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Everything posted by pluto

  1. Ketamine when done properly has shown some really good results for depression as far as i know. Its not a psychedelic but many non-psychedelic substances can be turned into a form of self healing especially if you know what you are doing. Here is some in depth information about Ketamine
  2. Its about increasing the quality of your existence. Some say Enlightenment is perfect cleanliness. The dirtier the body, the busier the mind.
  3. What you all have to realize is that either way you wouldn't be able to tell a difference if you die or not because there are infinite universes at play Without you, none of it exists.
  4. Go into the forest for a week straight. Observe.
  5. @Shakazulu I am a master of these subjects. I've done it all before they were even mainstream I became my own teacher/master.
  6. Well said. I always take digestive enzyme/probiotic complex beforehand or during whenever i eat something cooked or consume enzyme/probiotic rich fruit/yogurt before or after. Preferably before is best especially since fruit digests very quickly but yogurt/fermented foods are fine afterwards too. I remember when i was young my mother would serve a drink made from yogurt and salt sometimes cucumbers and garlic and serve anytime we eat bread, pita or anything heavy/cooked and it would fix stomach upsets or bloating almost immediately. I believe its called Doogh or Ayran. Personally i am a bit of a freak of nature, i can eat poison and junk and rarely have weight or health problems yet i choose to eat healthy and whole. This should make people think. Excellent video! I agree with most of what he says tbh.. he knows how things work similarly how i do. Thanks for sharing Bless!
  7. @Michael569 Indeed you are correct interestingly enough, Maca looks like a yellow cousin of beetroot Both root vegetables.
  8. You could live like a king somewhere or you could spend it in a week somewhere else. All depends
  9. This is quite silly and immature and opposite of what we focus on here on health, fitness and nutrition. Just do the breathing techniques and exercises WIM HOF suggests beforehand which oxygenate and heat the inner-fire of the body up so you don't feel the cold as much. An even better technique is start off with lukewarm, then every 15 - 30 seconds make it colder and colder until its completely cold. Just keep breathing deeply, eventually it becomes comfortable and you get this amazing buzz and get out and ready to conquer the world!
  10. The fastest way is to STOP and surrender absolutely to life itself. Detach from absolutely everything. Yes including food and water. Let go of everything you think you need to live/exist. Sit in room/cave void of light/sounds. Say bye bye to life.
  11. Yes and pair those things with something like this You're in for a treat
  12. Global. As we become more intelligent as a species we will realize plant nutrition is far superior to the human body than animal nutrition. We have evolved consciously on a collective level in the last 5 - 10 years more than we have in the last 50 - 100+. This is what Nikola Tesla was saying way back then and i see it with my own eyes but then again this is the reality i am tuned into. If so much has happened and its only multiplying and evolving faster and faster it will be hard to predict what will happen in 5 let alone 50 years. Based on my observation and the reality i see unfold, lower conscious/animalistic behaviors (like eating meat and slaughtering animals) will fade out very quickly as they already are. Meat and Animal products will be one of the first things to go as they are almost inevitable to detach from when rising to higher states of consciousness especially if you want to be more "Human". This is the evolutionary process from density to light. Sure you can hold yourself back in specific realities still tuned into the more primitive way of thinking/living but you will suffer if you require transcendence to higher states of consciousness if you cannot let go of lower conscious behaviors/attachments. This is how i see and understanding things, it will all depend on where you are on the evolutionary scale, what you have seen and what you choose to tune into. People suffer on plants because they continue to live an animalistic-adapted lifestyle. If you seek spiritual transcendence and evolution, how you live and things you do on a day to day basis will also have to change that are more in-tune with a plant-based lifestyle. We need to transcend from survival mode to thrive. Examples of the two types of behaviors. Low conscious/Animalistic - High conscious/Humanistic Me - We Competitive - Cooperative Separation - Unity Blame - Understanding Materialism - Spiritualism Service of self - Service of others Recognition - Authenticity Lust - Love Prize/Reward - Journey/Experience Past/Future Oriented - Present Separation - Oneness You get the idea...
  13. @JayG84 The Devil is nothing. Wait till you see Leo Gura
  14. This is called blue balls. Real No fap is also about no sexual thoughts/desires/contact ect.. or you will experience those things unless you are a master of the arts. You can get to a level of mastery where you still interact sexually and not get these reactions but it takes a high level of self-discipline.
  15. Remembering and Embodying the essence of who you truly are beyond that which the world has programmed and conditioned you to think you are.
  16. This may help Some are just not sexually compatible due to many different astrological frequencies.
  17. Most Probably. Could even be less depending on how fast we evolve as a collective. By the rate its been going lately i believe by 25 - 50 years time 70 - 90% of the population will be mostly plant-based. Some of the older generations will be too hard-wired to make the full shift but the newer generations will transition quite effortlessly. I would love to see the day killing animals is seen the same as killing humans because that is how i see it, especially how they do in slaughterhouses and mass food productions but i think we would be intelligent enough to understand some tribes and people disconnected from the world and still hard-wired old fashioned way may still hunt and kill to survive because they don't know any better but punishing them will not be the answer. i can't even kill can insect without feeling something because i understand that all life is one so no matter the size as i am killing a part of myself thus limiting my own existence but shutting down a single point of awareness within existence. 2c
  18. Cacao is a much better alternative.
  19. @montecristo Indeed. Fasting is the Ultimate Detox Protocol but some people could be quite toxic to go straight into a dry fast so they should do raw juice, coconut or distilled water fast before going straight into dry fasting. Doing a one to two week distilled water fast can be just as effective for most people. High doses of MSM paired with VItamin C are also excellent for this purpose. Although i would only supplement when doing juice or coconut water fasting as for dry and distilled water fasting its best not to supplement anything and let the body use its infinite intelligence. Personally i would suggest to ease into this if you have never done it before and start off with eating only raw fruits and veggies paired with detox supplements/herbs ect.. do that for a month or so then go into liquids/smoothies/fresh juices with cacao, herbs and other detox supplements for another 2 - 4 weeks then when you really feel on top of the world that's when you start going deeper into the water and dry fasting. Herbs/Supplements are optional but they help speed up the detox significantly. When done right, especially when paired with technological and social disconnection and having a spiritual intention/practice it can be one of the most powerful Enlightenment Protocols there is. I highly recommend this to all those seeking to reset the mind/body/spirit complex back to its natural state. Peace & Love