Society of the Spect

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Everything posted by Society of the Spect

  1. Agree with your summing up. and as for the throw away coment by someone else that they are mentally ill. Infact that may be partly true for some of them. But it is well known that the church of scientology and other Cult groups do do this. The objectively interesting point is . that if they form some kind of online community, as they have then it will attract the small number of people who truly are Just imagining it. and thereby helps to obscure what is happening.
  2. My Dinner with Andre, Brilliant, Have to Give the Final Episode of patrick McGooans Prisoner series. a Mention too. The Birth of an Higher Conciousness by putting together the 3 Centres.
  3. If you think about the Past, ( reverie or Daydreaming ) OR Think about the Future ( anticipation, or Making Plans ) You are in one of the two states described in Buddism as Rising or Falling. They are concrete and actual States of mind. In other teachings they are the Active and Passive that Must be balanced , to place yourself IN the moment. I have an analogy, " I wear two wrist watches. The one on my left is set 5 minutes Slow ( in the Past ( falling) ) Slowing. and the One on the Right , is set 5 minutes Fast. ( Rising) Accelearation. Looking at both my Watches Tells me the time is NOW: ( it is easy but not as easy and obvious as many claim ) But it Will be easier if one can Understand what "Getting it Wrong" consists of.
  4. It's when your typing your ideas and suddenly the realisation, that, your going to need a PARAGRAPH of words, that we realise more fully that the translating is automatic, But not the Core "Language" of our thinking. At this Point , it is interesting to consider other "Languages" like music or even a language of smells , taken succesively for example. J G Bennet , a student of Gurdjieff writes well on this concept of Language.
  5. I find that Thoughts generally arent words. They are more like glyphs , or Hierogliphs, We can feel thoughts as an emotion, but to give Voice to them , they must first be "Run Through" our own particular Translation system. That's why we so often find ourselves misunderstood by others. "There is many a slip between the cup and the lip" So yes , Examine what we think is the meaning of certain words, and many times one word will need caveat's to properly define what we want to convey by that word.
  6. Sounds to me like JED has taught you a new "False Personality" A Creed that is self contained and contains a retort to any criticism of it. Not unexpected in the modern world where life is being examined from new perspectives. Jed seems to have produced a philosophical/Religious VIRUS. Again Not unexpectedly , he Rails against people "Cashing In" on enlightenment , while selling a "Series" of Books. So jed ends up looking like a kind of New Age Donald Trump.
  7. Try some music. Really don't mind if you sit this one out My word's but a whisper your deafness a SHOUT I may make you feel but I can't make you think. and the sandcastle virtues are all washed away, In the tidal destruction the moral melee The elastic retreat rings the close of play As the last wave uncovers the newfangled way And the love that I feel is so far away: I'm a bad dream that I just had today And you shake your head And say it's a shame Thick as a BRICK jethro tull.
  8. Not at all Its Constitutional. by that i mean an inherent part of man's constitution. The current main stream culture is a death cultrue. One of perpetual gloom, with constant emphasis on Zombies Vampires and demons. It's the reverse life of the "Adams Family" on acid. and it's WRONG:
  9. What about happiness ? is it important ?
  10. This sounds very much like Gurdjieffs "Self Remembering" It is hard work, becuase it takes time to reprogram the mind. but does tend to stick after a time. ie, it will require less effort.