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Everything posted by pluto

  1. fasting, fasting, fasting. Fast from life, from food, from society, from media, from people. Eventually there will be pure calmness, pure bliss, pure awareness where you "see" what truly is and the old patterns are eventually replaced with the new. Once you are hit with Truth, there is no otherwise. Absolute surrender, you find all by losing and letting go of all.
  2. Stop eating and drinking and transmute light energy for nourishment The only thing is, you'll have to be a hermit. We are still behind socially, collectively ect... It is even scientifically proven the less food and less often we eat and the more time we spend in the fasted-state and we promote significantly more Human Growth Hormone. They have done countless studies on humans and animals where they cut out half the caloric intake, and limited consumption to 1 - 2 meals a day and found telomeres were preserved far more efficiently. Then we have superfoods, wild berries and herbs ect.. There are known hermits that live very long lives, much longer than what we think is long that live off wild herbs and berries and then you wonder how do they get adequate nutrition? This is where energy, frequency and vibration, sunlight, transmutation ect.. takes place and then again the simpler the life, the less you need. When you reach a level of spiritual awareness(so to speak) you can learn how you can trasmute light for energy because ultimately you are light, you are that light reflecting upon self. Thinking otherwise is illusion of source/self. There is only you, you can do and live as you wish if you really wanted to.
  3. Love is who you are beyond all layers. Its Oneness, Its Home. How do you feel love? You must love first. The universe is a mirror, a projection of your consciousness. If you want to experience love, you must be loving first. This is why many people get caught up in romantic relationships and think that other person is a reason for their love, happiness and freedom but this is an illusion. It starts with you loving them, thus in universal reflection, love becomes more present because you are being more loving, more giving, more compassionate and by universal law it has no option but to reflect that frequency in which you are giving out. Now imagine if you can love everyone and everything like you do your partner, these are usually the Enlightened ones. They are in love with all life as they see all life as one and the same.
  4. You're fine, don't fall for the fear-based propaganda. Follow your body, your natural, primal intelligence surpasses the mind of man.
  5. Do what you love to do and that brings you the highest excitement at any given moment, It must be the one that is the absolute highest in that moment not second highest, third ect.. that will lead you to a life of synchronicity. This is following your true passion, from there you live from the signs and synchronicities. Your passion is not hard-wired. We are multi-dimensional beings, we are constantly moving and shifting so whatever it is in that moment that brings you highest joy, you do that until the next comes along.
  6. If you seek peace, be still. If you seek strength, be brave. If you seek wisdom, be silent. If you seek mindfulness, be compassionate. If you seek healing, be in nature. If you seek nirvana, be love. If you seek love, be yourself. Namaste
  7. Thanks guys and @Patang Yes, this is also genuine, although my post is not necessarily a how to guide, just an example, a seed. To eventually, Just be. Love, Compassion, Stillness, Gratitude ect.. these are the purest and most natural energies because they present in nature and the universe at large beyond the conditioning of man and physical reality. The more you express these fundamental frequencies, the more you you become and the more you can just be, as yourself beyond physical conditioning and belief systems we have accepted and bought into. The energy you give off based on your beliefs, your emotions, your behavior, the vibrational frequency you give off is what determines the kind of reality experience you have because physical reality doesn't exist except as a reflection of what you most strongly believe is true for you. That is all that physical reality is. It is literally like a mirror. Hope this helps
  8. And if its for the best, i shall leave you be. Bless!
  9. And if its for the best, i shall leave you be. Bless!
  10. I stand by what i said, as i always do because i know how it works and no, because that is not the current collective reality of focus at hand. It is of no interest to this presence at this time but if it was necessary it could be done, most definitely. If you shift your vibrational frequency and allow more light to shine through, you will see how simple all of this really is and when you tap into the whole, there are far more important things to focus and expand on than physically flying. It is not required at this time/space from this viewpoint in consciousness. I was simply stating what is most definitely possible because ALL THAT IS its infinite, in all directions. You are all Misunderstanding. It isn't that serious nor complicated, you are just seeing it through your own collectively accepted lens, instead of surrendering all the lenses to the whole and seeing it for what it really is. Hope this helps, let it sink it. It will show up, one way or another. I forgive you all, always <3
  11. @Sven When you find yourself, you see it all, the meaning, why we are here, how we came to be, the purpose, the big AH-HA moment, creation manifest. Past/Present/Future dissolves into one. When this happens you see that you chose to be here at this point in the universe for a specific reason and this specific personalized consciousness view point, at the same time all the other viewpoints are taking place and they all have their own purpose as equally as yours but where you are right now is where you are meant to be, where you have chosen to be. You are One, pretending to be many, you are God, pretending to be not. Its all a play, a dance, a journey from darkness to light and it never ends and at the same time, its always ever-present and like Leo says, Absolutely Infinite. Words really do little justice. You just have to surrender completely to embody who you truly are.
