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Everything posted by pluto

  1. The body benefits from movement as the mind benefits from stillness.
  2. Beautiful @Jacobsrw I will be exploring QLD more in depth the next few years I always love exploring mountains, one of my favourite activities.
  3. The purer the energy, the clearer the message.
  4. I think you are talking about trance rather than flow.
  5. I never met orange people before, but i enjoy oranges quite often
  6. Mushrooms told me a story that they were once like us, humanoid. They advanced their technology to a point to where they could coil the entire evolution of their species into an organic container we call a "spore". They did this by decoding their own DNA. Now their technology, being as advanced as it was, couldn't save their planet from the inevitable dying of their sun. So this species decided to seed the Universe with the spores of their race. Spores which are capable of surviving the harshness of space, land on barren planets (or not barren) and evolve to the environment(or evolve the environment around them) and begin the long evolutionary process of becoming conscious humanoid entities again.
  7. You are your own limits.
  8. Infinite Love to you All ? ❤️
  9. @Angelite Doesn't make a difference either way. You can't cheat creation. There are no right or wrongs. Just how well you ride the waves
  10. When you become enlightened, the question unbecomes.
  11. Step 1. Eliminate toxins from your diet/lifestyle. Step 2. De-calcify the Pineal Gland. Step 3. Activate the gland with Meditation and Spiritual practices/techniques. Step 4. There is no going back. Having an active and open gland allows one to see through illusion, you cannot be tricked, you cannot be fooled, you see through lies, falsehoods ect... But do not focus on this entirely because you can end up out of balance. Focus on balancing and activating all the Chakras. The Heart and Crown Chakra being of most importance. Some people only focus on one then end up in places they don't know how to get themselves out of. Always keep up with meditation and spiritual practice if you want to delve deep. Spiritual Grounding is key, Start from the ROOT up, not the other way around. HTH
  12. Monk: Oooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Cows: The dude has it all backwards!
  13. Because the body is purifying itself so the mind calms down and when the mind calms down and eventually silenced, you are left with awareness/spirit thus truth. Having no food in your body = significantly less thoughts because everything is consciousness, everything effects everything. I have done all types of fasting, short fasts are great for cleaning the body and physical alignment where longer fasts are better for mental, emotional, spiritual alignment. Its always best when you fast from food to also fast from everything else besides water unless you know what you are doing. Fasting is like a week's vacation where you are in 24/7 meditation when done right, its life changing. Thanks for sharing
  14. Of course it is, its possible without the substance, creation is infinite, choose your mastery.
  15. Because its infinite. Creation does not glitch. Its Flawless
  16. ? ❤️
  17. Oh they can be, it all comes down to how much you resist the truth. If you are already awakened to your truth, psychedelics become far more permanent because you already know your true nature so there will be minimal resistance but if you do not, then you will resist because you still cannot handle that much truth/depth because you still have a lot of inner-work and purifying to do so. You have to suffer, to have to experience, you have to live, you have to die! Welcome to life, there are no shortcuts
  18. I don't really have a diet or follow anything in particular, i just eat real food nature perfectly designed for our bodies. Something like this is a good idea or start If you wanna feel "alive" eat "living" foods.
  19. Go live in the mountains for 3 - 6 months, do not use phone, do not watch any screens. Simply live and work with nature daily, lots of green pigments heal the eyes and constant distance focus exchange from looking close/far in nature (exercises eye muscles) thus vision becomes stronger and stronger. Also consume only fresh locally sourced fruits and vegetables to speed this up further. No processed or junk foods. Fasting helps a lot too. Since my last 9 day water fast, my vision has never been better. I also did not use any screens during that time, just daily walks in nature, bit of reading, meditation and sight seeing, always looking close to far and exercising the eyes and surrounding myself with vibrant healing colours of nature, smelling the plants and flowers, digging my feet into the ground, washing in waterfalls, all of this is how healing occurs Nature works because you are nature.
  20. I'd personally say. ZERO times a week. Meat/Dairy is acid forming to human body. Do what works for you, observe, find your balance.