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Everything posted by pluto

  1. This is natural and quite common, psychedelics at the end of the day help dissolve belief system structures and programs you've picked up. I used to observe this often at psy-festivals and other conscious gatherings and would notice how everyone would just turn into a wild, creative, spirit and create so much artwork and musical expression was as if its a completely different person. Like they have finally re-become who they were before the world gave them an identity/character and now are tuned into infinite intelligence once again. I call this the child-like, primal state/self. The Wild state is your natural state RAWR!
  2. Meditation, Spiritual Practice ect.. will gradually familiarize you more with other dimensions/states of consciousness. I personally highly advise to have at least some years of spiritual attunement/understanding before playing with psychedelics or ancient breathing techniques or anything for that matter that have potential to shift you into altered states of consciousness. The more familiar you are with these states, the smoother the transition. Nevertheless, even those with a lot of experience can still feel very new to these states because even by natural means you are highly unlikely to experience such intensity in a such a short window with general daily practice and meditation ect.. but they do help in the long run. A more generalized perspective.
  3. Do it alone or at least with people with the same idea/mind-set as you in a set/setting more in harmony with who you are and what you want to gain out of the experience. You will be amazed at how much more profound and healing the experience is compared to when done in the company of others who use them unconsciously. Nevertheless, thanks for sharing
  4. Whatever moves your body in ways where you feel invigorated and alive is what is the best method for you. I personally Love Dance as one of my favorite forms because i experience pure joy, mindfulness and at the same time my body is experience great nourishment. I see it more as creative expression/creative play rather than fitness because all benefits mind/body/spirit.
  5. Respond with love, always. By reminding yourself to respond in a loving manner to anyone or situation in life you raise the vibration of all.
  6. Some words of advice. Drop spiral dynamics, drop enlightenment and concepts of a similar frequency. All these are distractions which only separate you delude you further from source energy/awareness. The most important lesson one can share with another is to practice Unconditional Love. Everything else is secondary from the absolute truth. If you think about it, just spending excessive time on constructs like these programs your subconscious mind/belief systems that you are not unconditional love, you are not enlightened, you are not coral/turquoise, that you need to do psychedelics to find yourself ect.. all these are in reversal effect because of all the constant repetitive patterning of how almost everyone is "seeking" those concepts eventually becomes who you are because the subconscious cannot differentiate between concepts, it embodies what its fed on a daily regardless.. thus why what you surround yourself with and the environment in which you live are crucial to resonating closer to source frequency so you can be who you truly are. Why do you think many masters choose to live and remain in solitude and as hermits or surrounded by nature and extremely limit use of technology and social expectancy's of the modern world and only come out from time to time when they have spend adequate time with themselves? Because they understand this mechanism of (energy physics) thus when you are only surrounded by an environment rich in stillness, gentleness and silence, you can only be conditioned by that very nature itself in which is the purest expression of source energy = awareness of unconditional love. Focus on Unconditional Love, it will naturally lead to the unfolding of everything else you ever need to know and understand as its the core frequency of the universe and existence itself. I have been observing everyone lately including myself and i clearly see what is happening especially to those who are in excess how much more complex they have become in their reactions and responses compared to the divine simplicity in which all was explained within a few words. This is a result of excess use and exchange with far too many concepts and belief systems/programs. We are not designed to be flooded with this much information on a daily basis thus why most people are unconsciously suffering. Keep it simple people, spend time with yourselves. One thing at a time, one step at a time. Eventually you will find Love is the answer to every question. Namaste
  7. I posted this many years ago on another forum, i got so much hate for it initially but eventually people were finally getting on board as they were applying and avoiding methods in which claimed to be controlling them. I am curious to see the responses now I know, i know, many of us here are past this but when i think back, if it wasn't for this darkness stage that opened our eyes up to whats really going on in this 3D Matrix, Many would of probably never reached the level where we are now. Too me, it still makes perfect sense as day one but it never made sense when my body and mind was still a chemically and technologically directed lab-rat because bio-chemical technology can manipulate you blind to whats truly in front of you. Literally. Warning: This might create some chaos but at the end of the day some chaos is healthy because without chaos there cannot be order. Hehe
  8. This is what we mean by ignorance is bliss I love this picture, it speaks 1000 words and is answers to so many questions people ask here on actualized. It should have its own section
  9. @now is forever Yeah it seems through my perspective now this system is crumbling to dust as we speak and all it took was one candle. I feel like Osho alone would of been enough. Although i do notice its still somewhat almost impossible to communicate to people who are still heavily toxic and under the influence of this dying system.
