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About Czarkovsky

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  • Birthday 11/16/1993

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  1. They're listed as most effective techniques to get rid of addiction. There are plenty of topics about this duo on Meditation subforum, be sure to read @Arik and @Isle of View posts, they have deep understanding about meditation and enlightment work. Good luck!
  2. I think that you should start with developing meditation practice. It's fundamental habit for any REAL growth. Watch Leo's videos about Do-nothing, Strong Determined Sitting. Then you can dig into enlightment stuff, there is whole playlist about this topic. If you like to read: The Book by Alan Watts and Freedom from the Known by J. Krishnamurti will be good starters.
  3. Hm, I experience this problem when I try to meditate without my pre-sitting routine which includes: cold shower, drinking cup of water/tea, stretching legs + 2 to 5 planks for 30 seconds. When I do this I can stay alert for 1 h and endure strong determined sitting with do-nothing technique. Edit: Sitting with eyes opened also makes me more alert.
  4. Today I finished biography of Elon Musk, great book - a lot of inspiration and proof that hard work, persistence and confidence is the key for massive success. I'm also reading Mastery by George Leonard and today I will begin Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl.
  5. From my experience, cold showers in the morning are doing wonders for energy levels. I'm taking them for a year now and they were game changer for me, thanks to CS I started to take my medtitation practice seriously. They wake you up quickly, your endurance to unpleasant sensations is rising day by day (very useful for strong determination sitting).
  6. What Nootropics do you use and how do you dose them?
  7. Century of the Self. It's basically how society fucks you in the ass - behind the scenes. Must watch, great for open-mindness!
  8. Wisdom is always appreciated.
  9. Greetings from Poland
  10. In my opinion starting with 5 minutes is great to develop a habit. Later, when you don't need that much willpower to sit you can meditate for increased amount of time. Thats insight from my own experience, I tried to start with 20 minutes as Leo advised - that was impossible for me at the time. I decided to start Headspace program, then I slowly devoloped a habit of meditating and my concentration skills. Now, 4 months later I can sit for 20 minutes without guidance and I think that I will be able to add another 20 minutes everyday.