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Everything posted by pluto

  1. Cut out wheat, dairy and refined sugars and see how you go
  2. Nah that's just society's expectations/conditioning of what should happen. It lacks Authenticity and Originality. I believe both should pay half or take turns ect..
  3. I haven't masturbated in quite long time to be honest but the reason i stopped was not entirely this no-fap thing, i just saw little enjoyment in ejaculation, it was more like feeding the ego for 10-20 seconds of a intense pleasure. These days when i have sex i usually don't ejaculate i just please her through multiple orgasm until i or we feel energizes and inter-connected on a deeper level and enjoy the whole process like its all and orgasm to me because in this sense i am being more giving to the universe instead of doing it purely of ego for receiving pleasure/reward purposes. I realize the more giving i am without expecting anything in return, the more magic starts to occur in life.
  4. Cut out TV/Mainstream/Social Media and spend more time in Nature and witness Negative Thinking dissolve If you can pair it with some daily meditation, even better.
  5. The higher you vibe the most interesting life will seem, the lower you vibe the more boring it becomes.
  6. I love observing very young children that are still pure from conditioning, it amazes me the divine flow and natural wisdom they have sadly most people don't notice this they just try to teach the child and condition them to meet society's needs instead of listening to them. We can learn a lot about source just by observing them more and letting them be with merely a little of our guidance.
  7. Main causes of cancer are from acidosis - too much acid in body/blood and stationary lifestyles. The reason why meat and animal products are considered a lot as causes of cancer is because they are more acid forming for the human body than say plants for example. Here is a quick chart to get a better idea, Hope this helps. In an Alkaline Environment, cancer cannot survive.
  8. I'd buy the most land i could possibly afford then all animals from zoos/pet stores and set them free there, id plant millions of fruit/berry trees, herbs, flowers (to save the bees and beneficial bugs) and veggies for the homeless people, tourists or travelers that can live there freely as long as they keep planting seeds and feeding the animals there should be enough fruit/veg and land for everyone that stops by. This place would be somewhere in the middle of nowhere, no cities around only mountains, waterfalls and rivers, lakes or possibly a beach, i would install everything that is self sustaining, free energy systems and a balanced circulation of life to hopefully spread as much as possible. Create meditation centers, invite shamans and give free ceremonies for healing and re-alignment. Everyone who wishes to stay can help out and use his/her specialties to create what they do best and simply trade with each other what is needed. Host festivals, for music, art, creativity, life coach, motivation, connectivity, ect.. and create effective collective systems that will shine light brighter than a thousand suns. Boy i could go all day, but you get the picture Expansion of Consciousness is Inevitable with or without the 200 million but imagine how much someone can do with some intelligence and conscious critical thinking, paired with collective like-minds and the power of love, the world will soon know oneness and eternal peace. No idea what all those billionaires that "care" are doing, i would buy the most land in the poorest of countries and set it free! The Example will eventually infect the minds and hearts of the masses as they cannot deny what is our birthright nature, to be free and at peace.
  9. Is this similar to Wim Hof breathing technique?
  10. Boy i wish my parents taught me about meditation when i was a young child... I believe if every child is taught meditation from young the world would be so much more peaceful and conscious, possibly 1000s of years more spiritually developed of where we are now IMO
  11. I have friends that work at gyms and they are saying lately that many Bodybuilders are switching to plant-based proteins not because of the animal cruelty or what not but because the results and how they feel. No bloating, no gassing, recovery is better ect.. It is not about the amount of protein that's important, we don't need nowhere near as much as the is recommended, we just need quality of protein and to stay consistent in training like Michael mentioned. Paired with proper sleep/recovery, healthy diet and a solid program and a solid mindset/belief you will build muscle in no-time. There is more than enough in plant foods To explain how the body works to a more extreme view.. I've been eating about 80% fruits lately and since i am training everyday the body is forced to adapt and grow and even at light exercise instead of exhaustion i am not losing muscle/size or haven't noticed in 2-3 weeks thus far nor am i tracking calories anymore just listening to the body.
