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Everything posted by pluto

  1. The latest information i have gathered from the nutrition experts i know or follow currently say a mixture of "Pea & Hemp" protein seems most optimal for our bodies. I believe Soy is also Excellent, especially NON-GMO organically grown soy but many people say other things so there is a lot confusion with soy going around and nothing too solid yet.
  2. I notice when i take care of my health and have a more active lifestyle which results in myself being in a better mood overall i am more drawn to healthier and more natural foods as well. On the other hand if i am in a lower mood i am hungry more and notice my mind steering more towards the junk. I stop myself but i still notice the patterns. Kinda like when i would get high, after the high wears off you wanna eat for instance to "fill the void" and gain that little reward or release of dopamine (if you will) to try sustain the high but it does not work as you are emotionally eating or so it seems. I noticed this when i take LSD or when in love and joy, you hardly ever become hungry and if you do want to eat it becomes more of an an art of pleasure and enjoyment and i always seem to want light healthy stuff like fruit where when my vibe is lower i steer to more heavier stuff and junk. Checkout this video, it helped me understand this better.
  3. You see things based on your level or perception. The wisest thing to do in this day/age is to be non-judgmental and keep an "Open" mind because one day you see something from a completely different view/lens so now can you afford to go back and apologize or rewrite everything? Some people just have different ways of going about what they have gained and don't always have guides like some of us to be prepared for these life shifts and realizations so all they know how to do is spread what they have gained access too. It may not be in the most wise manner but they are doing what they can as they never had a guide or a teacher to prepare them for these life situations and how to deal and express them when they do occur. He is slowly learning as we all. Remember Awakening is like being born again, youre still like a little child but now have access to infinite wisdom but you have not been taught how to handle and express it properly and when they finally master the art they become Enlightened (So to speak) so just remember Awakening is merely the beginning of Enlightenment and most who become awaken never have anyone else to guide them through what is going on and in most cases have to teach themselves like many of us have. Hops this helps you understand more of what is happening and what i believe he is going through. He's been actualized for a while just slowly breaking through more and more
  4. Children's movies and TV shows seem to have more truth than anything else, i think its a form of reverse subconscious programming which is why they allow so much truth to be presented in children's shows because we are trained to automatically categorize them as nonsense and fairly tales which ultimately is sent and stored in our subconscious belief systems thus when truth does present itself it is automatically ignored, rejected and destroyed by the average unconscious mind.
  5. Your mood is low, your brain chemicals are most probably jumbled up and your subconscious is probably flooded with unnecessary junk. A change in lifestyle/diet helped me when i was younger, some of the things i did. Stopped watching TV/News or negative based movies/shows or anything that didn't help me grow or give me motivation for life same for music and everything else, basically stopped hanging around people and carefully observed everything that i fed my senses on a daily basis. I adopted a healthier diet paired with powerful healing herbs, i started exercising, meditation, finding new hobbies, spending time in nature, trying to do new things every day, read spiritual books and listened to spiritual teachers, started to dance and create music as a art form and something to do to keep my mind of thinking as the more in the present moment i was the more thoughts could not arise eventually i had replaced all my old dark thoughts with new patterns and new thoughts and i was starting to get better, i also met my soul mate which then the love also skyrocketed everything i was doing to a whole new level but eventually came to an end which only made me wiser, more grateful, more forgiving and more appreciative of life although it freed me from my old self almost completely, nowadays if i lose balance i can re-center myself very quickly where before it would take a very long time to leave dark phases. When you feel better, you will want to interact and do more and go out there and explore and meet new people, when you feel low you don't its simply chemical reactions and construct within the body. Bruce Lipton has some good videos on how to DE-programm the subconscious mind. I'd say cutting out all processed and junk food and cutting out TV/Social Media allowed my body to restore itself and then with a healthy body the mind could take control easier so i wasn't so much on auto-pilot and through meditation, exerciser, nature, love, ect.. Everything became amplified within itself and ultimately lead to my Initial Awakening and i was at peace and free from all the darkness and demons and illusions i once had and believed in. I used to always think im cursed until one woman once told me no, this is not true, you think that way thus why it manifests, think your blessed instead and notice how things change, she was special too me, and i think that was the spark which eventually lead to everything else. Hope this helps
  6. Everything that happens in your reality is ultimately a creation sparked from your own consciousness. Once you take 100% responsibility you start to be in control again of where and how it shifts and will be able to solve the puzzle and flow with it much easier. The deeper you dwell into self the more you realize there is ultimately only one, You.
