Sunil Kumar

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About Sunil Kumar

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  • Birthday 02/25/1991

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  1. A waman can be inclined towards feminine (most women are) or masculine spectrum. Every human being is different in expression, strengths, weaknesses and just how it be. If you interested in knowing a particular person then this question is very limited. I would suggest you to watch Leo masculine & feminine video.
  2. There are no "others", although we feel that way as we operate under relative domain. I would suggest, focus on increasing your awareness as all others are nothing but you. "you" cannot eliminate sufferings (relatively speaking) of all beings, as they are all part & play of consciousness (not actually suffering from God view). It can split & play as it's currently doing as "you". That's my understanding from consciousness states in trance. You'd get to know directly and instantly.
  3. Well, I would say let them grow at their own pace. I understand you don't want to see them suffer cuz of lack of understanding that you see. But the best you could do is help them with where they are, if you can or let them be.
  4. Read Leo's books there are wide range of that.
  5. You can catalogue the pitfalls and various mystical experiences as you encountered during your spiritual journey. All the best
  6. @MisterMan Ya, sure. Here when I say "devil", I refer to the egoic consciousness (you) - the illusion of identifying with false identity. So, because its unreal, it strives to feel real and that's precisely why the whole drama it plays. Its an amusement park for ego. It creates enemies, friends, followers, etc. You see, but who is in centre of that. It's the false identity which fuels all of these stuffs or we can say the driving force, its falsehood though. With realization of true self, those needs will escape. Or you can say that the need to feel real (of illusioned self) will disappear and so does the false identity. But that will surely take quite a bit of work and most of us are not willing to do that because its too painful to even start the path let alone be on the path for a while. All the best
  7. @Aakash First, yes there are levels or capacity to love which you will develop along with the personal development. That love would be more like metaphysical love/ mystic love. Second, yes it will come as you'll be more inclined to or ground yourself in being. Generally speaking, the love that you feel specifically for your spouse, friends, nation is not that. Rather its the distorted version of love that is created by the egoic mind (you) or collective ego as Leo pointed out in one of his collective ego videos.
  8. @SgtPepper You mentioned "hath yoga". That's a limb of yoga though
  9. @aurum If sexual loyalty is not your priority then whats your parameter, just curious. Also, I don't think that most people would think like that.
  10. @Aakash Love is a facet of reality that we can aware of, by realizing the truth. You can piece out multiple reasons for its existence and all are conceptual. But is fundamental to reality.
  11. @MisterMan lol, that's precisely what devilry is.
  12. @Arthur Wow, cool buddy Keep going & All the best for your life purpose.
  13. @lostmedstudent Try audible Leo's book list. That's amazing