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Everything posted by SamEuphoria93

  1. Here's my situation. I have paranoid schizophrenia that doesn't respond to medicines (I've taken 16 with little to no success), post traumatic stress disorder, severe generalized anxiety disorder, and an IQ in the low 80's. These things combined makes for a life in which I have to rely on my parents and professionals for my survival. However, I have multiple techniques I use to increase my IQ and restore my mental health that have shown profound effects, however, I have not practiced them long enough to see stable changes. I'm not just talking a few iq points. I'm saying i've gotten to a level that's a jump from being dependent to fully independent. My mental illness is terrible and a lot of it has to do with being unable to relate to others. And a lot of it has to do with side effects from certain types of concentration meditation. Which has led to ego inflation in that I feel far different from and superior to those who don't know about enlightenment. Another thing I hate about myself that leads to more misery. My humanity is drained basically on a daily basis and I have lost the vast majority of my ambition, passion, empathy, and meaningful relationships. I need something that will produce profound change, immediately. If it requires pain, so be it.
  2. I am overwhelmed by an existential crisis stemming from a complicated case of mental illness that is not adequately treated by medicines. There are multiple limiting beliefs getting in the way of my progress. How can I quickly and effectively overcome them? Thanks in advance.
  3. This novel concept came to me recently. Based on the idea that one can meditate during lucid dreaming, I would imagine this could add an extra 8 hours for serious practice. Has anyone tried this? Thoughts?
  4. Einstein thought you could stimulate ingenious thought by allowing imagination to float freely unrestrained by conventional inhibitions.
  5. Hello all. Had a question about positive affirmations - I understand it takes a month to see results from affirmations (based on what Leo said in a video on them). Would this be from the same affirmation used daily or could it be from multiple affirmations, distributed into different days? Thanks in advance, Sam Euphoria
  6. I'm interested in this meditation practice as it is very simple and not forceful like ordinary concentration meditation. However, I'm wary because concentration meditation significantly aggravated my schizophrenia before. What do you guys think? -Sam
  7. I've been practicing visualization for about a month, and I (sometimes) experience dramatic inspiration-fueling effects. When the visualization worked, it was like magic - I could do probably four times more personal development work than usual. I haven't been getting those types of effects from my visualization practice as of recently, and I crave those feelings of passion I once experienced. So, what are some key points/tips for doing visualization effectively and reaping the most benefits? I am a slow learner, and I see immense potential in myself as an artist, enlightenment practitioner, and yoga teacher. I need someone that would be willing to take time to teach me the ways of visualization - because from direct experience, I know it is a tool that I can use to turn my huge dreams into reality. Thanks, Sam
  8. envisioning your dreams as if they are happening in the present moment, in extraordinarily vivid detail. the practice of this is supposed to capture the emotions you would feel in these visions, which programs your subconscious mind - this helps to re-shape the self image and strengthen passion and willpower.
  9. What are some high yield techniques for getting maximum gains from visualization? I have been spending 15 mins a day doing visualization involving picturing myself living my ideal self-actualized life in the present moment and my results haven't been what I want them to be. I've been doing this for 3 weeks. I noticed an increase in passion and motivation in the first week, but then it waned and now I'm struggling. Thanks in advance, Sam
  10. Does anyone here know if visualization techniques are dangerous for someone with schizophrenia? I have this condition and I am very interested in programming my subconscious mind in order to get better results and fulfill my vision. Thanks in advance. -Sam
  11. I recently watched Leo's video that talked about ways for getting out of victim thinking and into taking full responsibility for ones life and actions 100 percent. I'm looking for tips on how to go about doing this. Does anyone have any advice? Does anyone have some positive experiences with this or high yield techniques they've used? Thanks in advance, Sam
  12. I am a schizophrenic that does not respond to antipsychotics. I am in need of dietary changes and a supplement regimen in order to get my symptoms under control. I have heard of cases where people with this disorder have overcome it through supplementation and dieting alone. I'm looking for input from people that have experience with this, or at least have knowledge of this. Thanks in advance, Sam
  13. So, I watched Leo's video that talked about a "3 step formula for becoming ruthlessly effective at anything". The three steps were: 1. Choose your domain 2. Find a high yield technique 3. Practice the technique every single day So, what are some good techniques for developing deeper compassion towards oneself and others?
  14. Could anyone help me out with finding something for this? Maybe an exercise/assignment that would help me to face reality? I can't do meditation because it aggrivates my schizophrenia. Thanks, Sam
  15. Good point, however a person with a misinformed understanding could perceive this as solipsism
  16. not too sure about which part of the forums to put this on, but i figured it would fit here. this is a clip of my track "the art of witnessing" and it samples one Leo's best videos. enjoy!
