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Everything posted by pluto

  1. Thought i could share this amazing artist!
  2. Try herbal/natural remedies first, you can severely damage your body and brain with pharmaceuticals. My mum used to be a happy, joyful, loving, passionate person and after 2 years of anti-deprresent drugs they completely robbed her of her personality, she was having mood swings, always angry, careless, little to no connection to her spirit/self it was like they made her a zombie. Took me 5 years of healthy eating and lifestyle advice and natural regenerative/adaptogenic herbs and other vitamins/minerals to help her recover a bit but still she is not completely the same which saddens me deeply
  3. Because you have created and "accepted" the reality that girls do not notice you. Work on how you can change and restructure that belief system to where girls "do" notice and talk to you and eventually it happens. All starts from within. I helped many with this simple technique because it is simply how the universe works, once you notice yourself to be truly beautiful, everything else notices you too. First you must see it yourself, then you will manifest it. The reflection in the mirror cannot smile unless you smile first
  4. Not specifically, i like to absorb best parts of different teachings/masters and create my own way.
  5. So proud of you @Solace You are very in tune and aligned with yourself
  6. CBD oil is much better option. Pharma drugs only temporarily/artificially create a false system when you stop you will crash and burn plus you are slowly killing your body from UN-natural toxic substance that has no place in the body. CBD oil or other Natural Products on the other hand actually aid in the body to self-heal and actually repair damage not replace it temporarily. Our bodies have a built in Endocannabinoid system. Why? who knows but that itself shows we are nature as one.
  7. Yeah well that is what sells these days i guess.., Most probably were for a quick buck Eventually people come to their senses.
  8. That's just my path of sight i guess, go hard or go home. I guess you could say its a spiritual ego but from experience i know that the more challenging the path the greater the rebound effect. Through my darkest times i grew the most.
  9. @Rilles Ever hear the lyrics to "Where is the Love" ? Hopsin is also another powerhouse in conscious rap these days.
  10. @DMM710 Indeed, to each to their own is most wise. I was just sharing in which i understand to be the path of least resistance. All is well
  11. @Prabhaker If its not the most potent and most dangerous, personally, i see it as a waste of time and effort Through the greatest challenge, the greatest darkness, Arises the Ultimate Light. Fear is pointless when Love is Eternal. I say either go full on or not at all if you want pure freedom
  12. The best way to meditate is simply Just Be All of these other Meditations are Imagination put into work which(don't get me wrong) can be extremely powerful but it is still not allowing the natural divine flow to flow effortlessly. When you Just Be, you are simply allowing the divine to express divinity in its most natural way. Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.
  13. Everyone and everything in your reality is there to teach you something either by helping you or distracting you. How you react and apply is all that matters to how well you evolve.
  14. The Master has no mind of her own. She understands the mind of the people. To those who are good she treats as good. To those who aren’t good she also treats as good. This is how she attains true goodness. She trusts people who are trustworthy. She also trusts people who aren’t trustworthy. This is how she gains true trust. The Master’s mind is shut off from the world. Only for the sake of the people does she muddle her mind. They look to her in anticipation. Yet she treats them all as her children. When you do not trust people, people will become untrustworthy.
  15. @cetus56 Next to two hundred thousand of us especially the younger generations are higher dimensional beings in disguise who chose to incarnate here to help raise the collective consciousness on this planet. This is why some children these days can do things no other humans could ever before. This is why many younger people today seem to be naturally more enlightened or pure by default than people who meditate for decades and practice spirituality their whole lives. Some of us are not from this planet, or this realm/dimension for that matter, we chose to make this bravest of all missions for a greater purpose. Thanks for sharing
  16. You will be amazed at how things fall magically into place once you let go of the illusion of control
  17. You find all by losing and letting be of all
  18. You cant. You lead by example. Focusing and trying to change/awaken others will get you lost back in their level. Plant the seeds, show them the door but that's all you can do, if you push further you will only be limiting your own awakening/awareness.
  19. I got this from an ancient text i saved years ago which i found quite interesting. While in your sleep/dream state, you choose which probably events you want to actualize into your physical daily life. you are anything but "inactive". you are highly active. During sleep, you process your daily activities, project it into what you think of as the future, choose events you wish to make physical and then begin the mental and physic processes that will bring them into the world of physicality. At the same time you make this information available to all other aspects of your self who dwell in entirely different realities and you receive from them comparable information. You can thus draw upon knowledge that belongs to these other independent selves. within this sympathetic relationship, much wisdom is gained and shared. you not only do this on an individual level but as a race you do it en masses on a national and global level, the world we see is a reflection of our inner reality. In a gigantic co-operative endeavor, all consciousness joins together to create the world you perceive. - I also experienced this similar knowledge on DMT experiences. DREAMS Dreams are comments on your life. Some dreams are simply a means of releasing pent-up tensions accumulated in your daily life. Other dreams are messages from your Soul/Higher-self. Most dreams are meant to tell you something that is important for you to know about yourself at that moment in your life. This is different from dream interpretation. Trying to interpret dreams from a limited 3D perspective only creates more confusion. Dream interpretation is an approach to understanding dreams from the limitations of a five sensory perspective. - Again my most intense, prophetic and vivid/lucid dreams and DMT experiences have given me similar clarity to this text. Understanding dreams as messages from the soul is a multi-sensory approach to dreams. Dream interpretation is seeing dreams from the outside in. Understanding dreams as messages from the soul is understanding them from the inside out. That is significantly different. How you utilize these extrasensory communications from your soul is up to you. If you fail to make any sense of your dreams, its because you believe that non exists. Record your dream for 21 nights and you will see a patterns beginning to emerge. Look for the personal symbolism within each dream. Hope this helps, it may be useful.
  20. If you think you are enlightened, go spend a week with your parents - Ram Dass
  21. The Real Enlightened Beings are Communicating all the time. Telepathically
  22. I think he was one of those early awoke beings that had no one else to turn to or understand them for guide or help so he went crazy. I've been to a mental institute before, you'd be amazed how many awakened beings there is there but had gone crazy because no one around them ever understood them and eventually society labelled them as crazy and forced fed meds for schizophrenia and other disorders which severely disrupts connection to spirit(due to physical damage caused by artificial medication) even more so they will appear just as crazy now.
  23. The opposite will happen. 99.99% of civilizations on other planets and earths history ended because material/technological advancement surpassed spiritual evolution.
  24. Yeah it was awesome, you don't feel the body so you can enter deeper states much quicker and float around as pure consciousness/awareness I suggest meditating a week or two or more every day beforehand to get the most out of the experience. You will feel extremely relaxed afterwards even if you don't meditate successfully due to the epsom salts and atmosphere at these places.