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Everything posted by Maya_0

  1. Happiness doesn't come about through needing or wanting happiness, but through accepting; accepting the present moment exactly as it is. Accept your situation,, even accept your unhappiness.
  2. Understand it will probably be a challenge to break the habit since you've been doing it for so long. Keep at being mindful about it.
  3. Acceptance is key. Accept the past and accept yourself because what happened was out of your control anyway. It takes insight into the truth of no-self to see this fully. The mind was just doing it's old monkey thing, getting into trouble and causing suffering like it always has. That was out of your control. So accept that and move from here. Understand that the karma will come back, so from here, try not to create any more bad karma.
  4. I have been looking to connect with people interested in self actualization & spirituality in Toronto and the GTA. It's been apparent to me that people interested in these sort of things are few and far between but it is my hope that I can find some people close by who would like to connect. I have met some kind & interesting people already, but am looking to meet some more. Let me know if you're feeling the same!
  5. Looking to connect with people interested in self actualization & spirituality in Toronto and the GTA. It's been apparent to me that people interested in these sort of things are few and far between but it is my hope that I can find some people close by who would like to connect.
  6. Looking to connect with people interested in self actualization & spirituality in Toronto and the GTA. It's been apparent to me that people interested in these sort of things are few and far between but it is my hope that I can find some people close by who would like to connect.
  7. I have been sitting for an average of 3 hours doing insight meditation (with Mahasi noting) daily for the last few weeks. On a few occasions, it became very clear to me that there really is nobody doing anything, commonly expressed as what the Buddhists call the insight of "no-self". It was clear that all these comments and topics, no one is writing them; it's just the will and whim of the Universe. Images came into my mind in these deep states. I saw that all these meditation teachers like Daniel Ingram, Shinzen Young, Joseph Goldstein, even people like Leo don't exist -- they're all just part of this cosmic show. It's like if you were to pop a water balloon in zero-gravity, there would be all these little water droplets floating around in arbitrary directions. The same thing is happening with people going about their lives on Earth. And Just how the water droplets are transparent, people are transparent in the sense that they are empty of any essence of self. I also realized that "people" is really just some abstract label and what a person or human truly is can't be put into words. I no longer knew people as "people" -- they were just these undefinable things going about. Every step we take, every motion we make, we are essentially fooling ourselves in a sense because we believe (at least subconsciously) that there is some "me entity" that is controlling these things. It seems the only true thing to do is to put on a smile and surrender the sense of control completely. <3
  8. No I haven't. May I ask what the basics of that technique is? I have been adding 5 minutes of concentration to my insight practice as Leo stated in his concentration meditation video.
  9. Same here with experiencing the no-self it during my out and about day. It sounds strange but it's like I can actually see the no-self when I look at people. For example, When driving into work on the highway, it's clear that no one is driving any of the cars and it's almost as clear that there is no "doer entity" in this body driving. I'm doubtful this perception will last though since I'm no longer sitting in meditation for such great lengths of time.
  10. I don't sit anymore than 45 minutes at a time. I was doing 4 sessions of 45 minutes spaced throughout a day.
  11. People aren't going eat a healthy diet unless there are logical reasons that outweigh the temporary pleasure they get from eating junk food.
  12. Heaven is a state of mind. If you want to experience heaven on earth you must begin to create that experience within yourself first. You can only do that by taking responsibility for your vibration.
  13. How mindful are you throughout your day (%)? What effect do psychedelics have on your mind the days after taking them? Do you feel hazy? Do they affect your cognition or mindfulness?
  14. I have a specific question that only a few specific people may be able to answer from personal experience. I have experimented with psychedelics in the past but since have started up a meditation practice. I have built up a meditative state that I carry along throughout my days. It is intrinsically pleasurable, calming and rewarding. My concentration is quite strong as well as a result from the practice. My question is : If happened to take a psychedelic and possibly an empathogen like MDMA again - would my acquired meditative state would degenerate? My guess is that it would degenerate, but I'm unsure how much. I'm hoping there may be some here with first hand experience and could answer this. I think it's an intriguing question - I haven't found a conclusive answer searching the internet.