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Everything posted by pluto

  1. In the morning before you start your day has been passed down by many masters because you set yourself in a calm, mindful and conscious state for the rest of the day to come. Although its not always the best method depending on the person, situation or lifestyle you must find what works best for you. I find both before bed and in the morning is even more effective or multiple times a short for shorter periods rather than one long period.
  2. It does one of the better jobs at healing, curing addiction and spiritual insights than most psychedelics IMO. Its the closest thing to our natural spiritual experiences/awakenings because i believe ultimately, the same thing happens but instead of smoking it the body releases it naturally but not as intense, instead a more gradual process. Although the body seems to release all forms of DMT in a balanced manner not just only N'N or 5-Meo ect..
  3. Wheat especially white flour acts like a drug to the human body. There are far better alternatives.
  4. Yes Fungi are a Important. Medicinal mushrooms can be like micro-dosing psychedelics and or CBD. They can sometimes assist in rewiring/repair/restoring on a level where most other substances cannot. I use a mixture of Chaga, Reishi, Lions Mane, Cordyceps and a few others in a Miron Glass Jar 1/4 - 1 tsp a day with my smoothie or tea/cacao. I feel they assist best in helping us reach a balance of mind/body/spirit.
  5. Royal Rife was a genius inventor who like Nikola Tesla made numerous important discoveries. He found that frequencies can reverse serious medical conditions. Using frequencies he restored health to many people from all types of sickness. Some of the frequencies he discovered are within these videos. Sit back, and relax. Feel the soothing and healing vibrations as they flow through your body. There's some good videos and documentaries on his life and inventions on youtube if you are interested. Its quite rare to find something so well made and mathematically in tune. Enjoy You can really feel these and the list goes on and on checkout and
  6. Imagination is essentially Tapping In Well done! and Thank you <3
  7. @Charlotte My pleasure. I guess its the normal aftereffects when exposing oneself to sound/vibrations for long periods of time. Notice when you go to musical festivals that play excessively loud music it echos in your ear drums for days and you struggle to sleep? Same thing applies here only here you are healing and not damaging your energy body although these frequencies can be over done as well. Balance is key
  8. When you look back and realize you had an name and identity at one point I remember looking back after a major awakening and somewhere a long the line about a year or so later i was confronted in a situation where i had to write down my name/details ect.. and for a moment i was stuck, oh right i had a name? i was fascinated how i had forgotten my name and how to spell it but few seconds later it all came back. I got so used to "Just being" and going by the "I just am" energy i had completely forgotten the ego/character.
  9. Try this. I've been working with these rife frequencies lately and they seem far more effective then others I've found over the years.
  10. Indeed. Here's two you guys might enjoy I'd assume pairing with your favorite form of meditation for optimal effects and just take everything in.
  11. @Bluebird Personally i would go by the feel of things but i remember reading somewhere that at least 3 times a week is required although i feel once or twice a day would be more effective. Also depends on the person, their sensitivity and frequency themselves and what they are trying to heal. Some people have said listening once was enough, my friend said the anxiety and pain one worked straight away and woke up next day with little anxiety and no pain.
  12. I usually go swimming at the beach or natural lakes but i went to a pool several months ago and i just couldn't stand the amount of chlorine in the atmosphere let alone the water. It was exhausting and dehydrating. Its fascinating how numb we used to be to all these toxic chemicals until we cleaned our life up. Its good to be aware and its good to be alive
  13. Joe is like the Smart guy out of the dumb group of people. He is still very animalistic/primitive in human nature. People have already mentioned the rest about him i mostly also agree with but i would not use the word evolved for someone like Joe. At least in a spiritual sense.
  14. Enlightenment is coming to realize the true nature of reality and existence itself. How well you embody/express that understanding/state of being is how Enlightened you will appear to others. People like Lao Tzu, Buddha, Jesus, Babaji are some good examples of an Enlightened Master. Many people wake up to the true nature of reality but struggle to embody/express its divine intelligence authentically at all times. You could consider these people Enlightened because they still understand or at least Know "how it all works" and "what it all is" and are most definitely Enlightened when compared to millions of other people who don't know "how it all works and what it all is" but not yet Enlightened Masters because they struggle to embody, express and live it eternally. 2c
  15. @eleveneleven They have yet to evolve to understand what love really is Its all love, there is only love. Its the core frequency of existence itself is love. Unconditional Infinite love. So unconditional that even suffering/illusions are allowed and accepted as a part of the whole. Its not something that can be mentally grasped. The true understanding of love is a one of one direct experience with the divine nature of reality.
  16. The situation at hand is in today's day/age we are OVER-STIMULATED thus why we need to reduce down to significantly less stimulation because most of us are exhausted on all levels of being and are not even aware of it. Once you cut out society for a bit and step back and live like a monk or a hermit for a few weeks or months you really notice the magic of existence come to awareness. You don't even have to go anywhere, just make the place you live a temple. We miss out on so much because we are constantly bombarded away from the NOW/Present moment. We cannot be in the NOW if we are always being stimulated thus we miss out on the Magic. I use the word magic because its the only word that comes close to the true nature of reality. Its full of amazement and miracles happening 24/7 but we need to step back in awareness to notice divine intelligence at play but when we are constantly involving ourselves in physical, mental, emotional stimuli we distort out spiritual awareness/connection to spirit/true sight. I am not saying one must do this completely forever, its all about simplicity and balance. Hope this helps
  17. Probably Psychedelics where you are in the passenger seat not the drivers Mushrooms, Ayahuasca/DMT/5-Meo, Peyote, San pedro cactus ect.. Mostly the natural ones where you cannot escape the truth especially with higher dosage, although I've had some excellent healing experiences with LSD, 2C-B, Ketamine and MDMA but i feel the natural ones show you more of what you "need" to see rather than "want" to see/experience.
  18. Always apologize when you get a chance, that's how you grow and move forward
  19. Try sniff some peppermint or eucalyptus essential oil and apply around temples, behind ears, under or sides of nose, neck, chest/spine. Paired with all the other advice people have given. Some also do wrists, bottom of feet and palms but do what works for you. Be careful not to put next to eyes or inside nostrils and it can burn because its quite strong. There are others that may work just as good or better have to research.
  20. The problem is the people who create GMO's n what not are not In-tune with nature and universal flow(if you will). Nothing they create will ever be harmonious because they are not in-tune/harmonious themselves. This is Universal Law. Biodynamic (No-Till) Farming is probably the closest thing we have to replicating natures way. If you seek optimal health.