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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Kalki Avatar Transmission, reiki, rasa, whatever labels we use does not matter. It is actual, real, and disparaged by you to your own discord, disharmony & suffering, not anyone else’s. Not to imply you are disparaging it, I realize you are asking, inquiring. I mean this as to, that it is in question. That is the error in & of itself, and yet, ignorance is innocence. From the little you’ve shared here, there is great confusion evident. There is no leveling up, enlightenment is not accidental, it is essential, and no one can give it, to you. What you are experiencing sounds like great ignorance, and might very well be a scam, albeit possibly inadvertent. Ambition loves to sell products, and yet, authentic teachers live to actually spend their time with you, and help you on your path. In regard to actual, or authentic, genuine transmission, either you are not following through with the guidance you are receiving, or you should try someone else. I say these things with respect to this path of assistance, in the recognition of the ‘traditional’ or ‘quintessential’ path, which in truth denotes the actuality that you don’t need anyone, any thing, product, or yet another substance-less video or form of media, for enlightenment. Want assistance, get assistance. Need assistance, and you are already in error. Also, to go by what I am saying, or what anyone says, in the absence of or as some supplement for direct experience, is also in error. Also be mindful, give consideration, of the possibility that ‘progress’ is in fact occurring. Expression can arise as projection, and as transference. That is progressive, and not regressive, though almost always seen in hindsight by the one expressing.
  2. You’re doing fine expressing right now. Expression is not “this other thing”, it is already underway. You’re communicating, you’re addressing, you’re doing great. This. What is this, which is said to be struggled with? This, is really, actually, thoughts. The repeating of these thoughts, is, belief. The ‘holding’ of beliefs, is thought attachment. Thought attachment is suffering. That is, you believe those thoughts. You belief those thoughts are true, about you. Those thoughts are not true about you. You are experiencing what many experience, before embracing the practice. This is the first Ox-Herder picture, “searching”: the recognition there is suffering, there is a path of cessation of suffering, and the adopting of the practice which brings an end to suffering, aka, ultimately, enlightenment. In the third Ox-Herder picture, from the diligence, the faith in, adherence to, and implementation of, the practice… the herder has the “glimpse”. The glimpse, is the result of the practice, the relaxation and the cessation of the habit of focusing on these thoughts which do not feel good. The “glimpse” is a feeling which is sofa king Good, the feeling, and only the feeling, completely validates what the herder has been told by teachers, which are simply messengers, those which had faith in, adopted, and implemented, the practice. The practice releases all discord. The old habit, is to believe the thoughts. Thus, the thoughts hijack the practice, via the belief that the discord is about you, others, or the world. On the path of the practice, of cessation, the herder is ‘duped’, ‘bamboozled’, many times by such discordant thoughts. This is the “catching” or “taming” of the ox (the following pictures) When the “glimpse” occurs, it equals - first hand, direct experience, of actual clarity. That is, it is absolutely realized that it is thought & the believing of alone, which is the suffering, and not how you are, who you are, what anyone else says or does, or anything which is wrong with the world. While there is a plethora of help available, countless resources, millions of people who’s paramount passion is to help you, there is a simplicity as well; to recognize the suffering earnestly, and adopt the practice… or to continue to strife, struggle, and suffer. From the great peace we all come, and indeed into the great peace we all do return. This is never in question, isn’t it so? The only variable is wether or not you listen to the feeling, intuition, guidance - and get on the path, and thus inevitably know, live, and celebrate the great joy of “the best of both worlds” or, the middle way. No one can make you, because in truth you are already free. It is your choice. It is in your hands. We are here to help you, we are with you not against you. These are tools to help with expression and understanding emotions. We are also here to help you with the life you desire to live and the things & experiences you desire to create. No man is an island, and fear is not the end of this. We are with you, we are for you, we believe in you. You are not crazy, foolish or stupid. You just haven’t gotten on the path yet.
  3. @nuwu This is not a place of hip firing ostracism. I don’t believe what I see, I believe in you. This is a place of unity, and you belong. Don’t quit, continue expressing. Adopt an outlet for this energy, for this transmutation, such as running or biking, writing poetry, singing, painting, sculpting, etc. Keep expressing, be mindful of the context in which you do, but indeed do. A clearly defined & communicated “rant” or “vent” thread perhaps. Allow it out. I believe in you. All things are possible for you. Believe in yourself until you know yourself. Know yourself until you are yourself. As yourself, this is enough, and your being is the giving of yourself. If you want to be banned in this process, ask someone else. I do not believe in ostracism, in fragmentation, in judgement. This has all gone on long enough. The help is here and you will realize the nuw u sought; the old one must be relinquished, that the rebirth can arise. It will. Have faith. It is infallible. Don’t shoot from the hip, holster in the practice. Understand the importance of the practice. This is not the wild west. This is a place of actual compassion & awakening.
  4. Accuracy is reduction & simplicity. The four noble truths & the eightfold path point, and parable.
  5. What is already seen, is already seen. What is not yet seen, is not yet seen.
  6. Every elaboration is a contextualization step away. Every morning of meditation, is a step home. Here is an elaboration, which elaborates on the importance of the practice.
