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Everything posted by pluto

  1. Your strongest belief systems shape the reality you experience.
  2. @Zigzag Idiot The Dalai Lama is an unimpressive distraction if you ask me. The true masters are the ones you will never know or hear about.
  3. We are projecting reality with our mind not our eyes. I remember seeing the room after my DMT hit in a quality far beyond what the physical eyes could see. It was like 4K x 1000 with my eyes closed. There is a reason they call the minds eye the 3rd eye. We have two eyes that look and one that "sees".
  5. I've been taking D3/K2 every second or third day for years. It seems logical since K2(MK7) effective up-to 72 hours in the body. Depends how toxic you are/feel. In the beginning i was taking supplements every single day but now i go more by the "feel" of things and try to simplify things down to a more whole living/foods approach as overtime with focusing on spiritual practice and optimal health, i have learned to communicate with my body and become hyper-aware of its functions/sensations and needs. Just make sure your supplements are of a clean preferably "organic/wild-crafted" source with no nasty unnecessary additives. Hope this helps
  6. @Shroomdoctor Its always the wiser option my friend Make the Environment you surround yourself in a Temple!
  7. Nice, Id also like to sharing something that's recently arose from the shadows. Here is an amazing insight for those with the eye to see. The universe really shows its true colors when you apply this concept to day to day life. Less is more
  8. This is very powerful!
  9. @outlandish Indeed. Fluoride is only one side of the story. Once you start cutting out most processed foods, additives, preservatives, calcium phosphate and other chemicals and toxins not just in food but the environment in which you surround yourself with on a daily basis ect... you eventually start to notice a different reality. The body/mind starts to activate and starts to feel more and more alive than ever before. Paired with a whole food healthy diet, active lifestyle and some form of spiritual practice everything can change for the better within a few months. That's what i have noticed at-least by not just my own experience but observing others i have given this advice too or others in general living a similar lifestyle. They all eventually seem to "Get it" and eventually have one true understanding of the nature of existence in which i believe the calcification of the pineal gland plays one of the biggest roles in how you see and understand reality.
  10. Hard to explain really, especially since it was a very long time ago. At the time it just felt pointless/meaningless to do anything or interact with anything/anyone at all and as soon as i interacted it would somewhat dull the purity of the eternal state, the beingness, the knowingness, the understanding ect... All i could do was just be in that moment for quite a while. Its sorta like high end DMT experience, you can never really explain/express its depth, you can only witness/experience it and just be with it. Don't get me wrong, i was still doing things but i wasn't really there, i was everywhere/everyone, life just played itself out and i was just the awareness behind it all.
  11. Welcome to the Enlightened I am surprised you can still interact and communicate. When i experienced something similar years ago i was in my own world for a long while before i could interact with anyone or anything else for that matter. Enjoy!
  12. Start slowly, see how you feel. One food at a time if you must or one meal. Observe how you feel mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually. Start with the lightest like fruit then slow move onto veggies then cooked veggies, nuts and seeds and give adequate time in between each food group/method to observe how you feel few hours afterwards to see where and which serves you best. You can also experiment with meat. animal products if you desire which are denser in vibration but just remember to take it one step at a time to find where you are at your greatest cause ultimately that is your most natural state. Where you feel best is where you are
  13. @brugluiz Nascent Iodine is one of the best supplements i have ever used. I'd say it is and peppermint oil
  14. In the future there will be a blue alien dust particle called 5-Leo-DMT-R. Beware of this substance. The R stands for Reverse. - Quantum Toad
  15. What is ultimately happening is that you vibrate at very high frequency thus are naturally more sensitive to everything within existence. We are all empathic by nature its just that some vibrate slower and are numb to higher frequencies while others are not until they raise their vibration and become more in tune with the natural state.
  16. If you love someone, let them sleep.