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Everything posted by pluto

  1. To me by simple means it gives you the ability to "see through all the man-made bullshit, through the matrix/illusion you once lived in but couldn't think or see past until you re-activated it. In a Nutshell Only then you will understand the quote "The eye only sees what the mind is prepared to comprehend" to its full extent
  2. Study Bruce Lipton
  3. Yes everyone does, no one is special. Some are just more damaged than others
  4. Talking about raw lifestyle this woman has always amazed me, her physical appearance and mental performance is brilliant for her age.
  5. Like Leo said "start with very low doses" although i believe in synchronicity and that everything that happens in the universe is in a divine order or play, that nothing is out of random and everything has its divine timing. At least this is one of the main things I've witnessed in high end psychedelic experiences and spiritual visions that when you are there you see how all your thoughts, actions, choices all lead up-to that point ect.. that the higher you/source/self already knew when and where it will happen regardless of how you changed or tried to manipulate the future in any way shape/form. So which ultimately brings me down to the theory that if you are truly not ready for something, the universe will simply not allow the experience to present itself no matter what. I have noticed long delays in urges to try something and only understood why i was delayed afterwards. Growing up as a teen i always wanted to try magic mushrooms and LSD but could never find them, i manged to find them around 23 and completely understood why they came into my life then and there. I also seeked DMT for several years and again i could see now how it wouldn't of been wise at all for the universe to present it to me in that stage of life due to the extreme darkness and ego-driven character i had then. It would of scared me a billion times worse and or possibly could of lead to something that prevented growth. You can always have very challenging experiences but eventually you will see them as the most profound ones that you learned the most about yourself and about creation itself. Of course always with caution and not stupidity but yeah, i truly believe in these values as i have seen them and observed how it all works very closely. Just like everything else in life if you follow your heart and your body and once you have that unbreakable trust within, that is all you need to thrive in life. The universe already takes care of everything else. All is asked is for you to live so U in Universe can expand itself subjectively only to grow and evolve collectively
  6. So its better to leave healthy fats for afterwards? I usually have hemp and flax or chia seeds with my post shake so its more complete recovery i assumed.
  7. Caloric Restriction, Cyclic Fasting, Protein/Sugar Restriction, Exercise, Wholefoods, Active lifestyle, Humor all are major players in longevity
  8. There's a reason its called te lie vison Tells lies to your vision. You literally become what you constantly feed your senses on a daily basis, hence the term "what you focus on grows".
  9. Personally just say Thank you for what he has done and shared with the world as through genuine gratitude all answers should come naturally when they need to
  10. Ignore those distractions, they are tests sent from the universe. Focus on your growth and development, focus on the good things and things that make you happy and alive, you will eventually get so lost in that that the world around you changes as you change because you are the creator of your universe. No one else, we may all seem we are seeing it the same but it is most likely completely different for each and every one of us. The Enlightened one could be a billionaire or a homeless man on the street and he/she would not notice any difference. This may be deep but its divine truth, its universal law, all that is asked is to give it a chance and see for yourself Peace & Love
  11. I heard that only applies to soy that has been genetically modified overtime because i know many healthy japanese people that have history of consuming soy all their lifes in generations and always seem great health. I guess cause soy is a complete protein/food they messed with it and tried to destroy and make it as toxic as possible so people steer to more animal products and what not for general myth of "completeness" ect.. I saw this video last night and someone in the comment section posted a good point which i will copy/paste under this video maybe it can help By Adg80 "Do your own research and consider WHY those websites are anti-soy. Meat and dairy industries know that soy is a complete protein that's actually health-promoting instead of disease-promoting like overconsumption of animal products. For the people who still believe that soy contains estrogen, FFS go do your own damn research. Soy DOESN'T contain estrogen because it's a damn plant, only animal products contain estrogen and other hormones. Isoflavones/ phytoestrogen in soy act as estrogen receptor antagonists mainly. In other words, this makes soy anti estrogenic, and it's why early consumption since childhood in many east Asian cultures like Japan, confers protection against reproductive cancers in women. In Japan it's only recently that women's reproductive cancer rates are going up, due to concurrent, increased intake of dairy and meat. In the last 15 or so years I'd noticed that every time I go back, people seem to be eating more dairy and beef, just my observation. Soy has been consumed in Asian cultures for thousands of years, confirming its safety (thus epidemiological evidence) and benefits. My relatives in Japan, the older and long-living ones especially, all eat soy in the form of tofu, soy milk, natto, miso, yuba skin, and okara, at least twice a day in their diet." It should be one of the top comments in the comment section to read more replies and what not, you probably understand how this works better than me so i thought id share.
  12. What is your take on spelt, rye and or stone-ground? also is soy really that bad? We have (certified organic) NON-GMO soy beans here, i make soy milk for my post-workout recovery shake from time to time i never really noticed anything bad can you share more on this thanks. I also heard fermented soy like natto/miso and tofu i believe are okay?
