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Everything posted by pluto

  1. Mass effect and Spore are fun games, maybe not so spiritual but definitely a Journey that connects to spiritual aspects/understanding based on your perceptions.
  2. The higher you vibe the more you see, children always see mystical things and then adults don't believe them and shut them down then they don't believe it anymore thus cutting out connection to higher vibrations thus eventually becomes forgotten unless a powerful experience re-aligns the energetic vibratory pathways again like it has happened for you. Whoever told you that knows what he/she is talking about, listen to them. When i was focused more on this stuff i would get telepathic downloads all the time and notice many things i never notice or saw before (similarly to when you take a psychedelic and it expands your perception significantly) and nowadays not so much because lifestyle changes/choices but i know if i go deep again they all come back. It happens every time.
  3. Here's a question for you: Can you imagine non-existence? If you cannot then there's your answer to why anything you can imagine is possible.
  4. I don't believe Dalai Lama is the reincarnation, Buddha surpassed the level beyond need for physical reincarnation. If anything maybe just a small fragment of his soul but from my Understanding Buddha consciousness resides in the 8th-9th Dimensions. He is an Ascended Master, why would there be any need to reincarnate once completed all physical levels.
  5. Its a war on consciousness.
  6. Nature heals the eyes, Our eyes rest not when we sleep but when we look at nature(especially green flora). When we are staring at screens or wearing glasses this causes the eyes to stay in a "fixed state" so they cannot exercise/heal. In order to heal the eyes properly one must take a break for at least 2-3months off screens, off glasses and surrounded by nature where the eyes will be forced to look different distances, light reflections, angles ect.. this allows eyes to zoom in/out, rotate and exercise/adapt. Also a raw plant-based diet/fruit or fasting will aid in this healing process as well as the techniques mentioned in the two above posts. I seen little results myself but for complete restoration it will take some quality time and effort. This may help
  7. I used to watch this guys videos few years ago, he doesn't make anymore but they are still good to know for those on the enlightenment path and he very was in-tune with his higher self as the wisdom he presents is very ancient yet pure.
  8. Since this is in the spirituality/consciousness section i must mention that there are many people out there that eat maybe 1-2 times or less a week probably a mango or something light for pleasure and not actual hunger. Its called the breatharian process. Now these people by my honest observation seem very healthy, mentally, physically fit and emotional very stable. I believe we are at a stage of evolution where we can use and convert molecules in the air/water/sun via breath/skin/eyes for nourishment because i myself when i was in a very high consciousness state understood how the higher the consciousness the more possible it becomes for the being to sustain and thrive with very little. This shows that if you have the right belief systems and more direct connection to higher consciousness/awareness you can go by and feel just as great if not better than those who get adequate nutrition from "eating enough" to get all the nutrients ect.. The body seems to adapt to whatever diet or calorie intake you practice and put it through. This is the case for me at least. So yes one way of looking at things is that it is important to get enough nutrients if you have your doubts but then again if you are already at a higher consciousness to understand how it all works beyond what humans can teach you, with the right belief system you can get by with much less and thrive. I have tried many forms of diet and lifestyle, i thrived in many but i can assure you the most spiritual and highly conscious i felt was when i consumed almost nothing at all. Of course this lifestyle is to be lived gently and more sensible/preserved as in (yoga/tai chi instead of extreme sport) but i believe since a child with the right mindset and belief system anything is possible and to this day when i have had that strong belief i have succeeded even high energy situations with flying colors. The only time i sensed failure or lack of energy is when i started to integrate man-made thinking and create doubt. The more i spent alone away from society and everyone else, the more the impossible became possible. Do what you wish with this information, this is just my story and my understanding since we are in that section. Peace & Love
  9. I was having a semi-debate convo with my friends other day. They say.. if they look good they feel good. I say.. if i feel good i look good. An example?
  10. Tell him to quit porn/drugs, and possibly stop masturbating for a while. Many men get like this because they are addicted to sex/pleasure/getting off.. if that doesn't work they revert to porn or drugs/alcohol, something to "fill the void" because they feel uncomfortable being themselves as they have lost touch their their true selves so if they do not fulfill these things as often as they have adapted themselves to, it forces them to be outside their comfort zone thus a relapse is in process. He needs to learn to live outside his comfort zone for a while in order to heal and see/live more eye to eye with you and others. If he doesn't wish to do so for you or value enough to save the relationship its probably wise to end sooner than later.
  11. Try go with her alone in a place you can both be yourselves and properly communicate and express. Since you tried weed and alcohol if you really want some results try MDMA instead. This has really helped me and my partners see old patterns of confusion in completely new light.
  12. You attract what you are, if you don't wanna be cheated on make sure you will never cheat yourself. Eventually you will attract your other half. Law of vibration
  13. They're already pure in their natural state, you can learn more of them than they can learn of you. If you allow them to be pure and just give them guidance, support and love into this world eventually they will remember everything they never learned. Never limit them, no matter what they believe, just be there for them to experiment and explore for themselves. You'd probably have to live elsewhere from the rest of society as they absorb everything so you want them to be raised somewhere where harmony and balance and authenticity is presented and expressed. Somewhere in Nature with lots of wildlife and vibrant, unconditioned energies will teach them more about the universal than any school or system could. Keep it simple and simplicity becomes ultimate sophistication. 2c
  14. Think of life as a game and you just leveled up. Why would you keep playing the same level everyone else is in, it only gets you illusioned back into that level again. Its pointless, you must move forward in life and play the new levels. Growth will not occur playing the same level no matter how much you wanna help others reach the new level you unlocked. Plant seeds, Move on. Plant seeds, Move on.
