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Everything posted by pluto

  1. Or you can fast on water Allow the body to deprogram and be in a meditative state 24/7 soon as hunger subsides.
  2. I love CBD oil it balances you and works on creating homeostasis within the body. Its like you are high without the high similar to after an effective meditation session.
  3. Or you could look into superfoods/wholefood multivitamins as they are whole but very nutrient dense. Like Spirulina, Chlorella, Cacao, Acai/Goji berries, Hemp/Chia Seeds and other nuts/seeds and lots of fruits for vitamins you'll be good Adaptogens and Medicinal Mushrooms are also excellent and Shilajit.
  4. You only need another when you don't truly embody the self. When you truly embody your essence you become complete. Sure you can have fun but if one leaves you it wont bother or effect you because you are at peace and in love with yourself thus ultimately all others are a growing/evolving process to find self. You only end up realizing there is only you.
  5. Everything in existence is aware on some level as everything is consciousness. May not be how we perceive awareness but in its own way or through reflections it definitely can experience some form of awareness. We think we are aware? Imagine how aware is the earth itself. We are simply its cells.
  6. You cant forget and escape truth even if you tried. Enlightenment is Inevitable. Once you become aware of something the universe makes it extremely uncomfortable to be anything other than the truth and the universe is simply you in disguise, you do it to yourself cause you know you can.
  7. If you are attracted to reading it why even ask us. Follow your calling. Its a Great book. He also has few others on "How to apply" the Power of Now and i think another one relating to the same book.
  8. @moon777light Always remember to buy as quality product as you can find when it comes to supplements. Wildcrafted/Harvested, Heirloom, Certified Organic, Biodynamic, Freeze-Dried ect... These will be the cleanest and most natural for your body. I usually research for days to weeks or more before buying one supplement. I also make sure to find the highest quality to support thy temple I read articles, studies, updated reviews, videos and sometimes whole books. Then i start self experimenting and go on from there. The best results i have had long term are from products that were grown and harvested as close to how they grow in the wild in pristine locations as possible and of course when they are sourced from the wild they are always better. You can notice quite a difference compared to an 100x extract made in a lab which is highly potent but short term rather than long term and minimal to no long term side effects. Our body has evolved with nature so when we use very potent lab made stuff it does the job quickly but also becomes taxing on the system especially overtime cause the system does not recognize such extreme amounts in such a short period of time but when we use minimally changed substances its more of a gradual but long term effect. Similar to Psychedelics and Meditation. One is short and quit but requires integration and becomes taxing with frequent use and the other is a gradual purification and more permanent and no tax
  9. You have to be the light that shines not the other way around. Be direct, be genuine and be yourself. If you have one too many thoughts interfering with the process then find your meditation art-form and master it until you become a master then seed humanity with your light
  10. Yogurt/Kefir, Sauerkraut/Kimchi, Miso, Sourdough bread, Coconut products(especially yogurt), Fermented foods/veggies/olives or soy products in general are very good. Kombucha or Homemade Ginger ale are also great @Michael569 Checkout Ahiflower Oil for SDA and higher conversion and also Hemp seeds because magnesium is said to significantly enhance conversion and hemp seeds have highest magnesium of any known food gram/gram and some other factors i can't remember at the top of my head are more efficient in converting over than Flax, Chia and others but then again the healthier we are the less we need and the more efficient and better conversion rates. Based on what i remember 1 Tbsp of hemp seed oil or better 2-3 Tbsp of hemp seeds daily should be optimal but again its always best to experiment with both and see where and how you feel best.
  11. Whatever you believe will work best for you simply will work best for you. You are your key
  12. Its because all things past/present/future are actually happening within the NOW. When we have many deja-vu's we are simply shifting at greater/higher jumps in vibrational frequency thus more noticeable as you've seen that before. Other times through dreams we've had earlier but either way its all the same thing.
  13. Its even simpler then that. Simply "know" you are beautiful and attractive and compassionate and by expressing that behavior/energy day by day, women will naturally be attracted to you because of the light you emit. They may not see it but its magnetic, they feel it one way or another as will you. This is simply how the universe works with everything, its all the same simple method. What you believe most true to you will be your projected reality, it cannot be another way because you are creating this reality you experience. The rest is illusory projection/co-play. Now many people have yet to reach the level of "knowing" but if you keep believing eventually it becomes a "knowing" and once it becomes a knowing it works every single time because by universal law what you know works cannot not work as you are the U in the Universe. The most sophisticated sounding things are actually the most simple, once you get a taste, everything changes. To Simplify. Know thyself, Love Thyself, Be thyself. The rest will come naturally. Affirmations can help. Find what works best for you but do not over-complicate, just love yourself, see your beauty, be that beauty then others will notice too.
  14. Once you get past the stage of not smoking while out with friends who are all drinking and smoking around you then you will know you have mastered the addiction or very close to mastering it. Do it a few more times and eventually you rise above
  15. Yeah even smoked. Its one of the few rare herbs known that actually benefit the lungs even when smoked.
  16. You cannot microdose MDMA long term it can damage your brain. You shouldn't use MDMA more than once every 6 weeks and one every 3 months to be on the safe side. LSD, Psilocybin are far better/safer options long term.
  17. Try Mullein its very good for the lungs
  18. Compassion and Health are the two main reasons IMO.
  19. Delete Texting from your Entire Existence. Its a cancer in disguise.
  20. I cannot seem to post images anymore so here is one of my favorites :)\ If you love a flower, don't pick it up. Because if you pick it up it dies and ceases to be what you love. So if you love a flower, Let it be. Love is not about possession, Love is about appreciation. - Osho