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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @somegirl How does what you’re experiencing differ from jealousy & projection?
  2. The dream was noticeably in contrast to how I feel the thoughts I focus on in “waking life”.
  3. Atomically speaking, the perfection of crystal transmutes as it does not budge, like water de-bonds all and does not cling.
  4. @TrippyMindSubstance For sure. Life is just one big shit sandwich after another and you just gotta eat em & suffer through until it kills you or you die of old age. Whenever it get’s rough & you’re not feelin how you’d like to, just suppress that nonsense of feeling, bury it deep down inside. People have been not meditating daily for eons and there is no reason for you not to fall in line and live an unexceptional mundane life filled with fear. It’s all Radom luck man, maybe you’ll be a politician and make your millions from fear mongering. ?
  5. @devonrexcatz Let go of stress, worry, tension, stubbornness, ‘strong headedness’ and unwillingness to see & listen to the guidance of feeling, much more & more subtly. Take seriously bringing more self, as in bodymind, care into your life by scheduling experiences of relaxation & well being. Simple things like a massage or reiki for example. There’s a million ways to stoke the creativity.
  6. Transmute energy (expression) vs suppressing (lithium). Trace it back to the root belief / misunderstanding. Don’t rush the process, and don’t underestimate projection of discordance. Look for your ‘that’s how reality is’ and or ‘that’s just how I am’ with more openmindedness (think: meta).
  7. How many me’s you thinkin there are?
  8. Focus is working perfectly & it is a belief that you are not at the helm, in control, or “can’t focus”. That rumination is aversion. It is the busy work of the mind in the avoidance of feeling. When it has become habitual it goes almost unnoticed. ‘Almost’, because it is always felt, anywhere from unsettling & boredom, to tension, frustration and irritation. It traces back to a self referential belief you created in innocent misunderstanding, in reaction to an experience. What you are subtly searching for is a response in understanding, which align that belief with actuality. Letting conditioning, and the resistance of it go, is for all ages. As a point of reference, my ten year old is enlightened. The innocent arrogance of “the knower”… the “one who knows without even directly experiencing”. You’re shooting yourself in the foot before taking your first step. Focus on how you feel instead of being right. There already is not a problem and thus there is already no solution. Those are just beliefs, conditioning, a learned way of thinking, which fall away into the practice. Make a dreamboard. Pop your bubbles.
  9. Imagine the uselessness of a small sign in the middle of the woods that says “trees”. Obviously that sign would not be needed, because, trees.
  10. Dispel those beliefs in separation. Try pointing to the ‘stuff of thoughts’ (like “a thinker”) to distinguish, or rather apply clarity to, thought narrative overlays vs actuality. Inevitably, the practice is adopted and those are realized to be just thoughts about nothing.
  11. You already are, via focus. The current lens of focus is “my problem”. Focus instead on the solution, on what you do want. You won’t find “the filter” per se, as ‘you’ is the lens & filter. Scrutinize that belief / projection / assumption. Be aware of strict dualities, this or that’s, held in mind. All seems black & white but is entirely always in actuality grey. The black & whiting is only in the thought, while reality is an apparent continuum without distinction or separation. It’s not about looking for new, or ‘right’ beliefs. It’s about more deeply inspecting & realizing what is already the case. Adopt the practice of daily morning meditation, to allow the layer of self referential thinking, “me as the thinker & doer”, to fall away in deep relaxation. Be more aware of your vibration, how you feel and why. Make a dreamboard. The universe exists only for your experience of it. Have fun. That is “the secret”.
  12. That there is delusion is said from truth, and so is that there is not. Similarly (literally the exact same), that there is nonexistence is said from existence, and so is that there is not.
  13. Even if you feel like crap and your health & well being deteriorates, at least you have that you’re right about those people.
  14. IMO (not me), If Enlightenment/Non Duality (me) is a brain state (not me), then its not really Truth (me).
  15. Realizing there’s no people tripping & thus reasons people trip is projection. What’s “I”?
  16. … let go of my contingency upon healing.
  17. Yes, literally. There is the believing of thoughts / the absence of the meditative mind kind of ‘others’, or ‘mental othering’, and there is the metaphysical actuality of seeing as ‘other’ bodyminds. The literal visual seeing of “your” bodymind through / from “their” bodymind. This is not a “radical state of consciousness”, this is, so to speak, what you’re already literally doing. Further, and again minus the dualities implied in language / communication, you see as “them”, with & through “their” fears, hopes, dreams, desires, and relative notion of identity etc.
  18. Where are you thinkin evil is when you’re not creating it? @Godishere “My survival depends on lying and manipulating”. My good man, you have been lied to and manipulated into that philosophy, via your own slumber of willingness to be. There is no “survivor” that horseshit is about. That is the lie, the manipulation. You are not a pawn Godishere.
  19. Where is it without your finding of it? Kind of a mind bender… isn’t it so?
  20. Natural effortless real Inspiration is uncovered by recognizing how motivation (motive) and ‘the separate self’ of thoughts ‘works’. Self referential thoughts feel off and drain energy because the mind is at odds with what feels good, which is synonymous with in-spirit-ation and energy. Learn how to ‘Get out of your own way’, rather than continuing the self combative motive path, which isn’t working. As a nice bonus you feel amazing and enjoy doing whatever, without any sense of pressure or time. (That stuff is all self ref thoughts). It seems like when you’re talking about yourself it’s just obviously correct, because you are that particular bodymind. Until you adopt the practice and inspect & liberate.