  15. The Fruitarian has also been on all or mostly fruit diet for many years and he does 100 mile marathons very often and has multiple awards. He runs 15 miles to work daily and looks very healthy and vibrant! Sorry did not notice, i followed a book i had a while back and now i just do it off by heart, i have done it 4 times for different times 4 days, 7-8 days, 14 and 21 all felt amazing especially in the later days. I would probably watch a lot youtube videos of people that have experience or read books on water fasting and guides. You could also do Juice fasting beforehand, John Rose on youtube is your man on this if you want its good to do beforehand for 2-4 weeks or more so you have less toxins in your body when you do the water fast or other more extreme fasts. When i first did it following the books guidelines just drank distilled/purified water and had a teaspoon of organic raw honey as honey is directly absorbed into the bloodstream if i ever felt extremely hungry but usually hunger only came when i thought or sensed food around after 2-4 days hunger usually is completely eliminated. Also when doing fasts like this its best to do then when you can relax and have a lot of free time, doing simple things like gardening, walking, meditation, tai chi, yoga, and similar simple things because your body needs the energy to repair and restore itself. Eventually you should feel light as a feather and supreme clarity of mind and connection to nature and all life. Like a child again, then once you start feeling really amazing and aware this (for me starts to happen around a week in) you can choose to continue or slowly start introducing food again based on what path you are seeking. Those who are more on a spiritual path continue doing it as long as they wish and others usually get most of the complete physical restoration within a week or two. Once you start introducing food again start with very light stuff, like light fruit, and do one food at a time then notice the bodies reaction and how you feel, then the next food ect.. take adequate time in-between foods to absorb/digest so you can see which food effects you and how and this will teach you how to understand and communicate with the body beyond what any expert can teach you. If you start with heavy foods or cooked/processed stuff it can put your body into shock and next time you fast the body will not believe you and will be unsuccessful. Meditation and self actualization work during the fast is also very very powerful because the body/mind is pure thus you are much more thoughtless throughout your day than when focusing in a socially expected lifestyle. Any further questions feel free to PM me i will try my best to help Peace & Love
  16. Celestine Prophecy is one of the best books ever <3
  17. She must slow them down, if she stops completely it will be very chaotic. After stopping get her into a more healthy diet/lifestyle and introduce adaptogenic herbs to speed up healing and recovery and have her keep life/eating simple and light. Few months after that i would assume it would be safe to consume psychedelics for healing/curing psychological problems as long as she is not taking any other drugs or medication as they can interfere drastically with the experience, effects/results/reactions. Make sure to have intentions beforehand of what you want to gain out of the experience and keep a notebook near and take notes during the experience and have questions written beforehand to ask self/her ect.. while in an altered state because in most cases you will forget but what i found from psychedelics is you will almost always usually end up fulfilling that main intention you have beforehand. One step at a time. keep researching for now
  18. Its more the belief system than the process itself. If you had doubt, hesitant and did not believe in this 100% to fully trust and surrender to it. Its usually the cause in most cases when people do these things and they fail, they fail because they do not have the correct belief systems and the correct mindset to be successful. You don't just do extreme forms of diet/fasting/lifestyle choices if you are not 100% sure and still have your doubts, you must be in complete alignment, understanding and trust with what you are doing so you can pass with flying colors. The Power of the Mind.
  19. Nice one bro, just to add; Belief Systems play a huge role in the direction and quality of life you choose to experience. Meditation and connection to your inner-imaginative-child-mind will help dissolve doubt and help you remember that anything is possible for you as long as you believe it strong enough, once you get the belief to a state of knowing, its like an off switch. It changes forever after that. Why do you think some yogis or monks can live years without eating or even some drinking, because they understand the universe and its closer core functions and they KNOW they will be sustained by Prana, once you know without any hint of doubt, by nature and universal law it cannot not work.
  20. Sometimes we meet people just so we can learn how to let go. Sometimes we meet them to awaken them to truth but if they do not apply what you teach its pointless remaining in a relationship with 2 completely different focused lifestyles. Plant seeds and move on. The Universe takes care of everything else Same for friends, family, work ect.. If they show interest but do not apply instead rely on you to always be there to do everything for them then they are just unawarely using you and will drain your energy aka Energy Vampires. You must show them the door, they must enter it themselves. Don't waste your life continuously trying to help them if they do not want help or are willing to change for the better, its not worth the suffering and you can lose yourself in the process of helping everything else. Always remember to focus on self and make that #1 priority in life, once others start to effect you, back to self work and cut everyone/everything else out. My problem was I'm too kind and too forgiving i completely forgot about myself in the process of trying to help everyone else find truth within themselves that i ended up distorting the eternal enlightened state(so to speak) from almost all the time to merely here and there. 2 cents
  21. One of my favorite examples of truth explained by Mooji <3
  22. Open channel, click which video you feel is right for you. There is no right or wrongs, everything happens for a greater reason you don't understand yet.