  13. I think true Enlightenment is when you ascend into higher form of existence or like the Tibetans would call reaching Rainbow body i believe. Those who are called the Ascended Masters are said to have reached true enlightenment to claim rank and now work from 5th dimension and above to aid in the evolution of consciousness on earth or higher planes of existence. The rest that are still in physical form may have higher consciousness/awareness or super consciousness states and possibly chosen to sacrifice complete enlightenment to help and teach others the path they have witnessed but no longer can embody true enlightenment state because by universal law if one reaches true or complete enlightenment it would make no sense to continue residing in this dimension/density whatever you wanna call it as once something is truly mastered it becomes obsolete. In our dimension there are 4 known stages of Enlightenment and said to be a 5th and final and that is or could possibly be Ascension. In my honest opinion
  14. I don't think it makes a difference as 1 second of infinity is the same as 10 minutes of infinity. Ultimately = Infinity
  15. Drink when thirsty, eat when hungry, sleep when tired, fast when sick - A simple life is a better life
  16. According to Dr. William Davis, a Milwaukee, Wisconsin-based preventive cardiologist, wheat has “drug like” toxic effects on our body. In fact, many health experts agree that wheat allergies are the source of many people’s health problems – they just don’t know it. And, to make matter worse, getting off these products can have drug-like (negative) side effects. “Modern” (dwarf) wheat, which through genetic manipulation and hybridization is designed to put food on the plates of millions of starving people – is a chemical solution that has put nature and chemical processing on a colliding course. This monster food creation has too much gluten for the human body and has contributed to everything from obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, dementia, depression and much more. According to Dr. Mark Hyman, dwarf wheat contains excessive levels of the “super starch” – Amylopectin. This is a super starch that can make two slices of whole wheat bread spike your blood sugar more than two tablespoons of sugar. In addition, dwarf wheat contains “super gluten”, a chemical capable of setting off body-wide inflammation. Gluten can help trigger Celiac disease along with insulin resistance, weight gain and diabetes. In fact, there are substantial collaborative studies that see the rise in autoimmune diseases, irritable bowel syndrome and the list goes on and on. Basically a man-made modified/hybridized substance, a little spelt or rye(stone-ground) may be a healthier choice but if you are seeking optimal health and function i would avoid gluten altogether.
  17. For me "The Celestine Prophecy" is one of the best books IMO it will teach you so much, its an amazing adventure and mostly a story but teaches you a lot about life, how to see things, how to read people, how to listen and understand nature, spiritual progress and self actualization ect... The Power of Now is also a great book!
  18. This video explains it best IMO Just breath and you are already meditation, or when you are simply listening, looking, acting or just being in the present moment even for 1 second is still meditation. Obviously there are levels to it but a little eventually goes a long way and one step at a time, there is no rush, everything else comes naturally
  19. Ever since my first moment of reconnection to source/self i have been addicted to helping others and spread truth, and present honesty to a point that its even been an overwhelming and exhausting journey at times but i know deep within its what we are meant to do by nature in order to grow on all levels. I see all these acts as equal, planting seeds of wisdom and light is the greatest joy especially when those seeds bloom into wonderful flowers and return the favor when you have lost your way and remind self of the wisdom you once presented has now evolved to aid you <3 To all i send infinite love and light
  20. I received a message the other night from a friend saying an illegal message was transmitted to earth from a representative of the Ashtar galactic command named Vrillon which briefly took over national television on November 26th 1977 which seemed interesting and then i decided to see if there were any videos or information on this and it happens to be true. There are many videos, not sure which is the original but this one seemed to have decoded the message well. This is the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. For many years you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak to you now in peace and wisdom as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over this, your planet Earth. We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your world so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disaster which threatens your world, and the beings on our worlds around you. This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius. The New Age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments. Be still now and listen, for your chance may not come again. All your weapons of evil must be removed. The time for conflict is now past and the race of which you are a part may proceed to the higher stages of its evolution if you show yourselves worthy to do this. You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace and goodwill. Small groups all over the planet are learning this, and exist to pass on the light of the dawning New Age to you all. You are free to accept or reject their teachings, but only those who learn to live in peace will pass to the higher realms of spiritual evolution. Hear now the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. Be aware also that there are many false prophets and guides operating in your world. They will suck your energy from you – the energy you call money and will put it to evil ends and give you worthless dross in return. Your inner divine self will protect you from this. You must learn to be sensitive to the voice within that can tell you what is truth, and what is confusion, chaos and untruth. Learn to listen to the voice of truth which is within you and you will lead yourselves onto the path of evolution. This is our message to our dear friends. We have watched you growing for many years as you too have watched our lights in your skies. You know now that we are here, and that there are more beings on and around your Earth than your scientists admit. We are deeply concerned about you and your path towards the light and will do all we can to help you. Have no fear, seek only to know yourselves, and live in harmony with the ways of your planet Earth. We of the Ashtar Galactic Command thank you for your attention. We are now leaving the plane of your existence. May you be blessed by the supreme love and truth of the cosmos.
  21. This posture helps keep my spine straight which is why i enjoy it sometimes. I used to sit this way growing up so the knees or calfs never really bothered me and if you are able to let go and get lost in meditation so to speak you will lose sense of the physical body altogether. If you have joint problems i would maybe look into supplementing or getting enough Omega 3/6s, Glucosamine rich foods and possibly addition to some anti-inflammatory herbs like turmeric daily. I used to have joint knee and wrist problems as a teen but once i cleaned up diet and became more active everything healed up Hope this helps
  22. Well said, there are levels to it. IMO Life is ultimately one big psychedelic trip or the big "game of life" whichever suits you best and when your little journey is complete you wake up back to oneness and that those who play and live as free as a child playing in the playground are those who grow and evolve the most in spirit or true form. Taking spirituality and self actualization to such a serious degree ultimately effects growth and natural universal flow as well. Just be and enjoy, we all make mistakes and we learn from them as at the end no rights or wrongs anyway, all that will matter is if you loved and lived truly and gracefully. We will all laugh about this and how silly it all was eventually. Lets move on.