  7. Oh Goodness me too. Took years of meditation. Infinitely & as you say, absolutely most worthwhile.
  8. A riddle is a question, not a statement. You can say you are asking a question when you’re actually making a statement, but you will feel the discord of this. No longer making statements while believing you’re asking questions… and being direct rather than indirect… and just asking sincere, articulated straightforward questions… will resolve this for you. If that seems zen, riddler-ish or vague, I’ll say it this way: this is existential rumination. This has absolutely nothing to do with existentialism, and it is a game of pretend to believe it does. This has only to do with your desires, and your doubt, and your closing of the gap between the two. There is chronic disease, and there is chronic dis ease. The body & health therein are not separate of focus on thoughts, and most relevant, aversion from accountability, responsibility, and properly addressing conditioning and karma. Do not pretend aversion and focusing on one resolves the other (disease & dis ease). It does not. Notice the lengths people go to in the avoidance of the addiction to existential rumination & discordant conceptualization. Notice the dualistic relationship therein, that is, how it’s playing out in one’s life, and in one’s health & well being. See how you create it. Be willing to. Text is not supplemental for actuality, for an actual face to face conversation. Text, like book, and videos, is void of substance. Rarely do I directly self promote sessions here. You’ve been suffering too long with this. If what was said here is still not clear, book a session. This matter will be clear, and this suffering will cease permanently, in 90 minutes.
  9. @Preety_India Yes. Meditation is literal brainwashing.
  10. “His neediness” is a thought which arises in your direct experience. When you don’t judge yourself there is no one left to judge. When there is not neediness in your experience = there actually isn’t neediness in your experience. How can you know if anyone truly loves, when you don’t know what true love is? The Immutable Laws. For those with two good eyes. The Path. For those with two good ears. Basic & deep indeed.
  11. @dflores321 Awesome. Beautiful man.
  12. Right. A variation, but same point. There is no limitation for the exact same reason there is no sound / experience without a tree and an ear (‘someone there to hear it’). One or the other won’t do. If you have a tree but no ear, there’s no sound, no experience. An ear but no tree, no sound, no experience. Both are required. But… the enlightened one is well aware there is indeed, not, two. Tree 1, ear 2. Tree & ear 1, sound 2. Limitation 1, no limitation 2. If that doesn’t click, just relax, look around, see that everything’s cool, bring those you love, the best of times, and great things to come to mind, and change the inquiry to ‘what is unlimited’?
  13. That’s a psychedelic ad if ever there was one. The peak of Maslow’s pyramid is sweet. What it’s made of is unthinkably sweeter. There is clinging, and there is Clinging.
  14. @tsuki If a tree falls in the woods & no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?
  15. @Vzdoh Ok, must be my bad, and I apologize for going there. I don’t know if the bio clock gives any regard to thought really, but I’ve no direct exp there so I’ll leave that one alone lol. Just guy perspective (op), from one guy… the reply of ‘you are very special to me’ to ‘I love you’ is concerning. I’ve not found ‘love at first sight’ to be a thought or belief, but the actuality of love basically taking over and turning everything inside out and upside down in the best most cosmic way possible. All normality & logic goes out the window. Again, just one guy here, but my mom is ‘very special to me’.
  16. No, you don’t. That’s your belief. There’s literally no such thing as death. That is love, and every time you say, label, call it “death” - you feel the discord with The Truth… with actual consciousness, actual infinite being, actual love. The ‘whole thingy’ that all the seeking & hoopla is about. That is what you’re feeling… but you believe you know what it is, and thus create the discord, the suffering. Literally, out loud, with conviction - directly - speak to it… ask it “are you love?” Feel the difference. Feel the answer! (‘Old you’ & love.) Nobody knows what it is! It’s a total Mystery! You start calling it love, you don’t have no pain no more. Check right now, notice the difference, feel for yourself. Love is also hysterically funny -> @infinitelove<-. It’s ok to laugh. Enlighten-up. Also, stop calling love anxiety! Call it love - experience the feeling of alignment for yourself. Not conceptually, right now. Check & see. Let the ‘exit the state’ & ‘climb the spiral’ nonsense go man. Speak out loud, literally, actually, talk directly to love. Ask love if it is what you’ve been calling death & anxiety. Feel the relief, feel the answer.
  17. @Vzdoh I’d make a list on paper of what you want, so it’s ‘out of your head’ and in front of you. Generally, relationship wise (not what you want from him per se). Then I’d lightly contemplate each ‘item’ on that list, and bring to mind tangible (or not) aspects of him & your relationship with him, to bring some validation to that you are seeing & experiencing what you want in & with him, vs possibly projecting what you want onto him. It is possible a biological clock & emotional time family wise is influential in an underlying manor. If the previous question was off putting or triggering, more so. Want the best for ya, also, ain’t nobody lookin for heartbreak. Keep in mind, your experience is your creation. Whatever he is, so to speak, that is what you’re attracting. Puzzle & all.
  18. @Logan Sweet. The stillness is a game changer.
  19. Wow you must’ve had one heckuva vision. On the other hand though… what you’ve seen can not in truth be inevitable.
  20. @Vzdoh Does he say / identify as a ‘true alpha guy’ or is that your projection?
  21. @Vzdoh Oh, you’re thinking of asking him if you can move in with him. How’s the ‘true’ & ‘alpha’ relevant?