  12. @How to be wise Thanks for your comment, let me express this further. I am here to spread the light, to plant the seeds that i was aware to plant and they have never failed me in doing so. I have watched countless bloom from the wisdom above which is why i continue to share what i know and understand. Its not easy being born awake in a sleeping reality. I do try my best to be the best i can. All the things i post i have already accomplished and experienced first hand or i simply wouldn't post them, that's going against my very nature, have you ever seem me genuinely ask a question on these forums in the 3000+ posts? The least i can do is help others because others are me, my family, my children, my brothers, my sisters. Sometimes i am harsh sure but its for a greater purpose, for a greater reason, i know they can handle it because i know who they are beyond all these layers that we think and believe we are. Sure, i am not always aligned as pure as i can be, i have my ups and downs because at the end of the day i chose to be human at this time but there's a reason i was born into these shoes, i knew i could handle it and knowing who i am and i know and grant permission to share what i know is true because this is why i am here and chose to be here at this time. By Universal law, i cannot mislead others or i would be going against my own truth, my own nature. I only express truth because i understand oneness. I understand who we are from the center of creation, like people understand when they take the Heroic dose of Psychedelics and get the big cosmic giggle, the AH-HA moment, i see this, all the time. It has never left me. Sometimes i may appear off from your perspective but if you rise in frequency you will see how genuine and pure i actually am. If you woke up realizing and seeing that everything is literally you, why would you promote illusion, how could you lie to yourself, how could you escape yourself when you are everywhere, everyone and everything. Its pointless. The only thing that has purpose is to express love/light because that is who we are. There is Light in everything, you just have to shift your vibration to "see" it.
  13. In this interview, Micheila Sheldan channels The 9th Dimensional Lemurian Collective. They reveal pieces of human history and aspects of the reptilian agenda. If you are aware and interested in these topics you may enjoy this video. A refreshing download.
  14. @Leo Gura Why is my account been limited? I cannot upload images anymore over 10.24kb is this a bug? I have the perfect image for this question
  15. That is not Enlightenment. Enlightenment is Absolute Freedom.
  16. @luckieluuke When you find truth within yourself, you understand and see truth in everything else. You just know it from within, there is no belief systems or thinking involved when you "know" you feel it. There is not a doubt, because its a knowing. You may not always have the awareness to "see" it as clearly but there is a familiar sensation that one experience that verifies whats genuine and what is not. Its an inner-knowing when truth is presented. You just know, there isn't really anything more to it.
  17. @Viking That's Nature or The Universe (whichever works for you) testing you, its pushing you so you grow, eventually not a single thing will phase you. You must go through the darkness, through the madness and welcome it with love and gratitude, eventually it has no option but to transcend into light. Close your eyes and enjoy
  18. When the mind is turbulent, its like boiling water thus you only see what the mind is projecting at the given moment thus not actually seeing reality for what it really is. When the mind is calm, its like warm water, you now start to peek through reality and see it for what it really is rather than the projection of subconscious conditioning/bought into belief systems and mental projections. When the mind is silent, its like ice, crystallized manifest of pure consciousness, radiant, cool and clear. This is when you see the geometry, the fabric and fractalized consciousness/building blocks of the universe itself. This is when you are in direct download mode, when you download data/information or shall we say Remember who you truly are and radiate creator consciousness energy. See, we think we use the mind to project via eyes and see, but we only see what the mind has been conditioned to see, When the mind is silent, we see reality with the Awareness within thus we see it for what it really is. We may have to eyes to look but there is only one that Sees and that is within. This is why spending time in nature, in solitude, meditation, mindfulness, away from society, away from media, away from the conditioning and stimulations, especially mental stimulations is key to accessing the awareness you are within and tapping into your infinite potential and being who you truly are and expressing more of that energy to reshape the reality and finally live to your fullest potential being one with the universal way. The more time you spend in an environment where the energy is UN-touched or manipulated by the hand of man, the more your true, divine, enlightened, child-like, infinitely creative, infinitely intelligent, Unconditionally loving self you become. Its very simple, the question is how much you really want it but i guarantee as soon as you get a taste of your own divinity, nothing else will come close in comparison with how home this makes you feel and how proud and alive you can become, once again. Its pointless to your understanding to be any other way once you are touched with Divine Truth. The most impossibly sounding thing in the universe for you is usually the most simple, but when the mind is there, its impossible and complex, when the mind is disciplined, life becomes pure simplicity.
  19. @Arkandeus Glad you enjoyed it, this is all common knowledge but i guess there is still a lot of heavy programming over the masses. The split timelines do make the most logical sense currently with all that's going on and not just here on earth. We've come so far We are the Alchemists.
  20. You are all missing the point, notice the energy of the information provided if you have the eye to see. If not then carry on, others who resonate will. @Solace If you can be distracted you are not aligned. Life is a play, there is light in everything. Learn to "see" it.
  21. Apple I usually swallow or chew them, lemon i naturally spit out and oranges 50/50 haha just go by the feel of your body, if it doesn't seem desirable at the time, do as you wish. Usually by listening to your body as the body always knows whats best for you at any given time. The mind just complicates everything and interferes with whole body awareness. All the best Bless!
  22. @Charlotte Always my pleasure <3 Yes Indeed. Seeds are among the most nutrient/mineral dense foods we can consume. Some examples are: Hemp, Chia, Flax, Pumpkin, Sunflower, Sesame, Watermelon, Grape, Pomegrante, ect.. Again following nature's wisdom is always the wisest option, so you would want to eat more of the whole fruit than just the seed itself but life just isn't as complicated or as serious as people make it, go by the flow, eat what you enjoy and makes you feel good. A handful of nuts & seeds a day never hurt anyone.