  10. If that were the case you wouldn't be here at all. The fact that you are alive and aware should say enough.
  11. Its love you want to focus on not specifically the heart ect.. Be as loving, kind and as compassionate as possible, practice giving love and being loving towards everything, everyone(especially yourself) and every situation in life no matter the circumstance and regardless of how others behave as if you continue to respond through a loving vibration you will transcend and evolve more efficiently than other forms of practice because ultimately this whole enlightenment thing, everything we do in life, everything we are living for and why we are hear is a result of unconditional love. It is the core frequency of existence itself. The most unconditionally loving people are usually the highest and purest beings on this planet. In my personal experience, when i fell in love with life i grew the most, i woke up to my true nature, i expanded in ways i had never imagined before and i understood reality at a quantum level. I was embodied in the essence of source energy and all i could experience was unconditional love as all i could see is oneness. No substance or other experiences has ever came close to replicating what a genuine and absolute surrender to the unconditional love of creation taught me. So keep loving and the more you love, the more you, you become
  12. Universally impossible to accurately describe higher dimensional experiences in a lower dimensional reality.
  13. @Shaun It does not occur when you evolve and embody the essence of who you are and as sexual energy becomes your creative expression in which the case of blue balls only occurs to those who are still in animal-consciousness energy rather than fully embodied in human-consciousness and still very attached to ego/desires ect.. I personally experienced this phase in which wet dreams, blue balls ect.. only occur when you are out of tune with the true essence of who you are and not properly transmuting sexual energy but again when you are in alignment with a higher consciousness sexual energy is transmuted naturally as everything you do is an expression of divinity in its purest form.
  14. When you play with psychedelics you are playing with energy. Its not always a physical issue. Always best to do psychedelics with someone who knows and has a lot of experience with multidimensional states(like a shaman) and how to properly guide, teach and integrate your experience. For example: If you were consuming drugs, alcohol, processed foods, exposing yourself to toxins and excessive use of technology and social media and not really doing it for the right reasons it can backfire just as much as it can help you. This is why there is strict diet/lifestyle protocol that many shamans/healers suggest weeks to months before going on a journey with the a substance of choice. These preparations help you naturally fall into a balanced states which is important to be in before going into altered states of consciousness and having someone who understands what that terrain and map is all about to guide you so you make the most out of the experience. Nevertheless the flu-like symptoms don't always mean negative sometimes when we expose ourselves to to new energies its another way of the body adjusting. Maybe its time for a detox? As, as you ascend to higher energies you will need to let go of lower energy patterns, foods, lifestyle activities and choices if you wish to remain in a higher state ect.. Hope this helps
  15. @Lister Again you misunderstood in which i explained in the previous post. Nevertheless, excuse my form of language and yes as far as i am aware, these methods have never failed to heal anyone i have shared them with at least on some level when done correctly as they are not originally my own, they are passed down for eons as guidelines for re-wiring mind/body-spirit back to a more original blueprint(shall we say). As for Enlightenment that depends on the individual and how much are they willing to surrender/embody and take it to even further to greater degrees of spiritual awareness. Some whom i have assisted have even surprised me and reminded me of what i had forgotten.
  16. I never said its pointless doing those you mention, you misunderstood completely. When i say "only true" i do not mean "only" and "true" because its a complete kit, they all have their play but if you simply fast in stillness all become obsolete, as all merge as one, ongoing self-working process. One ring to rule them all(Shall we say). You can do all of these while fasting but if you know how to fast properly, they will all come naturally if required, you do not have to force or act upon anything in a state of surrender. All comes naturally.
  17. @Lister Apologies for the misunderstanding. When i say fasting mean it as a complete kit, not just fasting from physical nourishment. The type of healing work i provide dates back thousands of years and is rare to come by via text although it is mentioned in the emerald tablets to some extent, there is a lot more to it on an energetic level that you can tap into but without step one of fasting on a physical level, its extremely challenging to clear/reset blockages on an energetic level. When you go through this process, you usually become extremely clean thus far more conductive to receiving higher energies/downloads where from there it should be natural for you to work on deeper levels in which is why i also suggesting fasting from all forms of sensory use and with "spiritual intent" to get to the deepest levels of healing. It is not wise to do energetic work without knowing/understanding how it works, first you must clean and reset the body, then naturally the mind calms and you can tune energy work and work on deeper levels with emotional healing and such in which creates the holy trinity(spiritual purification). When your body becomes extremely clean, it becomes a superconductor to universal energy/insight and from there depending on how well you embody and integrate the true essence of who you are is how deep and effective your healing becomes on all levels. Hope this helps
  18. Nahm Posted 10 hours ago @Aldo Knock knock. #Foreveralone