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Everything posted by pluto

  1. Ironically, i feel far more alive consuming less because i am being more of myself by doing so and ill health only results from resistance to the natural self. The less you latch onto(energetically), the more room for you to be truly you because at the end of the day, everything is consciousness
  2. This little guy has been visiting me almost daily, i leave some sunflower and pumpkin seeds for him to enjoy. He outsmarts my cats.
  3. @cetus56 Talk about Synchronicity! Stunning shot!
  4. @possibilities I agree. Excuse my choice in words, i am a highly passionate and creative person and sometimes i am just flowing with energy without thinking too much. I should of said "one of the best" instead of "the best" but ALL IS WELL All the best <3
  5. Indeed, that's nature/infinite intelligence for ya <3 Blessings Brother! Namaste
  6. The best way to deprogram yourself or any type of brainwashing and return back to the natural self is simply fast from everything. Fast from technology, fast from society, fast from food or any form of chemical stimulation, simply sit in a room and or spend time in nature doing nothing, no interacting with anyone or anything, simply being present in the moment and witnesses whatever arises and making peace with what no longer serves you. Simply do this for a week or two and you will become Enlightened. You must not feed the ego in anyway though, even reading a book or listening to music can feed the ego and adds some level of escapism from absolute truth and realization of self. I have done this personally, it was the most life changing thing i ever done, its more to do with "just being" and "feeling" existence itself as a whole, eventually you become truly silent, truly still and truly one and whole <3
  7. @Inliytened1 Technically speaking he is fully embodied as the higher/whole-self He is said to be at a level similar to that of our Buddha/Jesus.
  8. @Inliytened1 Well said and Bashar is well aware of the essence of God: "Unconditional Love" as he states in other talks. ??
  9. It changes a lot depending on how much i eat/do/think that day, usually its 3 - 4 hours, sometimes i go 4 - 6, sometimes 1 - 3, other times i am up for 2 - 3 days. If i don't eat, i hardly require sleep at all and yes i enjoy sleeping when i really feel tired, its such a warm and fuzzy experience although sometimes i feel as if i am still aware while sleeping. The only time i require sleep when i do not eat is when i have done a lot of physical activity that day or i have used my thinking mind a lot because thinking wastes a lot of energy but during these phases the mind is usually almost completely silent thus you use minimal resources. Those who are level 4 breatharians are masters of the mind/stilness because you cannot be level 4 if you think and move alot, you must achieve inner-stillness and true peace and silence within yourself so you can sustain yourself indefinitely. Possibly in the future when the collective vibration of the planet is even higher, level 4 breatharians can become more flexible but as of right now you pretty much need to be Enlightened to sustain that state. When i was more focused purely into the breatharian lifestyle, i would sleep daily around 1 - 3 hours when i ate almost nothing at all maybe 2 - 3 fruits a week or 1 apple a day. When i did no food/water at all for a short period, i felt as if i was fully enlightened/supported by universe, even sleep was of no need, i had infinite energy which was a different kind of energy, it was calm and gentle and blissfull and nourishing like warm liquid light running through my veins. Its like a DMT experience for me, i can no longer clearly see what occurred exactly during that phase because (vibrationally speaking) we simply cannot remember/comprehend what we are not the vibrational frequency off but as much as i know, i chose to continue the human experience for a little while longer because i remembered something. I am temporarily enjoying what i am doing now and living the physical experience while we collectively transition from higher-animal to true-"hue'man consciousness because i have this knowing within that the next time when i decide to fully surrender to spirit, there's no going back. Many higher dimensional beings incarnated here just for this purpose to experience the great shift and galactic alignment. This is not just happening on earth, the whole universe is shifting as we speak. Namaste <3
  10. @wavydude I no longer require food for energy, i noticed this almost 5 years ago, i simply eat for pleasure or and with family events. I can go many days without food and several without water. Level 2 and 3 is more a transitioning stage and not full breatharianism where you no longer consume food or water but my current lifestyle role/situation does not allow me to embody and thrive of level 4 fully just yet. @FredFred @Consilience The animal-consciousness-body is dependent on physical nourishment, when you activate your dormant DNA strands to evolve and embody your (Light-Body) through several galactic meditations and techniques to "human-consciousness" you no longer need physical nourishment for energy source. We are on a collective level currently transitioning into 4th density/4th dimensional existence thus why this is becoming more and more possible on a larger scale although some master yogis/sages ect.. have done this themselves on their own long long ago. Many humans are still in animal-consciousness (where one requires physical nourishment for prime source of energy) but millions are entering true-human consciousness now thus why there is a global awakening/activation of DNA occurring these last few years or so and many are entering the earlier stages of 4th density existence and leaving higher-animal consciousness to lower-human consciousness. There are already several to hundred thousands who already embody true human consciousness. You can experiment for yourself to see where you are at. Consume less and less food and eat more fruits and lighter foods and you will notice you have more energy, you sleep less, you can enter deep stages of meditation and are calm/still and mindful throughout most of your daily tasks, your mind works genius-like capacity, your body heals rapidly, you download information daily upon sleep/meditation ect... Its all common sense too me, Ive been on this path a long time on and off, most of these things people are finding out on forums and conscious collectives i had already realized and mastered long ago but now its time where people are collectively ready to all embody and embrace. The masters have done all the hard work for you, you no longer need to suffer endlessly to reach Enlightenment.
