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Everything posted by Mohammad

  1. I get what you mean but I don't think Lex just wants click, I believe he really has genuine desire for constructive and good conversation, and he tries to see different views while holding his own beliefs.
  2. @How to be wise 40 years ago people thought they were doing opposite of that. They believed that they are overthrowing a dictator(Shah of Iran), and replacing it with a republic. But after a while, specially in the aftermath of Iraq war on Iran (which lasted 8 years), some assholes grabbed the power in Iran. People got fooled 40 years ago, and now they have been paying the price since.
  3. I get what you mean. There is indeed sorrow in human world and our lives. But I believe if you get a more comprehensive understanding of "eternity", then sorrow will slowly lose its meaning...
  4. So, you guys from US might find this interesting. Last night was football(soccer) match between Iran and US. Almost everyone in Iran wanted US to win, because football team is heavily pro-government and they are actually controlled by the government. Last night you could literally hear people inside their building chanting for US victory. And then US won, and thousands of people went into street to celebrate! And then these criminals shot and killed this 27 year old man in front of his wife, just because he was honking his car horn! They also smashed people's car glasses and beat many people. This is what we are dealing with!
  5. It depends on your physiology, your level of mindfulness, and your psychological and spiritual development. I have experienced deep experiences even on 100 micro, but I think anything above 200 will create some deep trips for sure.
  6. @r0ckyreed Your points are acceptable, but, everything depends on how you define "existing" and "reality". I have one big problem with Leo's and many other "teachers" teachings. He uses lots of words, and assumes that he is conveying a meaning to other people. When you say "There is only one mind" or "There is no outside world", these words are practically meaningless. (I am not saying his teachings have no value, these subjects are inherently extremely hard to talk about, that's why they cannot be taught just by saying them!) We should focus on defining the words. Then we can have better conversation with others, and also thoughts in our minds. That amazon book is indeed real and in the outside world. But we have a distorted perception of "real" and "outside world".
  7. I really find it hard to believe this. @LordFall Interesting, I never gave much thought to red, but now that you mentioned it, it seems to me that there are more red people around the world than what it looks like. I do believe as Leo said, it hugely depends on where to look, it's very hard to generalize, but I think the majority is not orange yet (globally) and blue still predominates the human population. In west you see lot of orange. In somewhere like middle east and parts of Asia, red and blue are the majority, orange people are those who try to advance their society, and we have some few green and above minorities. Funny thing is that in some middle eastern countries most of their old and new literature are about stage turquoise values!
  8. From now on, if somebody asks me what do you do, I'll say: talking to you! Thanks for sharing
  9. I am from Iran, and mullah who rule my country are one of the biggest allies of Russia, and many people inside Iran believe that mullah are in the pocket of Putin. So nowadays it is obvious to Iranian people that Russia is getting weaker with more chaotic situation, and that is horrible for mullahs because they cannot rely on Russia as much as before. Islamic republic makes shitty weapons, and now Russia is buying weapons from them! Putin is cornered bad... I believe both Putin and Mullahs regime may fall or get significantly weaker in the next year or two.
  10. I know you are awakened and God and everything, but why do you get bored? Is being God that boring that it makes you come here and say everyone is wrong and you are right? Come on God, be creative. You said bullshit detector is lighting up for this guy in the video. To be honest, most of your comments are the best examples of BS for me.
  11. This guy is interesting, I've seen him on Gaia channel a few times, of course I cannot believe everything he says, but if what he says is true, then as you said he is an important person to listen to. Although I should say many of his believes or words have been said before many times. You don't need to believe everything people say. It doesn't mean they are necessarily lying. World is weird. I'll listen to this podcast for sure. Thanks for sharing. Totally agree.
  12. You guys said everything. My opinion in short: Sadhguru is not right about everything, all the time, he has his own biases. Yes, sex do indeed affect the body (every action does, but sex more strongly, because of the underlying physiological aspects of sex, both in the brain and other organs), and these effects might interfere with the ability to reach some mental and spiritual stages. This is not very hard to believe. and I do believe this is true. Each action has different effects on your body's physiology. It's just plainly wrong if you compare effects of sex with walking or writing. My friends: do not assume that everything past cultures taught us are all meaningless biases, there are lots of wisdom in their teachings.
  13. Trading in Forex market. It takes time, at least 2-3 years, and it will cost you both mentally and financially, but it's worthwhile.
  14. Yeah, so true But also I think it depends on how you define love. If you talk about absolute love, then for sure there will be more love at higher stages. But if we assume a more common meaning for love, in each stage the thing that love projects on to might change. For example in orange, you might love money, sex and success more than you love animals, in green you might like animals and nature more, in yellow you might NOT love animals or nature as much as green, but you might love something else more, it kinda depends on your personality as well and not just your cognitive development.
  15. Yeah, I think he has some yellow qualities for sure.
  16. @FourCrossedWands The signs are everywhere indeed. Well, it has something to do with it. It's different for every human. Some people by the act of knowing and thinking about the unity in the universe, can indeed change their worldview and experience the world in a different way. Non dual being and experience has many degrees. Someone might look at treas and literally experience the unity with nature, and for some others it might be only a thought. Minds are different. The line between intellectual and REAL experience is not clear, and I believe this line has different qualities for different people.
  17. @Edvardas Ok dude. Take care. Please don't mess with creation and planets n stuff.
  18. Nothing is gonna happen. In modern world everyone, even politicians (!) know the difference between deliberate act and accidents. Countries do not like suicide no more.