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Everything posted by pluto

  1. The best thing i have come up with these things go blue is see it as "universal tests" to see if you will pass or fail. The universe is always testing you and giving you want you want but also sending the equal distraction at the same time so see if you are ready for the next level(so to speak). This is the test. If you view things and everything that happens as a test, you will ride the wave of life much more smoothly. If you ride the wave smoothly, you will pass the test in a more effortless fashion and bloom, if you fall for the distraction, you're only going to be planted again thus, ultimately, all is well There is a wise quote: You are not experiencing suffering, you are suffering your experiencing. and most welcome @phoenix666 <3
  2. Sometimes when you're in a dark place you tend to think you've been buried but you've actually been planted The universe will test you, choose to Bloom!
  3. I like women but i prefer a goddess
  4. Man needs to connect to the divine feminine, Woman needs to connect to the divine masculine In this process they will become one and the same. Wholeness
  5. I noticed quite the flow of chaos and confusion lately in these forums and i know i am possibly one of the reasons these chain of events has occurred for letting out some deeper truths prematurely. I am now seeing both sides of the spectrum delude themselves in their own truth and understanding from topic to topic which i foresee will backfire unless all is dropped and instead Love and Kindness is chosen above everything else. Remember guys, Meditation is one of the most important things to being more and more yourself and being a more authentic and direct expression of source consciousness. If you aren't meditating often, Enlightened or not you shouldn't be giving advice and if you aren't meditating often, you shouldn't be asking the same questions over and over again because the answer will always remain the same until you do something about it yourself. I found a really good article on Meditation that may help you if you aren't meditating effectively and getting the required downloads from source/higher-self (whatever works for you). I wake up most days with downloads or after meditation i know i have the right to give advice because i feel the pure energy allowing me too, knowing that my wisdom is pure. Meditation is probably the best way to integrate source energy effectively, if not you must find what dose for you. If you are not integrating source energy daily in some way/shape/form, you can easily lose yourself and delude not only self but others too. Harmony & Alignment. I notice other times when i do not meditate or receive source downloads(so to speak) as often, i get carried away with all the "knowingness" but too much "knowingness" deludes pure "Understanding". There is a wise saying in the Tao Te Ching - The more you know, the less you understand. Here is the article that may help you meditate more effectively so there can be more harmony within the forums and your lives, whether you are here to teach or learn, Meditation is by far the most important practice that that keeps us closer to our purest and most authentic state of being and we all know this better than anyone else. Keep doing all the things you do, just make sure you leave a little space for meditation in between things to harmonize everything out and produce a more divine clarity in whatever you are doing or choosing to be in life. Besides Love, its the most spiritually used word since the beginning of mans word and for a good reason. ??
  6. @Quanty These people need help, you are meant to show them the door, you need guide them if you wish to help them. They will never "see" the answer if you present it directly with how you know it yourself. Not everyone will see or know things like you do, to you it may be clear and simple common sense but they have their own, life path/perspective. I suggest you take some time off the forums to meditate or whatever you feel is best to re-integrate source energy to harmonize things out so you can see a more (whole) perspective and understand where others are too.
  7. @K VIL All is well friend, this is just to help raise awareness and another way to look at the bigger picture. No one is forcing you or rushing you, just giving you another perspective of how we can create harmony not only for ourselves but the whole planet
  8. All is well @Quanty i know where your coming from
  9. Haha it was a just a joke but mainly exploration, enjoyment and assistance @StephenK
  10. So i can talk to myself outside my mind.
  11. I still remember one of my DMT experiences where like Mario 64 when you jump in and out of the paintings. Life on earth became a painting frozen in time and i was back in the (real world) lol.. Still blows my mind till this day.
  12. Consider the mothers pain, i know its hard for you but imagine what she is going through, i guess the only person she feels some connection to with about her son is you, i could be wrong but if it were me i would just try breathe, meditate as said above and try imagine myself in her shoes. If you don't want too, its completely fine either way but if anything i would try to connect with my heart and follow its guidance.
  13. The only friend you will ever truly need is the one you see in the mirror. Not once the reflection ever does not match yours, love that self and life will love you back. You will never feel more at home or at peace if you find true love within yourself. No one else can do this for you, that's all an illusion. You are the one that gives the love in the first place in order to feel love from others. It always comes from within and it always starts from you.
  14. Pure Observation, not all but many. Charles Manson is a good example. If you really listen to his words and are somewhat self-realized more than the average person yourself, you will see lots of truth in his words. Imagine Leo talking about what he talks about few decades ago, little earlier he would be beheaded. In the old days witches were simply spiritually self-realized women that understand how the universe works more than the average people and because the general masses were as ignorant as sheep they only saw those who had powers or abilities beyond them as work of evil or satan.
  15. Do what feels right to you, no one can tell you better. The universe will never present an experience you are not ready for or in harmony with or it simply wouldn't be. We go through things for a greater purpose, we might not always see it as clearly but eventually all will make sense. Trust and Enjoy
  16. @herghly Not specifically but what is interesting is through some psychedelic experiences in the past my body was doing advanced yoga poses without me ever learning them, it just knew by default but i now understand that in those states you basically tap into a higher state of being(so to speak) thus you are more naturally all knowing. My body did this after a challenging experience and after the stretches and movements i was blissed out
  17. Well said Leo, i have also come to the same conclusion about psychedelics lately. I have been driven back to a more endogenous approach and tripping far less often.
  18. Most Psychopaths are actually quite self-realized, thus why they become psychopaths because most people are as dumb as nails and don't understand their superior intelligence. In an insane society the insane ones are quite normal by universal standards. This is why meditation or other spiritual arts are very important for highly intelligent or evolved beings.
  19. We don't stop playing because we grow old, We grow old because we stop playing
  20. I am love, i am joy, all is love, all is joy <3
  21. Surrender/Acceptance I prefer the term: Letting Be or Let it Be It seems to work better.