  12. Everything has its levels, unconscious > conscious > higher consciousness > enlightened ect.. At the start you can't stand it because of how drone-minded everyone is since you recently broke free from "Autopilot" but they have not and you can see how the gyms are purely focused on body and little on mind/intelligence or mental or conscious work. Eventually as you rise higher you will learn to tolerate it and work your way around it and eventually the higher you rise the less it will bother you. Once you get to a certain point of peace within, higher levels of clarity will come forth and you will see the greater picture for it all and how this/that is meant to be seen/experienced a certain way for consciousness to grow and expand most optimally for both the mirror and the reflections. Be the example you wish to see in your world, keep focusing on self/light, they/everything else will follow by nature.
  13. Well not distilled but purified which is basically the same thing (so they say). I still use it for cooking or making teas till this day, i did my first water fast on it and felt amazing but nowadays i use it more for detox/fasting purposes as i found a nice clean spring water source i drink and i enjoy the taste of natural springs more and use that or fruit as my main source of fluid intake since its more structured by nature it naturally feels better for me long term. The reason i use the purified/distilled more for fasting/detox purposes is because from what information i have collected overtime that it leaches minerals out of the body but some say it only leaches the inorganic minerals and toxins/unnatural ones leaving the needed ones intact but i am not 100% sure on this so i alternate between purified and mountain spring water.
  14. I used to have some sort of a fear from bugs, mainly roaches and spiders but it all ended "at least for the most part" when i was having a good LSD experience and then i was sitting there in such awe by the experience and so much going on and a roach and later on spider crawled near me and i even picked them up and played with them like a curious child but prior to that experience i was so grossed and freaked out by them i would jump 10 feet in the air if they were near or on me. I guess cause you notice so much about life from a good experience and so much is going on in that moment silly little things like that are of no interest or cannot simply bother you due to the high state you are in. Who knows but i thought i'd share that little story,
  15. You can become Enlightened simply by waking up from a dream or walking on the street, there is no limits to how it can happen as all is ultimately in a divine order/play. You can always better prepare yourself and usually with inner desire but ultimately one and the same. I started getting glimpses in my late teenage years soon as i stopped with all the junk and processed food, as my body was finally clearing up and becoming balanced chemically everything started to "turn on" and slowly lead to more magical things
  16. When i smoke Changa which is herbs infused with DMT there seems to be a spiritual connection with the herbs that come out into the experience and you understand how every specific herb and its effects is manifesting into the experience, where when smoke pure DMT it feels like a sharp/direct connection to source. At least it feels that way for me, the geometry, patterns and what you experience is more direct, sharp, clear and jarring while changa or dmt infused with herbs seems more mellow and geometry is no to sharp but can loop and bend and spiral in loops based on the plant-consciousness specific nature that interfere/interact with the highly enhanced state. There is definitely things you can notice especially in altered states of consciousness but ultimately are and lead to the same understanding/outcome so all in all everything is and becomes ultimately one and the same. How you choose to perceive and integrate is another story.
  17. That's exactly what happens when done without any expectations and the right set and settings you step out of the rat race and you just observe the universe from a outer-perspective so to speak its wonderful. I found this link a while ago i believe it explains it very well. Thanks for sharing
  18. You definitely will meet more conscious minds at psyfests than mainstream fests not sure about Goa or people claiming enlightenment, but where i live its quite different as its more about connecting and meeting new people and learning new things, of course there will be silly people chasing a high but you could also meet very wise souls that can share something with you as you can with them as the general focus is ultimately directed for the expansion of consciousness and connectivity as one whether most realize it or not so its all based on what you attract and how you deal with it
  19. You need to go to psychedelic festivals my friend Normal festivals are full of low consciousness loops of mainstream music, steroid and amphetamine abuse and a bunch of externally focused, muscled up sheep looking for a fight or a fuck. If you want a real festival high consciousness experience with many like minds, seek psytrance and similar festivals. Everyone is high of the good vibes and are all about peace and love = expansion.
  20. Distilled/Purified water is the way to go to completely cut out fluoride from your water intake as many bottled water still have fluoride and even those natural springs still have their natural concentration which is something like 0.05ppm. This type of fluoride and levels are fine for human body but if you need to detox fluoride out of your system it is best to go with distilled/purified first until you get health better. The fluoride they add to our drinking water is different than naturally occurring fluoride and 20 - 100x more concentrated.