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pluto replied to AleksM's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@AleksM Wrong place & time brother, they won't understand yet. Not here at-least, especially not RA lol, only those of Arcturian connection will understand wholly. For now. Don't get me wrong the seeds will sprout but its not worth the... -
pluto replied to nahtanoj's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
From various sources but also many connections i have and people and programs i been connecting with around the world. In the old days i would write or say some truth i have regained from my awakening/enlightening experiences and spread it around, i would get 90% attacks and responses of denial. After a while say few years later i would spread similar words of wisdom and i notice it has toned down to 50/50 and this is where i noticed its working as another few years went by it has changed in the opposite direction. Nowadays where or who i choose to spread light with i get 90% positive feedback and 10% unsure. By observing forums, people i talk to, popular posts, popular places i would always plant seeds of truth, leave notes here and there, comment and leave without explanation because i learned that arguing was pointless but i knew light/truth spreads and will sprout eventually. As more caught on more spread and spread and now you even got celebrities that are going through an awakening and just look at how many comments are talking about this stuff, even in that level of illusion we have about 50% of the masses/followers talking about it. I guess its also based on perception and your own individual level of consciousness/awareness to as what you notice because ups and downs have been a thing for me in the past but this year especially has skyrocketed beyond all years combined in minds waking up. I also used to use facebook and follow/like all those pages from conspiracy theories, truth media, anonymous, to buddhism and spirituality, universal laws and functions, ancient knowledge and many other things. I would randomly comment things to what i knew and you could see the different levels of understanding from people based on per page by the comments and likes you received. Nowadays no matter if i comment spiritual stuff on the other side of the spectrum or conspiracy theories on the spiritual side they both are understood at a much higher degree, i get almost all positive and agreeable comments and countless likes compared to when i used to spread those similar words years ago. I haven't touched facebook in a while say 2+ years but even then when i did check it i posted my usual words of wisdom, and i would get the opposite of how it was about 7+ years go, instead of 90% negative 10% positive it had become the complete opposite. I mean look at how many people around the world are going plant-based, eating more healthy, you have organics everywhere now, many people stop believing the news, many people are open to psychedelics, spiritual retreats, moving more into nature and meditation practices have blown up on a mass scale and complete life changing activities, look at Actualized.org a whole forum based on an awakening/activating or self actualization people are going through.. and there is many others like it but actualized is a more balanced between worlds while some others are either too spiritual or the opposite. In the past this was all classed as hippie shit. Now everyone that that was negative is either nowhere to be seen or quiet as can be. Light had already won from the beginning, this whole process was for us to see how light realized itself back to oneness. Matt Kahn explains it best in one interview. Peace & Love -
@AlwaysBeNice Whole world is waking up as seeds of truth always sprout
Observe their level of consciousness by throwing them smaller bones then if they catch on quick slowly start to throw bigger bones and plant greater seeds. Give them breaks, it takes time but it comes around, soon as you notice any sense of uneasiness or feelings of uncomfortable expressions via body language or whatever you use to read and observe people you then tone down and normalize it and leave it there until next time. Their subconscious needs time to analyze, process and integrate. If the seeds are authentic they will sprout one way or another.
Be the example Say for example: If you become an orb of light floating around, everyone eyes will be hooked and fascinated with you and by natural curiosity will come questions and answers = learning, ultimately connection you seek. Once you find connection with yourself, more will want to connect to you naturally. Light is Magnetic
pluto replied to nahtanoj's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Just let it be. The whole planet is waking up and not everyone will have a guide and sometimes not having a guide is the best thing for the development of that individual for a greater lesson. -
pluto replied to Alexo45's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It happens almost every time after i wake up from sleep or effective meditation and everything just flows out and i cannot disagree with it because its pure. Some people call it downloads as your body/mind/spirit is waking in alignment or activation. Its fascinating how it just flows out without you even trying. Awesome! -
Let Jim be Jim, we have no idea what he has gone through or going through. All is experience, all is play, all will work itself out at the end of the day
pluto replied to pluto's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yeah i am doing that as well and not sure feel free to share here if you do find -
After years i finally found it! The universe answered my call and put me in a reality where someone saved and re-uploaded it! Your welcome <3
pluto replied to Scholar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The more connected you are the more you are able to think critically and universally. If you know what i mean. You don't necessarily have to be Enlightened, just merely connected. -
What you focus on grows, Literally.