  17. just remember that the realization is what counts. not the philosophy. sounds like you're on track!
  18. no, the real you, aka consciousness, the spirit, the soul, etc. is the entire universe. it is contained within infinitely everything, but it can only be experienced in one body at a time. take a look around with a silent mind, and you will know your physical mind, contained within the brain, is witnessed by consciousness. identification with the physical mind is what leads to people believing that consciousness is contained in the brain. consciousness is infinite, nonphysical, and intangible. matter arises out of consciousness, not the other way around. we do not live in a mechanical universe. think of the universe as one giant thought, rather than one giant machine. i couldn't do the justice of explaining this (non)concept any more, meditate for a while consistently and you shall see your inseparability from everything.
  19. My name is Sam. I'm a musician and I spin fire poi. I'm all about higher consciousness states. I am studying Zen Buddhism with the guidance of a zen master, and I am studying Hatha yoga. I am a beginner to this path (been on it for 3 years) and I have some questions regarding the effects of meditation and concentration practices.... I am rapidly recovering from schizophrenia through yoga (it has done WONDERS). However, I need serious guidance. I seriously rushed my path to enlightenment about a year ago and did concentration meditation for well over a thousand hours within 6 months and this ordeal backfired on me with brutal intensity, and it left me with a severely fragmented, inflated ego and multiple visits to numerous mental hospitals and treatment centers where I was brainwashed by western social programming and conditioning. Ever since the meditation-induced psychotic break I had 2 years ago, I have not responded to any anti-psychotic medications at all. My yoga practice has repaired a lot of the damage that has been done, but I need help. I had a non dual experience (what I would call an "enlightenment" experience) where i experienced divine intelligence, oneness with all things, a taste of pure consciousness, and a million other things that I couldn't describe. It was like awakening from a lifelong state of sleep and misunderstanding. It is a distant memory now. I have sweat blood throughout my efforts to get back to that paradise that defies all explanation - it was a glimpse of the deepest, most profound, most fundamental truth that a human being can possibly know, and there was no doubt that I experienced it. It was a view beyond views. I was born with an IQ of 85, and it seemed as though it DOUBLED during that experience. I come from a family of high achievers - all members of my immediate family have attended ivy league schools, and their expectations for my success have been unrealistic for years. When I discovered that meditation could dramatically increase intelligence I was turned onto it, and I swore to myself that I would never stop practicing. I eventually learned that this phenomenon is not the purpose of meditation, but it's a benefit that can be used for enhancing your philosophical understanding. In this non dual experience, i could see the connection between all things, and i could make fluid, infinite associations between concepts at will with no limits because the boundaries between self and other had dissolved. At least I think I had that capacity, but who knows, maybe that was my egocentric, manic imagination. I would appreciate it so very much if you could clarify that what i experienced was actually something that is possible for someone like me. I need a high level of intelligence to function in the world and survive. My lack of common sense gets in the way of me doing simple tasks and comprehending information. However, I have high linguistic intelligence, but very low logical intelligence. I know these things happened, but my level of doubt is very high because I don't have confidence in myself. Are the things about enlightenment-esque phenomena I described in this post possible?
  20. THANK YOU! i know my doubt is unreasonable, because I had the direct experience of being one with the divine. the experience of oneness transcends all fear, hope, and doubt 100 percent.
  21. The moment is enlightenment. It is a state of pure awareness, or consciousness. And you are it
  22. i'm rapidly recovering from SEVERE schizophrenia with no medications because of my daily hatha yoga practice (2 hours daily). it will ground you in reality, guaranteed. i'd advise staying away from meditation altogether until you feel your feet touching the ground and your ego has been returned to a state of normalcy. meditation actually landed me in multiple treatment centers and mental hospitals, and actually triggered a psychotic episode. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. you want to stay in your body, no matter what. there are also some yogic breathing techniques that help. i do the ujjayi breath for 15 minutes a day. discipline and routine are essential for overcoming schizophrenia as well. find a purpose in your life, and master it. and medications do help a lot too in many cases, if used intelligently. be careful of them though, because they can totally zombify your mind, and most of them are neurotoxic and have a huge number of awful, damaging side effects. maybe you could stay on meds for a few years and use them as tools for short term stabilization, and then you could wean yourself off them. hatha yoga is the way to go for schizophrenia. i can GUARANTEE that you can overcome the "disease" 100 percent without meds one day, if you can master this practice. there are numerous studies that have shown it to be tremendously beneficial for combatting psychosis. it is also considered to be just as effective as typical concentration meditation practice by numerous spiritual masters. i also highly recommend transpersonal psychology. read this. i think you would find this article tremendously beneficial.