  7. Since Mind > Mental Body > Physical Could it be that Spirit > Emotional? Emotion > Energy in Motion?
  8. Many people mention that really high dose mushrooms is quite similar to DMT eventually they both show/teach you what you need to see/learn at that moment in your life where LSD and others similar are more in the drivers seat and you can control the direction in which the trip goes and what you want to gain out of it but i believe Mushrooms/DMT show you what you "need" to see. In a nutshell
  9. Positive = Clarity = Motivation
  10. Its not that hard to achieve, what happens when you dance? or play, or make art, or sing, or walk or work with nature, or meditate, or favorite sport/exercise there is so many ways of just being in the moment and we do them we just aren't aware of it but we do notice after a while of doing something we love that usually can only be done focusing on one thing one step at a time we notice we great we feel afterwards because we weren't thinking, we were just being in the moment and doing it naturally without the need of thought.
  11. Please stop spreading blind information. We don't know what happened for sure, media manipulates things for views/profit. We don't know his life story unless we witnessed it with him and know him in person so stop with the nonsense.
  12. Fruits are my favorite food, I also love Raw chocolate made from Cacao, Goji Berries and Hemp seeds. I also like making large salads and smoothies often and homemade baked beans with either rice and vegetables or carrots and 100% wholegrains. I enjoy the occasional scrambled eggs with spinach, mushrooms, capsicum relish, onion and sometimes add a bit of feta cheese or fermented goats or any white cheese and tomato/cucumber on the side. Spicy, crunchy baked organic potatoes or sweet potatoes are also delishh especially with a homemade dressing. Fresh Coconut water from young coconuts is my favorite drink.
  13. Spend more time in nature, you will feel more nourished and fulfilled.
  14. You ever feel out of balance? Immerse yourself in nature, dig your toes deep in the dirt, work on your garden, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, blasts yourself with the suns cosmic rays, wash yourself in the natural springs, dance, play, sing and simply be one with nature and all things will heal. Being in nature automatically puts us in a meditative state and in the present moment, focusing on step at a time in its magnificence, in its divine beauty, hug a tree if you must as there is no greater connection you can feel than being out there where our true home resides, were we originally came from. We are the seeds that were planted in the darkness to grow and learn our way back to the light, nature is not a place to visit, nature is home and if you want to reach the light once again we must go back home and recover and reconnect to our divinity, to our simplicity. How good do you feel after a long day at the beach or up in the mountains? Be one with nature, Immerse yourself and healing takes place on all levels.
  15. Depends on the person really, i can get mild psychedelic experiences from cannabis especially when ingested(edible form) has a much more deep/psychedelic nature than smoked or other methods. I have experienced from weed almost all things you can experience with other psychedelics besides DMT. The less often the more profound the effect it seems. After spiritual awakenings weed changes forever and becomes much more psychedelic, after DMT it was like cleaning a window from the first time you smoked after an enlightening experience. Overuse of cannabis and psychedelics can deplete spiritual energy/awareness that i must mention as i am pretty much living proof. Well it was not entirely that, paired with the crazy world we living and trying to find balance between worlds you can lose yourself again if you become too careless but eventually you will be slingshot back even further thus the more permanent the next wave usually is. Balance is key
  16. Once you get a taste of the deeper layers and how amazing it feels just to be there in the silence where all is seen and all is heard you will naturally be drawn to "being" more often. You always have to push yourself in the beginning but eventually like Osho says "Once you get the knack of it" its smooth sailing from there on.