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Everything posted by pluto

  1. @okulele They "mostly" come to me in similar form as the image below, i believe this is the highest form of language and how the universe communicates beyond physicality. i receive a code and i just know the meaning in that state as the geometry is like reading a book or more, its hard to explain, it just shows up and you can read it and perfect understanding within that moment of what the code, pattern, fractal contains as information/downloads. Downloads can also come in other forms of sounds, vibration, symbols ect.. This is especially common on DMT, at least for me. More similar examples. if you spend enough time looking at sacred geometry things will start to unlock within you naturally. Within, you are infinitely intelligent you just need to connect and step back into that awareness.
  2. Travel and spend more time in nature.
  3. As long as you are getting the water in some way. The healthiest way would probably be fruits, that water is the most alive Coconut water is also excellent and full of minerals/electrolytes.
  4. You must apply what you realize in order to stay in a constant awareness of growth but even if you don't it doesn't matter, you are always rising you just don't necessarily notice it as you get used to the higher states of being(so to speak). Be yourself, follow your highest joy and live it! Everything will fall into place, let go and trust the process as when you do that you allow consciousness to be consciousness at its finest.
  5. After you wake up to your true self, everything becomes natural. You understand what is authentic and what is not by default. You are connected so you see everything you need to when you need to. This is going with the flow, this is living in the moment. The Enlightened State resides in the pure presentness. It is being itself. Everything comes to you naturally. The information came in form of sacred geometry while in a lucid DMT-Like state around 5am as i woke up. Its similar to reading books that are more like codes, patterns, fractals of energy containing information and it can be like downloading a whole book in a flash, everything is extremely amplified in the higher states(if you will). Higher states because you literally vibrate at a much higher frequency as the higher the frequency the faster we vibrate and the less dense we become. In these states as you think so it becomes, instantly. Where in physical reality as a denser vibration, manifestation takes time to occur. On higher density/dimensions(frequencies) there is no time so imagine experiencing even 1 second of infinity. Its available within all of us, tune in
  6. @MarkusR They are not assumptions, they are knowings. When you open yourself up to source you receive. You either know or you dont, there is no in between when you are awake to the true nature of your being.
  7. This is not "new age spirituality", this is "simple physics". The words i use resonate with me and others of that particular wavelength(if that serves you). If it doesn't resonate with you, absorb what does, discard what doesn't. Consciousness > Energy and when that Energy Vibrates at a particular Frequency it creates the illusion of Physicality. Nikola Tesla's famous quote of Everything is Energy, Frequency and Vibration didn't mysteriously come out of thin air, the man was a genius among geniuses and arguably the most intelligent human who ever lived and possibly the closest embodiment of infinite intelligence in physical form. I do not waste energy, everything i post has value or i will not bother. I am here to assist the awakening. I simply provide what i provide and if it does not serve you that is fine, the information will remain. It does not matter, you do you
  8. If you have a taste or tastes of the infinite this should really resonate with you <3
  9. Thought i would share this, IMO an excellent explanation on how it all works
  10. Indeed. When you become whole you feel complete, nothing is needed for you to feel any more complete. You can still enjoy things you used to do but they become more sacred and empowering than ever before and you do them more for a greater purpose than a personal one. So you are more likely to experience them far less often which doesn't devalue your existence or nature of enjoyment or pleasure whatsoever as when you become whole you feel like you are in a constant state bliss anyway so nothing outside of yourself is necessarily needed to feel amazing all the time.
  11. Whenever the moment arises, once a week, once a month, once a year, it really doesn't bother me at all. Sex is fun in the beginning but as you grow as a whole it becomes more sacred and powerful experience you do it less often with more power and passion = greater the effort/reward
  12. Round and Spiral Shaped like the Universe
  13. You don't have to worry about deficiency much, we don't need as much as is recommended. I'd say at least 500mg a day is enough, try to keep magnesium in 1:1 ratio with calcium and supplement with Vitamin K2 and D3 or sunshine so calcium gets properly absorbed and doesn't end up in places it does not belong. Highest Sources i am aware of Sesame seeds, Chia seeds, Beans/Legumes, Almonds, Kale, Broccoli, Okra, Oranges, Quinoa ect..
  14. Stay off artificial lights especially blue lights few hours before sleep. Buy blue-blocker glasses and wear them when the sun goes down to follow the natural rhythms of nature if you will be using or under artificial lighting, screens ect.. after sundown. Keep processed sugar away from diet and stimulants away from anywhere close to bedtime. Increase your magnesium intake and maybe try calming herbal teas like chamomile, valerian ect.. Also melatonin 300mcg - 3mg 15 - 30 minutes before sleep can help re-balance circadian rhythms but only use it for 1 - 2 weeks or until your sleep patterns become regulated again. Be active and exercise daily and eat more heavy/solid foods in the evening to help wind down and also get sunlight during the day and spend some time in nature as too much inside on electronics causes havoc in the system and nerves struggle to relax.