Conditioning my friend, Conditioning. I like your healthy thinking though, respect.
Sulphites are definitely a NONO but it also depends on the quality of the fruits. If they are organic and have been dried at very low temperatures preferably under 45'C then most of their nutrients and enzymes are still in tact but lose the crystalline structure of the water AKA(Information) which ultimately is needed for communication within the body and few other things like mentioned above but dried fruit as side dishes or snacks are perfectly fine as long as the only ingredient is the dried fruit itself and nothing else added although consuming them a lot can cause negatives in the long run.
A spoon of raw honey before bed helps me sleep or a warm herbal tea like chamomile or valerian with raw honey and lemon. You could also try a warm shower or bath with Epsom salts and few drops of lavender essential oil to relax your whole body.
You definitely feel more spiritually centered not ejaculating for a long period of time.
pluto replied to Moreira's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
When you see your body and your world dissolve into the illusion that it is and only consciousness/awareness remains you will understand that its much much beyond the brain. Its the direct feeling and experience that makes it beyond "what if's". -
pluto replied to Wes Thoughts's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The LSD merely allowed you to connect to your higher frequency so you can witness the energy you did not witness before but that has been draining you without you being aware of it. This is what psychedelics do and why they are helpful, they allow more whole-brain communication or similar to how a child's brain works which is why you can notice every little aspect of reality because you are much more living moment to moment in the present rather than in a mindstorm of thoughts. Maybe those Chakras/Energy Centers need to be worked on and cleared out. So heart/throat/3rdeye and maybe crown. The other thing is the small amounts(besides micro-dosing 1/10th) are not recommended because it sometimes feels like your stuck between worlds and it can be an uncomfortable experience, you either go full dose or none at all. I believe if you had a full dose it would of been enough to push through that blockage as with the greater doses you will have much less of an ego and you will be much more accepting and surrendering to everything. -
pluto replied to Viking's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If anything consciousness work/spirituality will eventually free you from mental disorders and illusions besides over-abusing some psychedelics like MDMA i don't think you can physically damage your brain form this kind of work as long as you keep a balance and ground yourself from time to time but even then its extremely unlikely. I used to be so far beyond this world when i first had my awakening, i couldn't possible imagine living or even talking with other humans anymore, now to everyone else i may have appeared insane at the time but to me i knew what i knew from divine touch/order so it didn't bother me nor effected me in any way because i didn't allow illusion to interfere with my experience. Eventually i tuned back down in order to be able to vibe with everyone else whilst keeping my direct connection to source, this can be very challenging after trying to fit in but even if you end up almost completely losing yourself again, the connection still remains and you are always one level up to were you were before so your lowest point here still exceeds your highest point before. So many things happened to me since my first major connection but even at the darkest of illusion i am still much more in order and in balance than i used to be in the past and i can pick myself back up very quickly within days where in the past it would take months/years to recover. When one person suffers from delusions, we call it a mental illness. When society suffers from delusions, we call it being normal. -
pluto replied to Just Do Nothing's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That alone feeling when you get a taste of enlightenment is the most home and complete you will ever feel. -
I believe someone in the comments said it best: She opened with I heard your wondering the streets looking for a girlfriend/date after he's lost his girlfriend to suicide and instead of getting angry he remained calm and kept it real. Jim knows what's up and i know exactly what his doing and been doing, planting seeds
pluto replied to The Monk's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Manipulation/Conditioning by parents, media, society ect... = Ultimately Separation from Truth/Source. -
Lovely trip report, thank you for sharing. Just one thing i would like to clear up. You said: Love (surrendering) truly IS stronger than hate (resistance) ^ fear is the opposite of love my friend hate is illusion created by fear and yes love is definitely stronger as darkness cannot exist in lights presence. Love = Light = Truth Fear = Darkness = Illusion = Hate (Connection/Separation) Ultimately Namaste
Forgiveness is the fragrance a flower releases when crushed
I'm just planting seeds