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Everything posted by pluto

  1. The fruits i eat alone in most days 2-4x the vitamins maxed out and some minerals, i don't really notice anything unless i eat too much processed/fatty foods then i feel really shit and when i eat less i actually feel better but then again it all depends on the quality and nutrient density of the food. Many of the RDA's are wrong anyway, some of them you need much more for optimal health/performance and some you need much less. For examples: RDA for Vitamin A is 900mcg which IMO is extremely low, i get roughly 30000 - 100000mcg a day just from fruits/veggies. RDA for Vitamin C is 75mg again extremely low for today's toxic world, you should get at least 250-500mg a day and from whole foods not supplement. Calcium RDA is 1000mg but i believe 500-700mg is enough, we focus too much on calcium when Vitamin D and K2 and Magnesium are far more important. Vitamin K is 120mcg quite low if you ask me because one handful of Kale or Spinach = 200mcg and we need more greens than just a handful a day. 600 - 1000mcg would be more better especially since we need a lot to get sufficient K2 conversion which is extremely important vitamin most people lack. Magnesium should be around the same if not 2x as much as calcium because its more important and many people today are deficient. Iodine is 150mcg but IMO for healthy you should aim for 1000-2000mcg a day. (You can supplement with nascent iodine if you don't have access to kelp or other sea vegetables) I also get double the phosphorus RDA and triple to quadruple potassium from fruits/vegetables. For Essential fatty acids we should aim for maximum 4x as much omega 6 as 3 but if possible recent studies show having paired or more omega 3 is even healthier for our bodies/brains to omega 6 ratio. The best thing to do is follow your body and see how you feel, make sure you eat lots of fresh fruits throughout the day, a large green-rich salad with nuts & seeds at lunch is also a wise choice and the more different colors in your diet the better but not skittles lol real food. The rest you decide what works for you. This can help to track everything
  2. The body adapts to whatever you put it through but you need meditation to connect you to source so you have that knowing and trust to do so. I've gone 21 days without food and when your focus is spirituality there seems to be some other/greater energy sustaining you and the longer you go the lighter and purer and more invincible you feel. Once you stop meditation and spiritual work you can start to doubt and when doubt occurs that's when you can starve and crumble.
  3. I think it was a combination of extreme darkness/suffering all my life paired with a choice of change in diet/lifestyle after falling in love with a girl and once i started to become more pure on the inside the communication to source eventually became clearer and clearer on the outside then lead me to meditation, connecting nature and spirituality, mooji, bashar and many other things followed ect..
  4. When i took my first hit of DMT i was shown how i already planned and knew this moment will come in that exact time and place and saw it play out in front of my very vision as time came to a complete stop i saw it all as past/present/future become one and the same. This was beyond Deja Vu, completely blew my mind away.
  5. Well depends some people just do NoFap without sex and some people who have a partner or have sex do it with Sex and some do NoFap and sex without Ejaculation. This way i feel you can still please, give and love others without "feeding the ego"/Ejaculation for your own ego-boost/pleasure. That's how i see it sometimes although it could be seen in many ways, i guess we just have to find what works best for us.
  6. From bad trips we usually learn the most if not consciously, subconsciously. I've had some bad, well challenging experiences and eventually you notice in the near future how you actually did learn a lot there but because the experience was challenging we tend to push it to the side so we don't get stuck in the negative spiral but as we rise higher we see it was for a purpose and not necessarily negative but more of a learning/teaching matrix. Actually few weeks ago i had a challenging experience on LSD because it was not at the best set/setting only to realize the next following days/weeks to come how much i actually noticed and realized but i did not see at the time. I actually feel better, more centered afterwards and able to hold myself better so i don't have to deal with those situations any further as i learned i need to use more appropriately and respectfully with the right minds for more optimal effects and few other things i noticed that sorta brought me back to a less egoic self so to speak.
  7. Who knows, well said, just "go with the flow" is the best way to be
  8. After No Fap try No Sex or No Ejaculation That's where the real challenge begins
  9. Excellent, Thank you for sharing. Perfect example of what we focus on grows
  10. Honesty is usually one of initial barrier breakers, once you realize your own truth and nature you realize its pointless not being honest as it only creates more illusion returning to self/your life. Honesty leads to Authenticity.
  11. The only time i can stomach dairy is when it is properly fermented and even then its a little at a time but if we have to ferment something to consume it, that alone should tell is something is not right or directly designed for us to consume. I also don't think soy is bad as they claim it to be, Japanese, Korean people ect.. been consuming high amounts of soy for 100s if not 1000s of years and are one of the most healthiest and youngest looking people today and have quite a lot of centenarians. As long as its organically grown NON-GMO soy not from the US it should be fine IMO, i have enjoyed organic soy milk and beans, tofu, miso for years never noticed any negatives, its one of the most healthiest and nutrient dense foods on the planet.
  12. Adaptogenic Herbs, Medicinal Mushrooms and Superfoods are excellent additions when trying to reach homeostasis within the body. Fasting often is also excellent for cleansing/purifying the body. it seems the more i fast the less i consume the more spiritual and connected i feel. There are many types of fasting, 24 hour fasts once a week, twice a week, or juice fasting 4-12 weeks, water fasting for 4-21 days and even dry fasting for 4-8 days for the most extremists but deeper cleansing takes place. I also try to consume more raw foods: Fruits ect.. i feel in a higher place spiritually/vibrationally when i consume mostly fruit but as always the best advice is to follow your own body and passion, trust and you shall find what you seek.
  13. I did acid a week after my first DMT breakthrough and i was able to remember so much more from the experience than when i was sober, although i did notice i started to gain more of the experience via meditation as well but the LSD really kicked open the recall.
  14. The reason why they potentiate is because like awakening you get the same "reboot" feeling like your "back again" so everything in general is enhanced since you basically purified.
  15. Ditch texting, make a call.
  16. Well humans aren't designed to consume cows milk in the first place thus why we have fermentation, we adapted over time but designed, no. There are many replacements like nut/legume milks and yogurts/cheeses from coconut, cashews or other nuts or seeds that you can make that taste exactly the same with the right method/recipe. Think about it were the only species on the planet to drink another animals milk, picture a human sucking on some cow tits yet were meant to be the most advanced/intelligent
  17. I second that, if so you should do a video on what you asked and responses ect.. Would be highly appreciated to many on the forum.
  18. If you want vitamins just eat more fruit throughout the day The effects and delivery of the vitamins is of a higher intelligence when you consume the whole food itself containing the vitamin compared to the the vitamin on its own.