life is definitely way better, but it has nothing to do with he or anyone else being involved or not, as that’s that dualistic lens. Just that communion matters.
  12. Since this is a dream, make a dreamboard and let the guidance of emotion teach the allowing & receiving of what’s on the board. Simple & intrinsic, prior to man’s incessantly manipulative capture my audience meddling (apparently). No thought, meaning, point, value, or purpose required. ?? Fun. Enjoyment. Peace. Crazy, I know.
  13. There is no difference, no boundaries. There’s thoughts, and believing them or not, such as a separate self and it’s boundaries. The thoughts about a yourself and an others, are in plain ‘sight’, thoughts. The believing of thoughts is the denial of reality and the compromising of happiness, apparently, as in experientially, but never actually.
  14. Self is undefinable. There’s no such thing as identity.
  15. Thoughts attract thoughts, and this reality is infinite mind, and swiftness in letting discordant thoughts go, ‘nipping it in the bud’ is the key. It does seem it’d be a matter of levels and achievement, but it isn’t. That is a conceptualization which, like all conceptualizations, is actually health adverse. Creating reality by default, is quite literally ‘done by’ well being. Interventions via beliefs are felt as discord, and manifest as ‘blockages’, and are unnecessary (cause we can nip it in the bud). The Loophole Shake. It really is a loophole. There’s virtually nothing man made / synthetic in it (comparatively). Direct experience applies. Meditation. Emotional scale. Dreamboard. Alignment is with, well being.
  16. Let the conceptualization of states go, and use the emotional scale instead. I promise you’ll soon be sleeping like a baby. Not a typical baby, but one of those rare sleeps through the night babies.
  17. How to not take life for granted? Bring attention back to perception and feeling.
  18. @blankisomeone No, they just wanna help you. Heck man, we all wanna help ya! They aren’t looking to do or say anything that would make you feel uncomfortable. I would just dial, call now, and not think too much about it. Just hear what they have to say.
  19. Happiness is unconditional.