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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Nonconformity & a dreamboard, conscious creating. ?
  2. @Tim R Who’s done it like - better - than Jimi Hendrix or the Beatles? Sure, today more money, more drugs, and more sex. But the substance is missing.
  3. Should I use another metaphor to explain it? There was a Jesus just as there is a you. ‘Parable’ is more acute than metaphor. Not a verbal parable, a nonexistent reality parable. Decades of interest, so pretty much all of them.
  4. @Farnaby Cool. We’re speaking metaphorically. Having read from and listened to a lot of teachers. If the main focus is Jesus & the Bible, you’re wasting your time with Jesus & the Bible. If the main focus is a blissed out life full of loving this place, compassion, selflessness and yet experiencing everything you desire to experience in this go round, the book of Thomas is most insightful.
  5. Consciousness can neither grow nor be increased. To answer in the metaphorical context, Jesus. No one has since, nor will anyone ever be, as “woke”. The most conscious teacher alive today, by an enormous margin, is Esther Hicks.
  6. Just, yes. ?? This isn’t a rehearsal. No one is coming. This is it. I am already free.
  7. Got me once again bro. ? Beautiful. Please keep it comin. God bless.
  8. I’m asking much more specifically… How are those activities “work “? Even more specifically, how are you not enjoying the hell out of every one of those things you mentioned? Where did you even get this “work” & “goal” idea / framing of spirituality? Other suggested frames…. “Well, if you want it - come & get it, for cryin out loud! The love that I was givin you was never in doubt! Let go of your heart, let go of your head, and feel it!” -David Grey ”You got the cash, but your credit’s no good. You flipped the script & shot the plot. I remember when your neon used to burn so bright & pink… Saturday night kinda pink… There’ll be devils in their rush - but this duct tape makes you hush. Hey there Sedona let me cut you a deal, I’m a little hung over and I may have to steal your soul.” -Houndmouth ”Oh can’t you see? You belong to me. How my pour heart aches, with every step you take.” -Sting ”You could have a big dipper, goin up up & down, all a-round the bends. You could have an bumper car, bumpin - this amusement never ends. I wanna be your sledgehammer. Why don’t you call my name?” -Peter Gabriel “And love, we need it now. Let’s hope, for some. Cuz oh we’re bleeding out; but I belong with you, you belong with me -you’re my sweetheart”. -The Lumineers
  9. @Someone here What exactly are you talking about when you say “this work” ?
  10. @Person0 Thanks, and you are welcome. I get what you mean, but still, not much to think about (embody & realize, etc). Listen to the pain, the suffering. It’s the only real guidance, and that guidance is ‘wired’ right into us. It’s leading you out of pain, out of suffering. And @Chrisd makes an important point. This place is not without it’s imperfections, indeed, and you have an integral place within it, in this ongoing betterment. We’re all doing our best, whatever that is for each person, it actually is their best. We need you on the team so to speak. All that pain and suffering, there’s so much wisdom that will come from it, and you will heal, and you will feel better, and your presence itself will better this place. It already is in my eye. Let go of thoughts that don’t resonate, and don’t give up. ‘This too shall pass’. You are profoundly, infinitely, loved, and my hope for you is that you let enough go that you truly feel this love. I firmly believe you will. When you have some quiet, and ten minutes, give these a read, under the ‘The Essence of Being’ section. And let it in, as they say… ‘out with the bullshit, in with the good shit’. (Life’s bullshit I mean, not ‘your’ bullshit )
  11. Pain & suffering isn’t graspable because it isn’t conceptual. That would be aversion of, away from, love… suppressing feeling & prolonging suffering with the distraction of existential rumination. It’s like a transparent smokescreen. Explore the notion that the pain doesn’t belong to you, and you’re not experiencing pain per se, but suffering. Pain is local and present (happening right now) in a specific part of the body. Suffering is not. Suffering is mental anguish and has to do with thoughts about yourself and the world, a past and or a future. Not to belittle your experience, but to give an analogy for communication sake… pain is felt when you stub your toe. Suffering is focusing on it long after the pain has gone. Namely, having internalized it, identified with it, and having not yet fully expressed or transmuted it. The projection of ‘your’ mind so to speak, is that what the suffering is about, isn’t happening right now, isn’t physical pain per se. The mind projects that there is a past & identifies by it, keeping the story of ‘me’ going, thus perpetuating the suffering. When this is let go, such as through daily practice, therapy, retreats, trips, etc,.. the mind begins to know & feel, is realized to be - it’s true nature of love. But 99.9% of the population will not let go, will not recognize there is no past, will not choose how they feel over being accurate / right / believing something is wrong with them / thinking the way everyone else does… and thus there seems to be widespread suffering. A different ‘angle’ on the same thing… 99.9% of the population apparently does not know & feel this love 24/7, because it seems incomprehensible to them that love would create or make a reality or world, such that it is so hard & difficult. Love is unconditional though, and it is none other than each finite mind which adds the lens of hard & difficult. This is suffering in and of itself, because love, you, are in actuality, unconditional. Reality seems real, and feels very real, because you - love - is real. You, love, are so real, that references like real or unreal don’t even put a dent in it. When something doesn’t resonate with you, don’t believe it. All that comes out of our mouths as received by ears, myself of course included, are opinions, perspectives, etc. The truth is love, and cannot be spoken. But it’s always present, and is precisely what some thoughts & perspectives aren’t resonating with. Likewise, “spiritually advanced” is conceptual, opinion. Stop with the “advancing” etc… and start letting go of what doesn’t resonate with you or serve you. Focus on what does.
