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Everything posted by pluto

  1. Yoga is one of the most ancient practices for general health and spirituality. Its super effective because its like meditation and exercise put in one as you focus on the breath and inhale/exhale while doing internal/external movements and most of the poses and exercises help unwind and release/re-tune energy centers and specifically the spine(which is basically the CPU of the body), when the spine is healthy the whole body heals and can function at optimal levels. Yoga and similar practices like Tai chi, Qi gong ect.. will work parts of the body you've never felt before and when your body( the vessel) is active, alkaline and alive, your connection to spirit/source becomes very strong and eventually effortless thus your raises overall awareness of the true nature of existence itself. We do Yoga so we release stagnant energy and re center ourselves then after the session we meditate and they are perfect for each other, if our mind is busy, if our body is stagnant and impulsive its going to be extremely challenging to meditate effectively. You don't wanna be sitting down for hours on end trying to get deeper states of meditation, you want to be able to tap in within minutes and yoga and other practices beforehand prepare your body/mind for this tapping in. You don't have to do much poses, just watch Felines they do most of the advanced poses naturally. They do them multiple times per day and they are among the most calm yet most agile creatures. Bruce Lee also studied and expressed a similar philosophy to be relaxed and calm is to be aware thus you will always be one step ahead because you are more present. Hope this helps
  2. The most powerful thing in the universe is love. Trust me when i say this but there is nothing more powerful, no substance or thing will get you closer to absolute truth/freedom. They may give you glimpses, a taste, a wink but it will always be a shadow from the real thing that takes absolute surrender, absolute acceptance, absolute trust in ALL THAT IS to embody the core frequency of the universe itself which is: Unconditional Love.
  3. Human Food Pyramid Eating anything else is a choice and your body/mind will not function at its best. This is the cleanest fuel for the human body.
  4. Damn 2 - 3 tsp that's a lot of Matcha. What grade do you use? Usually most recommend 1/4 - 1/2 a tsp.
  5. I prefer either with cacao
  6. In order for us to grow we have to deal with the pain, face and transcend our fears, experience suffering/darkness. You cannot skip all of this and be in eternal bliss/freedom/light. If i didn't go through all the darkness i went through i wouldn't be where i am today. The most peaceful and humble person has usually suffered far more than everyone else. You don't get to an enlightened state out of thin air. You have to face and make peace with everything you've ever done and go through and transcend all of it yourself in order to see and be the light. Why do you think most unconscious people usually have extremely challenging trips on psychedelics in the beginning then near the end of the trip they are in a peaceful/blessed out state. There is no short cuts to truth, if you never faced truth before it will be forced upon you the moment you accelerate on a higher level and in order to reside at a higher level and continue to grow you will need to transcend those lower energies patterns we usually try to run away and hide from. Hope this helps
  7. If you are truly enlightened these things become irrelevant.
  8. The Spine is like the CPU of the body. Healthy Spine = Healthy Connection = Healthy Life.
  9. Jesters are neutral, our reaction in the moment due to our conditioning/sub-programing creates the malicious/benevolent outcome. The sooner you learn to surrender and allow your true form to take over, you transcend past these lower dimensional thought patterns and ideologies. This is why daily spiritual practice is important especially when playing with psychedelics as it gradually reintroduces the unknown thus you have far more depth so when you do take trips you are familiar with the frequencies so you transition much smoother. Hope this helps
  10. Children are naturally closer to source energy/expression. We can learn so much from them. I always spend time with children and animals and observe them quite often. I love the energy, the purity, reminds me of home. Thank you
  11. Short Answer: Yes. The more Love you Embody/Express the less room for Fear to exist within the present.
  12. Meditation doesn't have to be about sitting down doing nothing, it can also be walking, art, music, dance, sports, working with nature ect... whatever puts you in the present moment is a form of meditation > mindfulness because you, like meditation/the breath ect.. are focusing on one thing. Sure there is always a time for sitting/laying down and letting go but if you have go by what brings you the most joy and what you are most passionate about at this moment. That is how you grow. Not by doing what everyone else is doing but finding your own way, creating your own that works best for "you". Phases are always changing, be one with them.
  13. That response consumes you more than it is understood. Name calling and judging people is also juvenile mind. How people treat you is their karma, how you react is yours.
  14. Yes there are several topics on Wim use the search bar I still use the technique from time to time i did 3 sessions after some Yoga the other day 3mins, 4mins, 5mins breath hold then remained in a meditative state for a while which i find very effective to get you in a deeper state quicker. Its also good before sleep, when awakening and before exercise/cold showers.
  15. Organic and 100% whole is always going to be better and healthier and less chance of obesity because you are getting nutrients/nourishment rather than empty calories like white processed flour or fast foods(mcdonals ect..) which have about 10-20% of the nutrient density of whole and 80-90% empty mass which makes the body work very hard because there is no nutrients, no minerals thus its like eating a blob of glue with your meals the body has a hard time what to do with this alien source of false-nourishment. IMO Gluten is gluten, it causing a glue-like lining in our bodies and prevents us from absorbing nutrients properly and all the excess = weight gain. I never had problems with bread or animal products but after i started fasting i noticed how much they damage our bodies and shitty they make us feel because when you fast you become hyper-aware so you can notice the slightest difference which comes in handy, rather be super-sensitive than numb and slowly dying especially today's poor processing and quality of foods. If you want to eat these things at least always look for Whole, 100% Organic, Grass-Fed, Raw, UnHomogenized/Unfiltered, Fermented, Wild Sourced/Crafted/Caught ect.. Always read the ingredients because many of them are false-advertised as for example many breads i read say wholemeal, organic ect.. but in the ingredients its like 10% wholemeal the rest white-flour and chemical additives/preservatives ect.. same for everything else.
  16. @Moreira Virgin Coconut oil and Ghee(grass fed) are known to be the safest oils to cook with. Don't eat olive oil, eat olives
  17. Ego death doesn't always have to mean non-dual state and blend one with everything/complete loss of self/character. Ego death can be experienced with MDMA as i have many times because ultimately, it can also mean coming to the realization that you are one with everything yet still being conscious and awake/aware of ego while aware of this realization. Sometimes there is no need to go deeper and completely transcend if you already know truth. Many times in my psychedelic experiences the more profound moments were from small doses of substances rather than full blown DMT trip. If you are already spiritually aware, just becoming aware and being absolutely present within the moment is the same realization as high end/high dose. Once you access the NOW again, that's all there is ever needed. Anything more is pointless, it leads back to the same presence/awareness.
  18. @Buba Yes and there are many other methods like fasting from food/things/routines, solitude, silence, nature therapy, plant teachers/psychedelics ect.. find what works best for you.
  19. One mans success is another mans failure.
  20. Learn to actually feel energy, believe it, know it, see it then visualization becomes easier because you are feeling it/projecting energy. Simple technique is close your eyes and focus on the center of your eyebrows and you will feel energetic pressure because you are focusing there. Do the same technique and visualize energy/light at the suggested locations. What you focus on grows.
  21. Thank you for expressing yourself P.S FBI are coming for you.
  22. You are so intelligent you can actually trick yourself into believing you are not.