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Everything posted by pluto
pluto replied to Viking's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The truly Enlightened one becomes one with all things, most people have tastes of enlightenment and different ways of sharing and expressing it. Alan Watts definitely had his fair share of Enlightening moments and that in itself is Already being Enlightened like we all are, we just don't see it as clearly yet because we have forgotten our true source. If we fully see it and know it all what would be the point living here and how can we grow from it? Its all a spiral of perceptions! -
Haven't watched or read news especially on the TV or Mainstream media for a good 5-7+ years. Life's never been more aware of self and authenticity since then.
Because we have been so distracted from our true/inner self our whole lives by the world we grew up to live in when we do finally let go of everything we been taught and connect with ourselves, our authenticity, our unconditioned state once again it in many cases can be a frightening experience until the body/mind complex gets used to it again. Surrender to all that is and become all that is Remember its this Ego/Character we have grown to know as ourselves that doubts, fears ect.. Our true authenticity is unconditional love and connectiveness thus no fear, illusion or darkness can be present. We must reconnect and rewire with our Inner-Child and the more we do so the more fear and illusion dissolves.
The more you immerse yourself in nature and become one with the natural flow the more authentic and thoughtless you become.
Dandelion is another excellent choice. Good call on the Nettle
pluto replied to WelcometoReality's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
pluto replied to Sagatarius's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
We attract what we are and what we give out we receive equally in return like a ripple created from a pebble thrown in the water. You don't feel great cause you fall in love, you feel great cause you were so loving and giving towards that person the universe has no other option but to return the love/energy back to create balance in the universe not the other person its all you, everything is a reflection of self.
One of the best things i have learned is the power of the mind. Even when i was unhealthy i would say to myself i never get sick and only when i had the slightest doubt i would when i was in pure belief nothing could enter my field. Pair that with those tips above and you will live forever!
pluto replied to Blue is the sea's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The Tao of Sexology - The Book of Infinite Wisdom More directed towards self actualization and mastery but ultimately similar truths will be found as in spirituality/consciousness/enlightenment. -
We attract what we are. We need to learn from it and change to grow past that level in order to attract better or the attraction we desire.
I have dreams pretty much every night and i think it has something to do with an open and active pineal gland as in my teen years i stopped dreaming for a long time until i got off all the junk food and junk life and started restoring my body to its natural ways. I also think too much artificial lighting/devices/blue-light and lack of darkness/sunlight(melatonin production) daily effects our ability to dream clearly and remember them properly. Edgar Cayse had a quote: Dreams are today's answers to tomorrows questions.
What you focus on grows, Literally.
I sure hope you all wouldn't act this way if he actually was dead. Haven't you learned anything from his videos? Attachments and Expectations keep you in never ending loops.
pluto replied to Kevin Dunlop's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
pluto replied to Martin123's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Excellent -
All that is.
Some people... have so much to say based on what they seen and heard on the TV and believe but lack direct experience themselves. Always being negative on the forums mainly due to lack of direct experience, please keep quiet if you don't "know" for sure what you are talking about because when do finally wake up its going to be more a curse than a blessing. If you don't have anything positive or atleast neutral to say its best to keep quiet, you'll understand why in time.
Yeah the best form of education is self education and self experimentation, its the only way you will find out what works for you. Dieticians just like Doctors are trained to think a certain way so most don't have direct experience from both sides of the spectrum instead rely on what they been taught and statistics. I went to see my cousins dietician once just to see what she had to say to him, one part i chimed in and mentioned fresh coconut water and fruits to help with his condition and she replied well too much fruits is bad because of sugar and coconut water is high in saturated fat. In that moment i knew this person had no idea how nature and the human body works so i kept my mouth shut and didn't bother.
Some are evil and some genuinely want to help you but the problem is they are taught by a backwards system so most of the time they think they are helping you when they are making things worse and they aren't aware of it nor can easily understand because of how they were taught to think and believe their whole lives. I would stick to nature and natural antibiotics if you are worried about anything,
You could still romantically love someone else i believe but not truly love them or able to truly/wholly express love if you aren't at a state of true love within yourself first. My Ex used to say she loves me everyday but when it came to showing or expressing it the actions never fell in harmony with the words. Actions will show you the truth about someone.
pluto replied to emind's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
In the complete present moment you aren't really thinking about anything, you are simply being a natural processes of universal flow. No past making you depressed, no future making you anxious, a thoughtless state, a taste of Freedom. -
pluto replied to AleksM's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
RA goes very deep, with his Arcturian connections most of his inventions and technological functions are unheard of and unknown on earth and only very small amount of groups globally with direct connection know what he is fully about because they have had direct downloads/channels themselves and or even taken on ship multiple times. They Key definitely aligns me when i wear it, the stickers and other devices do seem to work as well since i can sense the level of radiation i get from my devices because i have trained my mind/body to become very sensitive overtime so i can notice how things effect me to a degree. Most of these instruments and inventions shall we say cannot yet be completely understood or tested because we don't have the proper technology for these advanced methods which are mostly ancient methods that have been lost and forgotten although some are new and all we have is our own bodies and minds as that we can tune and train overtime to understand. RA is a very wise old soul and his life story and what he has gone through harmonizes close with mine which is why sometimes you have to go through certain things in life to understand one another to the levels needed. I also had ET connections as a child and still do sometimes now which is why i can see where he is coming and i was given the downloads to see how it all works. Trust me, he is of most peaceful within but doesn't waste time with chitchat or small talk or a comforting smile, he is strict and direct and that is more important especially at this current time we live in. He does not sell snake oil, he understands vibrational frequencies and core universal functions and alchemy ect... Certain mixture of herbs/oils/ormus(monoatomic gold) create and harmonize a whole new level into our energy fields that our world lacks the technology to properly understand but this is why we have our own bodies we can tune them and these substances and devices help us do so, most of us have been numbed out of the awareness to feel and connect with even the most subtle energies, we are energy beings, above all else it is the vibrational frequency that matters. Fruits for example have the highest vibrational frequency, they may not nourish our physical bodies like the most nutrient dense foods but they nourish and harmonize our energetic bodies far more and this overall raises our level of consciousness/awareness. Why do you think when we fast or the lighter we consume the higher we vibe and feel, the more at peace and connected with the universe we feel. This information will eventually be common sense in the future as most have not been guided instead some of us had to learn ourselves the hard way which is fine and all but like i said earlier there are levels to everything which it is important to observe what people/groups are ready for before presenting this level of information that mostly comes from Higher sources like Extra Terrestrial Downloads/channels ect... It is not wise to be judgemental, especially at this time. If it rings a bell, explore if not simply move on to what dose. Remember we only see/understand things based on our level of consciousness. -
Goji berries on the other hand are considered a Superfood and you could probably eat them more than regular dried fruits. At the start they did taste strange but now i love the flavor although another thing to take into consideration is make sure your Goji berries are homegrown or grown/harvested in Tibet and or (certified organic) because most are from china and processed/contaminated and compared to Tibetan they don't come close to flavor and richness/nutrient density.