  11. Yes but more for pleasure, experience, enjoyment and not as much for physical dependency/need i am currently alternative between level 2 and 3 but i can easily make the transition to level 4 if it was the only option i had. I have experience with level 4 breatharianism but i have drifted from the path few years ago and now i slither through phases and gradually reintegrating and realigning myself. I believe the greatest master can live in the midst of the chaos, the pollution, the chemicals, the toxins, the technology and remain Enlightened indefinitely. This will be the most challenging but greatest accomplishment I have yet to master. I believe this is the mastery of all masters, to shine through eternal darkness and remain eternally pure.
  12. The greatest illusion in the world is the illusion of separation.
  13. When you realize the child is dreaming you
  14. Meditation is about surrender, letting go, just being present, allowing what is to be what is, surrendering to the moment. Forget thinking, forget focusing on breath, just sit there, let go and FEEL>.... Just be and feel everything! Don't feel them with the mind, or get attached to any mental visualizations, simply and truly feel your energy, your presence, your beingness!
  15. You are waking up, your DNA is activating, you are aligning, you are integrating, you are stabilizing, you are harmonizing, you are synchronizing, you are slowly but gradually reprogramming/rewiring yourself and de-cluttering all the fragmentation and returning to the natural supreme self <3 Namaste
  16. @SageModeAustin Maybe you missed something with Brooke or you haven't completely let go of or come to terms with even though you think you did. Maybe its something else that relates or connects to the idea of Brooke somehow, that you haven't made peace? It could be many things. The signs and synchronicity usually guide us to our truest path, we must not ignore them, especially when they become repetitive, but we also must not follow them blindly. We must be observative yet curious, confident and cautious simultaneously.
  17. In a sense but the issue remains and suffering you will experience directly because when you do die or become fully enlightened (so to speak) you will see why you chose to be here and why you chose to view and live it through your unique perspective. If you end it, it will create further suffering as you are resisting what you created to begin with simply because you do/did not have the "sight" to see the greater/higher perspective you designed. When you finally "get it" you will even be comfortable living blindly again because you know all is for a higher purpose/play. Cause if you really were ready to leave and fully done with yourself you can do it just by aligning with the thought/feeling itself. Say what you need to say, lay down, close your eyes, count to 10. If you are still here then obviously you are not done. You won't always see with the eyes of divinity, that's fine, that's all a part of the experience. The key is to surrender and trust it to notice divinity in play, if you never smile first, the mirror will never smile back.
  18. TV for example brainwashes you by electromagnetic pulses/flickers/frequencies that keep the brain in a "fixed state" over-time making you function like a zombie, easily falling into the adds, buying products you don't need, embodying fear-based nonsense that's nowhere near you, subconsciously downloading thoughts that are not your own, living and acting/behaving out as someone else's program rather than your own. With a shitty diet/lifestyle the technology works in superior fashion. The adds go hand in hand with the technology, they lure you to chemicals, shit food, shit fear-based lifestyles only to make you more and more like a drone and machine-minded unable to think for him/herself and use critical thinking or higher cognitive function. That's just one example.