  15. @SalvijusYou resonate with what is on the same vibrational wavelength/frequency as you are
  16. It won't if you don't let these types of thoughts and questions go. You have to surrender and trust "ALL THAT IS" so it can be "ALL THAT IT CAN BECOME". You are only resisting the natural flow of creation by clinging onto these frequencies.
  17. I received this as a download from my higher-self/higher-mind(so to speak) as that is what i asked specifically. We can tap into this higher-frequency-intelligence or some also call it Akashic Records to receive this level of information. There are also people who channel higher intelligence as trance-telepathic states which tune in those higher dimensional beings/entities ect.. which can also provide this information further.
  18. All comes down to vibration OM is most popular because it purifies the Ego. When the Ego is pure it can surrender, merge and embody the Higher-Self as a Whole Being (so to speak).
  19. At that moment, what you believe to be most likely is what you will experience for you have created a "time-lag"(so to speak) in this physical reality between the belief and the manifestation of the belief as this is your idea of linear time but in that reality as well as your sleep/dream reality, thoughts are things and in a sense you are a thought-form in a world of thought-forms. Therefore by having the thought, the reality is immediately created. This is exactly what happens on DMT and NDE(Near Death Experience) reports explains almost exactly the same experiences as those who take DMT which simply explains that thoughts = reality just in this physical dimension the process takes much longer to manifest where in higher dimensions it is instantaneous. Although as you are in this state, the ego/mind soon begins to soften as you merge with higher energies/higher-self frequencies and eventually you recognize you are always THE ONE which removes the filter of forgetfulness and enter the timelessness state where from there you remember everything and from there you choose the next path/destination or journey you wish to embody and or play with You experience something quite similar every morning, Let it go Allow it to be as it is.
  20. Indeed precisely when it happens from what i have heard the first 3 - 7 years of a child's life are of Most Importance and if his parents, society and the environment is that of an ego-oriented one where they themselves are not whole-beings, the child simply picks up on that and thinks that is love when they are actually picking up fear instead and become accustomed to that as the natural state.
  21. @starsofclay The thing is the ego loses and forgets its connection to the Higher-Mind(if you will) so it can no longer see as a "whole being" thus thinks that its entirely alone and adopts fear and goes full blown survival mode instead of relaxed/flexible mode its more natural state where it knows to be expression of love not fear. We have a physical mind and a higher mind the higher mind is the one that is more in tune with spirit/all that is/the greater consciousness (that sees all beyond the limitations of physicality) and the physical mind is simply limited by only the higher mind(so to speak) so when they harmonize then you can live more as a whole being more in-tune to the greater ALL THAT IS consciousness, so to speak. Those we call the Enlightened ones are more in-tune with this greater consciousness(if you will) and function more as a whole being. In truth it is ALL ONE yes. We must not try to control the Ego, we must give it freedom and love it requires so it surrenders to its wholeness and we become whole as one. The Ego's purpose is to simply be the "focus" on the physical reality and if it gets completely lost it in, it forgets about its wholeness and adopts the idea of physicality being the only thing that's real and keeps it alive so thus adopts fear as a survival defense mechanism because it has lost connection to the higher-self(so to speak) and due to this it has no access to universal love and thinks its completely alone and quite easily completely forgets love/freedom/eternity. In a Nutshell
  22. There are some devices people made but their accuracy is in question. These downloads i got mentioned that in future we will have these devices and those who naturally vibrate higher are more connected to infinite intelligence so they can know and scan/read other peoples without devices in their own way by feeling.
  23. @Solace Probably its core-frequency would be more accurate for urine. I will hopefully get more answers for more specific questions you have asked with the intention on them to be answered but you can also do this yourself by asking and having the intention before meditation, sleep, connecting with higher-self ect.. whatever works for you. You could say biofield is another term for prana, there are many. I believe the superfoods you mentioned are up there with the herbs so i would estimate 15 - 30+ mhz some possibly higher, it will come if it needs to. Chemical sunlight would be far beyond our comprehension/understanding as with energy of Pure Love. There are also pyramid structures and sonic vibratory instruments people have made to accelerate our overall vibration but that's another topic. Nothing will work better than what you emit yourself Well said @Arkandeus
  24. I found this video recently that explains more of the above image and how those measurements were made. My insights/downloads came upon arising and during a quasi-physical/dream-like state(if you will). I also get these insights/downloads/visions when i am in deep meditation or other similar things.
  25. All answers to the questions you guys are asking are within the text. Let it sink in for a while, come back another time and you shall see