  12. @Person0 Start by understanding cruel is not a property of ‘the world’, but of thoughts, behaviors & actions of people in it. Then understand the ‘why’ people do what they do is ultimately love. This requires learning and expanding your mind & perspective, vs projecting onto ‘the world’, or continuing to see things the same way while it feels so discordant. What you might not be realizing is that if there is love & peace in this place, it gets here through you… and it changes everything. It makes life sweet, divine, and so much more than worthwhile. There are really no words which can convey just how much loving, understanding, accepting & forgiving can change ‘the world’ and your entire experience of it, and how this all starts with you. Just you, not you untangled with a past or future or others. It is within your power and your power alone to create suffering or not. Get all the help available to you obviously, but recognize you must make that choice to move from trauma & projection to understanding & liberation. There are millions of people passionate about helping you with where the water is, how to uncover it, etc, but no one can make you drink it. You have to want to. You have to choose to put how you feel well above what you think, others, a past, your life - everything. And I really mean what you think about anything and everything. Past, future, yourself, others, reality, God, Love. Life will not do. Death will not do. Suffering will not do. Only truth, love & understanding will do. Don’t attempt to hold perspectives of discord, and accept them. That’s not what acceptance is. Don’t accept the discord, the suffering - transcend it by owning it, taking responsibility for choosing perspectives of discord or alignment, recognizing it is not ‘the world’ which feels off - but your own views & perspectives. Please don’t use this comment to ‘add to the fire’, so to speak. Use it to start to Realize you must be pretty infinitely Good - because some perspectives just don’t jive with the Goodness you eternally are. Also, when you do make that choice, the Inner Kriya… all the stuff you learned from therapists which seemed like it didn’t help, totally helps. That choosing of well being changes everything, and all that stuff you learned is made new in love & understanding. It can not possibly be overstated - nothing needs to be added, things need to be let go. The truth, the true nature, you - are like a cork. When the self imposed weight upon is let go, you float, rise, feel & know the Goodness that you are, effortlessly. There are people specifically trained and uniquely compassionate who can help with suicidal thoughts…
  13. @Noahsteelers34 But you feel it. That is unmissable guidance. If you care more about how you feel than what you think.
  14. That’s a memory. Let it go. Once let go, it is clearly seen it wasn’t “a memory” at all. Just a self imposed veil. There’s nothing you can do which can’t be done, nothing you can sing that can’t be sung.
  15. @Chosendeer You’re right, this is a major growth step for many people, but it hasn’t been about conspiracy per se for decades. That just means two people broke a law together. That ship sailed long ago. Laws have since been rewritten to accommodate and exclude people from the judicial system, and all legal & civil accountability. So it’s more a matter of legal reform or not.
  16. @Endangered-EGO You’re judging, analyzing and imagining steps in this peace.
  17. Maybe, but you are thinking about a yourself too, and there is no more a you which is thinking and a yourself which is thought about, than there is a secondary source of feeling, such that the good feeling (which is really what’s sought) is coming from interactions with people. Flip the script from how do I interact with people such that I feel good, to how do I interact with people such that they feel good… and now you are drawing upon that well, the source that you are. Pure selfless, non-self-referential-goodness. This is your place to pour yourself into.
  18. @emind ? Such ineffable innocence & beauty you are.
  19. @KennedyCarter Infinite can not know finite, there is no such thing as a beginning or end, life is via a-parent.